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.. . , <br /> �W�— —�____ � �. :»- so�+s�to - <br /> p�ymmb tmY no Ionger bo rcquircd,�t the opion o!l.tnder.11 mong�ge imu��covenge lln th0 anwunk nnd(or Ihe perlod. <br /> tlut I.end<r reqult2s)Provldcd by nqinsurcr upprovM by I.ader�gain 6eoonxs AvJltble oM If oDtaintd. Bnriowtt etull py' <br /> tho prcmium!requirod to nninlQn mod'gago in5ur�nco in etRct,or to provido�lus�rcurve,until ihe tryuircnxnl for mnng�ae <br /> insuruke erds in�coordanca wlth any wtil�en egrankm btiwan Borrower an0 Ltn�er nr nppllpDlo law. <br /> 9.lropstfbn.l.ender or ite egent may nulco reasomblo entria upon ond Inspectinns of the P�op�ny. l.endor A�all givo <br /> Nortowrr notia�I Siro Iin�a otor prlor to an Inspec�lon spaifying rcasonabte wueo for.�helnspcction,. <br /> !0.Condnnnwlion; 7Le praads of eny oward o�dalm for dav�agee.dlrcct or mnsequenUal,In com�.�cUnn with my <br /> =--- - -= condenwtton or.othw taking ot any part ot the Prop�;ny,or for conrcyana in Ilcu of condc.-nnulon,ere hcroby asslgned erd -- - - <br /> bn,n ee�ia ro i.c�au. <br /> In Ihe ovem of e to�nl�oking of the Propeny,�he pmaeds chall be epplicd ro ihe sums sccurod by thle Secud�y Inttrunxnt, <br /> whuher oT no�thrn duo, with any excess paid�o Borrower. [n tho crcnt of a partfnl m41ng of tho P�operty In whlch Iho tnlr � <br /> markG valuo of iho Pmpeay Immediaieiy beforo tho teking is cqual�o or grcater Ihan�ho amoum of�M10 sums sccuro0 by�his <br /> . Secadry[nstrummt.tmmedlatdy 6efore the taking,unless Oorrower and Lender o�hrrniw egn:e in�vdting,tho eums ucurcd by <br /> - � --� --�- �his Savdty InsuumeN sAall bo nduocd by Ihe amoum of tho procecds mulliplied by �he followlna fnqion: (o)�ho tola! <br /> amounl of tho aums uared(mmodiatcly bctorc Iho taking, dfvided by(b)thc fair mazicet vafuc of thc Property Imnwdlalcly - <br /> � befo�u�he taking. Any Datano:shail bo paid to 6orto�vcr. In �hc wem of a partinl taking of�hc Pmperty In�vhich tho felr <br /> _ market valuo of tiia Proputy immodiately beforo�he�aking is less�han the enbunt of�ho sums smircd inunedio�cly beforc�he � <br /> �� taking,unless Borron•er end Lendcr ahcrwim agrce in wd�ing or unless eppiicablc law othuw{ae providc�, tho procoeds shall <br /> 6e epplled to the sums sccurcd by thie Secudty Instrument whetlur or na the sums are�hen duo. . <br /> [f the Proptny la eDaMoned by Dorrower,or If,efler notia by i.ender to Rorrae•er tha�tlio eondcmnor offers to make en <br /> �°` -' `"° eward or sct�la e claim(or dan�ages, [iortox•er tails m respond to Lender within 30 deys aRor�ha d�m�ho no�iw le giren, °` ` <br /> Lender is outhodzod ro mllai end epply the procceds,e�fis option,cf�hcr ro restomtion or repair af the Pmpeny or to iha surtu <br />--— secured by�his Securiry Instmmcnt.