_ f__; T- s ��,�. ��' �: . . � t .. `� - w .: - �r,,�
<br /> _ . �.
<br /> ��t:_ < �:.: _ s. _ _ ._
<br /> ��� � � • :� '' � - - - -- i.° .
<br /> �: � _ .`-'� - - _ - _, _ -- _� ___
<br /> r��t�• , ,
<br /> ��>`.`-�� , . - ���w� �'f�/1��N�� . � ,
<br /> _ • . , , < <
<br /> -_ — z T �9.'1'es�de a[Ue Plopnt9 ar a Be�dEcW Iala�/to Ha��s:.IEslt or.a�►Y'P�at of lAc Pcopct[,�.o.rauy i�ia it
<br /> - . is sold at ti�sfened(ar if s bwtficial interest in Botmwet is sokl tm transfcrn�d'and Barmwer is nnt a tq�utrt pctsan)a(�tJfuut
<br /> = I,eoder's priar�vrittar caascat. leoder mry.at its aption. re4�it�iinmodiata Qaymcnt ie fuIt of�ii sums s�a�rtd t�C ttis
<br /> - . 5ewticy Iastn�m�.Ho�wever.t�opioe shaU eot 6e cz�rclsod Isy��iender,if exe�is�is pmhi6ited by fc+drrst hw as ot tilG d�Ge
<br /> of tAis Sawrity[as�aa�t.. ` -
<br /> � � if ireodet exe4sises this option.Lender st�11 give Bam►was t�ii�¢aLt�ett�atian.72rc aatice sttatl psm��Ge�petiad isE`�at
<br /> = ICSS llli[1�O�fTO�t 1��C i�GiG�iCC IS OO}iYCfOd Oi p1i1I0d:HVZItiQ�Y1�I1C�1 BilT�4WEF litll�{19jf 3j)Slttlti SCCittClt IE{t Uf13.
<br /> _ Securtty Iastcaaimt.�f Baetnwer taits ta pry these s�m�prior to thtt�i�ian of this periad.Lend�.K rt�sy�n��akc any r�thodies
<br /> - -__ - pemdtcetl by this Scti,yrity insauresnt aitAout futtUer nutice ur demimd:an.Ba�cr: ;
<br /> - -- 1i. Boerotir���1�.�On Bsirta� If Borrowes meets o�awia.cmxtit�ans, Bnnt►wes st�atl !►a��c tt�e right trr:bave
<br /> eafora�a�eaE of this Saunry fristtws�ent discaatiaued ut any tima��tiar to tha eattisr ui (a)5 d�ys[or ss�sh other peti"t�as
<br /> �ppGcabk laa aiaY specify for n•�nctnter�nt)befofi sale ot IhEt:FtAjh�iy PuR+uwlt to suly powei o!Ea1C oQENai�d['�t t111� -
<br /> Sdurty[nsbvroenr or(b)eacry af�judgment enforcing this S�uiiy,Insltament.Thase conditions ar�tbs7 Bomow�:(�);�ys .`
<br /> men
<br /> � iendrr all sams whicU tM►would be due ander this Security Instiument and the Note sts If no accetsraaian h�d ocourrt�;(b)
<br /> ca�auy def�olt of any aher aoveaaars or agceen�ents: (c)PzYfi:xll:e�S�en.ses incamed in enforang thit Secerity.Insdni�nt,
<br /> � `ra incIud'mg,6ut mt limited ta►,tnsan�ble atwmeys'f�s;aad(dl�tck'tts�suctt acctaa as I�end�r may reasatu�b:y rcqwrc t��su�
<br /> - tl�t tbe ltea of Wis Seauity Insttument,Iendcr's dgbts in the Pnq�erty ead Barmwer s abiigar_oa to pay tt�e sums see+►mf by
<br /> ` ` t6is Saa�:ity insuumau sdall ootninue axfiangcd. Upon cei�ttCment hy Bcitmwer, this Secarit}- l�hnn�tnt a�,tAe
<br /> � t r obligations se�ned heceby�sGaIl remaia fully effedive as if ufl ao��ratian had aavcred.�ianretirer,this:ngtct ta triauat�sball
<br /> , not appty in t6e c�e of acaetaazian under paragraph 17. � `.
