�r'\it _�i �. � . ' . .
<br /> � �:;� s 'r .� t � 'r�, { �' . i�-. -_ ' . � ' . �• �:F :, '—
<br /> _._::t�_..:....t....J: J ;i._...+_�.._.u__:: ._ _ __ '.___.. ""'i-�
<br />�'.'�.��� . � 93= so'�s36
<br /> - -�,i� conAcmna�ion or oiher mkins of nny pmi of�hc Propeny,or Porconvcyancc in Ilcu otwndemnaiinn,nro Ixrcby pssigned and __.
<br />" �� sM1ill bo palA�o Lender.
<br />_E.%�.;� �� In ihe event of a mml �aking of�he Propeny, iho proceeds shail be upplied �o �he sume securcd by Nis Securiiy �
<br /> - = (ns�n�menl,whciher or no��hen due,wlih any excess paid to 6ortower. in the evcm of u panial tnking of ihe Propcny in
<br /> ' �+�;� •- which�he lnir market vnlue of ihe{4openy immedintely beforo�he�aking Is equal w or grenter�han�he amount of�he sum� E,�.,,,,�_._.
<br /> - � secured by thic Seeurily Insirumem hnmedinlely beforc�he�aking,unless�orrower and l.ender othernlu ngrce in�+•ri�ing. _.=_--- ---�---
<br /> d���� �� tho sums eecurcd by�hia Secndty Insvument shall 6e rcduced by �he nmount of�he praceedx multiplied by�he following � ,�, ___
<br /> . frpalnn: (a)�hc tonl amoum of thc wma sccurcd iiumcdiaicly bcfon�hc iaking,dt�61eA by(h)�he fnfr msrkc�vnlue o!thc � a � �-
<br /> i--�- Propcny Immedia�cly Ixforc ihe taking. Any b�lance xhall be paid to Dovo�ver. In�he evem of n panial�aking of ihe i; --- --
<br /> -�� �_�� Propeny In which�he fair marke�voluc of�he Pmpeny immediurety beforc the�akfng is less�han the nmoum of Ihe sunu -� _
<br /> '. , N . sanrcd Immediaicly betorc the �aking, unless 6orro�ecr and Lender a�henvise agree in wriiing or unless applicnble law � tin.�.-'°`��?.,;.
<br /> � ��-•�`-� � othernlse mvides.Ihe roceeds shxll 6e n Iled to�he sums secured b �his Securit Ins�mment whether or no��he sams nm h°�"���"'
<br /> ' - - i':'. - ihendna P P PP Y Y �A � ���-.:
<br /> +`� -" If�he Propeny is abandoned by 6ortower,or if,aRer noiice by Lender ta porrower�hat�he condemnor offers�o make fi� ,�i-r.
<br /> , �IF = - an a}rard or scuie a claim for damages,Oorro�ver fails tn respond to Lender wiihin 30 daye af�er�he da�e�he notice is given. � h{rr ,�
<br /> f[_': l.enAer is amM1orittd to collcet nnA apply�he praccds,a�i�s option,eiiher�o restcmdon or mpalr ot�he fkoµny or ro the ; , , �
<br /> 1� sums secured 6y�his Security Instmmem.�vhether or no��hen dne. i f x� �:��
<br /> f Unless l.ender and Donmver o�hemise agrce in wri�ing,any applica�ion of proceeds to principal shall not extend or � y,;P.�z f: •-
<br /> � I,'?,: pos�pnne tho dne date of the momhly paymcn�s rcferred�o in pmagmphs I end 2 or change the amoum of such pay�mems. ?�,,;..,�; .,,..: -+�,.
<br /> �: � 11. Borrawer Not Released; Forbearance 6y I.ender Na1 a �YUlrer. Cx�cnsion of �he time far payment or • �� - •i. .
<br /> ��`:-- modifica�ion of amoniza�ion ot�M1e sums sewnd by�his Securiry Ins�rvment gramed by 4ender�a any succesmr m intemn � S �'' '__
<br /> of Donmrer shall noi oprra�e�o nlease ihe liability of the original 6ofro�ver or Rortotter�s successors in imerc-a. l.ender t �„ g,g; s�_,�.
