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<br /> ';��Yti!i: (�� �a�NW��aHd.F.�nenalon ol�he t�mo to�D�Ymem or maAlllc�llon ol emorlitaUOn ol the eumi secureA by MU � '� S� „ ';'
<br /> .-+-,� f� DOWo1TrwlpnnteAbyLenOertoen ouccessoilninleroalof8orrower�hellnoloparalelorelenae,Inenymenner,Nelleblliry -- . c
<br /> ' ..P�l � `��= �'
<br /> �.:>.. ofNSOdpInUBOrroweren08orrowe�swcceeaorelninlem�t.Lendvthillnotl»reqWredtocommancaDrocaetlinyeepain�l ' ',���,-.��_a,, ;-.py-:a,-'
<br />- wc��ucceROrorreluseroo�1endtlmalorpeymeNOrolhervrieamotllyemon@eUOnoltheeumaeeeureCbythlaDeeOofTmel �t,_. ,;;:,,: ',. .5.;;:-_
<br /> by rawn ol eny demenEa made by Iha oripinel Borrower and Borrower'e 6uccesaore In INereri �. , :�
<br /> (0) UnN�'�iow�n.WiNOUt eXecllnp t�e Ileblliry ot eny oNer per6on liable tor the Deymenl ol eny ob119atlon harein y� i�'�.
<br />----�,��=� menlloned,endwllhoutattectlnglhollenorcharpoollhiaDeeQolhuetupononypotllonol�hoProperrynoimenorNeretoloro '' �_ ;___%'
<br /> . releasedeswcurirylorlhalullamounlotellunpaldoblipaOOnaLentlnrmay,lrom�malolimeandwilhoutnotice@roleaaesny --'•;n[-�.,'';�-'-""•
<br /> penoneolleble,(IqezlendlhemaNriryoreltarenyolthete�meolenyeuchobligatlone,(Iii)qrentoNerindul0enceAM)reteaae - �
<br /> _��, or rewnvey,or eeuse to be relea6eA or reeonveyatl et eny time et LenOee'e oplfon any pareel,porlion or e�l o11he Property. •�+- �
<br />_ �t_;,..,_ (h lake or reiee�e eny olher or edAllionul Becwlry tor eny oblfAnOOn her8ln meNioned,or(vq meke compoalllone m olher � - - ��;.
<br /> L ;. ertany@menb wlth dBbrom In relellOn lherBlo. - +< -
<br /> .:�c�� (c) ForDUpna Oy Lmda Nol�W�N��.Any 1or0earenee by Lender In ezeraiein9 eny dghl or remedy hereundar,or --
<br /> - olherwlae aHOrded by epplica6le lew,shell not 6e a walver of or preclude thaexercise ol eny euch dqhl or ramedy.The
<br /> proparamentolinburpnceorNepaymantoltexaeorotherllensorcharpeabyLenderahallnotbeewalvarolLendelsrfphtto i - X^rxF �,
<br /> ,�'et eccelarata lhe matudH o11he Indebtednass aecured by lhia Deed of Trust _- 1T" -
<br /> • (� BueeN�on�nd Auyn�Bound;Jolnt�nd Bw�nl L1�NIIty;C�pllon�.Tno covenants end epreemente herein con- , y - .
<br /> __ , ;:. iained shell DInO,entl 1he riphl9 hereunder aheil inuro to,lha reapecUve euccessore and asai8ns of Lendo�nntl Truator.All ��.���'. __.,
<br /> q.•�,;�',- covBnanUendefl��mentsolTruetoreha116e�oinlendeeveraLTnocepllonsenEheadinysottheperegraphaolNis�oedof }f,- ,-.,,_',4f'_��} ' .
