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<br /> _�� t. . , . . �.. � . 9i-- ios5��
<br /> :_, . • .�.H.aed�e Pr�a�eec� r,atc�aae:. Boc�+awer�n1I tr��Le iuqrove�miw existiqg or 6«�sRar aaxea oo tha
<br /> � ' F�pcts.y iasurad apinst loas by�ir�stda inci�ed.cvilisiu the term't�meode�oovttagt'aad a�r other Iwuds.i�cludin6
<br /> QoadB;tfc tloo��,foc�hich Iindcs roq,uire�instua�,Tltis ina��ahal�be uai�ina!in the amouats a�for tbe geaiods
<br /> _ tttr�:�ae�e�t�s-7bc insun�ce c�rlcx�pmv�id��tfie insura�st�il be chasren by Bnnoar�sub�aa to Lende�s�raval
<br /> - wbidL s�a11`ixatc bc:uarasaoabty.withfeelQ: 1f Bnrrawer fa�7s tn mai�in ooveraga aescn'6ed aboYe,1.endcr auy.at Isnder's
<br /> t�ptiafT..�d+is.t;�veragt w p�ated t�uder's rlghts ia the Property m aoaocdamx with pang�b�.
<br /> � • �Cll i:�.�++M`poticies aod tene9vals site33 he�wep�le m L�ndct aacl shiil includ�c a�zd�moatg�clsase. L�da
<br /> '`stmit Bavc thc tight to 6oW t6�c patici�emd re�nevvats.If t.�der requires,Bonoser sEaU P��Y Sive to Lsnder all ra�eipts of
<br /> �i_- -� pai3 pt+eaoiutna t�nd`.i�newal nort&aes.6t ih�evt�nt af toss.Bor�vrts s5atf gisre p�ompc notice to tl�e ia�susace ca.rr6er a�taoder.
<br /> Lender mry mgkc proof of Iaa�if nat m�dc pmmptiy by Bormwu .
<br /> Uniess[�er and Bart»wtt atbttwls�ag�oe in eniting.iaauaa�e proccedg sh�ll Dt aQplie�w restnr�ion ar�iepair of d�
<br />-_- — pro4e�t}�dun�cd*if the rcstar�tiort ot.�rair is cconomicalty fasibtc and Lender's 5ectirisy is nQt frssened.if dic t+estaratiare ar
<br />_,•�', repaIr is nat erommicaiTy fcuibfa cu�i�ndePs soairiry would be IessesKQ.the iasivancc pcncaods stu11 be aFpliaa to the aums
<br />°-=--t ' secuted by thL4 SQCariry tnstro�.w�l�shcr ar not then dvc.with na�csccss pai�to Bortower. if Borrower s�ti�ndons the
<br />_._:# ptupeRY•os does not a�urvcs withitt 3(3 days a aolit�koto Landct th�t thc�rtsurar�c�rier t�as affeied to set�le acf�im.t�e�
<br /> L+�Gct c�ay coilart tha inwtaace proceods. l�cMcr m�yy usc the proreeds to rcpair or�tare tHe�m�ect� oc Gs pag suma
<br /> � � socurod by this Sxarity Instnt�tt�stt.whcther or not then duc.The 3U-duy periad wiit 6egin when�tic noticc is given:
<br /> �', Unkss Lendcr anA fk►rmi�cr�atl�ise agsaee in writi�ag.aay appticatiun of praceeds co prFi�ipa6 sbalY�rot e�end or
<br />: . , post�a�the due ctAta of the mcmihiY paYments refpmod ta in pnrogr�pd��and Z or change tltcc artxwat o�the�xiyments. iP
<br /> . ,;� _ uUdCr}EAia�riyth 27 1hC Pm71Ctt�-�a eCqulted by Letldec.BotTOwec�s Ci�fC O�T dfi�C ine:iran.�n QpliCies.and p[v¢1�ds teSUlliOg ftom
<br /> � �'�" d�ge ta the Pra}�etty priar to tha aoquisitiaa shall pass tu Exader to the ext�nt of t�e suma secu�ed 6g t6is Security Insunn�eat
<br />_ ' _ iiamodiatciy priorto the acc�ptsiqan.
<br /> . � ' 6�Ooaip�ncg,PtrAttvatttqt�Maintmaece artd Ptotae�a�the Ptopaty:Borrowee'g f:o�n Appifcstlae:Leasdiaidr.
