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<br /> � ' 93-' so�sio
<br /> T90BTH6R WITH ail�ho Improvemenu now or hereafla ereccad on�ha prqxrty,ud�II euem:M�.�ppunnnnnr.r�.�nc�i
<br /> tixiurcs now or hercafter � put of Iho piuperty. All rcpl�cenxnta and pddhions sl�nll=aisn bo-wverW by tNln.Secui'�f
<br /> InstrumeN.A11 of�ho Porcgoin3le referred to In�hle Secudry[ncwmem n�ho'Propeny.'
<br /> BORROWdR COVCNAN7'S thri Borrowcr Is�uwNliy sciud of�ho eslaie hercby mnvcycd aiM l�n�ha riDhi tu erannond�
<br /> convcy the Propehy and tAa��ho Propeny Is unencumbered,exceq for encumAranaa of raorA. aormweT warramu enM1�wllAi
<br /> � dcknd gcncr�lly tha Iitla ro�hc Propeny agalnst all claims ai�d denunds,subJcct to any cncumbrensca ot record.
<br /> THIS SECURIYY INSTRUMFiNT wmbines unlPonn covenann for n,rilonnl use and non-uniformwvenamx wiifrlimtrn�ki
<br /> „ veAa��ane 6y JurisdiNion to constltute p unifotim scsudly instrunxnt mvcrinp tcn)pmpcny, . ..-.-. .--_ ___
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANT9.Hc�rcowcr niM Lendcr covenantand ugnr m follows�
<br /> 1. Payment ot Pr(nc(pd pnd [nterut{ Prepoymen! and late Chorqes. Qorrower sl�aU promptty pay whan duo �io�
<br /> pNncipal of end Interat on tha debt evidenced by tho Note arA eny prepayment und late charges duc undcr�6o Nota.
<br /> 2. ELnds for Taxes ond Insuronce, Subject tn appilcable law or to a wd�ten woirer by LuideR 6orro�ver shnil pny tm .
<br /> � I.ender on tho day nwmhly paymcnts ere due under tAe Note,umll tho Note i�pald fn PoII,a sum pFund�ry fae(a)y¢ady h�xea
<br />. . . _. and assessments which nuy anain pdodry over�his Socumy incwment ae n licn nn�ho Pmperty;(M1)yearly IeasaholJ ppymentn - .- - ..__
<br /> or ground ren�s on tho Propeny.If eny;(c)yearly haavd or propeny 6isuranw premlunLS;(d)ywdy flood fnsumnce pn:mlums,
<br /> -- -- if any:(e)yearly mongage Insumnce prcmiunu, if any:and (�eny sunG+prypble by Rormwer�o Lender, (n ncconl�mce wAh
<br /> �=-s�i the provisions of paregreph 8,in Ileu of tho paymcm of mottgagc Insuranoo prcmlunu.Thex ittm�aro called'Gurow Imms.'
<br /> ��"-�' Lender may,al eny[tme, allat and hoid Funds in m emount no� ro exceod the maximum nnwunt a IcnAer for o fedur�l[y
<br /> -- rcleted mongege loan may requirc for fMrrowei s escrow acmunt undcr the federal Ra�I Cstac:SctUcmcm Proccdun:e Act af
<br /> -- 19T4 as amended from time to�imc. 12 U.S.C.Seciion 2601 n s�q. (•RESPA'),unleas anottur law tM1at applfes�n�ha fLndu
<br />- ,��_..�;-_��, scis a icsscr amount. If w, Lender may, at eny Unn, rn11eG er.d hoid Funds In an nmount iwl �o exmd �ho Icsser amount_ ""- ' -'�
<br /> f -_ I Lender may esiimatc the emounl of Funds duc on�he basis of current data end rcasonnble es�imates of expcndi�uRS of future G°
<br /> ' m�" 6scrow ttems or mhenvise in eccordantt wl�h npplicable law. r--�
<br /> r���f�t't�'`� The Funds shall bc hcid in an institulion �rhose depnsiu arc insurt4 by e federal agency, instmmenlidiry, ar entity � -_
<br /> .r�c��a (including Lender,If Lender is such an ins�im�ioN or In eny Federal Home Loan Dank. Lender shall opply tha f•LnAx m pay�Bn ��_ _.
<br /> �,{��t�`zs Pscrow items.Lender may not chuge Uorrower(or holding nnd applying Ihe�unds,annually�analyzing ihe escrow necount.or �, -t-'��
<br /> ��+ t . vedfying�he Escrow Items,unless Lender pays 6orrowcr(nteres�on�he Nnds nnd npplicable law permi�s Lendar�o mnke such
<br /> f�t?i� 3:+ e charge. However, Lender may require Oorroxror m pay e one•iime charge!or nn independen�rcal estn�e tox rcpoKinp urvice +�+ . _
<br /> used by Lender in connec�ian wi�h �hfs laan, unless �pplicable law provides othenvise. Unless un egm.mem is modu ar '+`^
<br /> �- _-`•�: applicable law rcquircs interest to be pald, Lender shall not be rcquircd to pay Uorrou-er any iraxrest or eamings on �ho FLndh. �. ��'s.�
<br /> ��""� �.�•�-:� Oorrowcr aid Lendcr ma e rce in writin , ho���evcr,�hat imcrcs�shnll be Zid on�he Furds. Lender shnll ive�o Qurcawcr, ���� "`�`�
<br /> �,�-'-_'- wi�!!^_�_t cp_•ga� yn er�.a ��n�ing o!h: Fu:x:�,shcxird:;u'iu ut�d.".,,hit; ia�c Fac.a.s ar,: �ht W�Y�:a :.;r�.hEc�cach -_',�, �--.