<br /> TNS�Bf8�Of CO(IV801811C0 Oflly 80A 9!6 f10t f0 bB USBd f01f1�8/Qf81 O/d8fi11B th6 p�0V�81008 helMl. rs�'•"�
<br /> Ly� r
<br /> (e) RpuwllaNOlkn.TheparUesherebyrequeetlhatecopyofenynoticeolQOleulthareun0erendewpyolanynolice „ ;
<br /> of eate haieunder 6e mailad lo each perry to thie Deed of Tmsl et Ihe atldresa set lonh above in the menner prescribed by � S„���S1ni� �
<br /> ��� appiicable lew.Excapllor enyother noUce reqWred unGer epD���ble law lo be 9�ven in anofher menner,eny noUCe provided „;;-
<br /> . �,,.r,j� IorinNieDeedolTrustshell6eB�+'o�bymellingeuchnolicabycertilledmailaddressedroNeoNerpartles,ettheeddreasset ,,.���r' i1S R�'��
<br /> f.., fofth ebove.Any noUCe providad lor in Nia�eed al Trust ehell 60 otlecOve upon mailing In Ue menner OesiOneled hereln.II :' ( ; ,., ;
<br /> � Tru9lor Is more Ihan one person,noUco senl to tha edtlre9s sallorth ebove ahflll bp nofice lo ell8uch pet6ona. - . �� �i���.}�;
<br /> t t (q Impalbn.Lender may make or ceuse to De mada reasonabla entdas�Don end InspecEOns ol Ihe PropeM•P�ovlded �`:- � �j�. _.
<br /> - �;-.� Ihel LendOr shall givo Truator notico ptlor lo eny euch inspeclion epeciying reasonabio ceuse Iherefor roiatud to LenCer's i � � 5��� �� -,
<br /> �"�'n:a inlarest in the Proparry• � .- .�M:�...1�
<br /> [c..C{:.:;;�:n::-:,�
<br />� ��°.i'-.,�- (q) H�eonr�y�nc�.UponpaymenlolellsumssflcuroAbythleDeedolTrusSLendorshallrequeatT�usleetoraconvBylhe � ���+:i.F,,7.
<br />-• •-"':>�•;� PropBrtyendshe118urronderNisOeedolTmstende11no1osovidencingindebtednesasecuredbyNlnDeedol7rualloTruatee. � ;.� .;v;,�:.
<br /> Truetea sha11 reconvoy lha Property wi�hout werrenry end wMOUt cherge to the person or peraone legaly entitled thereto. I "� �"i-,-��'.::
<br /> Trullor bhell pay 81I eosle 01 recordation,il eny.
<br /> (h) p�npn�l ptpp�Ay;&curNy A9�»mml.As atldl�lonel aecuriry 1or the paymenl of the Note,Trusior hereby grente L 5__ � r 5�-.
<br /> -�.�. LenderunderNeNobrxskeUnllormCOmmercialCodeesecurirylnterestine�Ifixluro5.equlpmenLendotherpersonelproperty �� ,�� � t,� �.,-
<br /> ,_��.:��.,- USeCinGOnnlGl100wllhth0�081BbleIBO�IIOprOVemen181oca�odihereon,endnoiuinarriinudnCiuim7G��i'oa�va'1('vEoBpBrtO} ,. - -
<br /> �`�� the real eatata securetl hereby.Thls Inalrumant a�all be conslrued as e Socuritydpreeman!under eaitl Code,and Na LOnder ��',�,:_�,�F�� a.-
<br /> -- ,+.1;s sheil�ave ell lha rlyhts entl remeGios ot e aecwetl Darry under said Code in eddNOn to the r19MS end remedles emated under - u F �+- -
<br /> „':;v'. endaccordetlthBl.onderpursuanttoU�isDeadolTmal;provltletllhalLentlafedqhlsandremedioeunUerNb ara re hehall -�i+�,�.''•'�i•c�� ''���' '
<br /> P 9 P �ti-'z:.,� !
