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�'� ����....._. 93 � �o�6A3 <br /> , , , <br /> � cmdemnatlon or aher laking of any pul of Iho Pro{xny,or for convcyanco In Ilcn ot condcmnntion,arc hcrcby assigned ond <br /> � ehull be paid lo I.cndcr. <br /> In�ho event of a wmt�aking of tha Propeny,the proceeds shall la opplied �o �Le mime cecured 6y�hie Secudty <br /> InsiNmcnb whwher or not then dne,wl�h eny cxwss paid�o Dorcower. In�ha cvent of a panial�aking of�hc Property in <br /> ', which�hc falr market vahw of ihc Property ImmcAlnuly bcforo tho�;Jcing is cqual ro or gn��cr�han tho amoum of the sums __ <br /> sceurcd by this Sewdry(nsimmeN ImmcAia�cly betore ihc mking,unless Dorto�ver and LcnAor mhcrwlu agrec in wdting. <br /> —� tho sums securcd by thiv Secud�y(nsirument shali bo rcduced by the amount of�he procecds nmtUplied by ihe following � <br />� ---�•�.-:-,' fraction: (n)�he�otal omoum of the cums accurcd Immedia�ely befom ihc�aleinr,divided by lb)�Iw fnlr market vaiue of the <br /> i I'ropeny Imnxdioteiy betorc�ho taking. Any bainnce shall be paiu�o Rortoxtir. In ihe event of n paniul mking of the r� �� - � �� ' -� -- <br /> Propeny in x�hich tAe feir muket vatuo of ihe{'ropeny Immediamiy befom tho taking Is Ics.v ihan�he amount of tho sum+ <br /> ' 6CCURd Immediatcly bcforc�ho taking, unicu 6ottower end Lencicr othernise ngrcc in �vritlng or unlcss applicablc lax• _ <br /> � oiherwise proridea,the procetds shall Iw applied io�ha sume secureA 6y�hia Security Ins�mmeni�rhe�her or not�he sums nro <br /> � thendua --- <br /> i If Iho Propeny is nWndoned by Oorto�ver,or If,nfter nmfce by Lender to Uortmver�ha�q�e mnAemnor offen m make — , <br /> --�----� en ewnrd or senle n claim Por damages,porro�ver fafls m rcspond m Lender within 3D days ntler�he dnte�he nmice is given. --- _. ._ <br /> Lcndcr 4s awhoriud to collcct ond apply the procccds,a�fie optinn,ei�hcr to rcstor��ion or rcp�ir of thc Pmpcny or to�hc — - - <br /> - --- wms uwrcd by th(s Seadty InsuumenL wAe�heror not�hen due. __ <br /> --— Unless Lender and portower o�herniu egree in ari�ing,nny a plica�ion of proceeds to principal shall not ex�end or =.. <br /> _ postpon��ho due date of tho momhly paymenis rcfomd to in paragmpRs 1 ond 2 or change the nmount of such p�yments. _ <br /> = 11. 6orrower Nol Rdeascdi fbr6earonce 6y Lender Not e Waivcr. Gx�ension of ihe time for payment or -__-__. <br /> �— modifirntion of amonizadon of Ihe smns stturcd by tl�is Securi�y Insuument granted by Lender�o any succeuor in inlercs� °— <br /> of Oortower shall no�operelc lo releasc the liabili�y ot�he ariginnl Oorto�rer or portox•tr's successors in Intcres�.Lendcr <br /> � ,� shail noi ix nquircd�o commenee pmceedings egamst any snccessor ia imerest or refuse w e3�end time (or paymeni or 4i :---. <br /> � ��� othe`wiu modi(y umoniution ot Ihe sums secured Ey tt�is Secumy Insuumem by rcawn of enp d.mand made by ihe original ; '�' <br /> 1 ,� � 6orcower or Oortoicerl sumessors in intercsi. Any for6euance by Lender in exercising ony righ�or rcmedy shall nat be e � . <br /> ,� �,,h� waivcrof or prccludc ihe caercise of nny rigM or remcdy. 