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, , <br /> �` ' h j . R . �y+ t F n 4.�n .ti.-.�Y W' -L - <br /> .�.____..u_rL..n..v...•%...w_..�_���v. �..... � i.r ._..0 �— <br /> - ���� ;� 93:so�s�a - -- <br /> ::'.� ��.i:.�}. <br /> ^ ���` � � t7�Transfcr ot Ihc Properly or u Renefidal htterest In Rorrower. If oll or nny pan of ihc Property or eny imcrest In it <br /> ���,�,,;�;.:;;�;"�; :� Is snlJ ur unnstcrc�d(or if n Ikncltclal Imcresi in Dorro�vcr Is sold ar�r�nsferral und oorrowcr is not e nawral persoN wi�hout ----�-- --� <br /> .. - ,-.:�p I.endcr'x prlor tvrlllcm m�knl, lAtalcr mny, nl ils optlnn, rcyuirc immedintc paymem in full of ail sums secured by this _,:�-- <br /> Securfiy In�lnunem.llmvevrr,ihlx op�inn shnll not be excrcfsed by Lc�cr if cxcrelse Is pmhibiled by kdcml law ns of lhe dalo _ <br /> , -��:•1y af�his Scnidiy in�uumcnt. �""� -- <br /> ,- If I.cndcr cacrcl.c�Ihk npilon, I.cndcr�6a11 givc f3orrmvcr noiicc ot ucccleraiinn.Thc no�icc shall providc e perlad nf not ' . <br /> IcRy�han 30 Jayh Gom ihe d,�e Ihe nntice Is JclivcreJ or mailed within which Ilnrrawer mus� pay ell sums securcd by �his ��( e _._ <br /> ��-�" Sanrl�y Inti�rwnem.If Ilurm«er lnll+�o p;ry ihcsc sums prinr to�hc expimtion of this periad. Lcnder nmy invoke nny remcdics �a <br /> � �''�` perm111M1 M1y Ihlv Sttndly Imimincnl wllhm�l fnnh�r nnlicc mdemanJ nn Uurrowce y' ; }�-_: <br /> , - ID. liiirrn�icr'k Itlp10 lo liein�luie. If 13urro�cer nxe�s cenain eonJi�iuna. Dorro�ver shali have �he righ� �o havo .. <br /> ' :��----� , enfarcemcm of Ihis 3nurlly In�trumtin dkmnlinucd a1 nny cime prior to the earlier of: (n) S dnys(or such othcr periad u -'y;:�'----. <br /> � _ , ���,�j, applic+�blc la�v mny +�mify (nr winualcmenp 6efnre salo of�he Propeny pursmmi �o nny pnwcr of sale rnmnined in �his =s; s� , ',' <br /> .s�;c� . Security Imumm��L•or 16)en�ry af�Jndgmenl enforcing Ihis Security Int�rument.Thase ronJi�inns arc thal�ormtiver.(N pays <br />� . -"-,r: I.enJer nll sunu which�hen�annld Ik due nixler Ihis Securiiy Ins�n�ment anA�he Note xs if no necelera�ion had accnrred;(b) - <br /> ': ` cures nny deGni� nf nny ulhrr cavenaN�ar ndrremenls; (e)pays nll expenses incumd in enfnrcing this Securi�y Inslrumenl, ;:�� � -- <br /> ,�+ �. includin b�.M1w nnt Itmi�al m,rcnonnbie nunrne7e' ftts,nnd(d)akes such actinn�a LenAcr may rcasonably require io nssure � <br /> " " �ha�ihc licn of dii�Sccudl Imlrumcnl. I.cnJcr n d hls(n Ihc Pro tt and Davmecr's obli a�inn to ihc sums eccnred b - <br /> � �- -i � Y � IM Y S NY Y a'�t '� � -�- <br /> '� - -4,:,,i. Ihis 3ceurily Inximmem xhali cunlinne mkhange�. Upcm relnsla�emeni by Dorrower, �his Secnriry Insuumeni end ihe �_-_ <br /> _ ,�,. ,;,-__, ohlig+tlinn+r.aurcJ herchy �MII rem:dn fnlly effer�he m if nn uccclemtinn haJ occurral. Hmcever, i6is right lo reinsw�e shall �'ak,✓,�fftiv �,,_-�. <br /> nol apply in Iho casc of nc¢cicra�l��u mWcr paragraph 17. -r� ryt r ,. : <br /> .