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fi. ti. � �. : � . �, �_� __"_ ._ . _ �' »– _� .._. -. - - _ ..-_ ._ <br /> ��...__ _ � �4` .:...� . <br /> . . <br /> , . . ...�- �a^�_ <br /> C3—_::"[' _'�._ <br />- -�:;� 99^ 10'�"629 ��s:�==- - <br /> <.�. ,n, <br /> � t�_ �, _ <br /> � F' <br /> �� . <br /> N�ProparfjUwGkenortlsme➢ed.LenOerehellAeNaNeoDtlon,Initf0o109p4.868M019E�SC�EUOn,tOflp8IyAIIluChP�OCYid0. - ' � - <br /> eNe�deducllnpthe�elromellcesUendexpenaeelncurredbyninconnectlonwlNqvcPProceedauponqny.Ufdebtetlne��eecund , � �„ .�,.':�9r.,� '�, <br />- hxeby�ntl In�ue�order at Lender mey Eetermina,or lo eDD�Y p��euch ProCneda,aN��euCh OeducFlone,10 NO�Of10��110(1 Ol N� ,{:n";,'- � _`t.--�.` <br /> �---'��; PropertyuponeuchcondiUOnseeLenderm�ydetermine.AnypppiicntianqlPro6estlaloin4P.h�edneaa�hallnolexlendwpoetAOn� y,.,��_;'.. '� �. -_�-.r <br /> �.-.^�.i'C�' th�due dete ol eny psyments under the Note,or aurp eny tle�nult Ihareun4rc a�hele��r.qRr,Any unnpD��ed Nnda ehnli be Daltl lo -�.�t� ': . "��`*�'c. , <br /> TNC10/. i�' ..-..?'�•�-�c:-'„- <br /> 9. i�Aprmult�by UndB.Upon Ne occurtenca 4t gn�vant qt Oefoui�beravnqer,pr il nny ect U leken or leyel Droce9dinp -f . �, yr .°. ; '- <br />_ wmmenceAwhlchmat��I��tyatlaetoLenderelnleresflnthaProDerN��Ondermeyln��ipw�q17cro11on,6ulwllhoutobllyUlontoAO _-.�-.;:.` , - � <br /> - so,antl wi�oul noqco loor doman0 upon Trualor gn4�viihov�releeaing Tmftnr lrom enyeb�ipation,do any ect which hu�tor hae � ;:� � { � ." <br /> * ai} - eyroMbu11a11eloEO�nOmsyalaatloenyolheraclttdeamaneceeaeryloGroleoub9securly.bereol.Truslorchan,immMletery -- '� + r .: <br /> - upondemandlherelorby4enEer,paylolentl8rel1cosleentloxpenaa�inCUrraclendaumq.pxpended0ylenderinwnnec�onwi�h �"-.- . �. <br /> , lheaxerci5e6yLanda�ollhaPorepoingrlghtg,togethorwlthinlare5ttheraonattheAOl�ultrala�roNdedintheNOle.whic�shail6o 4`��_% '•';^:`t`�;':;� ;.��-� <br /> i;.,.; <br /> eCCeO 10 ihe Indabtodntaa eecured hereby. Lende�s�all not Inwr eny iWUlliry becauqn ol nn�pfnp it fnny do or omit to do s.-..- , <br /> t16re�unH011�.�tiI�4W�M1NxW6 hu5l0f ehell keBp NB ProDerty In CompllflpGe WiU 8119pW�GflDIp IBYlP.9rd�0upC9a end r0pV�8UOn9 �."'�� ' �� ' , <br /> '� -- releting W Induaidal hygiene m environman�el Drotec�fon(wllec�NOly relarrod H�ereN ea"F.rnitqnmantel lews')•Tnqtor ahail ,'�� r; - � - <br /> -'l ' � keept�OProyartyirealromellsub7tancasdeemadtobehe=arAOUSOrtoxlounderanyEmlrpnm4Ptt�16ew@(collFlCtivptytol6rredb � •-_'���- -- <br /> t ..y,.:;�,•i-:lt:(�;:-: .. <br /> - -,:5;':: harelnes"HnzardouaMaterinls').TruslorhereoywanantsanGraD�esenUtoLendarNattherenrapo.H�xe�dauaMatedaisonor �:i� :t��,_,;,,�- _• <br /> underNeProDe�H•Trusbrherebya9���oindemnityendholtlhermlesaLentler.iladirestore.o111qqrAempl�NRe9entlagenle,end 1��� ��--���cr_.