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<br /> �,� 9�-' 1o�sio
<br /> d. Ifoard or Yroperty Insunnce. Aortower eheli keep �he improvemen�e now oxisting or heruftee erected on Ihe
<br /> Pfoptry Inturcd�galnstloss by Orc, huard�lncludod withintho tertn'extended coverago'ond any othet hazarde, including
<br /> ` n�,oas��.n�ams,for whlch Lender rcquirca Insumnce.Thla Insurance shall bo malntalned in�he emoums and for�he perlade
<br /> � �h��Lcnskr rcquir�+.The insurance curdcr prnviding iha Inaurencc shall be chosen by Dortower subJect�o t,cnder's upproval
<br /> - --i �vhlch-fihnll not ba unreuonably withheld. If Dnrro�vcr fnlls to nuinuln mverago describcd ubocc, l.cndor nuy, nt Lcndcr'n
<br /> opion,�pbtaln coveraga�oprouc�Lcnder'e righ�e in tho Propeny In auorAanco wi�h paragrnph 9.
<br /> __..__,� All Ins��ronco p011Ciee nnd renewnb shali be nttepinblo�o[.ender mtd sh�ll Incinde n stendard mongage clause. Lender ,, .__ .. , _ .
<br /> shU6hnvo tho right�o Aold tM polleira and rcncwals.If Lendcr requiru,Borcox•er shall promptty give�o Lendcr all reccipla of
<br /> paid prominms and rencwnl noticee.In�hc event ot tas�.Borzower shail givc prompi noticc to the insumnce carder and Lcnder.
<br /> l.r.ndu may maka praof oi loas If not nuAO promplly by Qorrower.
<br /> Unlrss LeMer n�vJ Uormxrr oihenviso ogrce In wdqng,lnsuranca procecds shail bo nppliod�o mstom�ion or rep�ir o(tho
<br /> Pmp;rty damagtd,if th¢resiomtion or repair Is annomicelly fcuiblo nnd l.endcr's secudty is not lesscned.If tlie reswretion or
<br /> rcprlr ie no�economlcall��4tASlhh,or le:nder'e secudty would be Icssened,the Insumna praceds shall bo nppiied to tho sunu __.__ ___
<br /> �- �� secured by�hls Secudty IrNin�rm�si,•whether or nnt then due,with eny excesa paid to I3ortower. If liorrower ebandans the
<br /> - P�vpCrty,or docs not nrowi:r olttiim30 drya a nodcc from L.ender�ha��hc insurenu wrrler has offcred lo scttle a cluim,then
<br /> i Lemler mny mllec� �h�imu�rur.e pmcecds. Lender nwy use �he procecds ta repair ar restore �ho Propeny or to pay sun�s
<br /> secvred 6y ihis Secudty Imtmm:M;:��hcthcr or nm then duo.'ILe 30-day pedod will begin when Poe natfce is given.
<br /> , Unlcu Lender arvi Dormxer-uthenvise �groe In wd�ing, any applicapon of proceeds io principal shnll no� exlend or
<br /> �atpono Iho duo dato of ttw mon:tdy paymeme rcfemd to In paregraphs I ami 2 or change�he emount of ihe paymems. If
<br />. ... . . .... ... unAer ppmgraph 21 ihe Projany ia asitaind by Lendor.[Sorrower's dght lo any insurmce policie�end procu:ds resulAng irom -----.---..
<br />—�_=-�+�*�nri damoge to�hn Property pdnr ia th:m:�7uisi�lon shall pus to Lender a the extcm of thc sams sm�red by�hfs Sccurity Instrument
<br /> �'-"—� Immedimely pdm�o�he acquisl�inn.
<br /> n_ .Y ��'�� 6.Occupnney,Presereatlon, M14uintennnce und Rroteclion of Ihe Property; 6orrower's luan Appllc�qon;I.easehaide. '"
<br /> �`�;-� Ilorcowcr shall occupy,eslxbilsh,nn1,uK�ha Property as Bonower's princtpal rcsidenm within siziy days alter tAe execallon of �
<br /> � �:;-�' -� thfs Securi�y Insl�umem nnd chill cootinue lo oavpy�ho Propeny tu Uorrower's principal resfdence for nt Ieasi one ycar aRer ��_�-=.--
<br />^�a!�4.^_':;;� Iho dnte of occupancy, unlass Lemitr mhernix ngmes In wrhtng, �vhich consem shall not be unreawnably wilhheld,or untess =-_---
<br /> ���"%� �� exiennoting circumsinnces exis� ��41c3� arc beyond Unrrower's mmrol. Uortower shall not dcsvoy, denuge or Impair the -'---
<br />�
<br /> Property, allow�hc Propcny�o diu�rioreic, or wmmil wnslc on the Property. Dortowcr sh�ll bc in de(ault If any forfeimrc Q;'� "-
<br /> -- , :��� ecUon ar proceeding, wht�hrr ciril nr criminal,Is 6egun�hnt in Lender i gnod faith Judgment could resul�in fodeimrc of�ho �1..t_,i_-�—
<br />; ' �; Pmperty or o�hetwise matcrlaliy impiir��he Iicn crca�ed by�hls Securily Insuummt or Lender's socuriry interesl.6ovower may {���,n`-`"`�"'' �
<br /> ' - EGec
<br /> .'�' curc such n default and refnsieta.u omvided in pam_vraph IS.6y cau+ine�he ac�inn nr nrnfPeA���m ho dicmis�wi!h?np�n —_--.
