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v„ r � ;z,��+w� � _, . i 11; �_' <br /> a " <br /> r-x� .A1 t 4 . i -:�/��C - - o� < y . <br /> a'. s - � iC�' ..... ..�� r. __� <br /> : ,. • <br /> .,_ .u.xL....c.zi_,_..� - L.a - • �--'-J' _. <br /> � ...�.. '"".�........ .v.+•- ._- . <br /> � � 93= �o�s.�fi <br /> -- perlods iha�Lender nqulrce. Tho Inxurancc carticr pmyldlns�ho insurance ehall Ix chosen by Qartowce tubJccl lo I.enAu! <br /> ---� approval whlch rliall not bc unrca:innnAly wUhheld. If flnrtnwcr fnll.a m mnininin cnvcngc dc.cdbcd n(m��c,i.cndrr may,nt <br /> _ __ Lender§optlon,obtaN coveraao to proiect LeaderM rlg�i�E(n�ho Pro�cny in accaninnco wlih parngnph 9. <br /> .--�� All Inwmnca policlos end nnewuls shnll M acce{itnUfo tn I.ender nnd slmll InclnAo n s�andnrd mongage clause. l.ender <br />_._.��,:,,� shallhave�hodghtw6oht�6apolicicennArcnex�als. 1fd:endernrtynlrce,Unmo��•erehallprompiiygivetol.enAcrallrtcclpte <br />-_Zh;__� of paid prcmiums and rcnnwal naiccs. In thc crcnt oi�lnss,Onrrmvcr shall givc prompt na�icc to iho insunnca carticr nnd —� <br /> -= Lendcr. Lendcr mny mnf�e pmvif of lus�if not mado prompdy hy 1lormn�ta <br /> �_::';,q_`?'� Unless Lendu�and 6nrtower oihenvise ngree in ti«iling,fnxuranee pmcade Ehnll be epplied ia mtiror+tlon or repalr oP <br /> --� - �ha Propcny damn�ed, if�he msmr�iion or rcpoir le ecnnomfcnlly feasl�le and I.enAcrt sscud�y ia na Ieucned. �f�he ' -�-`-�-�- <br /> -'��, � resror�8on ot mpam is nnt•crnnnmlcalty fca+iblc or pcnAcrk Eccurlly�vnulA Ix laacncd,ihc insuroncs prcrccd�shnll be <br /> �.".���:1,�. applled to the snme secured by �his Security Ins�mmem; whnheror nnt then dne, whh nny eaces�paid�o Rorrower. If <br />_ :-�,,,...-,-•-� Dortowcr nbanAnna�Im Propcny,or dces not ans�ecr a•ithin 30 dayx a no�lcc fmin Lcndcr Ihat iAc insurancc carricr hm <br />- - -- =>� offemd�o se10u n claim,then Lender m.ry collcci d�v inxumnce proccede. LcnAcr may use ihe praecds m rcpair or rcswre <br />-- ,�,.:�;,�� �he PropeRy or to pay sams sccurcd by�his Sewri�y Inxmimem,whe�hcr or no�ihcn duc. 71tc 30-day perio�wlll begin when <br /> - the noiice Is givcn, <br /> .� ��� �;- UnNss Lsndcr anA I3ortowcr othcrnisc agrco in wriling,any nppllrn�Ion of prnccede lo principal shall not cx�cnd or `_� -�-- - -�- <br /> ,�.n postpone dm dno dnm of�he momhly paymems rek�reA io in pangrepl�s I nnd 2 or chnnge the omant of�ho payment+. If <br /> {.;:;,.:�.e under pnmpfaph 21 O�o Ropeny is acquircd 6y Lender, Ilnrtnwerk righi �o any insumnce policie�nnd proceede«suhing <br />`�-�,[;;>, -��._ from dmm�pe m�he Rapeny prior io�he acquisi�ion xhnll pms�o Lender�o�he et�enl nf�he mms Kcund by this Securiry <br />� ��'��' InsttumemimmeAi�nclypriartoiheucquisiiion. <br /> :`.-,�.., 6. (keupnncy. Frexrvntlon, Malntenance nnd Pratecllon of the Propertyt Borrower's Lwn AppllceUon� <br /> - LepFehnhh�.. 13urtmver shnll occupy,esiablisb,end nse Oio Pmpeny as Dorrou�crT principat residenn wi�hin siaty days nRer <br /> _ ihu execwinn.of tUis Scwriiy Insm�mcm nnd shall mmimio to oc�npy�he Pmperry nc Itonowcr4 princip�l rcsld;nce Por o� _ . .._. <br /> _ :� _ least anp ysar nRer the dam of occupincy, unless I.enAer mhenviu agrces in writing. �vhich conunl shall not be - -... <br /> �'�''r-� unmawnnhiy-withhdd,ar unless exienuaiing ctrcumsinnces cxix�which are beyond[3ortoiecrk can�rol. Uorto�ver shall not R-� <br />-� destmy,dmm�pa or impair�he Propeny,allow�he Pro�sny in de�erion�c.or camml�wnrctc on�he Property. Oorrowcr shall F <br /> - - be in�dufnuh�if any forfeitnrc ection or proceeding,�vhe�her civil ar criminal,is began dim in LenderS good faithjudgmenl e'�-•`�-�-- <br /> -:-ac��S"�� rould�rusnh�in fnr4imre of�he Ropeny or ahenvixo m,�erially impair the lien cmated by �his Security instmmenl or -F^ <br /> >� a-+ Lender:sceuriry imems�. 