ryec..,�'tc.`:r�.,r�:.-.•:rn:�•:=rz:r -;:r .. _. . _ ._ . . . . . _ _
<br /> ;r-C{�!-.;. G . _ . - � _ ' ' 4.
<br /> _ y
<br /> .;i � .." '; . .., .; . `__
<br /> . �
<br /> ..�� ._ , ... .. . . ..._.
<br /> ..��I�� ,- . - - G.. :���.��� �•�Y' _ ....�,....�.�..�.__�__'_._�.�..ir��-_ - _. _ •tz;ef m:
<br /> ��I<C`.vl�i:.�l�.r.�ir..� . , ��� ���f���Q
<br /> —-_ ` �
<br /> �, p.;,���r�e��a,����r.�,if a��tnsur�nce wv�('ut.tb��mwntaud far tAe� �
<br /> ��i� tdt Ir�d�ee ragtiies}Provided by m imiuer�ppraved by L+eadcc�Dr.somes ax�il�Hi�and is oDtai�.Boreosre�aaaiit Qag
<br /> = t�e F�cm��tise��o�n aaatgaae iauu�r�ee in effecC,.cc t�r�rar�ide��tuss��sc�e.ue�ti[tlt�cs�uinrno�t formorty�e
<br /> � nmasaor mds i�aococsi�ooe witb any aniven ag�+eeme�6el�veea,BorrawAr and ItadNr or appiicaDle tav�:
<br /> - !.L�peetlo�.icodec a i�s agast�y mak�r�sauafff�mtraca�u�xart and inspca'sons oF tM Prepert�r.teadec s�give
<br /> ` Sormw�r notjce at Id�e L'u�se oi�prior w an iusp��I:�t+�t+es►�anable wuse far t8e iaspactiolt
<br /> ��CooAmn�.Tbe pmc�als of wy avwatd ar duiim far,dbmngcs.diarrt or aonsa�ucatia�. ia cc�rtnaetian with aay .
<br /> — eoodeau�tion or otlxr taking of a�y put of the Propecty.ar far cenueyarrcc isr teeu of con�3�motioe.a�Rcocby�igned sad
<br /> - - atst!!be pa�to E.ader., �,
<br /> -- -_ 'ta th cveat of r tof�l�ng of the Pr6petty.tbe pmaoeas sBYU;L e a�y,slprd er t!x�ems s�cun�Q ap tt�is S�avrity insaua�em.
<br /> �wbether ar oat tLee due.witti any eacess paid to Bomfwe�.. fa the cucnr:of u p�tinl t�lcing of ths Fropccty ia wt�ch the t�ir
<br />-��%f`�. rt�ric�v�;ue af @rc Propert�►Immediatety before tt�taicing is er�CUti trr oe gsraGer th�sur the amaunt of ti�e suass seeuse�Dy this
<br /> :;;'`'e � Sacupry instzcment iaunedis�efy before thc t�tcing.unIess Botrna�raa�Ind Lend��c otl�crwise�gree in vvritirmg.tlse sua�s socurad b�i
<br /> � this Secutit� Lt�sfinl!6e ceducsd bg tB�amA�a6 t�a pro�mutt�plied by tbe fulkawing fr�ctian:Ca)the taql
<br /> amotcat of tite sums secured inuncdiazety befoce tite taitiag„di'vi�fi.�66(bT ti��:f�is aautcet vaTue of t�e Property im�no�dt�oe[y
<br /> ,' r befocr tlse tahin�A�°bniaa�shall 6e�id ta Borra�xe�: fm tlie cucrtC oE a p�tiaE taking of t1�ee PmQetty in vrhk�s t�e bir
<br /> `�• marlcu vatue oF the Pt�pe�t�F immediateig befoce the Cakiag i�Irsst�nm tfie aa�ouat of t3re swns sesvred innnzd'raWg befon tLe
<br /> . HioiaB,uaTess Bamawrr an��der atie�wise agree in writiag 4c nnI�s�ap�slicali�G�w ads�c+ri�pcoKides,the peooe�ds sts�!!
<br /> �` be appliad ta�t6e suma serusa€isy this Security Iast�ment wlsether aII u�nt t8e�are dten due
<br /> tf the Binpe�t�is a6aadaaed 6y Hurrower,or if.after natice 6��Lcnd'ec hr Bbrruwec that ti�e oondemnor offsas W maice aa.
