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�'1R iii«{ u.:�. - f�r15�('r�f� . I-��. . r N . ' � ��'v/K�' - ... <br /> (f • <br /> � L (MUw�'Li..�.... �.➢T^r'�'C..4k . .l_ _i. -r�.�...._- r . <br /> ' 93- �.4�s�3 <br /> i period+�ha�Lender nquirc�r 9ho in+uranac caMr,t providing�ho Insurnnce shall bc choun by Bovowu RuDJect a I.ender§ <br /> spprovsl which shnll not be unreasannbly wphhnhL If.Bnrrower(aib to malmain cm•emge dcscdbeA n6nva.Lender m�y,o� <br /> Lendcrl+opion,obiain covcroge to pro�cci LenAurl rillhtn in,thn Prnpcny fn accor�anco with pa�agraph 7. <br /> All insuranco pnlicice and renawnls shnll be acsep qhIa�rt.4onOcr and nhnll incinde u Mandard mongngo elmise. LenAer <br /> — shall have�hc right to hoid iAe policles nnd rcnewala I�I.endur rcynirn+.Uorrower shall prcmipdy give to Lenderull receipts <br /> otp�id premhime�and rcnewnl naicee. In ilro evem,pLlnts,.Rnon�4arnhnit 6�vo prompt noiice�o the Inauronte cnrtl<�and <br /> I.ender. LcminnmymakeprootoflossifnotmiAapmmpliYbp�Dnrcnxur. <br />� �-'"`�"-°' Unlcse Lcndor and-Burtowcr ain;rxisc agrcv Li�wtiqn➢�-I�It�umnae prncceds shall bc applicd to rcs�orallon or rcp�ir nt .� . � � ..�-:- _- <br /> the Pro�xny d,m�nged. It the rcsiora�lon or rop,ic(a ccannmlaally�8�as{Itla and Lcndcrk cewrity Is no�Iesscncd. If�ha <br /> �— rostar��mn or rcpair is no1 ccomm�lcnlly fca+ihlo ar LcnAnb�xecurily�wauld M Icssened,thu imurance prwttdv ehail bo <br /> --- eppiicd to tAC sana sccurcd Dy ihb Sccuri�y InHn�mam.whntb[rt or nnt thcn duc, with eny exces.pald w Oorrowcr. If <br /> -- Bortower abandons�he Propeny,or Aoen mm �nxwer wLhin 30 A�rya a nntice from Lender that the insur�nce rnrtier hro <br /> - -= o(fercd ro senle o claim,then 4ender may collr.c��UO insunneo pmreeA.v. Lender may use�ho proceeds w rcpair or rcs�orc <br /> - ��� �hv Roperty or io pay sum.sewred Ay thta Security 6ix�nim�mL�wbnher or no�ihen due. 1'he 30day pedod wfll begin when <br /> --=�__�� �ha nnucc�e givcn. °__- - ��- <br />-,`�;�;!"- Unlos�Lender and Ronox•er othernfae apnx in wiitlnp, anN ap i�femfon of pmceedv�o prir.cipit shall not ea�enA or <br />.-.-r,-:�, pos�ppno tho dne dme of ihe monthly paymcnla n:fumA In in pnm8mp��F 1 and 2 or change�h�t an:ount of�ho p�ymen�r. If <br /> __ �::e� undar�.ngnph 21 the Ropeny is neqnircd by LenAer. Qunnwerl any insurance policieR and proceeds resultin� — <br /> "f"'�'�^ from damn�e Iv the Roperly prlor�o Ihe neqnisidnn shnll pasc tn Lendtrt m�he extent of�be sumv secured by�his Sauriry _ ___. <br /> :;.-:. <br /> �' InFtrumenr�mmcdimcly pdor to�hc acquisilfun. _�--- <br /> ��'"'::`,i = 6. Octupnncy. Preservollan, hlaintennnce ond- N•olr.clfnn.ot the P:operry; Qorrower's l.a�n Appllntion; <br /> ' Lenuholds. 