<br /> �* _�-' shail noi be rcyuircd to mmmence pra•eedings agmnst any successor in intercu or re(use�a extend �ime for p:ryment or �ii�� r� — -_
<br /> olAetwise modify amonizaiian of Ihe sums secured by this Security InsuumeN by mazon of nny demand made by Ihe original {l.
<br /> F�ortower or Rorto�eer�successors in imen:st. Any forbea�anoe Ay Lendcr in exercising any righi ar rcmrAy shall no�he a � �s .-�
<br /> �� _ . aai��crof or prcclude�he exereixe of.ny righ�or remedy. : + -"- -
<br /> ��. .r - 12. 5uccessore und Arsigns 1lound;Jalnl nnd Eereral Llability;Co-signera. The covcnams and agreements of this ��'� �
<br /> tf-� - - : Secarity Insimmem shail hind and benefii d�e suacs.ors and auigns of Ixnd.•r nnd 6orroo�er.mbject�o the provisions of • �,,
<br /> "` -1�`--•. •. -� paragrnph I7. DaROO�crk corenams und agrcements shall be joim and several. Any ISarrower who co-signs this Security �'- �- j�-.r-� .
<br /> . � . i`: ,�;.:::'—'
<br /> . � �� ,.;- ; Insuumcm bnt docs no�execuic�hc Notc: (;U it co�signing ihis Securi�y Insuumem only m mongage,grant and convcy that „�_ _ _..:�6�_.� -
<br /> i� ; , . l3ortmvcr�imercct in ihc Pmpcny m�der�hc tcmis of�hic Securiiy Inswmem: (6)is�w�personally obtigaicd�a pay�hc sums �,:�.::,. �:__ _
<br /> � t , ucurcA hy tlds Securi�y Inswmem:and Ic>ngrces tha�l.ender and nny o�her Oorro�ver may agree la ez�end,modity,forixar ����;��^.%:•'_;-
<br />- ' ,'(s" .- or maAe any ncmmmada�iona wi�h regard m �hc �emu nf�his Securi�y Insuvmem or�hc Note wi�hout thai �orm�eer� G.��`-;;�*[;'`,R-.�_
<br /> , . .-_:::. conum. -' t =-°
<br />.�f�--_ 13. Loan Charees. If�he laan cecnrcd Ay �his Secumy Insuumem i.subjec� io a lao•which xe�a muimum loan i�_.,.,,^.' -'�r=-�-
<br /> .A - charges,and Ihai la�r Lc finally imeryreted so�ha�the imercs�or o�her laan cha�ges collected or to be collateA in eonnenion '{ �-- --� �—
<br /> � ' -� wi�h the loan ezceed�he miined limits,ihen: (a):m cuch loan char e shall be reduced h tite amount necess� ro reduce 'J% �"��
<br /> _ . ._�; � Y� B Y �Y i._..t .,..-.--
<br /> i� �he charge�o�he pem�itad IimiL•anJ(b)any aums iJmady callected(rom 6orro���cr which exceeded pemdued limi�s�rill6s .•.��,�r,r ;•-;,,�,;,
<br /> 1 �,�� rcPonded to Rono��er. Lender may chooxe w make�his rcfund bp rcducing�he principal o�eed under the No�c or by maAing a £££�����'
<br /> �. dirtci pa�•mem�o Uonu�ven If a mfund rcduces principaL�he rtduc�ion�rill h�ma�ed ax a paninl prepayment without uny � �' - �_
<br /> f - _ prcpaymem chargc undcr�hc Notc. � . `:�`:: -�. '`. �'�
<br />` �!.' �� -� ��� .� 14. Nolices. Any no�ice�a Uorto�rer provided for in�hix Security Inx�mmmt xhall 6e given by delivering i�ur by �5��:;Sr':;:
<br /> � �z,�,:... '.:.„.:D�.
<br /> .�'r=�� � " mailing 6 hy firs�claas mail unless applis�ble law reyuircs nse of nnoiher me�hod.7Le no�i�e shall be directed�o Ihe Proptrly . - t���
<br /> -�. - �� AdArecs or any o�her addreca Oortower Jaigna�es by nmire m Lendec Any na�ice io Lender shall be given by first cius ;,��(,-:_;-: �.;4t�3�_,�-,i.
