�rr .. I ,, ' �;
<br /> ., . �y... .. , - � _ -. � -t . � :i�� -
<br /> , . . ..
<br /> ..�..� .�_....�.....+.�=�.�...........:....::.,....,_.•-�+::naw.. . _.— a�ina'.:'�:. . ' ' . . �
<br /> -.:}.;'1$.2+-' —.
<br /> )��r^Y 1
<br /> �=:��;i,,,;;.� 9,�.�.o��a�e
<br /> ` ��t�.:;-�� 'pcdocls�hat l.cndcr rcyuires. Thc fnsnrancc carticr prnviding thc fnsurnnm shnll d;choxcn by iiorcmver subjcci�o Lcndcr§
<br />,��.t;=.°.•;:,,, npproval which shnll na Ix imreasonnbly wi�hheld. If[lortnwer fntls m maimnin covernge descrihed ubave,Lender may,m ��:��-_---
<br /> ` � � LcndcrY opiinn,ob�nin covcr�gc�o protcc�I.cndcrk rights in�lic Prnpcny In accordanrn wi�h pungmph 7. �_.-�. .
<br /> ;?'2,.�; ' All insnrance policies anA rcnewnls xhall l+e nccepInble lo l.enAcr and shall include n atandnrd mongage clause. Lender = _ _r,._. _
<br /> shall have Ihc right m hold�he pnlides nnd rcnewnlv. If I.cnAer rcyulrc�.6urrowenhall promptly give�o I.ender nll rcceipls , .
<br /> ,� -� ,`' uf paid prcmiums nnd rene�ral nadces. In�he ovem of losc,I�artower xhall give ryomp�natice io tho insurance cartier end f .i_"-
<br /> -" Lcnder. Lendcr nmy makc prewf o(Ims if na�m;�Ae pmmptly by Bnrmwer. �v,�, -�--
<br /> r i?:3 Unles�Leeder anA Ilortmrer othmvise agree in wriiing,insnnnce prceeeds sAall Ix applied m rcslon�ion or mpair of ' �c�„-
<br /> �;;;M?.' �hc Pra�ny dama�ed. If Wc rcxiam�ion m rcpair is crnnomically (caaiblc ond LendcrS sccuri�y is not Iesscncd. If�hc � -s--.
<br /> � ` res�oral on ar npa r Is no� economicnlly feaei6le or Lenderk ucurily wonld be Iesxned,�he insumnm proceedx shall be - �� �
<br /> ra=..-
<br /> n .�-'- upplicd In �he sumx securcd 6y�his Securi�y In+immenL whe�her or no��hen due,�vi�h any excas pnid �o tiorrmver. If F -� + - "` .��
<br /> �-°l. Dorto�vcr abandons ihc Propeny,or Aoes no�;mso�cr�ri�hin 30 days a noticc from Lcndcr �hnt �he inm�ance carder has �'�-� Tri�-
<br /> . rr��: •�: offered�o utde n claim,�hen Lender ma [ollecl IhC InsulancC roceeds. l,ender ma use�he romeds�o rc air ar rcstom �' �'- � '-���h✓'`�
<br /> - �hc Propeny ar�o pay sumc sccnrM Ay�his Sccuriiy Im�mmem.vhcihcr or no�Ihcn dua 7Le 30 day periad wll bcgin when � �•..�- 's�`�"�"`������
<br /> ir�
<br /> ;,"_:`_.'-:,:_::: thenmfccisgtrcn. j"-„•-.—-: t�:`:Y�%".
<br /> _- Unless I.ender and Dorroo�er o�henrise agrce in�rriiing,any applica�inn af pmeceds�o principal shall nnt ex�end or i.- i."'
<br /> � . . . - a nc the duc da�e of�hc mondd a menu rcfcmd io in iam n hs I and 2 arahnn c�he amnunl of thc +'' . '� -
<br /> P�� P� Y P Y { F•P 6 p�Ymcros. If �_ � '
<br /> under puagraph 21 the Proprny is ncquirM by 4ender, 6arro�veh righi a any inmmnce policies and prceccAs rtsW�ing , : `'�e �
<br /> from Aamage m the Propeny prior m th:acquisi�inn shall pasc to I.ender�o�he ex�em at the sunn xcurcd by ihis Security �:�:'� f ` -` -'��?
