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If A 1 � . . ' ._ ._... 1_. �.� � ...`..�_—"_ "__._ ..�..�� . <br /> � G� l <br /> . .�.ia..,. ' ' __d.�!':..�..,..c,..�-ar`wrcayoua,-- ..c._ <br />_-,�`,�F, • /��1yc p <br /> iisnv�'`'� �i71�'�V I^�C7 <br /> ::w-.�ii�n;} , <br />�aF;.,;<, 7'00[l77iCR WITH all tho Improvcmcnu now or hercafter en�c�cd on�hc propony,and all casemente,ap uncnancee, <br /> 77 <br /> -;��:�i��` aud(ixturca now on c�reaper a purt oi t6o propeny. All rcplacemente ond addi�inne ihall ulso bo covcrcd 6y� ia Sccuriry <br /> -`` '�°''� Instrvmcut. All of tho[oregoing is rderted�o in thie Secudty Instmmem a+rtio Rroperty" <br /> ' ;�:�1,:;;r�,>�i DORROWI3R COVIiNAMfS�hat Oortowcr ie Iuwtuliy sclscd of�hc csm�o hcreby wnvcycd and hns tAc dght to granl <br /> ;-a:r;�_�� end canvey�tw Ptopeny end�hat tha Propeny is unenwmbered,exeept for encumbrances of rccord. Borrawer wnrtame and <br />- . will defend generally tha�i�le�o the Property ogainst oil ciulnu nnd demand�,subJecl�o uny encumbrancex of rucord. <br />"-`O��J``�=� THiS SF:CURITY INSTRUMRNT wmbince unlform wvenan�s Por nailonal uso and non•unlfomi covename wlih <br />�h�,3'.+'�%rli� Ilmited verladons by Jurisdlctlon to constl(ute a unifnmi secudty Instnmient covering rcal propeny. <br /> -_..�.,,_, ._, _ <br /> ��•�i�i:�:.;.;':y' UNIPORMCOVIiNANTS. RortowerandLendercovenumandagreeeefollowx � - - � - <br /> ,�->;::,, •s L Payment ot Pdndpal u�d Interatt Pnp�ymenl and I.ate Chugw. Borrowcr shall promptly pay whcn due thc <br />"'.�r.'.. • pdncipal of and intemst on�he debt evideneed by the Nola end eny prcpaymmt and Inle chnrget due under�he No�e. <br /> `".:��- � 2. FUnd�tor 7bxes ond Insurnnce. SubJat to appIicable law or to e written waiver by I.ender,Dortower shall pay�o <br /> - �""`kY• : Lendcr on�he day montiily payments are due undcr tAe Notc,until�hc Nmc I�paid in full,a sum('Pundti")Por.(a)ycady <br /> �-�"�,%�i:? `"� taxa and asscssmeme whkh nuy aunin pdodty over th6 Security Insm�mcnt as u Iicn on thc Propeny:(b)yearly Iwscho�d <br /> `'L�F;�'��l�'-: payments or ground rcnu on thc Propeny, if any; (c) ycady liezurd or propeny insumncc premiums; (d)ycarly Ilood <br />;��-_;:,�[��f�OS insuronce prcmlums, if nny;(e)yead� mongage insurenee prenilums, If eny;nnd(p any sums payablo by Rortower lo <br /> t;..� Lender,in accorda��ce wilh Ihe provis om at paragreph 8,In Ileu of thepayment of mongage Insuronce prcmium�. 7'hao <br /> =�;"�S;il��t:;;, items are called"6scrow Iums." Lender may,et eny tlma collect and hold Ponds in en amount not Io exceed the maxlmum <br /> •- >�� �v"� anwunt n lender Por n federally related mongage loan may requiro for 6orrowcr§escrow aaouN under Ihe fcdcral Real <br />-:;.,ritr,i�i� 'r <br /> - � -_��,,:�:. Fstate Seulemem Procedurr.+Act of 1974 m emended fmm�me ro dme,12 U.S.C.¢2601 e�seq.("RE9PA"),unless enothu <br /> - '"`"; Inw�Aa[upplfes to chc F§mds sets n lesser emount. If so.Lender may,at any time,collat end hold Wnds in an amount not to <br /> � - excced the lesser nmount. l.ender may estimaie �he amount of Nnds due on the basis of curzent data end reasonable <br /> '�=• ";." estimates of expenditurts of fuNrc 6scmw[tems vr otherwise in nccordnnce with appIiceble law. _ <br />°?,_;;,�_�,+�;,�`l? The Ponds shall be held in en instimtion �vhose deposi�s ere insurcd by e fede�al egency, insmimeNality.or enHty <br />_ �f';� ' (including Lender,If Lender is such en ins6�ution)or in any Irderal Home Loan Bunk. Lender shaq xpply�he FLnds to pay <br /> i:�::_,A:��� <br />.