„r.1 „ ``: 19. tinie nf Nnte� Chm�ge ol I.nnn 1+ervlerr. 7'I�e Nrne or n puni�d imercs� in ihe Nole (ioge�her wiih ihis Security .;�,1,,_�.� <br /> . �o-,...:. ���.�,�' Inalruineml may he xuld one nr moro times wiihmu prinr nmire In Oormiver. A sale nwy rexull in n change in the emity(knmm �':,i•�':i,�;;.�.. <br /> � .�� � ns ihe' Servicer")ihn�ndlain num�hly paymem�Jue nnder�he Nme nnd�his Securiry Inswment.Therc nlso may 6e one + -'�"---'.� <br /> "�'�'r nr morc changcs nf ihc lamn Scn•i�rr unrelalyd In n�ale nf dic Nnic. If ihcrc is a chnnge af�he I.oan Serviccr.Oarrower will be _��'S'.�`"�',;:� <br /> , `-:�� given wrinen nmice n(�he change in an•nnluncc wiih pamgraph Id uhnre and npplicaM1le law.The natice will s�nte�he nnme nnd it� -........ <br /> � •iJdrct+a(�he new l.ian Serricer nnJ ihr ndJre.e In�rldrh�:rymenls should be made. TBe nnlim will alsu rnmuin any aiher <br /> �.: �s'.� -.:,�.� infnrmaiinn rcy�dnd by B�I�IIICAhIC III1V. '���j��-' _ <br /> - 20. Ilnrurdam tiubxdmres. Hnrrm��cr .ludl nm cmuc nr �xnni� �Ire presenm. use, disposal, smmgc, or release nf any ;�:��:.�!;_.•�' <br />. "'- . � Hnrnrdntu SuM1smnce. nn ar in �hc Prupcny. bnrrmcer 4hall nm dn, nor ¢Ilm�� anyonc else to da. any�hing affcc�ing the : ;.i::--_ <br /> . , „`',,,,• Pmpetly ih:a i+ in vinlminn nf any Ifnvirnum.mnl I;m•. 'I'he precMliny nvo sentrnces shali no�apply�o ilie prcsence,use, or ,'�;'T �:,�_- <br /> storagc an�hc Pru�cny nf+null qunmlllc�nf ILvnrdnm SuhN:mccs 16n1 nre ge�rally recogniud �o be nppmpria�c m normal .- - - - <br /> -.: t' re.ideml;d nsec and�o m�imen;mce of�hn PrnpenS'. '�;'�'�}•;;,'€-�- <br /> ,.. : r � n�,rr�,.��.i,;m����,,,�,iy s;�� IAnJcr wriucn nnticc of any Invc.�tgnlinn, claim,dcmand.Innsui�or a�hcr nclfon by eny '�..i;��,"" <br /> - govemnxninl nr rcgul:nnry agrncp ur privmu�r,my im•ulvinp dce Pmpcny wid nny Ha(arAous Substancc or Environmemal l.nw �• t.'-__ <br /> o!�vhfch Bnrrm�er has acmal knu�vl�Yl � if imrnu�cr i+naillieJ h an m•emmemal or r ula�o �utlmrh �ha� ��? > <br /> , r. 8'• Y )'6 �B 4'• Y• � � <br /> nny mmoval or oihcr rcnkdla�fnn uf nny Hmm�lnnr�Mih�mmr nffcnh�y�he Pmpeny is n�cessery. I3nrrox�cr shnll pramp�ly iaY.e ��'c t' - <br /> , �- - nll ncrossary rcmcdial nalom In uccorJ:mcc wlih lim•Immncn�al laav. ;1(jy� . <br /> , - i�s uscu in luir pifngmpl�li�, `Ilwnttiou!