<br /> ` 1!Site o[Not�C6aoge ot'La�A Sa�ioa: Tde Note ar:a.pactial imctest in ttte N�ce (tog�thcr with this S.duicy
<br /> � �- Ia�nt)may be sold one or moce times aritliout prior notice td�Hbmaw�r..A sale may result in a changia it►thr c�tit�r( .kirown �
<br /> � � ?_•� as the'Loaa S�avicer')tt�at coUects monWY PaS+ments due undertfle Nate and thix Secunty Inst�umeat..7't►Ere atso rm�gr tie one ----
<br /> "�T � or mon cbanges of the Loan 5ervilcer unrel�d to a sate of the Ntua..If there is a change of the Laan 5eivinr,r.Borrovrtr�2tT 6e ' Mg
<br /> - - - Bn+m wriuen nauae of the ch�nSe in accordan�e with pardg�aph 1�iaUova aad applicabte law.The notice vr;U state ttie r�and �.'.r�.
<br /> . _'`'�� addiess of We new Loan Servicer and the address to whicd payn�nts�s�iaatd he made.The notice wi}1 aiso comain an at6er s"'-�=
<br /> t f Y : .��:_--
<br /> � - infom�ation reqaised by applicable law. ' � i-=-
<br /> � 20.Hazudo�s Subsmnoes.Borrower sha11 not cause or p�mit�ttie p�esencc. use. disp�osa2. sto�xgc,or retease o�a�► �
<br /> �e� Harardous Sabgances on ur in the Pmpeity. Sorrower sdall un1�db..nar allow aayone eise to do, a�ythia8 affectin�the �-�
<br /> t�.�.-
<br /> ' �' �-.'��� Property d�at is in violatiaa of aay Emritonn�eatal Laa_'Che p�diag two seniemees shali rtot apply td Ih�pteser�oe,u5i�or �
<br /> � �j�` ' _ L,t _ � s t o t a g e o a t h e P r o p e r t y o f s r n a U q u an t i t i e s o f H a T a r d o u s S u b s t�t n r�s t h a t a re g e u e r a l[y c e c o g n i z e d t o 6 e a p q p r o p r i a t e t o�c a�m a l '�' 4,�_
<br /> maintenmtce of tha Pm � . ���-�_
<br /> . residenti�l us�es and ta P�Y• . ° _ '"
<br /> - ' ' � • Bormwer.�aall pmmpdy give Lender written notice of any:i�n��tigmtan.ctuim,demand, iawsuil ot alher astion bp;any �:��_�-,�-—
<br /> •�3. �;_�'i �, govemroentat pc i�Watory aSency or private party involving the Fno�erty,and arty Hswnrdaus Suhstance ar Envimnmcr,tal; -�.
<br /> �' of�rhicb 8on�aer has actual 1mowIedge.If Samower teams,oris c�stiflad by any govemmerttat or regul�lary aat�xsriaq;;that '��.�--��,'�:1°!'�
<br /> �;. .,;=;, .. rn ,
<br /> . any removal orather remediation ofarry HaraMous Substanc�e affe��rrg ttie Froperty is necessacy.Soma��r�l�.alA pro�npt1y;taYe :;'�=:�"y�
<br /> • ��_. all neces.cary�lial actioA.s in accocdance with Enviromnentai�[fa0.:. , : _ �._�` :'-
<br /> � �« ' As�se�in�.�tis parraagraph 20, "Huacdous Substanccs"a��t�a��tbstancas define<t as�r�ot h�rardov�substa�C-s? ' �jV�'�_-��`.
<br /> r,.
<br /> � T�•;�.i Environn�:'�Caw and the following Gubstances: gasoline, keiiweae. attier flammabte cc r���: QCZT��C3III1�f70dL'C�,Sy:'Ca:•il� ','!`'�'':-
<br /> . w
<br /> , - pe.tticides and�erbicides,s,�latile solvent's,materials containing a�e�ar far�taL3��:yde,and r�'.ioactia�e materia�s.As escv:t:� ''.``;''";�;,-�
<br /> - . _�r� :., �k -�� �IUS paragraph?A, 'Eauiurn�enta! Law" means foderal laws andt luws a�the ya.�*-.�ctiun whcre the Ptapetty is IorateQ ahat `. ,`..; _�_—:
<br /> . �. relate to health,safety cs a��sanmental pratection. •,-. .;.. �,; .-. `',���
<br /> � NON-UMFORM�tsY'�'r.NAN'CS•Borrower and Lender furtNer cavenIICtt aud a 8S fAllAwS: •' �:�''?�
<br /> , • . �� �� :: �" --
<br /> ��. . ZI.Aa�tlon;Remedies.I.ender slwll give nodce to Bin�Rer p�iar to aoceleration toltowittg 8omnwer's hi� ,' ��-�T
<br /> . , ut s►oy caie�t or s�etm�t in ihis Security Instrumeat (Nwi �at pnior to aaceleration �mderp p!� 17 uzy� � � d-_�:=
