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...: , .: <br /> f � _.. � .._..��..�.... _ ...�'%i'�'�!.,_____—. -' -L� `._ <br /> --�S:cvi:��5:� • . . , <br /> =""w�Y ACKNOWLEDQEMENT OP DEED OF THUBT �3_ 10'�F29 <br /> ,nu."�� �.-�..�,�,-•. -: --_ <br /> ��,,,,,�t.�( TRUBTOR RFAO TH18 BEFORE BIONINO: �� _ <br /> `°;T•�;.`- �. TrwlorunMw4nd�N�Ifh�dxum�ntMltTmetoN��6oullo�xlCN�lO�DNd01hu���nd�IM�1�lO�IQ6Q�U1diM111NpOWN �. <br /> "-"�'"'�-�.�- a1s�l�provbWforinthl0NtlolTrutlprovide�wbiltnUtllydltleaM�l9hUSnGoblfp�llon�loTru�torl�en�malp�p�intMwMt �.:'�ru�`-="� <br /> � .� ohMhultorbrNCholobli Ulonund�nhlWMOfTrv141ncIUEIn9,6u1notllmltedlo,tMLand�f�Aphlbh�wN�Ptop�tryaM �"'"' <br /> ,,.�: by Ns Srwl»wilhout�ny�uUlciel procaWlnp.T�utlor rep�aents end warranta lhal lhla ecknowiadpemenl wpa execulW by '' --.-. <br /> e- Tm�Wr blloro th�OxeeuUOn 01 tl��UNO ol Tmst �^� � ' � � <br /> -�� �-i/ I ru <br /> . S! � T ..G . .�:':" <br /> ' ppp/��� p/�j�_1p � rusmr Hu�b�nd ti <br /> ' ``;:j� � -�� .er , ,��': <br />� v BS1Mn Y. MSrt9 7ruslw Wi� • zti <br /> s, � !; t r���� <br /> ' DEED OFTRUBT WITN FUTUR6ADVANCE8 ;,+ �`r',,.,x-,,• <br /> THIB OE6D OF TRUBT,U mada ee ot 1he_lfith dey ol ���- ,18_93,Dy end amonp ��� � <br /> .�,, .. me Tms�or, Qu�� N y,,pf p L Bileen B Yina hu�Eend �nd ril� , i-<� r a `-- �d <br />--- - : . -.r,r,.•_.c •��+'._�:�: <br />-- 17628 Rodrook L�n� 1l�ran� A� B5633 '�'�� ` ' ' `' �`- - <br />_'� �' '�;� whoae malliny addresa IB (herein"Tmstor, w�elher one or more), -'���'�'''�-:�-.:�--- <br /> � . -�.; , :n .l_F^.. <br /> 1� `T_,;.; the Truatee, — Fiv� PoSntw B�nk � X�Lnska Corooration , �"�!- <br /> .��-.�:�. whase mallinp eddresa le P•0. Box 1307 6rand I�lmd� NB 68802 (herein"Trustee'),end ',� � =-- <br /> ,.,{ :' :5�;:.__. <br /> . Na Oeneflda FSv� Point� B�nk , �'-n' ",��:�.g- <br /> e. ,'� rv, �. .,;..,,.._____ <br />_ ��:";iP�'" whwsemellingedtlrossia �1SFM. Bro�dre116�dI�lead, MB. 68802-1307 (I�eroin"Lander1• t��•i%;s��� <br /> :� <br /> , .. . Rot� H. YLn9 `-`��`— <br /> •",�t_.- <br /> •� '���Y:_" FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lendels exlenslon o�cretlrt i0onGliad herein to --. <br />�. '1+ <br /> t Hi1Nn B. Ylna (herein"Barowei',whether ono or moro)entl Iho Wsl herein croaleA, �''''����'��,i�._-� <br /> Ih0 reeeipt ol which le hareGy ecknowledged,Tmator haraby irrevxabty grente,Iranalere,conveya en0 assigne to Trustee,IN �i?i��'!.���'-"'-. <br /> TRUST,WITHPOWEROFBALE,forl7iebenefilenASecuriryofl.c+:Cer.underandaub�edtothelermsendcondi6onehereinaMerset ', =-� <br /> lorlh,lha real pwperry,deacdbed ea lollowa � !'� r q� <br /> d � l — <br /> �` 6N Aii�cnwn's. .-_, � F�_ .. <br /> � �i-� ! ;- 'e _ <br /> � •4 t-`�$�,l �y� Z, <br /> !� 11 <br /> ; r�J � -_ . .: /.:. <br /> T09eNer wllh ail DvildingA improvomanl9,lix W roR eVOets,alloys,pasxageways,easemente,dphta,Pdvilepea flnd eppurte- .;. �---_��,.