�3ulu�nncc�"nro Ilinx�nhNnncc.ac6ncU ns lox�c or IiawrOOUS subs�nnces Dy - - � � <br /> . Enviranmcmnl L��v miJ �hc fnllo�viug +ub�mncc4: ynadlnc. kormenc. uihcr Omnmahlc or �axic petrolcum Producis, mxic .`y;��'.^ . ..� <br /> - pes�iddes and herMciJex. vol�tile+olrent..m;nednln nmudninl�nQk.�u�ur fonnaldohyde.nnd radioac�ire malenats.As used in :.;,,�:'�"v T- <br /> � ' thla parngraph 20. 'Envirnnmrinnl I.nv" me:ins lidernl 6rna mul 6n��uf We Juri+dic�inn �vherc �he Propeny is lucnted iha� �a:i.�a}! �.. <br /> rclmo�a licalih,x:dcty or cnvirnnmcm.d�+raica��lun. ��tn �x�� .: <br />, NON•UNI fORM COV IiNAN9'ti. I��rrmcar nnJ I.cndcr Inrtlur��urcnmm�nJ agnr ns(ollows: ;�'��1�'r.ti�:�.` <br /> 21.Accclerntimii Nemedler. I.cnder�h�dl I��e nnticr In Ilurra��er >rinr la necclemtlon follmvin 6orrou�er's hreneh �r ;�'-:"•?'•^- <br /> ot mq carennnt nr a�rmmrnl In ihlr 1tt•nrllv In�irmnrnl Ilmt nnl prinr in nccclenrtion mider puragmph i7 unless '.��,'' r��`- <br /> nppllcnhic imr prorides olherolse).'fhe nntl��nlmll .pirlly� (n)Ihe d¢fmdli (b)t6e ectlon rcqulred lo wre ihc deFnul�; +.' , ' �.. <br /> - ��':-' (e)n dnle, nut le+�Ihnn JO En�x fram Ihe dnle Ihe nnike h Nhrn In Itnrranrr. by aldch Ihe defeult m�al be curedi end �`,? '� � <br /> �..'�1�- (d) Ihnl fnllurc lo curc Ihe dehiul� nn nr 6efnre Ihe dnle qurlltivl In Ihe nmlce muy rcsull In eceelerutlon of lhe sums , �.,'���_-�� <br /> --° � samrd hy Ihlc Sanrliy� Imtrmnenl aml vdc nf Ihe Ihnprriy. "I�hr nuUce yhull Nrthcr Inform Oorrou�er of Ihe right lo �,��}� `�` `;. <br /> ." rchislnlc nRcr nccrlcrntlon nnd Ihc righ� in Urinp n cnun ncllnn In n.sen Ihc nnn•exls�encc of e deteul� or eny other ..�-t���., ����-. <br /> .�'�;:.:'C defence ot Ilorm��er lo naticmUan mitl +ide. IP Ihn defmdl 1� nol wreQ an m• hefure Ihe dete s Itled in the notice �:'Y���� ����','�'� <br /> �'' �. f� � :��.r;..;,;y:.0 <br /> . � � I.cnder, nt I�s optlon, nu�y reyulre Immcdlnle puymcnl lu NII nf nll Aumc sttnred b�� thls Sccnrity Incirumenl�rltliout . . +- i' ,%:. <br /> , + ;���;`; Ntlhcr demnnJ nnd may Incokc Ihry�n�er af.�dc nnd nn� nlhrr rrmcJlcs permfucd 6��npplteabte Imv. i.ender shall be %i^:� , r •-.': <br /> � .-: entilled lo collecl nll expeuscs incurrttl In pur�ulnµIhe irm�vllcr praddetl hi Ihlv pnrngraph 21.Including.bul nol Iimi�ed �i ;��, '.y}:�: <br /> t lo,rcusonablc niturnc�s' fec�ond co�ir of Iltic crlArnm. �; :ftt`n S �� : <br /> - If Ihe w�rrr of inh Is hn�okcU.'1'rnqm+ludl nrv�rd u natlir af Arin�d� In csrh mant3� Ic:rh::ls any part of ihe y:�,` 4 r� -. <br /> Properly is Iornted m�d slmll mnll mpler af a�ch nnllae hi Ihr mm�ner prc+crl6ed bp applicnlile Inw to Rorro��er nud lo -�;!