<br /> - appUQ6�e F�,�mWdes Mherwise).The noHce sha11 s{recify: (ttl�R�e ddauft,(b)the adion requlred to cv�re tt�e t3�faEril; • ! .�
<br /> ,.�: • �-' ' (c)a date,not�esv t6an 30 da ys fmm ti�e date t6e notice is pic�+4o�Bnmow•er,by which the defau]f mu�be aurtx�;and . . ' , ' ,�s
<br />:�,',.`�� ''�•'-�:` - . (�that faUt�t+e to cnre tF�e detault an or befom the date spaelf�l:ln.ttw nottae mAy resvlt ia p o o�t�'�o f t he r�vms
<br />'=;;c " ' . . secm�ed by.�Se�vrrt�Timstsument uid sale ot the Property: iT�t�e nattse sfwp further inform Borr�K�ax�a4'the�tght to � � , `:=:-
<br /> �•;;%; ' ;� 4r: - e+einstate s�.�aoeler��au and the r�'at to bring a court pet[d�e Go�a�t tho non-exlst�of a detan.� qt atry'c�r2r , ��,
<br /> defense a�`Il'i�r�res ta s�cceleratioa amc�sale. It t6e defpWt is aot�cut+ed on or before tLm d:�e.�ecified in the�c�a�ic�:. � �"'�'�� "a
<br /> °C. t � �,.�?. t_�,
<br /> •• ,. ,�,:�,��j:��,<<` I.�dec,y�i��tion,�sav require immedtate paymeat in(ailiaf�allisams soca�d by t��riiy Ir�rnt'�t��- , . �.�+,�tr,�,
<br /> r:.. �•i���r'. .: f.�riher de�rsid aad�rr Tixsvoke tde power of w�te and arry atN�n+�emedics permltted by a�-rJair�le f sw. drt s�aT!�re �;j;4� . ; ',
<br /> � .�,�+'�� •'.. • �3tted to e��'�leet a(1�incurred in pursul�c�e remedlis pmvid�d in�Ss parag�rap6 Zl.includ�►t��r,t EcnsTted ,�i;, . �
<br /> � tha�r�leattorney�':'�s and oosts ot title e��l� ,� °,:"`
<br />`.,;..;� ."'�", . •: ,' Trnstee sball record a uattrc+at drfuult in each county in afiitl�s�paef oft�he '-
<br /> �;;;;, . ..�:�• . It�ie 1Power ot sate Ls invoked,
<br /> .~`''� - � �iacated and sh�ll mail co ies ot svch notlee in th�aumnnrr rescribed b applicable I��v to Borrawtx�to � � �
<br /> ``,- �-�,�...;' .• • �P�Y' D P Y � �• . . ...
<br />':-'.; -� �►.. . ' 't5�1e other peesons prescribed by appika6le law.After the tim�o�qalt+ed 6y appllwble law.Trusfee s�11 gire publie natic� , .
<br />;". ��`: * � ' u�sde to tLe persons and in tf�e mannes prescribed by Applliab9v Ww.Tniste�wllhout dcmand an Bonawer.t�ll sell t • .
<br /> � . � .' ��'�� ' ` • t�e prope.iy�t pnblk�action to the hlphest bldder al the tim�and�pl�oe and under Ihe te�ms desfg�Red in t6e notke ot � � '
<br /> �� � . . :. ' sak in oae or more par�cels and ia any order Tn�stee determines.Tnutee may postpone sate of�Il ar auypstroet e4 the ; . `
<br />;r•,, ,
<br /> �.,r, .:��� . ' _:.. .
<br /> pt+�perty f¢w pu6lic aanouncement at the time and place af�aay p�evtuusty scheduled sa:Gr: t.enatt arr its desl�nee►srr�y �
<br /> � . ' purr6�r i�ht�operty s�t Any sa1e. ;. �,s 2' '!, .
<br /> , . � ���;;.:_ .
<br /> - � ., .
<br /> • ' � �orrn802�S�st3
<br /> . vopo 5 or 9 i , .� ,
<br /> • �
<br /> « . � .. _ - . . . _ - .. ' . - . . , . � .. � ..- . . . �
<br /> _:__�._... _,_�._.=r_.�.r r:.._"" ' "'_'_._".._.__ .. _ _ .._. _._. . .-.... . . .._. ... _.. .. _ . . . . . _ .. . . . _ -'_ ... _. _._ .. . . � .... . ._
<br /> ..
<br /> ' . � . .. ; . '. . _
<br /> .
<br /> . .
<br /> .� , , � �; . . .., . - -, . �
<br /> . , >>..
<br /> . . _
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<br /> . . . , �
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<br /> , , .
<br /> . . . . . .
<br /> . .� . , . :. ..� �. __ _ _
<br /> . . _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _
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<br />