<br /> .�?:'-..',ir
<br />--�-�(.�;;��_s'� be cumulative wii�,entl in no way e Iimi�a�lon on,I.endere righU end remadies under eny olher securiry ngreemenl elgned by ��?:;::_. ..�.'„�����_'
<br /> t�-"- Borrower or Truato�. �' -
<br /> �'�'�• (q LNn��nd Enoumbnnen.Truaror he�eby werrents nnd reprosen�e�het Nere la no tlelauit under Ne provialons ol eny �s .;:, 1 '�;,__
<br /> :i�- , motlyaqe,Ceed of Uust,loaae or purchese contrecl desctlbin9 eil or eny part o1Ne ProDeny,or oNer conuecf.ineVUmenl or .;,���..:
<br /> '� epreement wnatllutlng e Ilen or eneumbmncs egalnat eil or enypart ol Ne Proporty(collectl�•ety,"Llene'�.exlaling ea o1Ne
<br /> . ���;,- tlelo ol this Deotl ol T�us�,end thet any end eil exialing Lions remain unmo0lliotl excepl ae diecbseA to lander in Tmstore ry � �
<br /> wflqen Aleclosure ol Ilons end encumbrancee provitle0 lor herein. 7tustor shel111me1y peAOrm ell of Tmslofe oDiigallone, .,,.$U,.,.•'_'-
<br />� �"i;-'.` covenant8,reprosenlellonsenOwa�renilesundorenyanAelloxisipnr�ontlfuluwLiena.ehellpromDW�orwa�dloLendercopiea �.�1:�
<br /> - ;,; of eil notices ol delault sent In connec�on with eny end ail oxisGnB or lulure Llena.antl ehall not wi�hout Lender'e pdor writtan ��
<br /> consenl ln any manner modity the provislons ol or allow eny IuNre eEVOnces undo�eny exisling or(uture Llona . ,' 4 {�_;�
<br />'��•x';^{�;;� Q� ApplkatlonWPaym�N�.UnleseotherwlceroqWredbylew.sumspaldtolonAerhoreuntler,Includingwllhw111Mtelion _ `-,��,
<br /> ="•�.�,:� . ��;}.
<br /> .i � r peymOnU of princlpel and inlereal,inawence proceeda,condemnalion proceede end reNS and profile,ehell be epplled by - :�
<br /> _i��j �, LondertolheameunaUUeer.dowingL•emTrustorand8orrowerineuchorAeresLenderinRSSOIedlacreUOndeemetlesirebl& - l,�f� � •.r-
<br /> �y`��;,, (W Sw�t�01111y.11 eny provlsion ol Nis Doed ol Tmat con0lcts wlih epplicabto law or is decinrod Inralid or olherwiao � � n ,',
<br /> . � .;;�� ununforeeable,sueh wnfllel or Inve11011y shell no1 effecl lhe oNer provisons ol lhis Deod ol Tmst or the Note which ean be i :'� �( s .
<br /> --�, : givenatlectwitAOUlNOCOn111c1ingprovlsion,entlfolhisontlthaprovisionsollhisDzuAOlTmstentliheNote8re0eCieretllobo � _ � G
<br /> severeble. �.. ° ....
<br /> _ i-� �
<br />-°.��•�(;..'� (qT�tm�.Thoterme"Truslor"end"Borrower"shal11nc1u0ebothsingulaie�tlplural,enCwhonlhoTrustorendDOrrowor t �` �' F� .-
<br /> •�"('- ere Ne samo Dersun(o),I�ose lerms es used in Ihis DeeE ol Trvsi ahall be Intorchangoable. � 'a'�O'�" ���
<br /> . (m) 6or�min9l.�w.This Deetl ol Tmal shan bo Bovometl by tho laws ol Na Steto ol Nubreske. , _' f�
<br /> -:� Trualor hee execute0 Nis Doetl ol Trust na ol tho da�e wHtton abovo. � � , - �
<br /> ii �a
<br /> -_.:4',!.- Ro�e �Yin ipator Nu�b�nd �:�;�r� �
<br /> t-' � • / �• •1 ' � � .
<br /> , �4 ` ':
<br /> ESleen B. Ving Tn�stor ite ,144_•__..: .
<br /> it- p.. .
<br /> c'1�` �:N " ..
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