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�A4.� -. .5 _ �.. . Ir _� <br /> � -�� 7rt'_ � r 5_ }La^f ., --_. <br /> ! � - �� - ���. � � ��—' ._— – <br /> ._____,:::��=- �~-ri~-"—� <br /> � 93=� �o�s�;� <br /> e, w:�.er x.rcoperer ►,w�ee. Bpnpwee rMll kap the Im�rovrnKm� now ealuln�or htrqlter ereckd on da <br /> Propeny inwred�j�inst�oss by firc,Murdf includtd witAln the to�n•onunded mvtN�e•uM my aher MuMa,lpcludiry " <br /> , Rood�or hoad(n�,foe whl<h l.ender ttqufres Insunnco, 71i1s Inwronce sAwll De malmdixd in Ihe uiwunts ud for iAe perlodi <br /> . �h�!Le�der itqulra.71k Intiunnce cnrticr providing ltw In3urcnco shill bc choxn by Barrower�ubJat to Lender'e�ppmvJ <br /> whkh sAdl not be uorcason�bly w�tAheld. 1l Bortox�er hlle to maiuwln coverego describd obove. I�ender mey;qt Lendtr'e <br /> opllon,oMiln covertge to protcet Lcnder'a rigMe In the Ptopeny In Qorordpnce wRh p�r+grapA 7.. <br /> i Ail inwnnce policin�nd m�ew�if elull bo aaplaDta ro 1.enefer uW�Aall (ncludo a s�uyl�al mongige ciw�e: Lender <br /> , � ehail havo�he rigAt to hotd iha policin and rcncsvale.lf Lcnder rcqutm,Borrox•cr stwil proropily gi��e tn I.ender all reoeipts of - ------- - <br /> pdd prcmiums�nd rcnew�l natica.In tho event af los�,Bartower shall give prompt nalco to ths Inturwx:a rurler u�d LaMer. <br /> Lender nuy make proof of loss If not mado promptly by Barrower. <br /> Untese Lerider onA Harcowtr olhcrwiso egrte in writlng,insumna proceode ehall be apylicd(o restorntipn or rtpalr of�he <br /> — Propeny dam�god,iPthp rutomtion or repair�s annomlcally kasiblo end Le�der'e secudty Is not Itssened.!IFlho rcstoration or <br /> repalr b no�uonomirally feasi6lo or LenAtt'e securtty would 6o Iessencd, the fnsurar�e praad� apptled to the sums <br /> _ secured by�hie Secudty (nstrument, whether or not then due, wi�h eny eaoess pald�o Bortower. If Basrnwer ebandoro�he <br /> Property,or does not auxer within 30 days e nalee from Lender that�hc insuranca prrler hiv offcrcd M utUe a dalm, then <br /> Lender mty mllal the Insurance proacds. I.cnder may usc tho proaods �o rcpalr or restoro the Ptnp;ny or to pay sum� <br /> securtd by�hle Security Instmment,whtther or nol�hcn dua 7'he 30-dey period will begin whm the notim ts_given. <br /> Uniess Lender nnd Bortower o�A,rnise agrce in wri�tna, eny eppticatlon of procecde to pd�ip'+l.sh311 not extend or <br /> ppstpone ihe due date of thc rtwmhly paymcnu rcfertcd ro in paragraphe i cnd 2 or change the umun6�of�he payments. If <br /> under paregroph 21 �he property i�acqulrtd by Lender.Borrower's rigN ro eny iasuranco polictex eud pm.eod*rcsulting kom <br /> - -�� �-����---° danega ta the Prope.rty prior to Iho acquisition ahall pac5 to Lc�er to�ho eatent of the wm.s scatred by Iht9�Secwi�y ia4tument - - <br /> �-_=-- immcdietelyprim�otheacquisition. <br /> __ _„—Y 6,Octuprncy,Prcservoqon,M1Salntenance and Hotectton ot the Property;Borrower'e I.oan ApplkaHoe;l.e�se6olds. <br /> �;�:_�K�:,it�� Dorrowcr shall oavpy,establish,end uu thc Propeny ns Horrower's pdncipal residentt witM1in slxry d�ys�1tu the excation of <br /> --- � this Saudry Ins�mment end shall mntinue ta occupy�ho Propeny es BortowoPs pdneipal recidence far at Iast ona yeu after <br />-- .c..i_;i <br /> :� .. F,•.