6orto��er mny curc such a defnull and reinxm�e,ns provideA in pangraph 18,byeausing�be uction -r�?c=� <br /> F�:�"� <br /> ��:'?z,:t::;tb, or p�r.cecJing�o he dismisxd wi�h a mling�ha�,in Lendert gooel fni�h detemiina�ion,pmcludes Podeiture of�he Dortower�i "_— <br /> imumn in �he Propny or m6cr mnierial implimicm of iho Ilcn cma�ed by ihis Sccurity Insuumem or Lenderh security -.-„tdk.R: <br /> jr� ''t imarc�, Qu�rower shnll nlco he in defaul� i!6omn�•cr, durin thc loan n licmlon rocess, gave ma�erially false or ._�`V „<<; <br /> Y�) �,�: G PP� P <br /> :,,; t���._::, innernmm infmmmion ar xiatemems�o Lender(or failul in pmvide I.enAtr wiih any mnierial infomta�ion)imm�nec�ion wi�h " " <br /> �'f' = tliq Innn evideneed 6y �he Note, including. bm no� Ilmlled m, represenmUons conceming Dorton�erTS occupancy of the � L'a --- <br /> �} `� Ptopeny ns o principal mRidenee. If�his Securi�y Insimmrm is on a Ieaxchold.Dartower shall comply wlqi�II the provisions �.�a,�:_. <br /> .:--� �f:hc!c.^.�.. �ru....... �__:.�.. .. ... .---"'-''_ . . . <br /> ,. _ �.- � w..�.tY�u:yJiivi wv unc w um T�a�sil)`.I�rv ic.ucnuiu nnu u�c icc Imc a��i���irv�mc�b�wn�.++L:r,.",cr�g,iti _- — . .. <br /> is: ,. m Iho me oeNn writing. -���ei_=��' <br /> t��� �.'��;;`; 7. P�ntecllnn oP Lender's Righla In We Praperly. If Iinrtnwer Fails w pcRorm �he co�rnanis and ngrcememe .V���� <br /> - � cmuninr.d in ihix Saurit Ins�mmem, or�here is a lo,nl mceedin �hat ma a nificnntl nffec� Lenderk ri hu in ihe , ��- <br /> �, .,: r r r s r 'a r s .:,� �,.-_ <br /> P�openy(snch as n pmceeding in hink�uprey,proh��a(nr condemnaiion or fodeimro ar�n en(orce la�rs or regula�lons),then <br /> ,..Jl,...a:: �.��:�: <br /> -.;:�s, ,. _`I Lender mny du xnd pay Por«hamvcr i.nccexsvy�a pro�eci il�e value of�he Propeny nnd LendcrS righu in thc Property. :,,-.+Fc�<:_. <br /> - Lendcrk uc�ians nwy includc paying any sums sanrcA hy a licn which has priority orer tlds Sccuri�y Ins�mmem,eppcaring ",y;t.;:"�,-,-:;:_-- <br /> -���;::,,._�.ti; in.wmt,pnying rcamm�bte anomeys'lces and cmcring on ihc Pmpeny�o makc repairs.Alihough Lender moy�ake uaion •,u ��.--_ <br /> undcrthlhpamgraph7.Lendcrducsimtharclodnxo. i -- _ . <br /> , ��- Any amnunlv dishuned by Lcn,icr under�his pamgmpL 7.hall Ixromc nJdilionnl dcb�of Qartower securcd by�his �'�,_�_�__�-�? <br /> -•7-.-� 9ewrity Inauumem. Unlcss 6ortumer and lsndcr agrca io mhenemia of paymenL�hese umuunu shall bcar inicrcst Gom�he �� �-- �*z- <br /> ' dnlu af din6msemem m 16e Nu�e ra�c:mJ chall be �•ab1e.�viih imercs�,u m nu�ice fmm Lender to Bortower n nestin �'F ` <br /> ---v -1 pnymem, r�� � � s E�' ., r� " <br /> tt - � �. B. 11ort�nge Insuranee. If Lender myuireJ mongage inuinnce a.n cnndition nf making�he loan sceured by dds -'� y �� _- <br /> . �: Securiiy Itltitmmenl.6urro�ver ahnll pay Ihe prcmium� mpiind la mainluin Ihe motlgage insur.mce in effect. If,for any :. . �,.