�' :Y� ' ;_. .. .:-i - . AY _ _`
<br /> f �.I : , +s��rM��� �- v ir,
<br /> . 4�.� , t� .t. -,� -. ° i� ni+r�sZwT' .-.-
<br /> ��:r�._'_'....._.,._..�1.�...___�.__..._„_....,aw.a.raa�nuu.�5ii'a.: —....�__ _— .—.�n;F _.�
<br />. -:•n7;'.t`''�� 93���O�Fj7y,a1 —.
<br /> -�:•���:;_.`,�:�� 5. Hpzard or Property Insumncc. Uorrowcr shall kecp �6c Improvemems now existlng on c�rcn�er cru�ed on �he
<br /> e ��.,.;�:::'' Properry insurcd against loss by fire,hnmrds Includcd w(ihin iho term 'ex�cnded coveragc" end any othcr harnrd�,Inciuding '
<br /> �••''°„�;;'.� Iloods or Flaadtng, for�vhich Lender requiru insurance.Thia lnsurance shall be maintnineA in the mm�unts nnd for ihe periods �`-� �---
<br /> . �',� thnt Lender requircs.The insurence rxrder pmviding ihe insumnee shall be chnsen by 13arm�rer suhject io l.enJer's appmval .r --�
<br /> �r r-�i which shall not be unre,uanabiy whhheiJ. If Uorrower fuilc�o ma6nain covernge descri6eJ nMve. Ixnder ncry, et Lender's �"�� �-�-
<br /> + ; �: opUon,obiain covcragc�o pmtecl L.cndcr's dgh�s In�hc Prapcny in acmrdancc wi�h par.gnph 7. h' r _-._
<br /> - ;-"�y. All insurancc policics and rcncuals shall be acccptable to fsnder and shall InchiJe u s�anJarJ mungage claux. Lender ��t`- ''�`--'„
<br /> � �,. `.:, shnll have the righ��o hold Ihc pol(clu and rcnewels. If Lender requlrcs,[iovower shall prompily givc�a I.endcr all re�ripts of L!=.-. ' i �..�4;------
<br /> .�, -:;� palA premmms and rene�val notices.In tl�e evem of loss,13orrower shall give prompl nolice Io�he imumnce carricr and Lender. � ` " -
<br /> Lcnder may make proof of loss if nat madc promp�ly by Qnrtawer. �'� `
<br /> Y4 .}. ._
<br /> � -- "�� Unless Lender nnd Ilorro�ver o�henviu egree in wriiing,insumnee proceeds shull be applicd�o res�nration or repair uf�he '" � s'� -.� `
<br /> n,.'r:`,,,tvr-.i..�';�:
<br />�---,";;.>•�;` - Proptny daniaged,if�he rcstom�ion or repair fs economically Rasible and Lender's stturi�y is nnt Iessen:J. If�he rcstora�ion ar � --�':_.:��:`'-
<br /> � repair is nm ecannmicalty kasible or Lender's sewdty would be Ieucneel,ihe insurance proceeds shnll be npplicd�o ihe sunu -__���`•--��
<br /> - t -� ��_} I secured hy �his Securiry Instmment.�vhether ar no1 then due, wiih any excess paid to Dorro�rec If 6orrower nbandons the
<br /> - ^ Propehy, or does no�answer tivi�hin 30 days a no�ice fmm Lender�ha��he insurance carrier hu offered ro seqle n claim, then �.-� ��
<br /> � v �c Jv t. _r} "....::
<br /> - - ;E Lender may coliect the insumnce pracecds. LenAer may use Ihe proceeds to repair or resmrc �he Properly or m pay sums �
<br /> U �: � securcd by�his Securi�y Inslrument, x�hether or nat�hen due.The 30�day period will begin when�he no�ice is given. s�;( ,-_�--
<br /> ;- � �,!, i Unless Lender and Qorrms•er a�henvise egree in wri�ing, nny npplicalion of procecds �o principal shnli not ex�end or . -�•
<br /> t� _`4e --� postpone the due dnte of�he monthly payments re(crred io in parngrnplu I and 2 or change�he nmount of�he paynsms. If �`�-ti - '� -� ��'
<br /> ' s ._ :; � under parngnph 21 �he Propeny is ncquired by Lender,Uarrower's righ��o my insu:nnm polides anA pracecds resulting from � -- .r�
<br /> "' �°-__..�.