<�ut��i �` . <br /> _ :� ihe all�er penonv pre+cribed hr�npplicn6le Ino.A�rr Ihe Ilme rrq�dnvl b-iq�pllen6lr Ime,Trustee shnll give pu611c noflee 'f�,� ��7��^` �: <br /> oPsnle lo lhr nnav nn<I In Ihc mnm�er nYrri6�v1 h}�a i dlcnhir Im�.'�ra+l�r, ��Illmui dannnd on 6orro�ver.shnll sell �,yj"�}az�.-' <br /> � - ��-.:. Pr �� V {I ,.; : <br /> r . ti�e Propen��nt pu6tic ancllon tn Ihe hlµhe�t UlAdrr nl Ihr Ilme nud��h�ee nnA nnder the terms dccignnted In Ihe notice of , ,. .'y�`1t,i ; <br /> snic In one or morc parccti and In un}�nrder'frnq�m Actrrmim+. '1 ra�l�r m+q �xnlpnne saic of nll or nny pnrcel of Ihe � a,; <br /> -� x Property by pu611c nmimmmmrnl nl Ihe Ilmr nnd pince n�mi� prcdnn�l} .chivinled cnle. I.ender or i�s Aesignm may ;,'y y� �'�'�°- <br /> purchase Ihe Properly nl nn)-xdc. .•�. �r"� ?�.. <br /> � ri"'T31 ,Gf <br /> � �r / <br /> � � �l J <br /> `Eyy:\�f'25t�;'y'Jl_. <br /> �. / !) <br /> Fwm 3020 9190 .t,}t,e,':'�..- <br /> ��.�:. <br /> ...e.�.. :i•1'°tf <br /> '_. ,. . ,._ _ : <br /> . r <br /> ...;: � . : <br /> .. - <br /> ..,t � �'I}r�.._. <br /> _ % sf(i ' <br /> s1.,1.: <br /> r4 - r, <br /> 14' <br /> .1 �.e+z�-�r:�-�'�'-z---�y-^� ._.----..--.T'-._'_ . �._, - -._n a �- -,(�'71'� ����fT� ' �1 t-:r r ) <br /> iy � ti �'.. . -.. o . _ 1�, t �^-Y r, 1(! i�. <br /> , . <br /> ,._.. : - �- _ <br /> .. :� .. � . . fl .- - . . 4r . i-. <br /> �- <br /> _:- �___` _-___ _"'_ >_ _�>_ . ,,___,_ �._ ._>, ._-- _'-- __ - _ _- <br /> :- . <br /> .. : <br /> �l! '.. _"_ .... '_____ ' - . . _ , ._.. - __ .. - 1 -- _ <br /> Fy� <br /> t �; .6•_. .. . , � , � i- � � �' , <br /> � $ � . tf t <br /> i � t - � -" - 3: . �i' X <br /> la p2 -�y . - - . ' .; . 1( . .- ` . <br /> �f t ' -�U .�� -! i di _ s- � � <br /> y_ � '_ � - -- . . --�14 i.. ' . ft: � .- ( . <br /> + , <br /> . ( � ` _� : .. .. -�lY <br /> S�c� e . -- ,. , ., . � �. . - {f'4i . <br /> �.#, U -_ Y " �v5 n. - , <br /> - .a� y . h T _ . � .'� . 'i- i�i�[f�i._. tt_ <br /> . _ � i } , � ' . - L, �1 �� � l�"�V.�.: . 4-'.. <br /> — r- . -, . > >� �' <br /> ; �, <br /> s�� � r: . . . -t ' <br /> �y i .- i �' . l - �. -y . , <br /> �w. � _`�� - 1 � - Y �. J � -.',.� r ���,�)( . <br /> .L� : �- I � - 7 �b' { � 1 '�1. O� � ' !1i_ <br /> —__— - , _t - i ; . . . . 5J � ��) �i _�, Al�l ;. . <br /> � . 1� F 'f <br /> st_; y� j .+a•r S ! < ` �j`?�d9� . �If� p <br /> — - -- .____..alai�lt'�.,`AA .. .r.. . . :5 . . . . .. . . '�� . _ < Jv. �4:..,i ..1, - <br />