____ ._. _ _ _
<br /> �.:.:� 93= 1o�sa,s
<br /> T048TH�R PATFI ail�ha improvemenq raw or IxrcaRer erecud on�ha property,uM�SI atemenu.�ppurtcnu�cee,u�d
<br /> flxrorea �ww o hereatter a p�q of �he propeny. All rcplxenxnle �nd oddlilom sh+ll AI60 EO CQYG!!I) bY IIII7 Savrity
<br /> Inatrvmenl.All otlho forcgoing I�rsferted to�n thl�3ecurity Instrunxm r�tho'Propetty.'
<br /> BOAROWBR COVBNAN7'S�hat Aortower Is IowNlly selxd of the csimo hcrcAy convcycd oM h�+ihe right to grom nnd
<br /> convey Ihe Propeny and tNnt tho Propeny i� unencumberM,exttpl (or cncumbrpnca of rcmrJ. �orrower warrome and wlll
<br /> __ deRnd genenUy�ho thia to�ha Propcny ugaim�all claims and dcmand�,�ubJcct�o�ny cnwmbmncce of reconi.
<br /> THtS&BCURITY INSTRUMBNT combines unifomi mvenants for nnilonal uw ond non•unlfom�covenam�wi�A Iimltod
<br /> ---., -,.---, vadalione by Jurisdialon In wnstimte e unifomi cocudty Imwnunt rnvedng ceal propeny. . , .
<br /> UNIfORM COVCNAN75.Borrowu and Lender rnvcnant and ugrce os Pollowe: r l
<br /> 1. P�}'ment oi Princlpol pnd Inlercst; Prepoymenl and I.afe Clwrga. Bortowcr shall promp�ly pay whcn duo Iho _
<br /> _ pdncip�l of and intcrest on�ho de6t evldenced by lhc Notc and any prep�ymem ond laro charga duc undcr thc Note.
<br /> 2. FLnds for Tues and lnsurance. SubJcet w applicable lew or ro n wd�ten waiver by Lendar,6nrro�ver chall pay lo _ _
<br /> L.endcr on�he day monthly paymenq ere due undcr�hc Note,umil the No�e is pald in full,a Rum('Punds7 for.(a)yeariy taxes _ _ ._
<br /> . . . = and acsessmmte o�dich n�ay auain pdority over tAis Secudly Ins�mmem az a Ilen an�he Propeny:(b)yeady leasehold paymems -�
<br /> or round ren�s on the Pro n ,If an ;(c1 yearl hazard or ro n insuranm remfums;(d)ycarl flood Insu�ance remiums. �`�� -
<br /> 8 P� Y Y Y P P� Y P Y P ��- °
<br /> lf uny: (e)yeady mortgage insurarMe premiums,if eny; end(q eny sums payable 6y Borrower�o Lender, in accordance witM1 _— --�
<br /> tho provislom af paragraph 8,In Ileu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These Icems ero called 'Escrow I�cn».' �'_��:--
<br /> -- Lender may,at any time, rnllen and Yuld Punds in en emoum not to excced thc maximum emount e lendcr far n fedcrelly -'""" -
<br /> releleA man�go loan may requirc!or Bortower•s escrow account under�ho federal Real Cstate Senlement Pracedures Aa af 'f���'.� - _-
<br /> � 1974 ox emM�dcd Gom tlme to Nmc, 12 U.S.C.Sccflon 2601 e�req.('RESPA'),unless another Imv�hat applies�o�he�unds �- _
<br /> -- sus a IeESCr amoum. If so, Lcnder may, at any Ume. cotlect e� hold Funds in en enmunt no� to extted tha Iesser amoum. � _� . __—__.
<br /> '—'*b�+� Ler.der nwy estimate the emount of Funds due on�Ae buis of cuaent data and reasonable cstimaics of expendimrcs of Pomre - - -
<br /> „�;�,.— Escrow Itens or olherwise in eanrdance with applicable law. '�;.:��,,-: �.
<br /> '�-_�g;� Tlw Punda shall be held in en ins�itatian whose deposi�s urc insured by a kderel egency, insuumcmali�y, or emity `: -'�.+:
<br /> z n;`� (Including Under,if Lender is such an ins�itntion)or in any FeAeral Home Laan Dank.Lender shall app!y iho Funds ta pay�he �..' ��.�
<br /> ,�W!_ -, Escrow item+. Lender may not chazge Oortower for holding end epplying Ihe Funds,nnnually enalp:ing�he escro�v account,or -�% � - _'s.e,�•.,
<br />"��? �� vedfyinQ ihe Cscrow Remc,unless Lender pays 6orrower imerest on the�unds snd applicable law permhs Lender to meke such ` �-' -
<br /> +�iSi^- �� ` e chargo. I[owever.Lender may requirc Flortower to pay e one•time charse for an independent real esta�e tez reponing urvice
<br /> - �:, p i� .. i.