<br /> f� debi��o the Fu�s was made.77�e Funds nre piedged os uddhfonnl securi�y for all sunis xecurcd by ihis Seturity Instn�roem. ` t ' -
<br /> �'J " If�he Funds held 6y Lender ezceed ihe omounu permiued�n be held 6y applica6le lava Lender shnll ucmunt tu Uarcawer �� � �
<br /> -�":-�"r,,:'�;-�' for the excess�unds in ncrnrdance wi�h the requiremems of npplica6le low. If d�e amount of�he �unds hcld by Lendur�t eny `�:;�";:�-
<br />�" �bi=�'r ������ qme h not su(ficient�o pay the Gscro�v Renss�vhen due.Lender may so nmify Uorrower in�eriUng,anA,in such case Qorcua•er ���'�t: �
<br /> � ��
<br /> ' '�� shall pay to LeMer�he amoum necessary im m�ke up�he deficicncy. Qurrower shidl make ap ihe deficicncy in nn ronro thnn r -_-
<br /> ` - -`"� nvelve monthly paymems,nt Lender's sofe discm�iun. j,. -�:--
<br /> rFf� - -
<br />. . EY* -_ ` Upon payment in full of nll swiu secured by�his Secumy InsuumenL I.�nJer shnll prompdy refund m Qu�ro�eer any .,.�v�r3;�;,ss:°
<br /> --'-- �-� Funds held by Lerdea IL under paragr�ph 21,Lend.r shall ncyuirc or scll ihe Propeny.I�nJer,prior ro ihe acquiniiinn or sala ., � +.}���`_
<br /> -s - � of�he Propeny,shall apply nny Funds held by Lend.r a� the�ime of acquisiiinn or sale as a cndii ngninxt�he swns secureJ by � }.�f;';
<br /> ° " -- `1; �hisSaurirytnsuument. {'� i����-lf'�.�_..
<br /> -` �` 3.A tiratlon at Pn ments. Unless a lic.�hle law roviJes oihenvix,all � mcnln rrrri��e.l b Lender m�der araerT!�F �' '��;� ` �
<br /> - ,� PP Y PP P P•Y Y P 7F� - � `
<br /> ,,,_ :;...-'_": I end 2 shall 6e nppliM:�rs�.m any pmpaymem cM1arges Jue mider the Nnte; semnJ. to amnums payable under paragnph 2; _��,K�`{d .t�:=.=
<br /> y�al :
<br /> - � .' third,m imerest dur,founh,to principal Juc:and Inu,a nny i;ne diarges dua under�he Naa ,�a w� �y-
<br /> 4.Chnrges; Liriu. Dorro���er+hall pay oll tnxcs,assessmcmc,chnrges. fines xnd iir.pmllion.,Itrihuta�lc la Ihc Piuptrty - -r�. -•J�;i-�
<br /> _ �' whid� may euain priori�y ovcr�hic Stturi�y Inammcm, nnJ IrasehidJ paymem.or grom:J rems. i(nny. Oorrower shnll pay `-. �r r.� �--
<br /> � - °:;' �hese obligations in�hc manner prm•ided in p�rngraph 2.ar if nm paiJ in�hm m;mncr.Bnrrm�er sh:dl pay ihan nn�ime direaly - .
<br /> --ifi��. '.,- to ihe permn owed paymem.13ormwenh:Jl pmmptly�fumi�h in Lnxler:dl nnliccs nf an:numt tn be paid undcr�Bis paragnph. _ '��-; +;;
<br /> - � If 13orrower nwkes these paymems dinrily,Dorrower�hall prompily fumi�h lo l.enJer rcccip�s ecidrncing�he paymemx. �-." -
<br /> r` ,
<br /> -.,�, 6orrower shall promp�ly diuharge any lien which hm priari�y nvcr Ihi.Securiy In+Immem mde��a>rtoiver.(al aprce>in _p ��
<br /> �� �
<br /> y - writing to the paynnm of Ihe nbligalion securM by Ihe lien in a manner accepla6le to IA�War:Ih1 come.l.in gaod f.�ith the lien - �.S :�. `'��.
<br /> - by. or Aefends agains� enfonement of�he licn in. I.g:J pnwvxling. �ehich in Ihe IwnJ.r'. opininn nper.ne ln prerent Ilm � . �'�`.''�'''=.--�
<br /> ..�4._�-7::.
<br /> . enforeemt»!of Ihe lien:nr(a1 xrure.Gom Ihc holder of the Gen an:�grecmenl.a�i.facmrc lo Lender.uix�rJinaiinp eh.Len�o . ..
<br /> this Securily Inswmcm. If IcnJcr Jcicnuinc+�hnc auy pan uf tl�.•Praprn� i•suhJcc� ln.i 6a�which m:q�auain prim�iry accr � - .,
<br /> this Securily Imwment.Lender may gire 6nrrnuer.�nnli.c idcml)mp Ihc licn. I�+r�m.cr.hall �aGJy Pit lien nr laAe nne nr
<br /> � more of lhe aclions xl fotth above wilhin 10 Ja�e��f the gfein�n!uoiiec. - - -. -�
<br /> Fom�3028 8�00 - '
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