<br /> � 4 n`;� damage to the Propeny prior m�he ocquisi�lon shall pac��o I.ender m tlie extenl of the sun�s secured by thiz Stcurily InsW ment - ,n c -• -
<br /> r � '�,f�-- Immedimely prior to ihe ncquisidon. ; � � __.
<br /> � � y - 6.Occupancy, PreservaUon, Dlelntennmm�nd F'roicetlon of ihr Pro rl �orro�eer's Laan A Ilcatlan; I.enseholds. , `t `
<br /> r � . {; P� S: PP Asyt '"_ -:
<br /> � t � •; �orrower shall occupy,a�a6lish,and u:e�he Propeny ai 6nrrower's principal residenm wi�hin six�y dnys nfler�he exermion of :, ��1� .f _ _
<br /> r -t.-' . �hfs Securi�y Insuumem and shall cominue la accupy Ihe Propeny Rs Bortower's princip�i rcsidenoe for e�lens�one year afler i�,� -
<br /> `' the daie of occu ane unless Lender athernise a rces in wrilin which consenl ahall nal be unreuonabl �vi�hheld,or unless } `'�b,�v,--
<br /> _���.' P Y, S S. Y �., i .
<br /> _ exmnuaiing circunutances exisl whlch nre beyond 6orrower's comml. Oonower shnll not destroy, damage or impair the ;�1 `� `:'�
<br /> � ' � -� Propeny, nllow�he Pmpeny �o detcriomtc, ar commit wutc on ihe Propeny. Qorrowcr shall be in defauh If eny forfeimrc
<br /> � - �--� ac�fon or procecdfng, �vheiher civil ar criminal, is begun�hat in Lender'x good fniU�Judgmem muld result in forfeimre of lhe -�C�`��}� �;"
<br /> ::. ,Y:�.��.J. Propeey or othcnvisc ma�erinlly i�upair�he Ifen crea�ed by�his Securi�y Instrumem or Lendcr's sccurit intcrest. 13ormsvcr ma ����'���"���" ' ��� �
<br /> Y Y � � Rr�':.-
<br /> curo such a defoult and reinsmte,as providcd In parngmph 18,by causing ihe ar�ion or praeeding to 6e dismisscd wiih e ruling �-r � �A�^q�
<br /> � �--� �ha4 (n Lender's gaod ffliih detennimtinn, prccludcs farfcimre nf�he t�n..�,��e!s iMCre<! la!hr Profen; or etlu:r.�:teda� .. f���--
<br /> .nw�� - impalmicnt of�he licn cica�ed by thi:Securi�y Inswmem or I.ender's ucuri�y inlerest. 6orroner shnll nlso be In de(ault If -,�'`x4�` �`��
<br /> `y ��� ,.� Oorro�rer,during�he lonn nppllcation process,gave iva�crially(alse or inaccum�e infarmivinn ar sia�emems�o Lender(or fnlled +"�����i�
<br /> 5�jt,. : io provido Lender with any n�a�cri:J informa�iaN im m�nec�inn with�he loan evfdenmd by ihe Nme, fncluding, bu�no�limited ''"� :
<br /> � '.` lo, represen�atlons conmming Oorro�ver's occupancy nf�he I'mpeny as n principal residence. If�his Securi�y Insuumem is on a ' .�.;j_'=
<br /> ,,„���.�.:-:, .