5i+ `,_ <br /> !]. Succeasora aud Auigns 9oundt Jolnt and Sa'eral Uaaiiity;Co•sigrsers. "fhe cov.nams and agreemen�s of this +tp a-'�� <br /> � "�-` Seeuriry InsWmeN shall bind¢nd MMfi�ihe succescon nnd accigns of Lender md Oortoo�er,wbjee�lo�he provisionc o f f .-; <br /> �"'�'�'t;'f` paragrapti 17.6orto�ver4 corenanet a�id ngrecmen�s xhall be joint and several. Any Dovoorr nho ca�signs this Security ,4,�'. � <br /> ='�^�-�' Insmiment bm dces not execme the Rote: (o)is co-signing�his Security Insuumem only�o mongage.gram cuid convey tha� %-"+--� <br /> -':.+i�i;r.? Dortower§imercst In�he Pwpeny under the temu of�hisSecurity Ins�mmenC (b)is not penonally obligatcd to pay�he sums _ <br /> ""J usured by Ihie Sccuri�y In�[rvmem:e�id(c)ugrces thai Lender and my other 6arrox�cr may uerce�o extend,medify,forbev `•�- — _ <br /> -•`•.�'x��; or make nny accommodations witA regard w�he Iem�s af Ihis Securily Inslrument or Ihe Note wi�houi iha� aortnwerk ,.`;. '?^-'��— <br />. ..-'-i- t�. consem. a1' �:._�._;.-. <br /> . ,.:.. i_ IJ, luan C{�atges. If�he lam securcd by �his Securi�y Insuumem is subjec� io a law nfiich seis maeimum loan �y ,- � �- <br /> -?,,- chafges,and Ne�la�vis Ynaliy imeryre�ea so tha�me m�erest or omer ioan cnarges collec�eJ or iu be colinir,i in.miiucuua .� � -,��".� <br /> � with�he ban excecd the prmiiited limi�s,�hen: (a)any such loan char@e shall lie njduced M1y tlie amoum necexary ro rcduce q.;��'t. , � <br /> �� �� �he eh e to ihe m»ned limi�;and(b)�n wms nlrend collec�ed(rom 6mro�cer�chich exeeeded penninM hmi�s�vill be ,=�..5�5 ��'�-- <br /> -i -" rePonded to Bortower. Lender muy chaou ia make�hts nfunA by redixing�he princtpal meed onder�he Nae or 6y moking a j iry�'�;l'-- ,+�_ �- <br /> - i� diree�paym:m lo Ilormwer. If n rcfund rcduces principil.�he nduceion�vill be u.aicd:u n panial prepayment�vi�hau�ony �����jU`+ !s ;-. <br /> ,`- prcpa��mem chargc undcr�Itc Notc. f Y� . <br /> !!. Notlms. Any na�ice �o Oortower pmvidal far in ihis S��uriiy Instrument xhall be gi�cn by delivering ii or by ��$t_�-_ ; _ . _- -_ <br /> _ -i� m a lli n g il b y firs�class mail unless a p plicablc law rc ynims u.e of nnother me�hal.11ic no�ice shnll be dirccteJ�o the Propeny �r�� -- ,� �- �=�`'.'- <br /> t' Address ur nny o�her nddrexs Romo�rer Jesigna�c+by no�ice�a Lendee Any no�ice io Lender xhall be given by fint claas � <br /> 'r- ' mnil lo Lender�.ddren��ated hercin ur any ather nJAn.e Lender de+ign;n.s by no�ice to Dorromc Any no�ice pmvided tor ; , fi *' <br /> . .r' In Ilde Sceuri�y Insuumenl shall be dcemcJ �o h:ne bnn givcn �o Rortower or Lcnder�vhrn fivcn ac prorided in this ` ` - ��`'-. <br /> ' �4:;. pamgr�ph. ' �` + � ; <br /> � "� I5. Caserning I.n�v: Scverxbility. This Secnri�y Inammcnt xhall M goeemcA 6r (cArnl I:nv and Ihe Imv uf Ihc t -� .- <br /> �. .