<br /> hisuumem immedia�ely prior�o�M:ac�{vi�itlon. ��'I �;h Yh�-
<br /> - ' �' 6. Occupnncy, Preservafion, 5teintenonce nnJ Protection of �he Property: Oorrov�er's l.aan Applicallon; =-
<br /> - I.easeholds. Dortomer shall occupy,establish,and use�he Prapeny;u Da�ro��rr\principal rcsidencc�vi�hin six�y days after - °
<br /> �he execudon af�hB Secumy Insimmem and shnll mmimie to occupy ihe Propenyas Borzo���cr4 principal resiA¢nce for m �,_r. ��- .�
<br /> i� ' Ieut one year atler �he date of ocenp.vicy, unlesc Lender othenvise agrces in wriling, �vhich conum shail no� bt
<br /> ��- nnmuonably wfihheld,or unless exienuming circums�ancex exis��chich am beyond Oorroner`s control. Uonox�er shnll no� ..''s 1."'-
<br /> . destmy,damage or impair the Pmpcny.allo�v�he Propcny m dc�eriora�e,or commii wnxte nn�he Propeny. Domiwer shall "-`% ` —
<br /> � -±` ' be in Aefauh if my(odeiwre ac�ion or procecding,�rheiher civil or eriminal,is hgun�hm in LenderF gaad faith judgmem - -
<br /> ' °�+. �� rnuld asull in forfeiwm of ihe Pro n or othernise materiall im air Ihe licn crea�ed 6• �his Secarii Insuunleni or �'��� ���`-�?�
<br /> ...� (x Y Y � P > 7 '�t•�i`>.'::..',i.5<�:
<br /> �`� - �'` lAndert secumy imerat. Ro`mmer may curc such a detauh nnd reinstate.as providrd in par.�graph IN,by cansing�he uc�ion :: �� -,�:..�,
<br /> ;;.ar.;..•. ,•,e;;;,-..�.%t�
<br /> ,•-1�<. ;,.;; or procceding ia be dismiwced wi�h o ruling�ha6 in Lende�t good fni�h Jetemiinmim,precludes fodeimm of ihe 6orrowerk . � , r,----
<br /> . iNCrcs1 in Ihe 1'ropeny or olher malerial impaim�em of�he lien crcatM by�hic Securiiy Ins�mmrnt or Lender's securiiy � "�j��*-���'--
<br /> �-;� ,�.,-......
<br /> ���'-. - imemst. 13ortower shall nlso hc in Jefauh if f3ortouror, during ihc la�n applir.nion pmcess, gave materially (alse or ��'q�;.,
<br /> "�'' -� Inaccurote infomiation or uatemems io Lender(nr failed io pmvide LenACr wi�h anyma�eri�l infnmialion)in conneciion with �s� ��:'::,�::o�_.
<br /> ' " `- �he loan evidenced by the hme. including, bu� nm limited m, rcpmvma�ians mnrerning BortowetR occnpancy o(�he kf'��`"� ��'--="'
<br />:°h.�'�.5''��::.c lk���:'4S;T'=.
<br />_,-;�u; Propeny ns n principil rcsid.nca If�his Secumy Innrument is on a Ir.aehold,Rmmx�er shall comply with all ihe pmvisions +�.-;,.,
<br /> ..�� u(tiic�i�c. �(Qv�mn21�iiyui�ca(i iiiic iv lim F7api�iy.iim Ic�xLulu.md ii�c Icc iiiic nlmdi nui ntcfgc mdc�Lcudci ngicea - �5 � ` . ...'.. .
<br /> - }�� �o�he mcrgcr in wming. ,I.;?:y�, - >h;~'
<br /> "��� 7. Protcctlon of l.cnder's RI his In Ihc Pro erl I! Oortoo�.r f�il+ �a domi �hc cnrenams and a rcemems �'-°'''���� �='°`
<br /> :.. -'..7`;�.: S P 1� P� 8 :. ��'i. �:'�:.
<br /> � - coNaineA in Ihix Scrurily Iml�umenL or Iherc i, a Iegal pnxecding �ha� may significantly n(fect Lender\ tighix tn �he �{��.�:';..,'_i i�,' �__..
<br /> ij,`��' . �%� Propctly(such u n procc.ding in bankmpKy,proba�c,for conACmna�ion nr fodciturcor�n cnfomc larvx or rcgul:qions),�hen j�•:'7r' ' ,,� i��^.,
<br />,. � � l.ender may do and p;ry�For��hatever is neces�ary�o pmicn �he value of�he Propeny nnd Lenderk righ�s in the Pmpeny. *;t� ! ��
<br /> � • �. -.r.-'�- Lender\acifons may includc paying:my cumc secureJ hy a lien��hich haa priori�y oeer�hfs Sewrity Inswmcn6 nppearing }�y�7��,f�{��:p�,_:`-
<br /> .;^:�fi`; in coun.Paying rcasonable aunmey:tees and emering on�he Piupeny�a mnke rcp�irs. Al�hnngh Lender may�nke nciion �.��S.Y�_-)F}s�s`il,,i.;'._
<br /> �, under�his p�mgruph 1.Lcndcr dnc.na�hacc io do.o. � �.�}7� �� t� .n..