<br /> Icaschald, �orrawcr shall mmply wilh all lhc prnvisians of Ihc Ic�sc. If Dorrowcr ncyuircs kc �iUc m thc Propetty, tlw '•1ii�..r�:��.1ti_,:;{;--
<br /> Iwschold nnd the fec�itle shall not mergc unless Lcndcr ngrccs to�hc mcrgcr in�vri�ing. i�} t - �r
<br /> 7.ProtecHon of I.ender'�Rl�his In Ihe Pmperty.I(l3orro�ver fnils�o perform�he corenams and agrecmems comained In -,:;.Ay -� `-'•-
<br /> �' ihis Sauriry Inxmtment,or�herc is n Iegnl procecding�hat may significamiy offect Lender's rigMs in �he Property(such as e ;-� 1- - '
<br /> . 1,.-_,�: rocecdin Inbankru � •--'..- ••. �`-
<br /> ;�..�,�. p 6 p cy.proba�c. tor mndcmna�im�or forfei�urc or m cnfarce I:nvs ur rcgula�ions), then Lcndcr may do nnd }^.:,-.- •��'j�<��='
<br /> pay for whatevcr is nacssary �o proiai �hc v:duc of�he Properry:nrl l.ender's rishis in mc Propcny. Lendcr's nc�ions may �!" `. � 'J':
<br /> � . include paying any xumc secured by a lien which hu priari�y orer �his Securi�y Inxwmem, nppearing in coun, paying r i ' .S �h�-�
<br /> < < ),�- - reasnnable a�mmeyi fees and entering on�he Propeny�o make rcp�iR.Ahhaugh Lender mzy�ake ac�ion under this paragreph !-'.r`��i G ��
<br /> �.�ii�� .�= 7.Lendar does no�have m do so. °,',> i !/�y i.. :�
<br /> . .,.,-'�- Any nmounls disbursed by Lendcr u�dcr �his parngmph 7 xhall Immne ndJitianal deb� nf 6orrowcr sr.curcd by this 7���� {�!,5,-�_-`�
<br /> .. :.:
<br /> a� � Securily In.rWmeN. Unlc.c� Uorrowcr�nd LciMer agrce tn other lcrnu of paynkm, 16esc amoums xhall Ixar imercst from Ihe -'�_ � ��{./_��'=5��
<br /> date of dis6urxnunt n� �he No�e rme and shall bc payaAle, wi�h intcres�, upon no�icc fmm Lcndcr to 6orro�eer raquesting � - ��{,:�-
<br /> ' payment. ..;J� ,
<br /> -' - , �._�_.
<br /> �y �K� 8.Aforlgage Insutnnee. If I.ender rcyuircd mongage in..urance ax a coixlili�>n of making Ihe loan securcd by�his Securiiy -'` �'+�S �i� ":'�
<br /> ..�;..n�.:;_,y Itulrumem. Qorrower xhall p:ry Ihe prtmiunu rcyuireJ �o nuinmin �he monpage insurnnce in eficci. If, for any rcason. �he ...4'-,-,�` '� -
<br /> : e� S:f�',...
<br /> -. �F,� mortgage imuranca corenge requircd by Lender lapus nr aracex io be in effcet. 6orrmver shall pay�he phmiun�s rcquired �a „-� - -
<br /> ,�,�F ,t obinin mverage subswmially eyuivnient�o�he mongage insuranee previnuxly in e(fa�.a� a cou subs�amially eyuivalem�o �he % 3d C� '�
<br /> �! a _ mst to Borrms•er of�he mongage insurm�ce previously in effca, trom an al�erna�e mongage iiuurcr appmved by Lender. If ' ?2.���yx� r �-
<br /> �,�,�;F�t,.� subs�aminlly equivaicm mnngagc inxurance wrcrugc is uot avaiiabic. Oorm�v.r zhall pay tn IAndcr each mondi a sum cyual ro jj� �l�x-
<br /> l,.
<br /> ...,.
<br /> onal�relhh o(Ihe yendy mongage insurance prcmium bcing paid br 6nrrnwer�vhcn Ihe insurantt mrcrage lapscd or ccased lo "�'� -� - �'
<br /> '�`:!r � be in e(fecL Lender will accepl,use nnd rclnin Ihae payments as a lasa resen�c in lieu nf mongage insurance. l.ost racn�e
<br /> � ..l"-, . . .
<br /> h�� r;
<br /> ` J�,� Fo�m 3078 fl/80
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