�i ��.'- jurisdiciion in which�he Propeny is Icemed. In�he crem�ha�nny provi.ion ur dause of�his Securiiy Insuumem or�he Note �_ ; s'!=__. <br /> � -'tj7!: mnilic�s wi�h applicabtc Imv,such eonllicl ahn1l nni u(fee aiher provi.ions af�hk Sccnri���In.rlmmrm or�hc Notc which cun C .,�; xK e -� <br /> � � -'� be given effeci��iihow�he coniliriing provivion. li��hi,end�he prori.inn.m �his S.ruriiy Inarwuem anJ ihe Nute am �. . �, �+ <br /> -'+ , declaredeobesevcmbie. �; a , tc -.�--.. <br /> , � � '� l6. Fiorrotrer'S Copy. Durro��er ahall bc givcn onra�nnfomied mpy o(Ihe Nole and n11hi.Srcunty Incm�meni. � �ni <br /> �--�; I7. 7}enshr of Ihe Properly ar a 6enrfiAnl Interesl in Barruxee If all urany pan nf ih;Nupeny or any intercs�in - � �t <br /> _ f.- - i� is so1J or muufemd(or if n Mnefici.d imrre-a m Rorta��cr i..oid ur ua�nlermJ anJ Bom���cr i+ nai a namnl personl ' + . � -`.� <br /> wilhoul Lendert prior writlen consenL Lend.r mnv.:u in nplinn, rcyuin immeJi;ae pa)mem in full of all wmx secured by ? � _ � <br /> � _��,i;,°, Ihis Stturi�y Insu�mem. Ho���cvice ihis op�inn.h;�ll no�h cxcmi,cJ by Lcndcr if cxcrcnc i.pmhihi�cJ by fcdcral law us af � J� .', a i_� <br /> � -�yt[;j Ihe daic ohhix Sewrity Inslmmrn�. ` } -i'"7 ' <br /> �.:�„>t i,: If Lender exercixs�his aption.Lender�hall gi�e finrtuwer noliar��f accrlera�ion. Thc nntim.hnll proride a periud of �;..:'� �ie;..__._s.r� <br /> � - not Icss�han 30 dnys fn�m�hc da�e�hc no�icc is dclivcrcd nr mailcJ��itliin��hi�h Nomnvrr nu�,��ci�:dl wm�xcurcd by this { . � ..- <br />� Sccumy Insmmicm. 1([iartuurr fal. lu p.ry ihca wm+ prior to�hc cxp�ntinn al Ihu�xn�d. Lc�Wcr may inruAc any. .�i:''? <br /> t,. <br /> -� remcdics pertnincd by Ihis S<mriry�In.uvmcm a�ithom lunhcr nolire nr AcmanA mi fSarto��cr. }}r- - - '- <br /> :i'`�,, I8. 6orrowcr's Righl lo Reinstate. If Uom�uer mern.cnain ronJi�ion.. 13urto��.r .h:dl h:rcr thc nghi �n ha�Y !N., .: - . <br /> ` .'!r`'• en(o�cemenl of Ihis Securily In.tnimrm AixaminucJ a�any linn•prior to Ihe.adiu ul: In S Jac.lor wrh nlhrr period:� : . . <br />-. .. :.__.. . - _ <br />-.' ` �. .� � Sinplrl'nn�l.-f'annie\Le,FnEAie\lacl]I!'lIN\II\tiTHI\IE\T-�Ind.,m�C�ncmm. 9W �ry¢rJ,qnp��•r.� . .. . - �.-- `-. <br /> ":� _ _. <br />, -�` .. <br />. . � <br /> . t: <br /> ,...- _ "_.—,...__ •-•-- ..-.. ._ . r_ .. . . . - _" _ " ... <br /> .. . ._. ':.... : ..q .. ; ' .,. _. �;� '.... _ .. .� .. ' ,-' . .__..0 - . .__ -.. . .. � .. _ <br /> .'b' ._. .. � . .. ' . �' • . .. " .. . . . <br /> . .iv • .. .. .. ... . . 1 <br /> _. . . . . ' .�1 .. . . . ... - , . . . . . <br /> 'I. . . �� � ' . . " . . - . . <br /> l. " _t �� • _ . . ..N . i • . � . <br /> '1� ' � -I . • � . <br /> ' � . „ ,.. .. . i� . � .. <br /> Q I <br /> /` l <br /> j[{ f <br /> .! 1 ' . . �� . . ' . . .. . - . <br /> .. <br /> {/':' • . ' r: � :. . - ' � � - <br /> . . '.. ` -. � ` �1 � <br /> . .y -_. . . . . . .. - . � _ . <br /> � n_ <br /> . .. - .i: . ,. .- � .. <br /> E ,. . . _ - ._ <br />