�����- <br /> �P��� eny BuGt&7�OfB IOlBOdBrB Ifl�efeSi.GOrtI BOd egeln9t eny Hn0 BII GIUI(n9,demAgB8,109587 Bnd�I6U9iilqfl Gd9lnp In COOOBC�OfI WIN �'}Y`��•i ��' ���� <br /> . p..�...:'.;;`.:` <br /> iha presence,uso,di8posel or Iraneport of eny Nflzerdous Metodaie on,under.trom or n0out lhv PropBAy.THE FOREOOINO , - ' .;. <br /> �� ,r� WAflMNTIE9ANDREPftESENTATIqNB.ANDTflUBTOR'SOBLIOATION8PURSUANTTOTHF;FORCOOINOINDEMNIN.BHALI s A}'. <br /> SURVNE RECONVEVANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUBT. t ; ..i:- <br /> 10.llulpnm�nt ol Rmb.Tmstor hereby easigns lo Lende�the ranLS,issues end D�oftn ol tba ProDerry;.Grodded Ihal Truator F' �.' <br /> > ', shall,un611heoccurroneeolenEvonto�DOtaulthereun0or,havethed httocolfec�andreNinsvehrnnW,i�su¢»andprofifseathm� rt�- <br /> - beCOme dua entl peyaDle.Upon Ihe occurrence ol en Even!ol Dofu lu t I.ander may,olNer in Derson or by apen4 with or without . * �;�-'�� <br /> - �+• bdnging eny flcUOn or D�oceeding,or by a reeeiver appo�nted by a court and wlNOUt reyard lo Ihe odequncy of IL5 aecudy,onler r -��_ t i� •;�i,: <br /> ' :,;y��.,f uponqndtakepoue9sionollhePropeM•oranypartlhereol.Initsownnemoorinlhena�BOIlheTrusloe.andCOOnyec4�whlc�tt ,1'..'�-- �>_+'�-�g5,. <br /> ,,;� deamsne�easeryordesirabletopresenalhavalvo.marketablliryorren�ablllyolNeProcenY.orenyDartthereotorlNero7tNSrein, � . _X. F ,� ._. <br /> . ; � :,� increase the Incomo therelwm or protacl�he sewriry horeol and,wi�h or wi�hout ykfny pwaeasion of�he Properry,eve for or -. ,.1: -- <br /> oNerwbe collect the renle,(asues end profite Nereof,inclutling lhosa past tlue antl vnpaid,nndeDF�Y Iha same,leas costa end ' -�? �: : <br /> � azpenaeeoloperaUOnandcolleGlonincludinpettorneys'foae.uponanyintlebtMneaasecuredhere6y,A�l�ncvchordereeLender . -'�:$��--"°��y�(. <br /> �;c�n` mey delarmine.The enledng upon and taking possesalon ol Ihe P�operty,lhe eollectlon of euoA rentn,Ig�uEn and prolila entl Na � '�� ''•;i:t�'�„�'�- <br /> � '-� eDD�lcetlon thereol as ebresaid,ehell no�cure or waivo any delault or noUCO ol datault perevndar or tnvu;�a�e eny ect dona in -'�' _,����-' <br /> 4"}'-�--'-'' reSponaeloauChdataullorpursuanUOSUChnoYCOOltlelnultenQnotwi1ha19ndln8lhocontlpvanCfiinpoasessanoflhePrope�ty0r ; }< �R�:_ <br /> �_ S�I�� IhB COIIBCIIOq recaipt eqtl eppllea4on ol renle,iasuae or profita,antl Truslai entl Lender sheil he entiAetl to exerclae every dphl r � '� 4� <br /> „ ':_;�t provlC¢dlo�inonyOltheLOanlnalrumenlsolby�ewuponoccurmnceolnnyEventqlDO�nulqlnclv0�ngwitMU111mitationthedghl (t�,,,,;c, ' e `- '--!' <br /> iduamdauii�eyuwcivii«6.