- <br />_t , , neneee localetl Noreon or In anywleo perleining lherelo,flnd the renla,issues and prolils,rovorsions entl remainCers Nereol,enA ,- r <br /> a =:i_: <br /> - - nuch pereonal Dwporry that la otteched ro Ihe improvements so ea lo cons�Me o Ilxmre,tneluAinp,but not Iimi�ed to,heeting entl r-�i;.R:.,�; <br /> eoollnpequipmenkantltogatharwilhlhahomesleatlormaritalinleres�s.ileny,whichinterealsereherebyreteasedendwaivatl;all s ,;�� ; <br />?�. ,�, - '�[ ofwhich,IncNEingrepleoamentaonded01t1one�hereto.lahereGydeelaredrobeapa�tollherealeslatesecuredbylhellanolthq -�,�,&;-- <br /> + -•ti: Daed ol Tlusl end ell o/1he lOr oin bein relarreG to�erein ee Ihe`Prope "�' <br />�.c2:d°;.. e8 9 9 n1'��. ° . ',g}' <br /> =':�=l.:}'!-.::-J.".. '_ .' .:5(+.,� ._.. <br />- �'x ` �"- This Dead ol Tmet ehell socure(e)Iha peymant ol Ihe principal sum antl interosl evitlonceA by a promissory nole or credit �-�. � ��' ''- �;tp'; <br /> r': � <br /> ''� a r � �:(;d.. <br /> ,i.f'3%� apreementdatad AYpYal, ���� t� ,havingematurirydateol M *— ah� �Sth 1�I9('+ . : �y ": <br /> -.z - `�{ � 'iM"; <br /> -� r c---�` in the otlyinal ptincipal emount ol S 1�•6�•� ,and any entl alt modilications,oxtensions antl renewels � � �--�' � <br /> ��;,�-� _ `� �heieol or Nerelo end eny and eli Nturo edvancoe and roudvancos�o Borrownr(or eny of them n moro tnan one)no�euntler i•��;,y;v��.ri,1S -����' <br /> ��`�� - �' s urouenttoo�eormore romtsSOrynOlo9oreredi[B rcemenlaherBinCeileE"NO(e');(b)lhepeymentofolher6umeeMencetlb . - -��fe;.:a;t��� <br /> �,.� ..`:i�,`. P P B ( Y .,.. . ,. _ .., <br /> _ , 4endeAOprotectthaeaeudNollheNOle;(c)thepOdormanceolellcovenunt9anOngreemenUOlTru6lorseifoMherein;en0(tl)ell -i�_`,',:`__ .�a�,..��;_ <br /> ,��; present Bnd IuWre in0abledness and ob11ga0one of Borrowor(or enyol lhem if more tnan one�to LenJe�wheLSer dlrett irtlircct , f,�•_:._„_ <br /> � �- ebaclule or continpeni en6 whalher eNSing by nole,guaranry,werOrail or otnelwlse.Tne No1e.Ihis DeeA ol Tnut end eny enA ell - y} -. <br /> � qr - otll8rdauenW�helsBCUreNeNOleorolharwiseexecutedinconnecGOntherewllh.includingwithou111mil8tionguarenteee,68curtry , � ;. <br /> � � - , eyreemenU and essi9nmenl�ol teasas ond renU,ehail bo relcrrod lo haroin ee the"LOan Instruments". _ X _. <br /> ,�' Trustor covenenU enA eprees wiih Lende�es lollowa a x,.,! <br /> ' "' t.paym�nt W IndWlWn�u.All indebtedness eowrod hereby shail be Daid whon tlue. •<;:. .. - <br /> -J� 2.TNN.Tru310r b Ihe owner of ihe Property,has Ihe Nghl and aulhoriry to convny lha PwDOrty,enG warrante Ihel Ne Ilen t1 . � ,i�:� <br /> .c -`- rZ croeted�ereby le e tirnl en0 O��or Ilon on t�e Properry,ozceD��or Ilens end encumbrencee sut IoAh Oy Tmalor in wNling enA { -- . ;ql;;; <br /> dollveredloLenderbeloreoxocWOnollhiaDeedofTmalentlmeexecutfonentltlelWeryolmiaDeeOOfTmstdoosnotNOlalaeny I�:;,��'�`;:�,_ . �-1,;. <br /> -- ` ConVecl or other oblipetlon to wt�ich Trusbr Is sub�acl <br /> - , � 3.T�xM,Auri�b.To Day bolore deiinQUency ell toxes.speciai essessmonts entl all otharcharyos egainst Ne ProDOrry '" <br />'�[�- � -�,� now or hereaker levled. �� � -� ' � <br /> . ...'