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. ` ._..o. . i . _ <br /> jFl.' . .- � �'- 91�r j - . . _. ' { Yt O <br /> _. � � ff°� S � _ . .......-� ..�. . " - s i ."_ . . <br /> � .�_,1:.:......n:uSrr,....a�..s-.:.�...�....�._�vsitid".i..�.R m6ti4{`�.�il'.t. '.- ' �• <br /> \ _ <br /> . -�.�: _-. ___. <br /> ]l�'�� <br />---- g�.;a�o�s!�a <br /> . <br /> condcmnatloo oraher tuking of nny pan of iho Prapeny,or fat canvoyancc in Ilau uPcanAcmna�lon.nro hcrcby n�sfgned anA <br /> ---- snau 6e p��a to icndcr. <br /> __— In the evm�of n lotal �aking of ihe Propetty� the pnxeca� shall he npplied �o dio eums eccurtd by ihle Secudty <br /> —{—��----�° lns�mment.whcther or not ihen duo,whh any exccrs pald�o Rortowce In thv evem uE a paninl taking oF ihc Rupcny in <br />_,..,T�_�..-��:� which the fair market v.luc of�ho fhnpc�ty immedlnloly bcturv iho iaNlnp M eqnnl to nr gmamr�hnn�na omnnm of�hc wms <br /> ___,—-� secured by ihlv Securiry Instrumrn�Onmedinialy bePorc�ho�akinp,unteu bnrtuwer nnd I.ender othntwlx nprce In wdllny, <br /> :--�-- the wna securcd by this Securiiy Inurvment s6all be nvluccJ by iho omnnm of iho�rqceed.r nnAUplied Uy;d�e tollorvinp <br /> � �`+ frac0on: (n)tlic iaal nmaunl of�he Fnnu FecumA 6nmedlatcl Ikfom�6u mking.Jividod by(b)�ho fnir marAet vo6m of�hc <br /><.�.��,...,-�_� <br /> —' ---' <br />_"a:?3l\� F_ , . __... <br /> Pmpcny (mmcdiauly beforo �he mkln�. Any balance�hnll paid �o Dortowcr. In �bc evcm o(n pn��hd fuklnp of ihe <br />_;,�'•.�.-`,'�;',;, ,.� 1'rnpeny In which ihc fair markct vnh�o of tho Pruycny 6nmedinicly Mfuro�he a�kina Ix Ies.v ihmi ihc ontnunt.o6�ho wms <br /> - �_ � - � secumd Immedlauly beforo the taking, unless Rarrowrr und LenAer othenvir,e ngreo in wridnp or unloss upplicabie Ww <br />`�j�t�'`.�'r OIACIWISC PfOVIACY,II1C P(OCCCAS 6I1(III bC Ii�l(II{CA IOIIIC SIIOIA 6CCIIR(I II}'lIl(5 SCCllfllY II7FINII1C11�WIIFII7C�0�IIOI IIIC SIIRLf�fV <br /> _ - = .-: 'i` tlicnduc. <br /> `.�'.,''__��„:'� If the Prapcny is ahandoned by Qorto�vcr.or If,nMr no�ice 6y Lcndcr iu Qortorvcr�hm�ho cnndemnor otferv ro make <br />="�-;--��-s—_.--=`.- nn awnrA or ultle a Aaim for deunn�es,Dortower(afls�n mxpand to Lcnder iviih6�30 dnys nfler ihu Jmc ihe notico Ix glven. _ . , . <br />�;'3��1.