<br /> ` ",,,�. mall tu L_ndcr\addre�+slnted hemin or;my rnhcr adJrc}s LenJcr dccignace�Fy nolice�o llorrower. Any no�icc provided for c'�:r.:- ;,,t}{f;r;��'
<br /> =��.i�-' �;::?s;�.;- in Ihis Securily Ouuwnent shall h decmeJ �a hare Ir.n giren w IH+ROaer nr Lender u�h.a given as provided In this ��,�'a��;�. r.;�x��°
<br /> 55,;. paragmph. �� �� --�-�':i,..
<br /> - 15. Gm�ernlnR Lmr; tie�embility. 77�i.Securily Imuumem shall bc goremeJ 6y fedenl Ina nnd Iht Inw of�he . r. ,- �
<br /> " ' �> urisdlc�lun in which ihe Ro xn is Incaled. In ihe evenl Ihal an rovi�ion or claiue o(�his Securi� Insuument or�he Note : r�•�� u�•�•;�`s,-_
<br /> J { >' YP Y ' t . .
<br /> � conllicts wi�h applicablc law,wch tmiflir�shall not alTccl n�hcr provicion.of ihi�Sccurity InswmcN or�hc Notc�rhich can - -1 - ''�� ^�
<br /> �r..�..- �tr`)nP;:-: . -rF.
<br /> W given eMeci�viihout the cunllic�ing provisioa Ti��hi.enJ�he proviaiom n(�his Stturiry Imtmment nnd the Note nre .. . f F
<br /> 4 �:�. - Jttlucd to be uvcrable. - � ^`�
<br /> + I6. Dorrmcer's Copy. Ro�ra�cer.hall be giren one cunfomicJ cupy a(�he Note and of�his Securi�y Inxwmem. �� ���.�� ��
<br /> 17. 7tnnsfer of Ihe Yroperlr or n Beneliaial Interest in ISurron�en If all ur any pan of�he Prupcny or any intcrest in z :
<br /> --`�� u�s solA or�ransfemd (ur if a 6enclicial intcrcst in Qormwrr i. wld or Irandcmd and Duvo�rcr is no�n nawral pcnon) ��t '� "-'-- ' °�
<br /> P - �1f'(4;� without Lenderh prior written con.ent. Lender may,a�ih option, myuirc iinmedi:�ic payment in full of nll sums secured by "t r. =,-
<br /> Y � i{�_YS��ij; this Sccuri�y Ins�mmem. Ho���erer.ihi.op�ion.hall no�bc cxcrci.cd by Lcndcr if c:crcix is pmhibieed by fedcrel la�v ac of �� Y ��.r �; `
<br /> t i��- .f?� thc da�c of tlils Security Insvumem. " - '�';Y��a ;
<br /> ' '�I"c� If Lender exercises�hic o uon.Lender.hall �ve 13orro��rr no�ice of nccclera�ion. The no�ice shall rovid.a nud o( �" `l�'t�,;"'+� •;-=,'--'
<br />-;�J�..�:.� P� E P P� � .!�'�� .
<br />: - nol Ie.cs than 30 Jays(mm�he date�he notice i.d.livereJ nr maileJ�ri�hin���hich Rurto�eer mu.�pa��:�ll sums zecured by this ������.. �aF� `
<br />-"�.i�.� - Sccuriiy Insuumem. If Uufro�rcr faik io p:ry�hes. wnu priur tu�he expira�ion uf thi. periid. Lend.r may inroAe �ny t��;!':_�= ' ?,•.�".���
<br /> rcmedies ptmiilted by Ihi.Sccuriry•Inslivmcnl oi�hon!(unher nmim or Jcmand un Dorto�rer.
<br /> I8. 6orro�rer's Ripht lo Refnsinte. If Uorro�crr mzcu cenain conJi�iun.. 6ortmrer shall ha��e �hc right Io Aace - .
<br /> ._i: � :- enforcem:m of this Securiq�Insuwnenl disccntinu�d at anp�ime prior lo Ihe eadicr oL• la)$days(or such o�her periad n< �
<br /> l:;. � Singkfvml�.-!"�nnleVar.4}etl�k\IaG\IFON\IIS\"fHF\1F.\T-Pm(nmiCm<mm� 9.90 iP��tNnlnry�snl " r,`�:-,"'
<br /> a� ` !r i:,� • . .
<br /> !-:"
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