� the date of occup�nry,untess Lender oihenvix agrces in writins,which conxnt shall oo[ be unrmsorably withheld,or unlese <br /> .%.:'t�3���''�°�"• extenuatln eircumstences¢xis� wAich ere be ond I3ortower's rnntrol. Bortower ahall nol destm dama e or r lhe <br /> �... - .N:: ; @ Y Y. 8 �� <br />�;,;';��� „,-� � Propcny, atlow tAe Propeny to daedorate, or mmmi� waste on tha Propcny. Iiorrorer shall lu in default if any fodefmrc <br /> � '`-`�" : ectlon ar procceding,whe�hcr civil or criminal, is bcgun tha�in Lcndcr's ood teith ud ment mul��esui�in fodeituro of thx <br />�-;r.�•;ir,:,'.::J-_ � G 1 S <br />-.x,:.,�:_;�;?^• Property ar o�hetwise matedaily impair�he Ilen created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Bortow�er may � <br /> ._ .>-. .. o.,.y . <br /> �-��:� ,� curc such u defeult and reinstav,as providcd in paregreph I8,by causing tho ectlon or procecding lo bt dismissed with a ndins <br /> �� i{'`i:� lh�. i::�..G�['a^^^a fdi�Cu�+���i.�nll0u. �niUda iu�iciiu�e uT iiio 3unuwc7 D iuic�cei ii�ii�c PtL 'l a: :d�..`-'. .�tt..:w` — . . ° .- .— .. .... <br /> i:r, e�. V i^-• Y <br /> .. ��J��f.,)t Impairmem of Ihe lien crca�ed by�his Securiry Insuument or Lender's security inrercst. i3oimwu slull alw be In defau7t if <br /> :.,- ,f3'�t"�� Oortower,durin the lonn n licntion racss, ave matoriall false or inaccuw�e infomution or stzummis to Lender or fe0ed <br /> =�.;S;��e;�u� 8 PP� P B Y ( <br /> to provide I.ender wi�h any mmedal InfomiatloN fm m�nation with�ho loan evidenced by �be Note, f�xluding,bm not Ilmited <br />_ �'�-•`>� ro,rcpresen�etions mnceming Bortower's oavpancy of Q�e ProFerty ns e principal residence.If tha Securiry InsWment le on e <br /> ;::%,.'.i;,_,' ---- <br /> �;;,,,.;,.i_: leauhold, Borrower shall mmpiy with all �he provisions of th� Icase. If tiorrower�cquims fce tide to Ihe Propeny, ihe ____ � <br /> ';�!}�;-,� Ieasehold and tho fec title shzll not merge unlev Lcnder agrcu ro ihe merger in nrittng. �a�l�c.� <br /> ����.`�'";;;�_. � 7.PirotttUon of Lender's Righls In lhe Property.If Dorrower fails�o perfortn the covuunts ur1 agrcemen�s caniained In �(;;, <br />- -__,fi;�, Ihis Security Inswment, or�here Is a Iegal proceeding ihai may significantly effea I.ender i rights in the Propeny(such as e ;�_��,�, 1t� <br /> _ - proceeding in bankmptcy,probate. for mndemna�ion or forteimre or to enfom laws or regul��iom6 �hen Lender may do enA -.x,_�.;+�=-� <br /> -,� pay for who�ever Is naessary ro pro�ec��he value of�he Propeny and Lender's righu in the Pmp:rty. l.ender's ac�ionc n�ay ' <br /> �� � )j�?�f',��; (ncludc paying any sums sccurcd by a Ifcn which hns priority ovcr �his Secufiy Instrumrm. oppcaring In mun, paying „. ` - _ <br /> �.