�vhether or not�hen due. <br /> --f�"-' Unless Lende�and 6ortoo�er othenvix egree In writing,any epplication of pro�veds to prinripal shull not extend or �°- - <br /> _ _�� postpone the due date of the monthly payments rcferred to in paregmplu 1 end 2 or change�he amount ot such paymenu. -- . <br /> -��---° - L.Borrox�er Nol Relense[I{ForAeurence By Lender Not e Walven Extension o(the�imc fur piymtent or modiflcotion �` -� � <br /> _.:�y� of amonizadon of Iho smns secumd by Ihis Sauri�y InswmeN granted by Lcndcr m eny suwxssor in in[ens�of Qortower ahall o- _ <br /> „x�;�yry�'- not opere!e to relcase the liability of the original�artower or Oortoww's successors In inmrcst. Lendershall not bo rcquired lo ��... <br /> aL- mnunence Qraceedings ngelnst any successor In Imeres�or rcNx to ex�end�ime far payment or otherwise mudify emortize�lon C�"=" <br /> nauv.;� -t�._ - <br /> ;�r�J of the sume secured by this Security Insuumem by rcason of nny demand mado by �he originsl [io�rower or Iiortowci s .t -- <br /> =.;,.�•°.��!�,'�'��, successe+n in Inlercs�. Any forbearence by Lender in exercisins eny right ar rcmedy shnll not bo e wairer of or prcclude the 1��-____ <br />'_J_,e.a. <br />--_�;°�tr cxe(cix oi nny righ�ar rem�dy. ��t--.--. . .. <br /> -::'•.;......_s� �:�; <br />;y3;�.-;�_f�; 12. Succesmre flntl Asigns Ooundi Jolnl and Sercral Llabilily; Coslgaers. Tho mvenants and ngmements of�hie .,,,,,,__ <br /> i��,;,4� Security Inslmmcni sha11 bIM and Mnefi� �he succcssors and assisns o( Lender nnA Burron•er,subJa� to �hc provisions of - <br />� �p����fi paragtaph 17. Oorroiver's rnvenants and egreemems shall be joint and sererxL Any Durrower whn m-signs �his Securi�y ���:�� <br /> � ��?�r�` Ins�mment but does no�cxecute �hc Notc: (a) ie rn-si mn �his Securit Inswmem onl to mon n c rznt end rnnve that � ����' <br /> �.��'�.+ , 4: 8 � S Y Y 8 S .B Y . :.. <br />-- ,.�i�.��•i Uovoa�cr's Inlcrest in�he Propcny under�he Iem�s of�his Securi�y Insm�ment;(b)is nat pcnonelly obligated lo pay ihc sums r:;�,�(`��:+� <br />�--�-'�t �����•- secured by�his Securi�y 7ns�mmem;and(c)agrees�ha�I.ender nnd nny o0�er Oonmser mny agrce io exienA,modify, forbear or %'�':��"- <br />�.�.;,;��''�'_f make eny attnmmoda�fons�vith regnrd m the iemu of�his Security 6uwnum o�the Num wid�out thnt Oorrowet i consent. ��r"°- <br />- - s ' ��' - 13.luan Chnrges. If thc loan sccund by this Sccuri�y Instrument is subjca �o u law o�hich sets maximum loan chuga, - <br /> Y '� <br /> �} -��� and thal law Is finxlly iNerpreled so Ihal 1he intercsl or olher loan charges collected or la be collated im m�nMion«ith tlw `+�,t y, '� -'�� <br />- loan exeeed �he rmiued limits, �hen: (n)nn such loan c6ar e shall M reducal 6 the umnum nocessa to reduce ihe char t �--;�'� � <br /> :,,.._�r-^.. P� Y� 6 Y �Y 6 :.,r"F�:,..,..., �: <br /> �,- _ �o the permitted limir nnd (b)any snn�s nlmady mllected fmm Uarm�ea e�hich exceeded pennfued limi�s�vill M rcfunded�o ���':, <br /> ;,.