<br /> -�- •,c thm, In Lender's goal {a��h du<•anSm4ion, pmcluda (orfcimrc of ihe Dortower's intere.at in the Pmpeny or o�her material ' 'St""���
<br /> :i,
<br /> hnpairmem of th¢lien crmted bp Uilt Secumy Inxuvment or Lender's securi�y imenst. Bormwer shall also 6e in defauh if ;t f�+ �`��
<br /> Qorcower,during ihe Iwn appli�Uan p�utrss,gave materinlly false or inaccuraie intomution or siatemema to LenAer(or failed •�t;�� .- _ ��,"---
<br /> `- � Ir•- . to provfde Lender�vi�h anp nu�rrixf Infnmia�fon)in cannec�ion�vith�he loan evidenttd by �he Noie, including,but na�limi�ed P1 - �=��';� •
<br /> f-:
<br /> �o,«prcstmaUons eoneemina�armo�n's oc+eupaney of�he Propeny ac a principal rexidence. If�his Securily Insuument is on x ;;
<br /> � Icaschold, Qorrowcr shall comply x•ith•aii �hc provisiuns of ihe Iease. I( Borrower ecquires fcc �itle m �he Pmpehy, lho '��j�' �` ���� �-��
<br /> Icauhold and the(ce titlo shall nrn m:rpennlccs Lendcr agrces io�hc mcrger in ivri�ing. (;�< t L:
<br /> '. � f; !I i:
<br /> " �.PYOIMIIOII OP IRIIUM'6 RIF;Itlu in l6e IToperly.It fiorro�rer fails m perfarro th¢covenants and agreemems mntained in ( �, �'-
<br /> l,- z
<br /> t :.' this Securfly Insirumenl,ar tb:re Is n It�al proceMing�Bn� may significamly aReci Lender's righ�s in�he Propeny(such az o - , -��� `
<br />��s�_,_, ,-_;,t: procttding In bankrup�cy. prnbxta (nr malemna�ion ur forfcimrc or�o cnforcc h��s m reguU�ions). ihen Lcnder may do ond �';,;:.- .:.�'� "`��R�_�:-
<br /> ��; pny tor whmcver is ncecccary�a prnte�s�he value nf�hc Property and I.endcr's righ�s in the Property. Lcndcr's ac�ions nuy ��;, j -
<br /> ��i - fa��� includc paying ar.p sunu sccvr�d 6�• � Ilcn u•Idch hos priori�y nvcr Ihis Stturiiy Instrunnn6 appcaring in coun, pnying {`t', �;-.
<br /> �+i -�.;'• reawnnble auomey�a' fees nnd emeriug an ihe Pmpeny tn make rcpairs.Al�hough Lendrr ma���ake ac�lon under this pamgmph jo�<< _ - _ �ttc-��.
<br />�,;*� `�-.?. j 7.Lender docs not hnve to do eo. }'Lt,.isn;.�:'�•r"'_:$:�.
<br /> ��L,; Any amounla Jlsburxed M1p Lr�eclt�unJer lhis pangnph 7 shall became adJiliunal deM af Borrower seeum4 by �his r+' S _ '' �`` —"
<br /> J Security Inswnxm. Unlc.s OarcaoLr nni Lender apree�o olhcr termc of paymem, ihesc nmoums shall bcar intemst (rom�hc ��I�ys;1� .
<br /> .j�, dme af Jisbursement ��� d�e Natc rntc ani shall 6c payable, �ei�h imercs6 u{wn nmim trom Lender ta Dorm�eer requating << � '� � -; -=
<br /> ..J `.. ,` paymem. {;�{ td Z -. ;
<br /> :_r. , 8.�turlgnge Insurnnce.If l.endrr rrynind mon@nge inwrance xc a rnndi�inn of m�king ihe loan securcd 6y this Securi�y �:, r�� '�s -. �4.
<br /> �,r . --; 6islrumenl, Uorro�cer shall pay �he promiwua mqnircd �o mainlain �he mongage insurance in effecL If, for any re:uon. the i � } _ _� y_,
<br /> y-:' : r.
<br /> mutlgnge insurance mvcrage rtquinJ bg Lcndcr I;ipse.ar cca�cs Io M m effccl. Bnrrmver �hall�uy Ihe prcmiums myuircd lo e!"- r _ �:-
<br /> . j5 �< obtain covera e subslamiali e uivalenl ta tlu�tnnrt�a�c in+uran�r R`\'IOpQ' IIl l`(ILyI,AI i1 l'ON SpF1IJ�lIIAII e uivaleN �a�he �� '
<br /> h ,;.: F v a ti � r > Y 4 �; �c
<br /> r] � i.. cosl l0 13orro�rer of tlic mnnFage in�w:m:e pioviau+ly in elfecL I}nm .m all.nune mnngagt inwrcr appmreJ by Lender. If +.- �-�+
<br /> ,., f- .-_: `, . ``
<br /> su6.�antially eyuiralent nx�ngage inwrnnex cme�age u nnt arailahle.13orrnorr.hail p�y�o Isnder carh month a wm cyual lo y , r �
<br /> r -- • one�Iwclflh of lhe y�mriy ntnng�gc inwmn:c ptemimu M1emg p�id hy Ikirtm��cr uhen�hc m.uranm.a�eragc lap.ed or cca.eJ tu p:: . _
<br /> bc in cfkc�. l.cndcr will acccp�,uk:md re�am tlii rc p;nmcnl+a. a lo.. rcxnc in Gru ol mnngagt m.urancr. Iwn. rcstn.e . -
<br /> r.:. ' .
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