•_. <br /> ' ' mnnon. �he mnn�age insur�nw covengc rcquired by I.ender lapxz ar ccases �n dz in effect. 6orromer shall pay �he -'}t'.p � "_ <br /> *t�,.:tir:: P2���imnx reyuimd w oMain m�<r.igc wb.iamially equi�:Mrm �a ihe mongape in�ee^nce prcvie��•; in e(kct, at n cast _i���nti � ,, <br /> � _-�` ad��tuntinlly cynivnlrnt to�he mci�0 6orcou�cr uf�he mnngage inwr,mce p�evinu}Ip in ef(rc�.fmm,n uhemate mongage €i�.��41� _ <br /> u : in�.amr appmved by 4nder. I(+n6,�ami;�ilp cynivaleni mnngage immm�ce coremge i+no�uvailable.6onower shail pay ro s� �� : <br /> ..;,.7_':,;::_. � Lendcr ecich mamh a sum eyunl to une-i�vc106 uf ihc yc:idy mung:�F�insur�nn:pmminm I+eing paiA hy �tnrrower�vhen�hc '•'�`��r•.�.;:�F: -. <br /> .�h�` m�.i�mnm cavenge lapsed areaucJ to M in e(fec1. LenJer n�dl accep�,u.r;md rctain�hcu paymeNSnc a loss rcm�ve in lieu _n�"` � � <br /> � .;. af murtsage insur.v�cc. Lncs msen�c p:rymcnls nup na Iw�gcr lx rcquircJ, en Ihc oplion uf Lendcr,if mong�ge imurance t�� �: '° <br /> ^ .' cuverage(in�he am�um smd fur�he perioJ�h:u Lender�npiirc�l pmrided by an iinurer:ipproved by LonAe�xg�dn becomes . '3%+� � <br /> ��t4- - �', avnilaUlo ond Is abiuinrsl. Quvo���enhall p�y�he prrmiwn�nynircJ�o mainu�in m„ngage insunnce in effecl,or lo proride a ,._r.:�y.'..- <br /> ,-.:- :�. .--��- <br /> - lUxs resetve.unlil Ihc reyuiremenl fur nwngage inwr.mcc cnd�in aaor�iancc wilh:nq•wriucn agrcement brnccen Oorruwer :ir:�_':].:H. t:a:. <br /> . � -:�. nnd Lcndcrarapplinhlc Inw. ��-� , � ,�_ <br /> �' 9. [nsptttlun. Lander or in agcnl may m�Ac rcawnaldc cnvie+upm�and impceiuns of Ihe IYnpcny. Lcndcr shall ' � . <br /> �ivc�artn�vcr na�fcc ai thc�ime of or prior�o an�mr:.c�iuu yxcd)•ing rc:nonablC r.m+c li�r Ihc iiuprclion. -;a41y�t` `._-'-` ' <br /> _ 10. Cundemnallan. The prceecd.uf any auard or d::im fnr dam:�gec,dimci or cnn>equenli:d,in cameclion x�ith any <br /> - :Lt.-:7L�V.' _ <br /> �c' , SinFlePamily-Fannle\tae}Tednle4�rlVFONV I\tiTltl'\1F:Ni-Uni(nm�Cmtnann 9/901(aANnfbpF�+l <br />- �..f•., -. ... " <br /> lk _./•` . Ora�lil�eunor�fam�l¢� 'n <br /> falNrCeQ If[OtifOGt)1 O FAt6141V1.1U1 <br /> �f' J _ <br /> . ."��yy�_� .t. .. <br /> .� n �7ryrrrv""'c^""^v`—,�•�-_:..i.-^r--�.�,�--^- -�-.�"j""�'°°"'��'°^�'�^. - ' . <br /> } � , 4 „r� ' � � i��<�yy' '^- <br /> : <br /> ��_ � . .-y.,,-1�;�; - ' - - - �:",� r- - ,��� �- - - - <br /> .� -' . ' : - " .. <br /> .y -� ' .�7 r _. . .. - .,+ . - . " �,� .. .: StV'� � ' � . n: <br /> . ,' "_ <br /> , <br /> - ' . � -. .... -.�___._ '_ . <br /> .�.-�... .+r� ... -.c—_� t:u—__ _ . . _-__ --___- —___ __'_ .__- <br /> . -` � ? v - � ;i _i�� � . . .. <br /> �`' ,�x, ^ h� � b , <br /> _ �.g ° � 5� 1 � Y � <br /> � z°�-- - - �-`i <br /> . _ -i .� . -2 ��r�' - . :. �.{ : - � -.� <br /> _ ` _ <br /> r, <br /> - ➢fL� "�T . S�.`�l�! � - .� - ., . <br /> r �� -' 1 n - " - ri -: <br /> _ ��ri .. _ _. 1 G.- ' �.� _, . .: -_`� .. <br /> _ - - - s ' . � ) _ - _�f j <br /> _ i.i . : .�-Y �'+ :� . !{': tf.� �5. 4 M +_,_ � + . . <br /> iC c � `y4 .P " . <br /> i [ n <br /> . �A`'T]�����' A L <br /> !t ) ' J <br /> �.��•a F ' . _ ' .' ' . <br /> — ..��' f3 . - . ._ <br /> w� ,y �a ! , � .. <br /> ---- - _ _ J • " Li=1t�Y� �� . <br /> -- - . �o... �. * , ' . . {� J . - ' . <br /> �( �' <br /> — r:-ac�w . . _ _ ._ _ _ ..'Gt�'�iit � �.w -. . _ ... . . <br />