<br /> awand ar seMie a claias tor da�ages, Borrower fails to�espand.w�Fercder.widaia 3fl days aftec t5e date the aotice is givea.
<br /> - Isnder is utt�ariz�ta ooIIect and appiy the prooeeds,at its agcou�.eitl�cc tfl�cestura[ion ac repair o€the Ptnperty nr W tlie sums• -�
<br /> �r.�• ��(s�tStis Saeurit�Iastn�t,evffiether or nat the�s d�te. . ' ' "; : _--'"
<br />- "- Uniess t,eader az�Barrower ot�cwise agree in writia�.��� ap�i�iod of praQOeds ta p�ncipal sh�ll nat exlc�i:o�' _-_-
<br /> . . ._... postpone the Qae date of ttse aromhly�Sayments rtferr�to in paragsa�fia D an�T or.�rge the amaant of such payments. ' _
<br /> � Il.BasroWer Nut�eleased;Faa�6nrwcs Bg j,md�Noi����ec Exu'msiaa o€ti�ti3ne far payrneat or modifiratiou, —
<br /> :;,.�:; . _ of aAwrtizataan of the sums seeused by t�is Securi�tnsaucnenc gcaatedlbg L.ead��r�aQy s�coessor in inter�t of Borcower shall ;�-1�:-_
<br /> . - not aper�te to cetease the fiaM'iity of t�e ariginal Borrower or Bormwcn'a s�essors"r�int�st.Leadec sUall nat 6e requi:ed m - :� '_.--,.°
<br /> ._ , e ,
<br /> . ._:S.S.`-r 91.1r:�.
<br /> � , ��•:'f` oamaxnce roceedi s nst aay sa�essor in interest or refuse ta exteitd tirtre far paysr�t or atherwise modify amort'uadon = �=";=.
<br /> . r•'•.-_r .: � of the sums secx�red b�is Insuument rcason of att . dcmurtd�.rt�s:'4:.by ds�e ori inal Boaower or Bortower's � `_f.°.t"�=`�'`'`.!
<br /> ' '-�c`` SecuritY hY Y S Y�-.=.:,�
<br /> , 's..s�.' . �_
<br /> � -. ;.�,`; succes,wrs in iaterest. Axs:foibearance by Lender in exeraising acty righG ar���x shall not be a waiver of o:preslude the °;�Y+�, �--r —
<br /> �-<;��,� exencise of any right�r��y. . . �'- � , t�� _
<br /> " � 12.:m�a�tssorg�Asfgtts l�u�nd .Toint aad Sevesat��i![c�,�ers. '£�=�'renants and agreements af th�s. � �;��`�`��� _
<br /> � ,�-��_
<br /> :`.'��i _'I��_:>,-
<br /> . � : �� •'�:��, Security L'��si,'YUrie�t s�a:hind and benefit the s�ccessors and as�igits oE Lender and Bi:�,h.�r, subject to the pmvisioas ot�,�''
<br /> ����� L ���.4�_��t.
<br /> `�'°r::� ,���w� Paiagraph 17. Borr:��'g covenants and agreear�.ais shall be jaint and+seve�b. Any �ar�er who co-signs this 5asurity :. .. ;;��f,,. ,,,,-
<br /> , .., --�r'�=. . Instrument but does.��Y���eute the Note: (a3 is�:�%�ing this Security.I��r��•anty to mortgage:.��and convey that • '..�',��:'`.�.`•'-
<br /> •�� �� f`:;�--
<br /> � �.;,-r,�:y�c�.: , Borrower's interest in i�e�perty under the te���F,this Securiry Inst�umeau:i[f;a 7s rtnt persanaally o�i;��d to pay the sums •�. � ._
<br /> -�T 4.���k��t:�. _r
<br /> " , � �'' �;�":,;�,, . secnred by this Security:n�-urnent:��(c)ag��at Lender and any other E'�rsa�aer tr.ag�ee to extertd.modify.forDear or : . •�� -�--.