-; reazonable euome s@es end emcrin on U�e Pro tt �o make re �irs.Althau h Lcndcr nu �aJce xuon wder this ara ra h '" <br /> f ..�-.� Y 6 P� Y P• 8 Y P 8 P :f '�_ <br /> 7.Lender does not hnve�o da so. - � �' <br /> Any xmounts disbursed by Lender under this pangrzph 7 chall btconx addilional debi af Borto��Yr secured by this � ° � <br /> - ---- - Sccuritp imWnxm. Unicu Qorto���cr�nd Isndcr a rcc ta o�hcr temu of a�men6 �h.x anuume>haii lnnr imcra� fmm �hc =�"="---'==------'- � <br /> �. B P 3 ..rZN..p:�:;;;c:_ <br /> �s� �` : date of disbursement at the Note ra�c and shall bc payablc, �vith in�crcsi, upon notin from Lender to Borrower rcquesting '":;!-'��:a�.:�-:�:.�_.__.- <br /> �.=_ paymenf. '� +;L .. <br /> - 8.1lfortgege Insuranm. if Lcnder requirzd mongage ns a condition o!miking�he Imn secured 6y this Saurity �* ; ,�4 �:,, <br /> - ."- Insirumem, Bortower shall pay the premiwns requind to maintuin �he mongage insunnce in etfnt. IG for any reazon, the �� . _�� � . <br /> �,�, -' . mongagc insaraiue mverage required by Lender lapurs nr m.lses�o bc in ctfm. 6ormner shall pa���he premiumt raryired�o ' i �y �- -_ <br /> r' f ���`� obtain coverage subs�antiaily equivalent to the mongage insurance prcriously in effoct,m a m+� suhiiamially equivalem�o the -� �3`'��- ,.�- <br /> _,r,_:`•1_�--.-- cost Io Donower af the mongage insuranm previuusly in effect. (rom an aliernaie mongage insumr approred by Lender. If - -- �'� -� '�- <br /> substantially equiraleN mongage insurznce mrerage i.noi arailuM1le. �urmurr shall par io Lender each momh n sum equal to - ' ,'���"' <br /> ,. , . , <br /> - - ono-t�rel(th of Uu yearl�• mongagc insurznce premium 6eing paid by[3nnnwcr u�hen�hc insurarne m��cngc lapxd or cea�ed to ` -�`�-� - <br /> '`,�!'�"i''- be in eflecl.l.cnder will acecp�,ux and re�ain�hru p�yments as a lo>. msene in licu of nnnga�e in�urance. Loss rescrve � .� " ' � <br /> ' - - ' . Form 30Y8 9190 ,. - . <br /> r.x�o�s <br /> ��, . <br /> � � . ' x:: <br /> �,. <br /> .�. .,:. � �....-__.—�..�. - .. . . — ' <br /> __ ' Z�_""'_"_.__'_ '_..._'::"'_____.;_,.,-_': ._ __..._`___ _"_"'_Y_._...�...,r.I�"' ; <br /> .,.. _ � - .. . .__ . . - . . . . . - . _ ... ' ' ec.. <br /> .. •. . ' <br /> . � '... . . '.' . - <br /> . . .� ,. . , p, <br />. - . - ' .. .' ,. . ` J. <br /> .. . �, <br /> -:i'.. - .. . . - ' . <br /> �.. <br /> _ ' .'... � . . - . . . , <br /> �"'_..-,.Il' :_-. . . -.-�._ .._ -.-.> . ' _ + . _-. <br /> - , .':Pi:-� : . . .. . - . <br /> • ��<:��� - . �) : - � . .. � <br /> '/,.� _ .:)� - . <br /> i)..- . • - .. . . . . . . . - <br /> ��i.. .. - . . . .�,. • . . _. <br /> � S -�/. � . � .. . . � . -l� �i . . ' � . .. `. <br /> .. <br /> • <br /> - " . } : ' . - � . . . <br /> .... - .- . . . . � <br /> �� �y . � .� -'. =' � . . . <br /> � . ." .: � .. . . <br /> �. .. 4 . - . �_ ' ... . '�........ ... ... _..__. e.. . . . <br /> .. <br />