�Grirt`vP,�6tA^vi:!'.6::!+��C•'^..:.CG:09UM°�!�!!?p3�y��^hghqll{�BCUmulatlVeWilh.9fItlI1100W9y0 / ._r���i 1 ;.� <br /> � �� '?� IImilNionon,LenOeretlgnisandromedlesunderenyassiflnmentollonsosendr8�lsrecadstlagainattheProperly.lenCer.Tmetee � -� �� '�;:: <br /> i <br /> 3,,�ni_-;� andNeEwebol0 f��ll"Th'elollowingsh Ilconstl eBenEve 1�o1ID f��underlhin0oodctTmat }�S{`��i� ��)x��:� <br /> ��.�,/i u c. <br /> ��f$+ ' (e7 Fellure to pay eny Inatollmenl ol pdnc�pu�or Inlere9t of e�y oNer 5um bucurcr,l M�•aDy wh6n Cud � ,t` ' �J�;a�n-�.� <br /> (b) AbreaCbolordeloultunderenyprovielonconleinedinf�aNOtB,thfepoodafTmti,unyo�theLOnnlnsWmenie,•oreny ''•§ t t¢�3k';. <br /> '7 -? oNer Iien or encumbrence upon Ne Propady, � �`� � � <br /> : tS< <br /> ��1. -r, (6) AWdI410%lC0�1000I9�f8ChrtI00I01611y81f1111AfpfOCB896h8111100fIt9fG'O�Q010RlTfU310fWhlChet181108C0(IIB611BOOf1 ��ti�, i �} ,.-�;_ <br /> - - .-i: Iha PropBrty or eny portlon Ihereol or InterfJSt�herein; -� . <br />_:. :;;��1,_��= (d) There sheil De tlletl by or egeinel Tmstor or Fiorrov�ar an actlon�nder any prOYOnt or lulure letlernl,atele or other - ,._..• ���.��. t-.,j��� <br /> j ��:•�� steluto,lew or regvUlfon relatinp lo bankruD��Y��nsolvoncy or othor reliof forde4Nro:or Inero shall be eDPOIn[ed anytrustee, � «'� a = <br /> receivororiiquidutorolTmsloror8orwwororolaliareny0artol�hoPropartyort�erenis.isauesorprofilsihoreol.orTruslor t� �`�' ��!- _r},_�. <br /> or Oorrowor shall meko any goneral esaiflmm�nl lor the Oanolit ol ereditqrs: 't•. , t,�-; . <br /> (u) The eato,UenaPor,lonso,essipmm�n4 convayance or furNnr mcumbnnco ol ell or nny patl ol or eny interesl ln tlie �. '�-; - -,-. <br /> ; -CropUiy,�ellh�c•vdunlotlly or Involunterily,withoul lhe ozpress wriuen ocnennl ol Lendor, prorided thei Trustor shall 6e � ;,;� � - ��r:-�� <br />.rli.;�:zy=.--;- perMillMtoexocuteolaaaoolthoProyrrrrythatdonanotr.ontainnnopliontopurchaeoendlhelormolwhichdoesnolexceetl �-1. �rY';�,_.; j'_�_ <br />, ti ��viCE e� <br />-S �-- (q Ahandonmont o1�ia Proporty or � < <br />�:�*ap.'^�-!� (Q) I�T�ps�nriynqLOnind��itlua6lho165uanco,sale,Vanefor,paofOmm�N,convuyanceorencumbranceolmorolhe�at0lal 1._-•. <br /> � i � r : � <br />__tu.,. ;�„-�: ol-�percentotplacorporeUOn)its�ssueoandoWefnndinpabcAOr(lepannershlp)atola�cf percenlol _ .