�;.:.,��:.0 .. <br /> •��>n'� 0.ltrunneeTOkeepNePropertylnsurodeBeinstdamagebyfiro,�azarCSinduGeEwiNinflielerm"¢AenOetlwverege",entl " - _ <br /> _ suc�oNar hazerAS as Londer may reqWre,in emounU nnA with companioa ecceptabte to Lender,naming lonOer as an adOltlonel - <br /> named Insured,with loss payable lo Ihe Londor.ln coso ol loss unAer such policios,tho Len�er is e�nhorizad to eC�ust�IIee1 and _ , <br /> - ��' rAmOromlea,eilelaimsNereunderenCe�a�IhorotheoD�onolepptyingeilorparlolNOinsurancoprocee0e(i)toenyindobtedness - <br />_- - 6ecurM�orebyenAlneuc�orAOrosLOnAarmaydotormino,(li)IOtheTmsrortobouseAlorNOropalrorreetoratlono/NeProporry - <br /> _, . orpil)torenyotlierpurposeorobJocteeOSlnctoryloLenOerwiU�ou�eXcelingU�ol�onotNlsDeo0olTrustfortholu�iemouNSaeurod � . <br /> �- - �ereby�oforo suM poymenl erer look O�ace.My applleatlon ol praeeGS to InOeb�otlness sAeil not o�ctend or postpone Uo Eue .� � <br />-_ ;-�.^_. Qate ol eny paymenLV unEer Na Note,or cure any delaWl IherevnCer or horoundoc _ - <br /> G Eltrow.Upon wriltOn demend Dy Lontler.Trualor eha�l Day lo LenEOr,in sue�manner es Londer may Cosignat&suKelent . � .. - <br />. ' e�unaUUUAVIUN��lniwvmlM1nvlw�rmnAUnw�vmnrnNlMWimv1`u•(i1n111�xwaeee� ...n�pa�pNyrj�ptayqpp,yAg� ' <br />°.-_._��=s�:�:� tho Vrqwrry.pq Ne O�omiums on Uo D�oporry Insuranco roqWrod herounEOr,enC piq tha premiumf on any mortgage Insurenee - <br />=��-sr-�9- nqWfMGy LMAe/. � . <br />���-=4:_2�1 @ M�YHmMee,RyHin and CompN�ne�wlih L�w�. Trustor u�all kouD�a Propery In pood con0ilion enA roDU�r,ahall <br /> -'° �=r.;j promptly npUr,or replece eny Improvemenl whleh may be Aamaged or da3UOyed;s�atl not comreit or permlt any wasb or <br /> -___-=--- MhtkreBOn ot tl:o�ropetiy;o�all not remove,Eemolls�or euDStnnFalry alter eny ol Itie ImprovemenU on(ho ProPoM s�all nol f ___,- - _ <br /> '�+J COmmILeuMe+orperMlenyectloDeEOnelnoruponNeFropertylnNOktlonolenykw.ortlfnance,orregulatlorcende�ellpayen0 (u; -�� _. <br /> �� D��Db/dlr;��rpe N Tmetors coat enA ezpenso ell nens,ancumWenee�en0 eharpoa IeHad,imposed or essasaeA epeinst 1he - ,-, � <br /> --=-�;-a Prope�y or�nY pn N»reot '.,,.:. <br /> --_-=��� �.EwYNnIWmYn.LenEeri��xeCyasslqnWalicompanutlonawardadame9aaanAOlMrpaymenuwrNiel(�e�Nnalter •. >. "" . . <br /> - "ProcNdallneonn�tdonwHhcandmm�allonaoMerUMnyoltnePrqwrtyorpartM.xeol,orloreon•royane�lnlrouolcondemna• � , <br /> tlon.L«W�r MHI Oe er.Utled nt Ilf optlon to enmmenee.�DP���enE proseeute in ita own nune eny eotlon w proceeQinpf,on0 _ <br /> MYIetwD��ntitls0lom�keenycomprqnlseoregttlementlneonnectlonwlMSUehWclnpordam�yalntl�errent�nYWrtlonot � � � <br /> x�eaN�O�w�YWroxa�+n.�arw � . �, .. <br /> �1 .�\t.�l� <br /> -.._v.� 01!/MNWIMNNOe�whuNW6NnMAw�WYnYinKMbW , . <br />