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<br /> s'�+,.� TOOG7'IIQR WITH all ihe improvemenu nmv or licrcafter crec�etl on thc property,end ull casementa, eppurtenancee, md
<br />�,�.:��' flxwrca now or hereafler e pnn of �he property. All replacemenus nnd nddiiinns shall nlso be covered by �hls Seeud�y �°�---
<br /> �P'�f��- InswmenL All of tlto fnregoing iv rcferred w in�his Secudiy Ins�nm�ent as tl�e'Propeny.' =_-"'--
<br /> -='y'�'�`. BORROWQR COVBNANTS�ha� 13orrower fs IawNlly seised uf tho csime 6ereNy�nnvcyed and has�he d6h�m gmnt e� �°°`-=""'-°
<br /> �-.��;a;-- mnvey �he Pmperty anA �ha�the Propeny Is unencmnbercd, exeepl Por encnmbraneex of record. �orrower warmnw und wlll -
<br /> `';" defend genemlly�he tfile to�he Propeny agniiut ell claims end demanJs,suhjcn�o nny encumbrances uf recorJ. �"::'� -�°
<br /> �+�' THIS SBCURITY INSTRUML'NT mmbinca unfform covcnams for na�ianal usc nr.d non•unifnrm cnvenanls wl�h limilcd �� �, -K�-
<br /> vnriatlons by Jurisdic�lon m wnstim�c n uniform sccurity inswmcm mvcrins rcal propeny. �_ =� --�
<br /> .-��^' UNIFORM COV[iNANTS.Oorrowcr and landcr corcnani nnd ngrcc ns follmvx: ,_ n . .
<br /> ,-. „_
<br /> ` 1. Peyment of Pdncipal nnd Interestt Prepayment ond I,ole Charges. f3orrawcr s6all prompily pay when Juc ihe � i }„�. �
<br /> +��--.: principal of and interest on�he debt evidencal by�he Nnte nnd eny prcpaymem e��d late charges due under ihe Noie. ,� �;;{ {-T '�,;.-
<br /> 2. Funds for Toxcv anU Insurance. Sn6ject�o npplicablc law or�o u wrinen wniver 6y Lender, 6arra�ver shall pnY�o i; . . rt - .
<br /> ;�r Lender on�he dny monthly payments rtre duc undcr Ihc No�e.umil�hc No�e is p�id in PoII,a sum('�unds')for.(s)ycady lexes -`���_ -� - :
<br /> . .:.
<br /> end assessmcros which may euain priori�y ovcr�his Security Insimmcm as a Ilen on ihe Propcny; (b)ycarly IeasehalA paymcme ' � ;.,,��,,��
<br /> or ground rents on�he Prope�y, if any:(c)yenrly ha�ard or pmpeny insurnnce prcnilmw:(d)ywrly Ilood insurence premiume, �- y� -
<br /> - .���,: if eny:(e)yeariy mongage insuranm premiums, if any: end(�eny sunu paya6le by Oorrower m I.ender, in eccordanee with �'? + `at}_�;
<br />-r::.� , � n�"iwi{.t. .
<br /> -.��� the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of�he payment of mongage insurance premiums. These f�emc nre called 'Cscrow Iteme.' %�i���_i,i„-:, ;+-,
<br /> --.fC,;; Lender may, el any tima mllect and hold �unds in nm m�ount not to exceed the manimum nnroum e IenJer (or n feAerally - �.°.�..�
<br /> y,�`�;.: rela�ed mongage loan may require for 6ormwer's e.urow eccount under ihe (edeml Rcal Es�a�e Se�tlement Pracedurcs Ac�of - '1: � �� � - -
<br /> ��- ��� 1974 as umcnded Gom�ime�o�Inx, 12 U.S.C. Seciion 2G01 er rer/. ('RESPA').unless nnother law�hm xpplics�o�hc Funds . -j;;:- �y��Y- .:-�:_
<br /> � -�� sGS n lesser nmounL If so. Lender may, at any �ime, enllea and holA Funds in nn umount not lo excad Ihe lesser wnoum. �;,,a .�t:�;'�`.
<br /> �� Lender may estimaee�he amount of Fmds due on�he t+asis af cnrtem daia nnu reason:ade estim.:ca �f expc.diwr¢i af furore !_r; g` ^-�
<br /> {�.
<br /> } t t Cscrow Itenu or oihenvise in accordance wiih npplicable Inw. ? � ;�'i�,"'i��
<br /> -�i 7'he funds shnll 6e 6cld in nn instim�ion whom depositt nrc insured 6y n kdeml ogency, i�mrumentality, or entity � + z-,y ,.,
<br /> �--;�.:: � � (including Lender.if Lender is such nn ins�i�wioN or in uny Federal Home Loan 6nnk. Lender shall apply�he�unds m pay the ' -"_:;���,��,(-_1.'�'� i{-.
<br /> > s - ?� &crow Items.Lender m.ry nat charge 13orrower farholding ond epplying iho Funds,nnnually nnnlyzing�he escro�v account,or ,y^:�'t �{ ��ti•-
<br /> .;:.f,Fi�ti vedfying�he Escrow Rems,unless Lender pays Uorrox�cr in�eresi on the Funds nnd applicable law permiis Lender ro make such ; :�;. �-
<br />;�-:•� :��'. 8 Y nl P�Y B P� P 8 k�: : `..i�'::
<br /> J e chu e. Ho�vever, Lender nu r uire 13ormwer m � e one-time chnr e for an inde ndent real estere mx re onin service �' �;�F::�
<br />,_�(oQt.`'n� .'`n .::'-. ,-. �-
<br /> t� ��{ used 6y Lender in connec�ion �vith this loan, unless npplirnble law provides o�hen�•ise. Unless an egreemeni is made or . - ; . - -� _
<br /> applicablo law rcquircs Incerest to be pnid,Lender shall no�bc rcqulred�a pay[icrcroaer any interes�or prnings on�he f'vnds. " , �
<br /> �r �{4. Uovo�vcr nnd Lender may agrx in wri�ing.ho�vever, q�ai interest shnll be paid on�he Punds. Lender shall gtve to oorrowcr. , ��� ,� �o
<br /> wi�hout charge, nn annual aceaunting of�he Funds.showing credi�s nnd debils�o Ihe �ands and�h. pmpose for which eacA p�. .