<br /> uud by Lcnder im m�natlon wllh this loan, unless appl(rnble Inw provides othenvisa Unless an agrcement Is made or Yfa:' -
<br /> r = -f�, epplicni�ts la�v rcquircs interest w be paid,Lcnder shall not be rcqulrod�o pay Iforrower eny Imeresi or eamfngs on Iho fands. - r '' �
<br /> ;_ Ilottuww and Lender may agree in wri�ing,how�ever. �ha�imeres�shall be paid on ths Funds. Lender sh�ll give lo Dorro�rer, ��,l;q�- �:_�
<br /> _ •9IlhCUC CF_lof. =0 9nq��g� g����m�p,00 nf�M j�nnAc;chnwinv crr<Iits end dehl�s m tAe Funds end the ourpnse far ivhlch rath !��t'�'f-.� .:
<br /> ; a debl�ta the�unds was niade.7'he Funds are pledged as ndditional securi�y for all sum.c securM by this Saurity Instrumen�. �S�t�fj' `j'�'�
<br /> � ; If��he Funds held by Lender execed the nmoums pemillted to be held by applicable law,Lender shnll necount to 6orrm�•er y �!�� .�
<br /> for�hu ezcess Funde In accordance with�he requlrcmenis af applicablc law. If thc emoun�of the Funds hdA by Lendcr et any �i�f�` "" -.
<br /> ` � tlmo Is rat sutltciem to pay the Pscro�v I�enxs�vhen dne.Lender may w notifq Uorrower in wriHng,and,in mch case Qunower .,�i�srfr/F � i�-�
<br /> r ! shnll pay Io Lender the emount necessnry lo make up�he deficicncy. Oonower shall make up the dcOciency in no morc�han �$;(,"yf S "
<br /> rGa�
<br /> : i Iwclvc nwnthly paymenis,et Lendcr's sole discrction. :���`. . � _'
<br /> - Urnn payment in full ot nll sums securM by this Securi�y Instrumem. Lender shall prompily rcfund to Oarro�rer nny - (�f,7i��` � � �
<br /> x - ,; �unds Ivild by Lender.If,under paragreph 21,Lender shali acquire or ull�he Propeny.Lender.prinr m�he acquisi�lon or sate _�;:'` f_:.� � -�
<br /> � - - ' of�hu P�operry,sholl epply nny Fu�s helA by Lender at ihe time of acquisition or sale ac o credi�ngainst U�o sums secured by t 1 -h�r�r
<br /> [ . If'.� ' � 1(_Iyfj �� {_._ .
<br /> : --f j thisSccurityfarirumem. t,, __.
<br /> �„ .s�t 3.A Iicatlon of Pn ments.Unleac a Ikable law rovides otherwise,all a mems rcceived b Lender under ara re hs J�. t;� c�.. -
<br /> PP Y PP P P Y Y P S P
<br /> z - ��;;' 1 nnd 2 shall be npplled:firsi, to any prepaynkm charges duc under the Nate semnd, �a omounts payable under pamgr�ph 2: >�,� �+� �'`;r --
<br /> -���- third,tn imcrest due;founh,to priudpal due;nnd las�. �a m�y la�e charges duc undcr�he Note. -�ry{;���i+�<,�1i�[{t 3•_—- -
<br /> 4.Cha�es;Liens.Dorrower shall pay ail�exes, aacssmcnts,char@es, fines and impusi�ions auribu�ablc m�hc Pmpeny r�Y�L�t � ' '� � :a _
<br /> a - which nuy aanin priority over Ihis Securily Ins�rument, and IcueholJ pnymems or groand rent.,, if unp. 6orm�r.r shall pay P � �r �=��„
<br />, �.,_ -.. ,_' tliese obligaiions in thc manncr provided in paregraph 2,or if no�paid in�hA�mannrr,Dorrnwcr chail pay�hcm on�ime dimcUy ��"' ,r. .�" —
<br /> J P P Y P P Y P" P F P ��;� . � _
<br /> ro lhu e�wn mred a mem. 13orrox�cr shall mm tl fumish lo Lendcr nll nnliccs of amounli m bc aid undcr this ara m h. _ --_L- _
<br /> If Borrnvrer makes thesc paymcnts Jircedy. 6orrowcr shall promp�ly fumish ro l.ender nceipts cridencing the paymrnts. ,�',::�._ ; ! �' _
<br /> Qurtower shall pramptly diicharge any lien which hac priurity orer this Securiq•Insa�nsnt unlrs.Borm��rr.(aI agmes in �����;. -
<br /> � �{ writinP m�he paymem o(�h.obligation secund by ihe lien in a manner accep�ahle�n Lender.�M cnnte.�s in good tai�h ihc licn f t-;; . - .
<br /> by, ar deknds ngains� cnforcemem of thc licn in. Icgal procadings �shich in �he I.cndtr'� upininn operate �o prcrcm U�c ,4�3�i-� S _' _
<br /> „ =. �. �• � enforcemenl of lhe licn;or(c)secures from IhC haldcr nf Ihc licn an agrccmcnl.au.lai�ory�la lsndcr wbodina�ing Ihc licn lo '-`�ti r;;; -.- - -
<br /> ..'%':"'- this Securiq•Inswnxm. If Lender detennines�hat any pmt af�he Prnpcny i.wbje.� m;�lirn�rhi.-h nu��au:�in prinriiy nrer , . -
<br /> �.��..- this Securiq�Insuumem. Lender may gire Unrracer a mnia iJemif��ing�he lien. florrm�cr.hall.:nid� �hr licn nr IaAe one or �<•�:: ' - . .
<br /> . mor.of thc aclions sct fonh above a�iihin 10 da�.a(ihc giring of no�i�c. �',t„�`-.. - � . .
<br /> Form 3028 9100 �k�":.::._. . .. - .
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