��,.��:�7���7;g the Escrow Iiems. Lender may not charge Rorto�ver Por holding and npplying the Punds,ennually enaiyzing tlie escrow <br /> `'fi?''"'���s eccoun4 or verif in the Eacrow Itenu, unless Lender a s Uorrower imeres� on �he Nnds end e licxble law rmlls <br /> � ,(�t�^: +„ Y 8 P Y PP P� <br /> •;� a���i-q Lender to make such n charge. However,Lender may requirc 6ortower lo pay a one-tim¢charge for en independenl real _ <br /> ';. .y, i;�;=:::� estete lax reponing urvice used by Lender in connection wnh this loan,unlese eppiicable lew provides othenvise. Unless en <br /> <� j��, �� agrament is mnde or nppliwble Iew rcquircs Intercst to be paid.Lendcr shall nol be rcquircd to pay Oorto�vcr eny inicrcsl o� <br /> ="���i.� exmings on thc Punds. 6ortower end Lendcr may egrec In wrifing,however,that intercst shail be patd on the FLnds. Lendcr - <br /> ;���'r i'�: <br /> t�!,�'. :hall give�o�orrower,wi�houi charge,m annual accoumtng ot ihe FLnAs,showing creAiu nnd debi�s to the FLnds xnd iho <br />--'n#�5�5_��'1� purpose for�vhich each debh to ihe I�nds�vas made. The Amds we pledged es edditionnl secudly for nll sumf-secored by <br />_j 'i .�- <br /> ��,�7.: :�..�.. �hisSeeuri�ylnslrunupl. <br />?;;¢;�`-'�:• •� If the Nnds hetd by Lender excccd th� amoums permiucd m be held by epplicnble law, Lender shall nccouN lo <br /> Sx :_.. <br />-"'F`;:sf'•.`%i'�- 6orm�rer(or ine exceu FunJs in u�wfdauce wili�[{ic iiytiiec��ti�ili a(nNp7i:aEle lac:. :::Fn arttoar:at;:Pur.Vs F�:.:d by - -. - . <br />'��t•^r���:,-, Lend.r at any�ime is no�su(Ilcicnt la pay the 6scrow Iteins when due,Lender may so no�ify Dortower in writlng,nnd,In <br /> i,.;_...,i,;,.,.;, such caw Dorto�rer ehall p�y ro Lender Ihe amonnt nccessary lo m�ke up ihe deficiency. 6orto�rar shall make up lhe <br /> et•i s , <br /> ���s�i_ ,.;,,� de8cfency in no morc than twelve mon�hly paymeNs,nt Lender's Rale discretion. <br /> j .,, Upon p�ymcnt in full of nll sunu ucured by this Security Insuvmenl,l.ender shall promptly rcfand to Rortotvcr my <br /> .�d�;';f�^- �- ILnds held by Lender. !f,under paragraph 21.Lender shall ecquire or ull the Ropeny,Lender,prior to�he acqutslUon or <br />.��'F{^1=.�.��.r.•� sale of the Ropeny,shall opply eny I�nds held by Lendcr m�he Ume of ucqulsitlon or sale ns n cmdit agalnst�he sums <br /> .t:�1y;i}`i,;,+.i securcd by�his Securi�y Inxwment. -� <br /> -; <'. :.:_ -"�: 3. Applirnllon of Wyments. Unless npplicnble law pro�•ides o�henvise, all paymenu receWed by Lender under =--— <br /> .j:�.".. par�gr�phe I ond 2 shall be applied:firs6�o nny pmpaymeN charges due under�he No�e:second,lo emounis paynble under a�:___.. <br /> ::;�j � paregrnph 2:�hird,m interes�due founh,ro pdncipal due;and last,lo nny laie charges due under�he Note. s.•—��+ <br />- - A. Cherges; Llens. 6o�rowcr shall pay nll tnxes, usessmems,charges, fincs and imposi�ions a�tributable w thc --°—� <br />- , Propeny whfch may auain priori�y orcr this Security Insuument,und Ieauhold paynxms or ground rcnts,If eny. 6ortower - -_ <br /> , - `.'