6orco�rer xhnll ocenpy.ennblixh,nnd ux A�n Propeny as Oorrowerk prinr.ipal rrsiCence within sixry duy�afler <br /> ,S . �he execulion of�hin Secumy h�eWment nnd nludl conlim�e m oecupy�he Fvpeny as RnrtowerS princip�l msidena(or at e r-� <br /> - ��. Ieax� one year nRer ihe dnm of occupnncy, uniuss L.cnder.a�henvim ngrces in writing, ivhich coasen� shnll noi be �s�__=- <br /> , ,y� unmasonnAly wi�hhclJ,or unluss ex�om�ming ci�eumu:mce�eKist uhich arc beyond 6orro�ver4 canuol. Dorrower shall not - . <br /> '�; �r{;;� destroy,d:image or impnir�he Propcny,allnw thc Pmpeny m diauriomce,or commi�wu�e on ihe Propeny. I3orrowcr shall _�^�= <br /> - r.�' be in defnult if uny fodeimre ac�ion or procttdiny.�vhetlicrcivil ur begun tha�in l.enderk gaad taith judgment _ <br /> ''" coidd reculi in forfei�ure of�he Prapeny ar othenvi�c mMerinll9 impair the lien ercated by �Ais Securiiy Incwnxnt or i _ __ <br /> �-`�'�"� Lenderh securiiy imemst. 6ortower mny cun wcli a def:mi�and ntin�imq as provided in p�r�graph IB,by causing�he action �` <br />� - or pracedinp m be diFmissed wi�h a rulinp�hm,in Lr.nder's ganA fai�h d�temiinntion,pnciudes torfeiwrc of�he Qortowerk �-�'�=-- <br /> �' :-_'r:�'`'' fx Y P•� Y Y y '�+�.;: .. <br /> "'- imrns� in the Ru n or oiher mnerinl i�u �irtnem af�hr. lien�cma�ed b this Securi� Inxirument or Lenderk securit ����. <br />;'i>zL1;cy,� imurcst. Uortowcr shnll ulw M in Acfimlt if Qormwcc Juring dic la�n applicmion pmcess. gavc mmcrially falsc ar ,-^�,u.-'��� - <br /> lt•!4'1 • innccum�u infonuntinn ors�mememti ro Lemler tor f:iiled w pn���ide Lendenvith nny ma�erial information)in conneciion wiU� s�Y-�;,- <br /> ` �,�t(!,�; t6o loan evideneed by Ihe Na1e, includiny. bW nm limi�ed m. nprcsematioas conceming 6orrowerl accupancy of the � + �-=. <br /> ��„ weperc;ss a pr_�cipcl^:�idcr.rc. If��,��G���.;n,I��pn�p�{nl ic on a leaaehnld,finvnwer elull camnlr wi�h all Ihe nrovisions �.�.,:' ' ���--� _ <br /> � ,'�� af Ihe Wasc. ICQofrower acqnircs W¢litle w dic Pruprny.�hc Icnxhotd and ihe(ec tide shall mm�ierge unleFa Lcndcr agrecs }7a �;�� ,�� <br /> C+��Y,� mdmmcrgcrinwriiinp. ' -. ���� � <br /> { 7. ProtecHun oP lender's RiU1�L� 4v ale N'operQ. If �avo��rr (ails lo per(orm IhC corznann and agrccmenls t+X� ���i7�^ <br /> "iF '- ';� eonmined in �hle Securiiy Inv.lruntenl.or ISem i.a Icgnl prarecding �ha� may xignificnnily afka Lendert riglua in the �. >- %}�{c {� r.,: <br /> ,Sf t:���,_?. I4openy(such ae a pmceeJinp in 6unkmp�ry�.pmbmm(nr rnndemrcnion nr forkimrc nr io enforce laws or rcgula�ions),lhen � �.�,� y}_�`. 6 1} �,_ <br /> u lender mny dn and pny far�vhmurcr i+necesc�ry m pro�rr� �h. caluc of�he Propcny and Lcnderk rig6i,in�he Rupeny. - r,;,_- <br /> Lender's nciinnn m;iy include payinp�my mnn.xcnred h��a li¢n��hich hi.prioriry�orer ihis Securi�y Instrumem.:ippearing ` � ,�` � .��':-�- <br /> , -. in comt,pnyinp mxwnnM1le nuamey.fa..and emerinp on�he Pmpny�o maAe r.�win. Ahhough Lender may mke anion '. {y }'.0 s iF._. <br /> undcr�hiv pamgrnph 7.Lcndcr d�xs nm hm•c�n J�na : s�-�� i .- <br /> {<,t� - Any amoum.dixhue�cd I�y Lemicr under�hfe.pnmpraph 7 .hall bccomc addition:d debi of 13ortoxrr accund by Ihis � - :;1if�a��-M��� � '- <br /> -- $ccnrily Irotrumcm. Unlc+�I)mm�ecr nnd o�hcr�cmn nf p:qmcnt.Ihcu umnunts..h�dl Ikar inlcrcsl frc�m Ihc i �! i 1� <br /> ' .;s{ dale of ditibursemenl:�I Ihe Nnm r,ne and+hall hc pay�hlr.wi�h imerc.l,n�n nalice from l.ender lo Ilortunrr mqucsling ;;`'��bS i i� .,,:�. <br /> �, •:.r� <br /> < �� <br /> pd; a'y ` � � , . — <br /> � n gnt.