����_%: Lender G amhodzed to mliea end npply tl�e iis ap�ion,ei�her tu msmn8nn or rcp�ir of�he Propeny or to�he <br />-_ .,�:�_,,;;�;� sunusecurcdby�hisSecuri�ytnsUVmen6whelherornmi6endne. <br /> - Ilnless Lendcr and�orrower mhenvice ngrce in�vmtnp,,ny applicminn of pmceeda to pdncipnl shall noi extrnd or <br />_, �;i:�y'~.:��.; , pos�pone�he due dme of the momhly paymemn referted lo in par�gr�phs 1 and 2 or chmpo�ha umnuN of such paymenu. <br /> �� 11. Dorroxer Nol Releoud; FLrbenrnncc liy l.ender Nvt o �5alrer. Fxicnrinn of thr. �ime tor payment or <br /> ` �"�-��"' modificaiion of omoniza�ion of iho sums ucurcd by this Securiry Inatrument gramed by Lendar�o nny suceessnr indmercst <br /> - .}:,i";'.•.� of Oomox•er shall nol oper�te to rclenx�he linhili�y of�he oriDinal Qorrower or Rom��vcrk succcssors In intorosl..Lende� __,. <br /> --",t;:; shali no�be nquircd �o mmnunce pnxccJings ugalmM any wecessor in imemst ar reFu�; ro exmnd time for payment or -- -- -� - <br /> .,��.'�„_.g, �, othernise modify amonira�ion of ihe satns securcd by�his Secumy Giauvment by rcawn of any damm�d mnde by IBo oripinnl <br /> Qorrower ar Oorro�verk succcsm�x in intemh. Any forbcarance 6y LenJer in cacreixing any righ�or romaly shnll-nnt bc o <br /> �����' -`��j� wairer o(or prcclude the eaerciu of nny right ar rcmedy. ="=_;i_- <br /> t;��,!�'•;.�`���'^�;f 12. Successore und Assfgns ISOUnd;Join�end Se�era141abllitj�Co•signero. Thc coven:m�s and agrccmemx of ihis <br /> �"-�"" Security Innnmiem shall 6ind and benclit thc succc+wn and assigns of LenAcr and Qortowcr.snbfcct�o�hc providnnx of <br /> :l�J�1%����,"..: �. <br />_2�':�t�t��'��;_ paragraph 17. Dorrowerk covrname and agmementx shall h joim and several. My Bomswer who co-signs thle Security <br /> '= Insm�mem bw does no�execme the Note: la}•signinp�hfx Securi�y Inetrvmenl mtly�o mo�gnge,grzm emd convey that <br /> �" " Oormwcrk intcres�in�he Pmpeny undon6a�emu of�h(s Securiiy InnuvmenL• (b)is no�persondly obligated to pay�he sams <br /> -, �� - ' a secureA by�his Secnrity Instrum.m;anA(e)npmes ihm Isndor and nny oiher Unrluwer may agree to exicnd,modi(y,forbear -- <br /> � � �'"'�'�.�?'� or make my nccommodaiianx wi�h regnrd �o �he ��mu o(tliln Security Inxtrumcm ur�he Note wi�hom �hai Qurtoserl -- <br /> �.`f:;�.>. conscm. —. <br /> - 13. luan CAarges If�hc luan .ecurcd by ihis Securi�y 6iWivmeni is su6jea� �o a law which u�s maximum Iwv� <br /> cM1arges,und Ihnt Inw tis finally imerymled w Ilun Ihe inlercxt m oiller luan�fiarges colleclCd or lo Uc culitcted Im m�nttuon -- �� "� �- � <br />'--t--.- - � with ihe loan ex.eed�he pemiined li�uiix.�h.n: (al nny.uch Imm cimrc.