7 '( ��� _ . tej i � '. :£
<br /> L -1 . ' 1 . �-ll - . ___._ _. _
<br /> /]J •• "�� :•'
<br /> t � . r . 1.�_. . . .
<br /> � � ' ;,:,. .. 9�` ,1��� ...,..�-��,__,___
<br /> pymenU my nq(GU��.M tcallth�..M U�e uWion of Lcnder,it monas�a IMursnro covcn�e(In lho�rtrwd u�d foS�paibd
<br /> tAAt Li�aWei rcqvlttA)pr+rikt:d,�'RtVtr�S�+�r.ippro�ed by I.erNer H�n Deconx+evdi�bte add i�oWtlned.B�rmwee�h�ll py
<br /> dieprcmium�roquArtA M�N1N,v1fi�v�;f¢+ie inscn�nop in cttect,oe to provide�losq rcsen'o,up!IF�Ile rcqulrement for moMdrja •
<br /> tnwt+noecnd�inasr.mdmsa.wfshi►�y,�trlttrn�iroementl�twanBonoweruidLendtrorappllc�Alel�w; ,
<br /> �,Iqq{ctlo�nlRnikF otllt.�rH�y1)�mtY rtuko rcP!9�►e cntrles upon uid In��tl6ns oi tlq Propeny.Lei�dtr�hdl 4ive�.
<br /> Hortower naicna1M.11aw.ofvt,p.�Iqt,Kt'N�Insnectbn spaffylne reawmbla causa for the Intpectlon.
<br /> 30.CoademMAMaralts P�Sit�U�n9�wud or ct�im tor dprruga, diroa or mnxquenHal.ln connectlon wlth my
<br /> oondEmn�qon oc.ah:r:pkkc�g of,uay,p7�tio{�tM PropenY.or for comeyuuo in Ileu of caxlemnNian,rro hercDy wigned iu�d•
<br /> ._-'-- . �ARllbeqidtol.aqer,: �� . -- . . ..__.. __. . -
<br /> In thb evmsAf.�Iciul.ukln&oLlha Piop�tty.the pr000eda slu�ll be�ppliod td tha sumf eaurod by this Socurlty tnftrvmaM�
<br /> whether or not.tlxn dwa x•ith:aray.exci:R6 Qr[A to Bortower. In tAa event ot o pnnini uking of�he Propeny In which the filr
<br /> mukN vdue ot th;Ptnp,cty imar,dt�irtlY�faro�ho uicing le equal to or groater t�nn.�hp omaunt of the�um+socutod by thit
<br /> Sxuri�ylraln�mMdmx:dittt�'b:Rrtnthetaking.unlessBarrowcrancll.enelerahuwlsoagroelnw�iiing thpwmssaurcdby
<br /> thia Saudty Insmtar.M.etuU b:mY�red by the mwunt of the procecd�midtlplipd by tho foUnwJng:�mctiom U) the�aa!
<br /> �— amount ot Ihe sumtscaml(m�rAi}fR�Y�Foro O�e�aicing,dlvidod by @)Wp fair mazkc�vaLio.of tha�Pro�ty immadiatcly -
<br /> betoro Ne uking. Aqy bUam:�sMl.libe patd ro Bortower. In t�e evrnt of a puttnl wking ot tha Property in�which.the falr
<br /> markq v�lueof.ttK Pt�ytty ittmx,dUtely beforo the takinp is loxs thxn.�ho amounl.nf�he sums sduted immediately betore the
<br /> hking,unlea�Borrox�er wxa l.tenc�ot4ernlse agme In writing or unlas�appUc+ble law o�hrawlse provida,thp proaeds sh�li
<br /> bo applicd to ihe sums securM by.tAis Security inummen�wbethcr or nm�he sums em thcn duo.
<br /> [f ihe Propeny is aGurlamd.0y Aonon�er,or if,encr notl�by[.ender u�.Rorrower Nnt�he mndemnor offerc ro mvke an
<br /> ewacd or ultte ackAm f�t d9fmgts, Barrower(olle to rospond ro[.ender wiNin�30 days nRer tha date the notix is given, -
<br /> - Lender Is uuUqrlrrA to co6ta aoi epply�Iw procttde,et its opdon,elther to res�oration or ripair of the Propeny or to dw sume ----
<br /> sxured by ihis Smuity lnstmnrcn�.whahtt or not�hen due. _
<br /> --- UNess Ltadae azvl Omrower otherwise agrx in wridng, eny eppliradon of proceede to pdncipal sA�1i not extend or
<br /> postpone the due dsW ot thn monthly payments rzferted ro tn paagraphs 1 end 2 or chango the amount of such paymrau.
<br /> — 11.Boiroims Not.Ri�easedl For6earance By I.eodcr Not a Walrer.Bxtension of the Ume for payment or oadifiaHon --
<br /> of amortlreNon of th;sunu secured 6y thls Seariry Insaumem gfanted by I.endw to eny successor in imenxt of fiortower s1ia11
<br /> -= not operato�o mlrnso O�e IlabiUty of�he odginal6ortower or portower•s suxcssors In intcres�.Lendu shall not be required to
<br /> - -- conunenco pmxedlt�,sz,�auu1 eny suceessor in intercst or mfuse ro eactend dme for paymem or o�huwise modi(y emonizatlon __
<br />_Yy_� of the wmti securrd 6y tLis Sttudty Instrumem by mason of eny denwd mxle by tdo originel Bonower or 6orrowcr'e -- -
<br />��-;.,t_ sucrosson In inKrrse. My foibea�ance 6y Lender in exerdsing any righi or rcmody sh�ll not be a watver oFor preciude the a _-
<br />.:�-'::�'� excrciso of xay ri�y or�emcdy.