<br /> -�F-�`- dchi!te!he R.^.�s!!�_n•?nn.'p��r F!�n�lc arc pledeed ss udditional security for oli sums secured 6y�his Security Insttumenl. ' ._ ,"'�__
<br /> .r -_—
<br /> ` -��' If�he�m�ds held by Lender caceed the omoumc penniued to be hetd by applirnble la�v, LenAer shall nccaum[o Uorrower {��t�i> >t� _-
<br /> �� for the excess�unds in accordanm wiih�he requfrcments of applicnblc law. If the amonm o(�he Fnnds held by Leader nt nny '� '';! � � •--
<br /> -" time is not su(ficlent lo a the Gscrow I�ems�vhen due, L.ender ma so no�if [torro�ver in�vritin ,end,in wch caso Omrouror ���73s�-'�. ����"_-n�:.
<br /> ' pY Y Y 8 . � ft ,��,;Sv•__
<br /> shall pay lo Lender�he amaunt necessxry to mnke up �he deficiency. &,rm�ver shall muke up the Aeficiency in no morc than -�-,'. ( �r�i.��_ -
<br /> ;�, twclvc momhly paynsms,et LenJcr's solc discrction. - F ' +�—
<br /> '�-' Upon payment in NII of nll sunu sccurttl by ihis Sccuriry Inswnwm. I.ender shall prompdy rc(und io Qorm�ver eny r`���_ r f �"�+
<br /> � Funde held by Lendea If.under pamgraph 21. Lender shall acquire ar ull tlic Propeny,Lender, prim�o�he ncquisi�fon ar sale 4 :'j',� F3 , `�^.
<br /> � +; of Ihe Prapeny, shall apply any Funds held by Lender:u�he�ime nf ncquisi�ion or sale as a credfi agains�tl�e sums secured by � ;`• � , �Y��!�
<br /> -i,/. - Ihis Sccurity Inswmem. _ . ,'{£-.F_
<br /> •�`��� J.Applkntlon of Peyments.Unlcss applicnblc law provides o�henviu,all p�ymems received by Lender undcr pa�agrophs �1; ';:;.�;;?5�;; ;t'--:
<br /> �. �� ..
<br /> �- -)'R I end 2 sliall be npplicd: firsi, to any prep.Tymem chargc+Juc under�he Notc; xrond, lu mnoums piynblc under paragmph 2; �``a; �� � �;'--.
<br /> ��� '�G,' �hird,ro fnteresl due:founh,m principal due:and lu6 ta nny Ime chnrges due u�der U�e No�e. �,F � {�,�,r, + ".
<br /> i �,
<br /> '�� I`ha� 4.Chnrges; I.lens. Uorrow•cr shall pay all �axes, ncses.mems,charges, finr.nnd imposi�iom enrfbutable m�he Pmp.ny �kr Zp;�S4 �t7' +� .�,
<br /> _.s�,4 r,�}� whith may m�ain priority avcr�his Sccuriiy Insnumenl, and Ir.�ccholA paymems or ground rcnts, if any. [3orrower shall pay 7Yk� rs�k��,; ,';
<br /> :-�. �hese obll@eiions in�he nunner pmvideJ in parngnph 2, or If nni paid in�hat manner. Donau�er shall pay ihem on�ime direc0y `_�e Sd� �
<br /> j r?�� to thc person owcd p�ymcnt. Ilorrowcr shnll promptty furnish�o Lcndcr nll noticcs of nmoums�o bc paid under�his paregmph. - � '` '-�.'�
<br /> ' �. If Buvower makes these paymems directiy,�orroacr shall prompily fumish w Lender receipts evidencing�he payments. �'i 'L a +
<br /> "S��`,��/ writln��o tl e p�nen o'f he obl Fa�ion xecured byhthe lien Pn armai»errac 1eptable'�u LenJer�(b)�camestosin g�ood fn ihthe lien v���`k �jr��� �-�.
<br /> ii.Y.� `9 -< o�.
<br /> � ur by, or defends egainst en(orcement of�he licn in, legal pra�caling, a�hioh in �he I.endcr's opinion upem�c to prerent �he `S�l�.c � -�#<«'�'.
<br /> - y enforcemenl o(Ihe lien;or(c)sewrcs from Ihe holder n(Ihe licn An agreemeni salisL�ctory lu l.ender subordinaling lhe licn lo �iq±�h),t '4i;��+%t"-�
<br /> '�� '; this Securi�y Inswmem. If Lender detennines�ha�any p:m of�he Prnpetty is whject w a licn �chich may anain prioriq� over � - :�, -. r -
<br /> lhis Security Inslrumenl. Le�der may gi�•e Uorroacr a noli«iJenlilying IhC licn. [3nrruu�er shall u�i.fy Ihc licn or lake nne or `- ,:t� - -
<br /> _,`ir.;f morc of thc aclions set(onh obovc wilhin 10 day+uf ihc gi��ing n(noiim. 'i• � . ._-<<!,,.,•.�.
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