<br /> '+ �/ Any amounl+disburud b�� I.cndcr undcr�hi.par,ignpl� 7.hall Ixcomc,idJiiiannl debt ot Oortou�er secund by ihfs �",�.�1 {�r� "�
<br /> � -�•p Securiiy In+uumem. Unlc.�Burto+rer und Iwnder ngnc tu o�hcr�cmn of pa�mcm,�hcx nmoums shall he:v intcrcs�from�he �.��'' --
<br /> :° '- Jatc of disbnrsemcm a��h.Notc mic nnd,hall be p:q:�Mc.wi�h imcrc.�,upun noiice from Lender ia Rorm�rer rcyucsting `i��i',;:::`C:;:,,-';�:':::
<br /> ..'.: paymcm. ' T - :kS�,_
<br /> "'''�' 6. 1lurignge Insurnnre. If Lender rcyuimd mongage imurance u n ronJiiion uf making ihe loan securcd M1y thiti -'. � - �
<br /> '`7�� Saurity Insuumem.Dotrower shali pay �he pnmium. nyuired �u maimain �he mnngnge insurance in effect. If. for nny � �,.'! �xt �� '._" �:'.
<br /> mason, �he monguge ins�vance mver;�ge rcyuircd 6y l.ender lapcec ur ccau4 io 6e in efkc�. 6unower shnil poy �he -` -1�"
<br /> prcnilums rcyuirtJ w aMain carcngc +ub.iamially cynivalcnt tu �hc munga�c imur,mcc prcviouxiy in eff.c�,at n con �I' ' � r'� k- �+�'`
<br /> . -. .�= _,yx� � . -
<br /> suMlnnlially cynivnicnl In Ihc cml to Dartmvv of Ihr mmlgagc insnr.mcc pnviou.ip in rffcc�.fmm an altcma�c monFa6� ° �.• :•-?� '7
<br /> ;,v.,'�(:w}y."' Insurer:ipproved by Lendea If sub.um�ially cytnv:dem mnngagr i�uur.mce coveragc i.na�:rcaiiablr.Qortm�rr xhall pay lo �T���.;�;; ::;; -+.i�
<br /> ` . Il.'s"
<br /> �-.:h.: �Y-:,��. Lender each momh a sum equal w un.-nrcl(th o(ihe ycad��mongagr inwrance pnmium bring paiA by�onoa�er when the s.;i;-.:>j:�;,� eea;:...
<br /> 'cj.'a:•�.�.,,: . �,,te..,.,.
<br /> � �:,e.Y�:�.;_ insurance coverage lapxd oree:rced�o be in.flec�. Lendenrill ampL u+x;mJ rc�ain ihe.e pqmenn ns a In c reserve in lieu ''%-`�t;:�j��'"mp.>:z
<br />-:.t.:',{i�::`TS.. of moegage insurnnce. Loss resen�eµ�yments may no lunger be rcquircd.a� �he aptiun uf LenAer,if mon@age in+urance �i!'g i..'':�'_�� �1••=6;'.
<br /> ^� ��° `-�:: coverage(in�hc nmomm�nd fnr�he p.ria1�hat Lendtr rcquimsl proridcJ by an inw�er appmrcd M1p Lendcr a@ain bccomes � F3:�. le ��t� '� A
<br /> - ,,t�,�t�:� available and is obtaineA.Rorrm��er xkJl pay ihr premimnc reyuind io maimain mrntgage imur.mce in effec�,or io provide a '�' ..,(.,�..j]���_
<br /> � � �X loss rcserve.umil Ihe requircmem for monFage inwr.mce enJ.m a.mrJance�ci�h an���riUen ng�eemenl bela�een 6orm�cer �{"��,� .
<br /> y}-h� ,r andLenGrorapplica6lch�x�. �t�
<br /> 7;�',.�vy; 9. Inspcetlon. LenAcr ar i�.�gent may make na.m�abk.mric.upun and in.p:ctium of�he Fhopeny. Lcndcr xhall -
<br />�:�.:";:•�>'�.: giveDorto�vernolicea�lhelimeuforpriunoanin.pection.�ncifyingrea.onaMecau.c(or�heimpeaion. ,��iP .' `' �
<br />. �- ��.. l0. Condemnation. Tlu pmcced•nf any a�raN nr daim fnr Jamagn.dirc.t ix cnnvyutNial,in cunnectian o�ilh any . ::.�: . .- -�•
<br /> .r'. .
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