\tarlgnge InRnrance. II'Lender rcyuircJ mongage inwranre:n a cnnJiiion of maAing�h. I�an.ecurcd by O�i+ � . �J .-._. <br /> i� ?f � Secari�y Irotmmem. Rumm�er.hnll�png�he pwmimn. rcynircd �n m:wnain ihe mnng.�pe in.uranre in ef(ecl. If. for any . - .+r �i iK : .— <br /> ! i�;h reasnn, lhc men a c in.umnrc rn.•cr.i r rc�nirtd hc I.endcr la �. nr rrav. to M in cffrn flnrto�ocr �h:Jl a� Ihc ,�.. .=)�6•'!.. <br /> , f..q.���� S F F I P " P: j�. - <br /> ,.c_.^i:-';_,.-_—" <br /> ;:`�x1,�f;:{� prcmimnx rtynimd tn obi:�in cnrcngc w1i�Inniinlly ayuicalcm U�Ihc m�mg:�gc in+ur.mcz pn��inusl; in efftc6 ;n a co+1 -�..•'' ��.: 1,,.:-�+�°y;�: <br /> .�:.i snb.�anlinlly eyniv:dcm m�hc cn,�ui-linrruwrr uf ihc m�ing.�gc in.!�iowl� in c(fcct.Gom an altcmait motlgngc k -- �. 1,11..�: <br /> incurcr appro�rd hp Lcndcr. If wlunnni�dlv c.p�iv:dcm mnne:�gc m.urancr an�cragr i•nal:rvail.�hlr.Ilnrru�ccr+h:dl p�y tn ':�� .,.:;!,.: �'�,N��}o. <br /> Lcndct cach mnmli u�wn tywd�a nnotn'clllh nl ihc�cad�morlgage imuram¢prcmium I�mg piid hp 6urro��rr���htn�hc ` ', h .��-_'� +,fR�S°a r; <br /> .i.� incunnce mccrapc Iap�cJ nr eca,rd w h w rflca� l cndcr�ciil anrp�.�nc and re�ain�h:.e paymtm.a.a�c in licu _�;4 �}� -- J� . <br />..'��{�.� �� af inengage imuema. Ln„rc,erce p:�ymem.mar no Innger tk rrymrcJ.a�Ihe up�iun n(Lender. if mongnge in.unnce � /f.s.�..��"':r,:�7fl+'�'. <br /> cmer;�ge(in ihe:nnounl m�d liir�h�•�kmxl ihai Lrnd.r ra�yuim»pn,�idtd by an m+urcr apprnveJ hy LenJer.�gain Mmme. i���{i(�',i:.3+4;•.� .::,';-. <br /> availa6lc:md i.uM1lainrd.ISnna�crr.hnil p:q ihc pnnumn,rcyuircJ in maimaim m�ngagc imunncc in cff.•c6 nr lo pm�idc a '���v '� y i - ::- ���-,. <br /> %I lo>s rc.cnc.umil thc rcyuirem.m f.,r m�mc:��c in.�ir.� ei�h:m� ��rincn,fmcmem Ml��rrn Ilartmrcr '- �b�- <br /> -r�� OpdIFIIAC�nfa���AlaJhlCla�r. ' -Fti�i - <br /> �c.,s�� <br /> - . .�.: 9. InspecUan. L.nJcr ar fn agcm ma� m:iAr r.a,unahir cinric.npun:md in.�u.tinn.ul�hc Prn�nc. Lend.nh:Jl - - �,,,..�_ <br /> givc 6nrra�.rr nolicc a��hc timc nf or pn��r la:m m.�xClion.�atil�mg rc:nu��aMc aan.c(o�ihe m.�aliun. . . . .. . <br /> . . .. .. IO. Cnndemnallnn. Thcpnx�crd.ol:nnannNur.laimlmJ.�magr..�hrcciur.onkqucnli.d.inconnttuonnflhanr - - : 3-. <br /> � ' .. Gnpi.lnnd. -4amJr�lar4rtddir\brf\IfnR\II\SIRI\I4\'I Ind..nntu.:nm�. 990q,e.� +../npic..� �`.� ?� <br /> • Rn'�.Fm.�n � • . 1: <br /> - �.�py���� �a»HUyev. l\U.In:rl-11�1 � <br />. - ' � I ' -`�-_ <br /> ...� <br /> .. . " ' . t�`. _1 . • " _ ..' - . . �v..�...._.. . �.... . . �y� <br /> ea., <br /> t,; <br /> .,. — __ --- _- - - : <br /> ,.. <br /> •�('_ . <br /> �_ <br />" � ijp _ . . . . <br />_ . . ; <br /> .r`t ._. � . . <br /> . . . - ' - ' � .. - I <br /> ".�_. _ . '. '. ' . . t <br /> �.. � � <br /> . <br /> � . <br /> r : <br /> V { <br />