<br /> '- 12. So[m�:,.mni nnd Asslgns Bound;9oint and Sevenl LlaOiifty{l:o•aigncre� Ino covennnts and agreemen[s oi ihie '� - °- -'
<br /> �, Security Iwtmr.�.�nt shdl bind and benefit the successors end essigtu of LenAu and Bononer, subject ta�he provislons of
<br /> %�1?,�� �..�.�_:..
<br /> � +),� pamgrepA 17. IImmxer's eovenanro end agreemenu shall be Joint and severel. Any Dorro�rer who casigns �hia Security ��"-
<br /> '�'�'A Irtstrvment bu�dcr.s mt exavto�he No�e: (a) ia rn-sfgning this Security Insnumenl only ta mongege, gram and comey that --4�"�� --
<br /> `1��i��, Dortower's in•,eres� In.lhe Propeny under�he terms of this Securiiy]nsvumem;N)is no� perwn�lly obltgatcd to pay the sums �.� _..
<br /> �+y��� saurod by�his S.r.udty Insltumem;end(c)ngrees that Lender and any o�her porro�ca may agree to extend,modify,forbear or ._ss'*�� ,___
<br /> �x _„ make eny accom::qdacions with rtgard ta the�erms of�his Securiry Instmmtnt or iho Noie wid�out lha�Oorto�ver's tonsent. � �r�„__ � . .
<br /> . ��- t3. Loxn-ChC�m.It the loan secured by�his Securi�y lnsuumeni Is su6Jat ta a law�vhich sels mazimum loan charges, fX,��� •� r ,��;�--
<br /> f. � Rr�_ '*,y:�,
<br /> end that law is fiml.l}�Interyreted m that the intercst or other laan charges colloc�ed or to be collated in connectian wi�h lhe `(�3�}�_ ��=a'""
<br /> - '�.� loan exoeed ibr p:nnittod Ilmits,then: (a)eny such loan charge shall be r�u«d by�he nmount narssary to roduce the cM1arge ,`4p t , _.
<br /> ., :�y; to�he pamiin�d-limir,nnd @)eny sums alr.:ady callxced Gom Oonower�vhich exceeded {xrmitted IBNts�vill be rcfundcd ta �,�,�}�r,`r� : .
<br /> - �) 3` Bortower. Len;kr rtuy choose to nuke ihis retund by reducing �he principal owrA under the No�e or by making e direct �} �'''� -- . �
<br /> <1 :
<br /> - �jr(j payment �o Uotroxer. If e rcfund redums principal, the rcdunion wlll be trca�ed as a panial prepaymcm wi�houi any - ��hy� _
<br /> -,i�:j PrepaYmen�chuge undcr�he Noie. �}h� 1�`i��f -
<br />__`i.f+-:F IA.Notttev.Any noiice�o Oortoxrr provided for in ihis Sewriry Inswment shall be Firen by dclivering it or by milling �„��}._; �3, ---�
<br /> `'•'`°�' it b first ciass mail unless a Ilable law r• uiru use of enother me�hod.The notice shall be direc�ed w�he Propeny Addrese -•'-"r':�;:-: -
<br /> Y PP W i i a.
<br /> or eny o�h:r addreu Darrower daignates by notice to Lender. Any nalee to Lender shall be given by first class mvil �o � 3,_ ; � y�T _=
<br /> Leadcr's mldress atatcd herein or any o�her addrcss Lcndcr designa�es by no�ice to Oono�rer. Any notice providcd for In tl�ls �r�,v,� � -�-
<br /> Sowrity Itulmment shall be dcemed to have bcen given�o Uorto���er or Lendcr u�hen givcn a+prm•ided in tlds paragraph. i��i�.P�s ti ""
<br /> t5.Gon.Kning law; Seven6111ty. This Security Inswmem shall bc govemcd by federal law end �he law of the ��,���,�7�j.;� j,,, -
<br /> jurisdiaion in c�hich�he Propeny is located. In the evem�hat any provision or claum nf this Security Irowmem or�he Note . t �� - .- .
<br /> mnflias�ciq��pFliable law,such rnnilin shall no�a((m o�her provixiom af�his Security Inetrument or�hc hore ufiich can be , ��r�� �.
<br /> given effm oitli�u�the mnflic�ing provision.To�his end the prm�isions of U�is Securiry Imwmrm and�he Note ere deciared �: - - °1�"�'����•�_
<br /> ':��,�`I„'-.�:;, .
<br /> -- - to be severxbk. 2 ��p - .,:,
<br /> � . lG.Ooreuner s Coy)'.Dorto�ccr shall bc giccn onc mnfnmitd cup��of Ihc Nntc and af�M1is Sccurity Inswmtm. _��. �{�„` �: -
<br /> ,.�.s,•..:.., -' .
<br /> • Fam3028 D190 .;.,;•�',�}-''.i""�.
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