� � ._ <br /> a �p paMerehip Intoresu tluring Nct 6`�riad Ihls Deed o�Tru51 remnine o ilen on Ihe Property. � ` ; � .:��� <br /> �ty4�- - 72.p�mMin;AadaraUOnURloflotaW6lR�epyontnlpny.�vpn1o1Dp�auI140ntlormay,wiUioutnoliceexcoptasroquirodby -_ ;i��4 � + -- <br /> .� Iaw,Ceclaro all indnbtednoo9 securod 1�ereby lo be Euo�and{ayablo and'tho samo shall fheroupon become duo end pnyaDle <<n <br /> =���;f��`-' withouleny preaontmon4 detnand,proleal qr nouco 01 any Nind.T�ereafler Londer maX .:i Y%�r,P�.v��.,,•, �, <br /> � - ��� (a) Domnnd t?at Trusieo bzurcian Iho POWEH OF SAIE grantoC horoin.and 7mstoo she111heroalter cause 4usto(e �, - <br /> ,�4 inlerest in tho Pr�r,sM1y to Ce soid ond Ihn proceude lo be diih�bulud,e�l In Ihe me��nr proviGeC in iho Nabreske Tru51�BMa 1,� �.+ i� <br /> -t7:'"y,.; .�. MC �' . .f ., i::?'i,,�..,: �. <br />��y1.+.'s":,; ;� (b) Exordoo apy.an0 all r"ys,h�e prqyldod br N any,of Mfl�oan InsVumonts or by lew upon occurrenw ol eny Evenl ol •, ,. �.. y��:° <br /> '^ -k • OUav1G end ' <br /> ��q�r� - ; (c) Commonceen�cuontaloreclosoWSUeetlolT�ustaaemortgege.eppoimereeeivor.orspecilicellyon(orceenyofthe ` �;h� - <br /> '�-.' eovenenlehereol. �- � �� <br /> S'�.��,. _ . ,n. . .. <br />=i�i,�"+�'=�:.- NoromcAyhereinCODt4nUd.�pop ortesgnedtoTms�oo.orLOnQerielNQnpe04oMOxClugrvBO�anyolnerremodyherein,intho „ � <br /> �::����'•' •+": Loan InsVUments m 6ylaw provided Sr pormittod,butdgch 6ha1f be cumL�etive.6ha���0 in adJfllon ro overy oNO�wmedy 8�ven "��'� . .• <br />'`r-�' '� hereunCor,Inlheloanln5VUm2nlsoroowor�ore�te�exls6ngu�lawo���eQUlhPrbysta[u�o,anOmnybaoxordseCCOncurrentty. ��;`1�-�� , � <br /> .��:\i._.,% ff.:.�ii::�i �. <br />� - IOdfp0�1d8f111y Of 611GCBSSWOIy. _ "::i�'� _ - <br /> 13.T�uf!M.Tho Trustao may rosign et eny lime without cause.anA Lontler may et any timq aM wilhoul causo eppoint a _� <br />' - - - 6ueees5o�or6vb50tuteTruStoe.Trustaa6�a11no1belisDletoenyparty.�ncluAlnqwllhou�limiteUOnLOnder.0orrowor.Tmstororany <br /> ' purcha5o�olthoPropery.lorenylossortlemageunlesaduelomcklo5sorwilllulmisconduclentlshcllnotboreqWreCtolakeany �,, ,������','�'� . <br /> actlon in connoc�on with tho onlorenmont ol thie Deed ol Trusl�unlfls9dn emo�l�ad,In wriiing.1or ell costa,eorppqnsa[lon or f <br /> " __ _ � k� .,��;i.. . <br />' - expenuew�ichmayDeessoUaletllhorowilh.IneGtllGOn,Trusteemaybacomoepurcha5oralanysnloolNaProparryU�d�cl�lor <br /> ° „nmr mn mvrer m eale araNeO homiN:oosloona Uo e¢lo ol eIl or eny ponion ol Ne providod 6y lavr,or ssll me E_ :•____ <br />��� <br />