<br /> Bomawer sh�ll accupy,cst�t►ltsi�,and use the Propeny as Borrawer's principal�esidence aitdin sixty days after the excxution aE
<br /> - this So¢utity taalmmta�t�and aitall continue to o�py the Property as Bormwcr's priadpa[residcnce for ai least ane ypr a�' _
<br /> tt►e datc of oa�ijwncy..unless Lender oMezwise agrees in writing,ahich canscnt shail not tre unn�.san�bty withheld.or untess —�
<br /> ` �tcnuating ciraimstsnots exist which are t�eyond Borrower's cantrol. Bo�rower,shall aet destaoy, damage or impair the �..�
<br /> � Ptaperty,a11ow itia•Ptapetty to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Praperty. Borrower shall be in default if amf forfeiture �:_�.�
<br /> ` ' `,. �ttpn o��ipaaptting,�vheth�r civil or criminal, is hegun that in Lender's gaod faith judgrnent cauld cesult in forfeiture af the � -°
<br /> ', . gne
<br /> • `'-, .''. ` i'h►�:oT i►tlistwtse materlully impair We lien crzated 6y this Security Instmroent or lxnder's sccurity intetest.$arrower may �-�,
<br /> - z+: • �r o s u r fi�a d e f a u l t a a d r e i n s W i c,as pcavided in�a r a g f a ph 18,b y causin g the actlon or proe;cedin g to be dismissed with a mlin g �_�`�'
<br /> ` �� �'��'-' �, in Leader's goad faitb detenninatian, Precludcs forfeiture oi the Borrawer's interest in the Property or ather materia] ��-
<br /> . �t��F�f impairment af the lien cre�ed by this Serarity instrument or Leader's security interest.Borruwer shall alsa be in default if i"`�~
<br /> � Borrower.during the loan application ptocess.gave mzterialty false or inaccurate information or suttements to ixnder(ar fuiled �p�,,:�
<br /> to provide Lender with atry material infom�atio�)in connectton with the laa�a evidenced by the Note,im�luding,6ut nat Ilmited
<br /> � t 2. '-; � to,representations coneeming Botrower's ncaupancy of the Prvperiy as a pr�ncipal residence.lf this�.^asiry Instrument is on a � �
<br /> - . . �'c�- :_,— 'try �
<br /> _. �`_ .`•�: teasehotd, Barrocrs�sfiall camply arith aq the provisions of the tease, tf Barraaer acquires fee t�.1e to tha Property, tbe t ��.i u•
<br />- �. � ' �'`'�_�, �,. 2ease,"�old and the fee ritle shall not merge unless I.ender agcees to the merger in writing. �:;�=-�
<br /> �':�`��' �Pratectlan of I endca�'s Rights in the Prnperty.If Barmwer fails ta perform the cavenants a�agreements wntained in -
<br /> ' w:'�'`�� : tltis Scca�dty In�tent.ar there is a legal pr:.v�ding that may signific�t�y affect Lender's righrs i�z�e Property(such as a
<br /> . �ti" ... :.�: , ,
<br /> �`;� '.
<br />, ._., _,;;���„ ,'• pracceding in bzat+�.�►tay,prabate, far cander�;�ation ar forfeiture nr to ec��orce laws or regulatIor��n�tiEen Lender may do and
<br /> � �':��:�; pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Pmperty and I.ender's righta in the .. . I.ender's acttons may � �•�`
<br /> �i��h� � � inciude ln an s�ms se�+s+a3�y a iirn which has riari over this Securi ��.tsument, a
<br /> • ���J:.. , PaY S Y P tY tY. ppearing in court. paying .
<br /> -, ='-"K.� �'_' ` seasanable attome}=3'fees an�cat�"sng aa a�e Prope�ty to makc repaiss. Although l.c�wvr crz'zy take actian unde►this Pamgrnph
<br /> , . _ .;�;:;�,_;_ . . 7.Lender dces a�i 3s�ve to da so. , . _
<br /> ;4:��'_�`s.. � , Any amoun't�disburse� �ay I.en�er ust�..°s this para�raph 7 shall becomc adcf��o-�al d�t UE�erower sccured by this t, _
<br /> � '�:• t..` . Scc.urity Instrumea�i. itnlcss Bo�.�awer anw Le�ctrr agrce to other tcrms of payment.�.�tts�amou;�rri s�all bear inte*.est from the <. _
<br /> . ' '�`-`r � ' date of dlabursement at the Nate rate an�' c�ea11 be payabte. with interest. upan n�ic��rolsa�er4er to 8orrmu�requesting �' -
<br /> � -
<br /> . � >..- t . �--
<br /> r`��: :'�����'� p�8n Mortg�ge Ia�auance.Tf Lender r����!mortgage insurance�as�ndition af making s�ae;ca�secured by this Secudty � :
<br />, �t;�<<. i� •r,
<br /> ' �y�',i, '�'�'��=r�. Instrument. Botraa�z�r•�all pay ihe prerrau�s:equired to maintain tha rr�artgago insurunco in e��.. if. for any reasan, the �%
<br /> � `���,'��'r`��:}� � mort e insurance cover e uired b i.endcr la ses or ceases�to be in effect,Rarrower shaU �•iite remiums uirc�l to ' '�
<br /> �. ,�.� , r. 888 a8 �1 Y P f� P �'09
<br /> �• , .. �. ,��'•�.::
<br /> � .. x�z,;'Y,s{'�;;,�; obtaln coverage subs�ansialty eyuivalen�to the mongage insurance previausly in eifect.�!a cast substantialty cquivalen!ta the R;' •. ,� � .F,,:.;�
<br /> � "��'N"��';�ti''�� . cost to Borrawer ot the mortgage insurar.x.previousty in cffcct. f'rom an attemate mortgage insLrer approved by Lend�r. If t �'�' -��````���
<br /> -.±'•., it; jI...�, .,. r'r ...
<br /> , , . ��,�. ; ;�t substantially equivatent mortgago insuranse�c+:�s�crnge is noi bvailable.Borrowcr rhall pay ta LenG:.�i�h month a svm oqual to ' "'''
<br /> , , t. �; . ' one•twelflh of the yearly murtgage insar�e;,���mlum being paid by Borrower when tha lns+scan�:�����rago lapsed ar c�ed td �
<br /> : • ' . � be In effect.Lendet wi11 accept.use and re?�n ihese payments as a locs reserve in lie� cnf ur4:+r•`;�g� �asutancs. Lass reservo �: °
<br /> �,'.
<br /> ':� ' ,.. Fotrn 802a 8/!0
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