�, ,u Oorro�rer. I.ender may choose to nuke d�is rcfund by reducing �he principal n��•eJ m�der Ihe Nule or by making a dirm� -� ,t.i�� ���- <br /> - ;" � mem to Dorrmvee If a rcfund reduces nnci al. ihe RIIYCUOII WIII M IIB�IMI n+ a �� `y <br /> x�t�� �: P�Y P� P P�nial pnp�ymem wi�hom any ',.' ' i � s�' <br /> r��-'�'�''>- Pr.payniem e6a�gu uuJc�U�.tiaic. '4'`�,y,'t Z' - <br /> 1{}i�;1�� :� t4.Notlees.Any noiice�o Borro�ver provided for in�his Securi�y Instrumrnt shall be given by Jelivcring i�or by mailing t�;?� ti� I <br /> -i:S:,-.�;.= �.. ,.;�1�..',1i. . <br /> `�� � .. .. . it by fim class mail unleca applirable Inw requires use of ano�6cr me�hod. The noiiir>hali be dinYted m the Propeny Address -. �- ..- t.q,�;�� <br /> � ` - °i; or any other address Borrmrer Jesignates by nu�i��e ia LenJea Any nntia m Isnder .hall be given by fim cl:us mail io ' �' � � <br /> �_:,.•r_ _�::, Lendcr's eddreu xmied herein or nny o�her nddrcsc LcnJcr Jesignatcs by nmim �a 6ovo�cer. Any noiim provided for in�hls �_�--,-!x'`��` <br /> �' Securily Inxlrunxnt shall bc deemccllo have bcen given ln[torrn�cer�tt Lendcr�ehen gi��cn m provided in ihis pangnph. � <br /> � I5.Govenilns I.n�r, SereraAiiily. This Stturily Inslrument tihall l+r Enremal by feJcral lax� and �he IAw Of IIA ` }i � <br /> jurisdieiion in which�he Propeny is Incaleel. in Ihe creitl thal any provision nr clau�a of lhis Sccurity In>Immenl or Ilw Rntr �r .. <br /> 'Yf.�.-,�` ��- con�ic�s wi�h applicablc la�v,such rnnllicl shall not a(fm mher�hi�ticavrity In.uumcnl nr�hc Nolc which can h - '�"'''� '.. . <br /> � �"�"'' ivcn effetl wifhaul Ihe con0itlin p y ��';': �-� ` <br /> +r_:� � 6 g P«visinn.Tn ihi�cnJ Ihc rmi�innti o!Ihis Scturit Insirumrnl �nJ Ihc Notc arc d�rl�rul <br /> , , - �o be scvcrahlc. . �;��. , - . <br /> '���i'::;:L 16.Om•ro�cer's Copy.Wirmarrohall be gircn one conforn:cJ ropy o!the Nule:md u!�h6 Stturilc Imlrununt. •- . - <br /> Fwm 3018 99A <br /> �r�-, v.�.�<�t - <br /> " .,:'-i _ ' . <br /> - �- ....-�� ...... _� ..». ....-�.r� ._... . ,__J_ � <br /> %`R.�- . .' _ . -'_�• .:m: . . . ._':". .. T .i.:�P'.r'�rl'.- T - � ' . <br /> .. ._. � � _ . .. . <br /> . .. .. _• . . _ _ _ _ .,, . <br /> . . -. _ .- _,�_...-4 _ .-- I._ .. <br /> ..-_.. '' _:_ -. :. .. " . . - . . �.. ." " ._ ... . . . <br /> .. -t.. . . . . - <br /> , <br /> _ _- _. _. _ ' _ —__ ___"_` . . _._- ' . _ _ _ __ _ ___-- -- <br /> .0.�'.. . . . _ �.,���.. • '� - .. . - - . . . � - . . .. . . ' <br /> �, ' ' .. .. - . . . . . - . . . <br /> c �J _ ' _ _ _ " " ' . . , . . .. _ - . . _ ' _ . . <br /> . '�"i _ . _ ' .. ._ '. - _ <br />_a�` . ' ��'t. . � .. � q . .. . . _ .. . _. . . . . <br /> �. �'.1 . , � _ ., , .. . ,. , .. . � . . � � � ' . <br /> . . .. � . ...; � <br /> i'. i _ �y. :t.� . . .. - . , ., . _ . - . _ - ' . . <br /> _.L• . . r - . • . . .. _ <br /> �� _ _ � � � � ..".� � . . - . . . -. <br /> ' ... <br /> r-.. - :.; _ . .. . <br /> i� - , � - ' ' . 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