>hnit be reduced by�he mnoom necessary�o reduce =—-_ <br />-',:��-��. :;,; `i �he charge�o the pennived(imir,nnd(b)any xnms;dro�idy collected fiom Bunower oi�ich exceeded permi�ced limin�rill be __-_- � <br /> ��;t;. rcfunded m 6otroaet Lendermny thnau m nmke ibiz n(m�d by rcJucing iAc principzl o�ved unde�Ihe Noie or by making a �' ��. <br /> �,,,.,+s = ditect paymem to 6o`ruxxc If a nfund rcduces princiWl.ilm nJnc�inn will be Ireated as a panial p2paymem oithom any .: f „�i. � <br /> , . . .f t�i?�-..:: <br /> s�{?i�*j - , prepaymem charge undenhe Nrnr. �. fy) ._ <br /> 14. Not(ces. Any norice�0 13ortower pnrvidcJ!ur in ihl�:Secamy Ins�rumrn� .hali he gircn 6y delivering i� or by > <br /> - �:�. ' mailin n b firxt cla,+maii unlrts n IicnFlc huv n�uins uxe of nnmher methuJ.The nulice shall 6e direcled lo�he Pro n {�-{?�"�' <br /> :, s' r rv i a r �-;� :, <br /> `,�.:��%":_"'�-��'��-'% AELlRSS Of MY OIIICf tItIJR59 Hortu�vcr Jc�ignnws by nmice �u Lendcr. Any noiice�o I.cnder shall he gircn by firs�ctass �Si:.:'.,:��,-'-;__ <br /> - 1� '` mail�o LenJerl address��ated hrrein or:m mheradd�4�w<Lcnder Je.i n ne�h noiice to 6ormuer. An notice rovided for <br /> � r ' Y 8 � Y Y P � � ' <br /> � ''1. in this Securily Imwmem >hnll be deemeJ m hme bnv given m 13nrtnwer or Lender whan givcn as pro��ikA in Iliis �t� � `= <br /> ��- . �- -• pamgnph S u �4 <br /> `� > -_ .���ti� 15. 4orerning Ln�e: Scrrrahllity. 1Ti,Secariry Innuumem shnll 6c govemcd by federal law and Ihe law of Ihe !�. r ��✓ �.: <br /> � - i�' jurisdiclion in which Ihe Nopeny ih Incmid. In the evem d�a�any prori.ion nr clause uf this Security Inqmntenl or Ihe Noh ; �� � e� ,: -. <br /> i.:. <br /> , yTi__ .,,;r,; con0ict.wi�h upplia6lc I�u•.wch conllict sh�ill mm�ffc.i aihcr provisrtms o!�his Securty Ins�mmcm or�hc Nutc�vhich can _. 1 � �� ^ <br /> r 6¢given efkcl �vi�hnut�be coniticlinp pmeisinn. Ti�ihis end ihe�hi.Secnrity Insin�ment nnd �he No�e arc i� � { �E::t. �_. <br /> ' �:! declaced to be xevem6le. � `*�c a � ` <br /> - -,_,_�[�N; 16. 6orra�eer's Capr. Bmro��rr.hnil 6e gi�an unecenPonncJ cepy of ihe Nme and of�his S.curiry�Inslroment. - � ,� --- `-. <br /> 17. 7FanxleroflhePro crlyarnBanoIIch�l-InterestinRorra�er. lf:dloran mof�hePru n ormi Inler¢slin � �" <br /> t.-.:,`; P YP� M Y Y �G i <br /> ' - - - il is sold or�rnns(erted(nt if a M1encticinl inlarcA iu Bmm�rer or Ir.mdemvl xnd 6ottoxrr is na�a namral penon) � <br /> t'<. . - r f_4: wiihout Lcnder's prinr�vrincn canvunL Lcndcr mny. :n ii4 ap�[un.rcyuirc inunedia�c paymcnt in full of all.ums securcd by '. '"�i�pt �'` ..; <br /> �y � . ',y �his Secnrity Inctrmnem. Hu�rcvcr,thie:apiinn xhulbnu�6r excrn..d b� Lcndcr i(exerci.e i+prohibi�cd Fy fadrral law as of �.