�� shail pay�hese obliga�ions in�he manner providcd in pamgraph 2,or if not pafd in Uia�manner,6ortox�cr shdl pay them on --�_ _—� <br /> ,-e,.f.� a�'- tinu dirccqy lo�he person o�ved p�ymem. 6ortox�er shail pmmptiy fumish�o Lender all no�ices of emawiu w 6a patd under _u_�,,.__--- <br /> `"�!'•e-; � this pamgmph. If Qorcower makes�hese paymena dircc�ly,Oortooror shall prompUy fumish to Lender receip�s evidencing `���'�--- <br /> -- t ''' thc p�ymems. `r .=- <br /> r � �- 6orro�cer shall prumptly Jischuse nny licn wfiich has priority o�•cr this Sauri�y Insuumem unless IIonower.(a)agrees - --� <br />_ -'t,�>•`�' �f:� in xr�ing m�he paymem of the obtigation securcd by the licn in u manner amep�able to Lender,(b)mmesis in good faith Ihe +Y -"�-�-..=-. <br />-�-;iti;��f��,:,.- lien by,or defends aguinst enfonement of the lien in.Iegal pruceedings�vhich in the Lenders opinion opemre�o prcvent�he �";i-�c=� <br /> �(�y��� i-.; enforcement of�Ac licn;or(c)securcs Goin thc holdcr of�hc lien an agrcement satisfactory to Lendcr subordinating the lien � �.,_ <br /> �r ro ihis Security Instrumem. I(Lender de�ennina�ha�nny part of ihe Propeny is subjtti lo o lien�vhich may ot�ain priodty �'_'"_..-4;--�� <br />-�."= over�his Seairi� Inswmem,Lender ma ice Oomiwer a notice idrn�i( m thc licn. 6ortower shall salisf Ihe Iien or take �=_t==� <br /> } . : <br /> n� <br /> J - <br /> Y Y6 Y <br /> B Y <br /> � onc or morc of lhc nc�ions xi fonh abovc�vithin 10 days of the giving of noiicc. -. t � <br /> �fi i - �� 5. Hezard or Praperty Insurnnce. Dormwer shall keep�he improvements noa ezisting or hercafter erected on�he �`• 4'�i �"' <br />--���'�"�`•"'-�` Pro rt msurcd a ama�loss b firq ha�ards included wi�hin the tcmi"ex�ended covers e and xn o�her haLVds,includin ,�r�1;��$�•^t'�-� <br />:s,`?�;.,�._. P� Y� S � � Y 8 " Y 8 . c� .�F1�-:: <br /> ,1 . - floods or Ilooding, for which I.ender requires insunnce. TM1is insumnce shall be maintained in lhe amouNS end for 1he -nt,5��i�� _ �,._ <br /> t.a .i '':;,t' 7 : : <br /> '�`.:.. � _�, Farm3078 9/90 lNdt7ol'6pagal '?it,Zji.'�:'^:.. <br /> ;fn,�f-,' i�:a�y8!,;�.': <br /> _ � '- ?��� �: . <br />'_. 't��: -_ _�4ii1.��%_ ��_ <br /> . -9•j�.-.-�--^....�..� - { ' <br /> 'i ' ��::._�..t.:. <br /> _ - 1 . e . - f't -1 � S <br /> �. �- , . {. . _Y, .. _ _ t y-..;r F �- ' �� r-. <br /> . <br /> .:, .- .. . - �.. �; • . - <br /> . :. <br /> . .. . . .. , . . <br /> ' " _ .. N '��,. r _ . tl _ � _ ' <br /> .� <br /> - . . - , i,• � . =f. i : ' <br /> - : ... " ' ` .. <br /> : .' . .:" . - . . - ,� _..; �y., <br /> ... � . ..- . .- .. . <br /> .._ _ _ •., ._. -._ ct . ' ,. <br /> �' __ __ —__ —_ -- ' -� . [ �b�� . <br /> 2 • '.0 , � " J A- .. . ' .. <br /> ,i�iy2 ff - - � . � . • <br /> . .' J <br /> � - . - �. � . �` y . :� . . <br /> t. . " . :( 1^ = 1 7J .( <br /> �_. __ " :' . . <br /> .,J p.�. c , . � .t� � _ - � � ..�' - i, ^v <br /> . <br /> -_..c ,.-� . . " �.'° " <br /> ��fiP . . .r - . . <br /> � � .s.. - - . � <br /> �� �3>�rP - `��� ;:: , <br /> tT � � - . . ..� k21�- � . <br /> rl� J ' , ' , lf 'J � ..�`�• <br /> 57. . f .V . , y� . <br /> a <br /> �' .. 1� . . • �. . <br /> �. <br /> � �O <br /> 3''_41i "'�i'e� - 3 --/ , et t. --: i . - _. . .• _ <br /> . .. _ ��.ii�i�`.�.'L . - . _ .. , _5< <..__� _ ._ <br /> -��tf3r.i�N a�� � ���4 \ L�_ i . <br />