<br /> . "•�';`:' make aury acco m m o dati�os w h h n�ar�as i he te�rs o f t his S e cu r ity instcument.or•t�e Note n:�h o u t t h a t B orrower's co n s e n� �. ��"
<br /> �='�: ' . ,,�"r�,.K
<br /> . 13.Loan Chatg�.�::the toan se,cured�,�tis Security Instrumen[•i��.sut��;�ur t.�a la7v g:hich sets ma�eimum loa»charges. . t, � ,;:::.t'.�'
<br /> '`���`�' • �+_ � and that taw is fiaal[4 ��^�. reted sa that the in:�at or other loan chur�c9 ca�ass.b or to be callected in connection arith the
<br /> 4''J r '� +' . . � .
<br /> ` ` ` ��°'�- loan eacecd the perm��r�;3l:mits.then: (a)any sacts loan charse sha116e recbr�a:�G��tfle amoant necessary ta rr.auce the charge = f�'�-
<br /> ' ' ,, �• to the pp�a�ed limic�and(b)any s,;rds already collecicd from Barrawec whiCh excee�ted�ermltted limits will bc refuoded ta . Sr.�^,t' � `_.
<br />`.�'�_.,• .. ' ' �..��� � ,';��i�f,�,.;.,._
<br /> Borrawer. �u'`r cmu ehaose to�wlic:�this retl�nd by reducing the prineipal nwed�under the Note ar by mnlcing.a d:r�.et �r:j..!�-,
<br /> • . <'7�+�;tl:;��-,y4i#:'_-.
<br /> ` . �. ,� �, �_� ' . payment to Borma•er. If a refund s�.:stces principal. the reduction wtlU��e trqteel�as a purtial Pr�al�r.:ent wa�:��:x �rsy ; ' _ , ,:; Fy=
<br /> ` ��. - prepayment charge anaec,�e Note. • . r, .,,
<br /> ,�, � ' ..
<br /> � .. . 14.Nofkes.Any �;ixcc to Borrower prov"s�:ed•for in�his Securiry lnslturcrvr!:�hulU h$given by detis�y.�it or by maiting �•'
<br /> ' ` Y�=z��.-� it by first ciass mail u�ie�5 applicabte�aw requires use of another methad.'fhe nefee shull h,e dircrted to thc Property Address � � �
<br />' . " ` �=?'`� � or any other address Bcrawcr de�:�tes by notice to Lcndcr. Any rmticc to Lcrtdcr sttnll he given by frest ds�ss mail to '. ' '�.��'
<br /> a � � �± Lcnder's address statec!�t�ein or a1} otfier address L.cndcr designates by noticc ta Barmwer. Any notice provided far in this � . . '````!j��=��
<br /> ..�t•.::•';� � ,»�>;,..,+:
<br /> �,� .;; '•"�� . Security/nstrument st��6lae deemed to have been givcn to Borrowcr or Lcndr.s*whcmgiven as pravidc�in this pnragraph. ,
<br /> • . ` ` � �.' 15.Governing�a�Sevtrabfftty. '['his Sc�cu�ity Inctrument shatt�be gar�rnut by fedcraf Ia��and thc law of the r � :: .:
<br /> �;," ' : :. ` ..
<br /> � ,� jurlsdlction in which afce Praperty is located. In the evenl that any pmvision:un cluuse of ct�is Security Lnsbument or the Noie
<br /> oonfliets with a plicable law,such canflict shall�nat affcct Mhcr rovisions of thiK 5cettrit Ln�t�men!or the Netc whids c�rs be � � � '' �`i�E';�-��-.'�:
<br /> . '.,�� � , P P ?" - ;�,,:.,�. ��; . .
<br /> �. . • givcn effect wlthout the conflicting provision.To this cnd thc pravi�ionc nf thi�,5ccurity.ln�tniment artd�he Notc;ar�deetared � ''��:��-=��
<br /> � ' to bc scwcrablc. �
<br /> • " . 16.Borrower'e Copy.Bnrrower shbll be given ane cnnformal copy�►f tl�e Nu�e ambuf�thi!.Security I►tstrument. , '
<br /> ' , � . Fom►302s 8190 .
<br /> .. , , i
<br /> - . . � .. Va4o d r.}A
<br /> ' , . I I
<br /> . t
<br /> . �. r
<br /> - . � R I i. ...t' . • . . . , _ .
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<br /> ' r� : .
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