-� �� q��� � <br /> ! F - �.:.' Ihe dalc of liiis Securily Inummm�l. i S[ °r; .� <br /> s .r_�: If Lcndcr�z.reiv�s thih oplinn.Lcndcr thnll givc fiorm�crr no7�.c nf acccicra�ion. TLc naiicc+hall pmvid.a periad of tf -� � <br /> --� -. � r. nol Iess Ihsn JO dr.�s t�um Ihc dinu Ihr.nnlin i>JclivctcJ nr mailed��i�hin��hid�Uurtu���cr mu+t pay all>ums securcd by Ihis ° � � 1 � �4, ,'. <br /> Securil InaW�urm. If Ilam��rcr fnilx�a a Ihese wm> >riar lo Ihe ca �ralion of Ihi. knuJ. Lender ma im•ake an �.'�• .� 4 ��'=.�: <br /> ,f - �, rcntedic penniued hy d�i�.5ecuriiy In>uum„i�riihom fm�6er nn�iee nr demrnd on Oo�ru�car. y Y :?S 5 i- - �{.'�': <br /> � ' I8. Uorroo�er's RG,hI tu Reinr,inte. If 6unu��cr mcer. ccn�in condiiionn. Boanwrr.hall hare ihe righ� to have :� '���+,i'- _ <br /> . -�''r' : enforecmem uf�his Security In.wumcnl diuominucJ a�anp�imc prior to�he carlicr ol: tal 5 daya(or euch other�ariod ns � ' . <br /> lo �{k �)�-.-� '. <br /> .. . S�ngkf�md� .PJ�\la�}'redJkfiaeC\II'OR111�tiiHl]IIVf-Pmfrm�G+enam. 9.90 rry�Rrf.(nNqo� -.�. t.� •.�;�' <br /> ' _ i�°, ��'>'. <br /> . " ',ctt.' _ <br /> - _ ' ' • z <br /> .. - . .� � ." �v� -. .� .,i. ..�''•�� Y"'� n �-:,C,� .0 c'- _ - ,J' - . <br /> - ., . - S�- r . - . <br /> __. '" "' _' " .. -i'.. � . . ..,i.-u - ._ . _ _ " _ .. _ ` s <br /> -. -� - . . . . .. ' '-.. .: �f _,.: � ..r-_,:".. '- - '.:-..._ a.. . -.: ' _' ' <... . <br /> .r�r_.:--_�.i - .- . - . . .. _ . _ . . . . - , <br /> -. -___,- . . <br /> _ - . �_ .�. .. ., 1 _ -. - �'� . i. <br /> .. - ____- _ _-_.— _ -- ((�(t -i.,.__ _-__ - _ -____ _____ " __ ._— _ �.__-_ -_. . _-._ t _xC� —_. _ . <br /> J_ ... . . ..1r 2 } 3' /� � - . — ..� '_ ..(` _. _ — ...--- .. <br /> 1 � ; <br /> L _ . . ,y,' .r 5fi� '�. '• : .r 4. i " ._ . <br /> y . �-M1�� �� t i.t �{5 � '' i �� 5 � �k. <br /> � s. <br /> _ _„a1' e - �'-.-- � 4—_ � i :- _ � <br /> �,y_ . _' , j�� R� -.��- S JJ -. , � . ;' r ' - : <br /> . 5 y�... lr n -� _ � y � i . ` -_- <br /> — ''� . Y. � �.4�•� - �J o- . . _ .ii. <br /> _._ -- c - �, - _ -_ � <br /> — ° �tl 1__ . 3 . . . i ' : . <br /> =� . I�.�i R - f+ � � <br /> . . , t' }�' �` _ _ i-� <br /> `ua �y_i���,�,. �f�}- ti . ' . _ nt?� _ � . <br /> a 4$' Ilii'^�' -"a2 ! t � . 1 <br /> - .�3� t j� _ __ . � f_. I� sj.• y� t �L � '. . " <br /> +^ � � ! ' It, s ..l '� -} ♦ ' � ui I iy , . .. <br /> - �' . � -rz . e . <br /> - '� t _ � �" - t' `. ' r� _ '' - � � <br /> - �'-+" �.r...:�.c. ..:i.�i;�. s . � . -: � � 2 j _: � .;�, 7 _ <br /> i t ' <br /> �_.w.�`� -��.,.�.�...�:.�. l.trY` _ . _;. _ .-.: . 7.�.'°r�._ .-..:_-.2 _.. ;_� . :.. T - - .. <br />