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<br /> ,—� .
<br /> ...�' �""�:-�--�-- —.... . ...--- �---..c_ ,-h':%.° � - - - - �� - --�-- , it'. . - -� - ;:-- . _. --- _
<br /> �- • . _1�' � . Ca. . . _ � , 4�
<br /> ;�_ � . ` V�, - ` . � �
<br /> -�`� ,. -, ,�{ � - . ; : ,. . - ��.. �
<br /> ��= _-=�;�,.�;= ' � _ sl.,r 1Q65�r,� -
<br /> = �Q�fi1�wrtH ali tbe mapR�vammt�ao�v a 6a�aaxea}on the rropaty.,�a au n�mm�, `app�ca,!ind
<br /> = 6xtaies ao�v vr I�rstter: p�t of We'piope�ty. IUl ce�l�ams�anc� additwm s�ll dso 6e omreted 6y.tliis SecaritS►
<br /> - ' . IamaaYat.AIl of d�e fo�egoiag is refemod to ia this Secauity Iast�nmmt as the'PmpeKy.' .
<br /> — — — HORROWER COVENAN'TS t�t Bo�wer is lswfally seisad of.the es�t�et+eby camreyal tind�s the rg�►t ta g�a�d
<br /> -u� rnnyGy�he piaQecty smd that die Ptape�ty is aaenWa�,ea�apt far�eac�unbr�nxs of�ooid. Bmrowar w�nnts aad w�I.
<br /> -_ - �'�S�Y dse tiste to tt�Pnnpesty against aII c�aims and demands.snb}ect to aay rac¢mbrmoes of reco:d. .
<br /> TAIS SECtJRT�Y INSFRLTI�,�IEI�i'P cumb3nes uaifaan wvenant�for national use and noa-aniforin oov�ants with limited
<br /> .va�ions bF jurisdiction ta mnsMute a unifana secarity insbaaamt cove,�ing�pn�pe�ty.
<br /> - -'- tIN�ORM COY@tANTS.Hamowet a�d I,eader cavenant and agtee as folta�
<br /> , �. ot �nd Inte�t;Pe�t7!�ea� and L�e Cha1�s- �a��shalt pmmptiy gay wlrn dae tim —
<br /> - ��":;���:`I`;�.�,-;�� p�5�, p�p� am�F�e dBC under tl�e Nate.
<br /> � ..: ;, :�of�nd interest on tbe de6t evidenoed by tt�e N�i afld aaY F�Y�� �
<br /> `�L:.-.C'�`.IGi. ":`.. . ..
<br /> ---_- —_�'� ;••_':�.Fuads[ar Taas ta�Im�Subjact to arppIicabte taxr ac to a writGen asa�ve€6y I:eader,BorraWer�a]!PaY co ' —
<br />_��-�.�s .si � `�;.�t�.iaii�an tlye daY�YF��a:e dac emdrr t�e l�ias�,wrn7 the Note is paid in f sli,a sum('Funds')for:(a}yearly taxes —
<br /> =�;�.Fs,. aii��s�a*s whidl may att�in griotit�F aver this Saurity lnstmmeat as a lito oa the Pmpe:ty,(b)Y�ariy Iwsefiatd paym�
<br /> :;;,�`:' � '` or��s ar�tHe Praperty.if anY:(c)Y�arIY�ar pnape�ty insurance Premiwns;(dl Ye�fy'ftoad ituurano�p�emiums.
<br />' • � if aaY;(e?Y�Y mortgage iasar�na�pseminmg,if any:ana(fl aay auns payable 6y Bomower ta t.eoder. in aoconl�soe a►iM
<br /> < • d�e piovisioas of pangriph S,in iieu of We payment of martgage insurance premiums.77�esc itans are calteQ'Escruw Itans.' -
<br /> I�der n�y,at any.time.'oollea a�W bald Fuads jn an amount aot to exceea tBe m�xinwnt�ouQt a Iadcr for a fedeially
<br /> . �1�ad martgage loan may require for Boccuwer's escrow account nnder the foderal Rral E.�tate Setttement Pro��dute�AcE ot ___
<br /> , -x`_•� l474 as�r�rnded it+am Na�e to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 e�seq.('RESPA'1.untcss ariottKr law NtaE applies to the Fuads �
<br /> ae
<br /> . . . `' seta a lesser amount.If so. t.cnder�y,m any time,coilect arid hold Funds in an amount not to excced the tesser�mnuat. _
<br /> � leader may estim�te the amatat of Funds due on the basis of current data sed rrasonable estimates of c�ype�rdiNtes of futun ��___
<br /> : Fscraw Iteau or dhenvise ia accordaace witti�pplicable law. ��-_ -
<br /> � The.Fu�ds adall be held io an iastiNtIon whose depasits arc insuied 6y a Pederal agency, iasuuaientafity.or eatity =__-=
<br /> . � - (incindiag,L�es�der.if Leadcr is such aa iastitutian)or in any Fedetal Hame l.oan B�ilc.l.ender shall appty the Funds ta pay the ._..°r��=
<br /> �t�.2,. • F.scrow Items.L�der may not chaege Bortov�rer far latding aad applying the FuMs.annually anat;uing tbe escraw aaoount.or ':�;�_�
<br /> " . verifying tl�e P•scrow Itema.un�es.g l�endes pays Bormwer imtecest on the Fundq and applicabte law pem�its L.ender to malce such ti�:�"Y,
<br /> . .: � :: te , . �.,_,.
<br /> . c '' a charge.Haweuer.l.erder,aoay.requite Bornawer.to pay a oae-time charge for an independeat real estate tax reporting sen�ice .:�;;.,.
<br /> . , r.� . ..:;x,:ti. ,. .M.." .-,.;:;_
<br /> ,. Y;'�; asod b y i.e�der in connectioa veith this luan, unL4ss aPpliqble law provides atherwise. Unless an agrcxment is made or . , .�
<br />• . ... _ _'�(,¢'. . ' ����w reqaims interest ta be pai�d,l�ndsr sf�all not be cequired to pay Bormwer any interest or earnings on t h e F u n d s. . - :, . __
<br /> :.t_• . -
<br /> . =;,'�'�� :'';���� Bortower amd Lendec may agree ir�writia�,�owevcr,tbat interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lcadcr shall give to Bar��ea ._;��-�
<br />