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, <br /> ?.���� 93., <br /> 10'!$98 <br /> ' opyticablo Inv may apecity(or rcinsrotcmcnq btPoro cy4 ot thc Prolxny punuoni to ony powcr ot eato coriWned In Ihle' ' .. <br /> Sceudty Instrumenl;or(b)entry of n jud8mcnl entorcing�hi�Sau�ity[nstNment. 'R�o:,e condlilone aro Ihe�AoROwer (a) <br /> paye LenQer dl tums w�ich �hen waSi6 be due under thl�Sscuri�y tnstrument anJ tla Nao as If no �teraUon h�d <br />— occumJ;(b)eura eny def�ull of eny aher wvenpma or egrunxnts;(o)paya ali expenue incumd In Cnforcing�hla Sccurily <br /> InstNmenh f�:tuding,but nw Ilnilud to,reasonabio aitomey�'far end(d)�akce sucA oNlon as LeMer m�y reasonably <br /> _ requirc lo ossuro�he��ho Iltn af�hl�Sccuriiy InsW mcn�,t.cndcrd dgAts In tho Pmperty and Dortowcrb obllgaVon to p�y U�e <br /> sum� securcd Dy thl� Secudty Inslmment sM1dl cominuo unchangcd. Upon reins�aument by Uortower,�hla Secuflty <br /> -�----�--� <br /> InswmMt ond IM obligailon�securcd hercb eh�11 remain fully effceHvo m if no acccieretion had occurted. itowever,ihfe <br /> dghnotdpstn�oehdlnotopplylnihecasoo aecelcm�ionunderparnsmphl7. ° "'-"- <br /> 19. 8ak ot•Nolei Cn�nee ol[q�n&rrker. 71a Naa or a paniallmercs�In iha Nolc(rogeNer with�hie Secuflty <br /> Instrumenp may 6e wld onc or nrore Nmc�withom prior notico to Unrtowee A snto may resal� in a changc in the entity <br /> (known os tlx'Loan 3ervteer")that cotlecie momhiy paymema dno unAcr tho Note und�his 3ttvd�y Instmmem. Thero aiso <br /> may bo one or moro chnnga of�he Loan Servicer unrciatcd lo e saio of the Nole. If thero Is o chongo af ti�e I.oan Servleer, <br /> Bortowcr wlll ba gl�•cn writtcn noiico of the cha��c in accordanm wllh pvagmph 14 pbovo and applica6lo Inrv. 71to noticc <br /> will stnlo tho nanro nnd address of�he new Loan Servicer and�he oddres�to which paymems ehonid be mado. 'Ihe notico wlll <br /> ' --_ — also mntoin any ot�er InPomiaqon nqulred by appIicable law. -- <br /> - 20. H�nrdaus Subsl�nces. Bormwer shell nol wusa or pemiit�ho prcsence.use,dispasa6 storago,or mlceso of eny <br /> — liazardou�Subslance�on or In the Ptopeny. Oortow�er sNall not do,nor nllo�v enyone clu+to do,enything affecting�ho <br />-=.°_.— Pmperty Ihot ie In vloiatlon ot any Gnviromnen�al Law. The prucding two sentenms shall no�epply to�ho pn;unce,uso,or <br /> _ — slomga on�he Propeny of small quantitia of Hazardous Suhs�onees thnt nn:genemlly rccognlzed to 6e oppropda�o to nortnW <br /> --— residen0al uses anQ to malmenance of the Propeny. <br /> --= Dorto�rtt shall promptiy give Lender wrinen notice of a�y investigaiion,clalm,demand,lawsuh or other ectlon by any <br /> - R-�-�! govemmemal or rcguleiory agency or privato pany involving�ho Propeny ond ony HaLVdoue Suhstmm or fnvironmen�el <br /> �_ �-';"' Law of which f3ortawor ha� nctual knowledge. If Dortower lenme, or is no011ed hy eny govemmental or rcgule�ory <br /> `=� i3J t euthoriry,that eny rcmovel or other rcmediatlon of any Hazardous Su6s�ence affaqnB ihe Propeny is necessary,Damwer <br /> �'����- shall promp�ly take oll necessary rcmedinl actions in occordence wi�h Cnvironmemal Law. _ <br /> ��;-.,iy'f:[�� As used In Ihis p�mgmph 20,"Nazardous Subs�ances"are thoze subsianees defined as toxic or ha�ardoue substanms by <br /> � Cnvironmental Low end the follo�ving suGsmnces: 6asoline,kerosena,o�her Ilammable or toxk petrolcum produc�s,roxic <br /> ."�-�'i�*� pesUcide.v end hcrbiddes,roladle solrcros,ma�ednle conlelning nstresta�or Potmaldehyde, md radioactive matcrial�. Aa <br />�;:;4};._�,:�•: used in Ihls paragmph 20,'Environmen[nl La�v"means fedcml laws nnd laws of Ihe Jurisdiction whero�he Propcny is located <br /> - ��r:�u;�, that relete ro hcal�h,safety orenvironmemal protatlon. <br /> -'•�• NON•UNIPORMCOVGNANTS. DorrowcrandLendcrfutlhcreovenanlandegn:essfollows: <br />. ��;?�,: 21. Acceleralion� Remedlea. Lender eha0 gke notice ro Borrower prior to acceleratlon fdlowing Borrower'e <br /> - Arcach of eny wven¢nt or ogrcement In ihle Sttudly Instrument @ut nol pdor to accelerotlon under poragraph 17 <br /> ; ' nnicss appllcaDle lax proddes olherwLse). The notice sholl specify: (a)the defa•�it;@)thc xikn required to cure the <br /> . :,-.:�::° �efaoN.;(c)fi date,r.a I�.,tFao'A daps irm th:daic th:nc!!.�L•gl:cn ro Bar:o�cr,b;::!;'.c::th:d:tsult mu:t L� --��- - � -�- --- --- <br /> � :°;�j�;: eurcdt ond(d)that fallure to curc the detoult on or bePore Ihe date speci(icd in Ihe nolice mqv rcsnil ln xmlerotlon oi =----- <br /> Ihe sumc seeured by Ihls Securily InstrumeN and wle of Ihe Properly. 'i9ie notice shull further Inlarm Borrox'e�of ._ <br /> ' 3° �1��:� Ihe rlght m minstete efter nceeteroqon end the right ro bdng o mur7 ection to acun�he no�existence of o defauit or �.�_x��'- <br /> _ nny mher defsrtu of Uorrox�er�o ncceleratlon end saie. If�he defmdl ts not curcd on or beforc�he duie specttled In .,�;�r,�i <br /> � .,-';��- Ihe notice,Lender nt ifs op�lon may rcquirc Immediate pxyment In Odl ofell sums secured by thls Seeudq Inctrumenl �:,�?a <br /> -� wtthout Nrlher demend and may Invoke the pox�cr ot mlc and nny ofher remcdles permidcd by epplkabie luw. 1 rt;, ��-� <br /> .�- Lender shall be entltled ro rnllttf ell ezperaes h�cuared In pursuing the rcmrdles p�ndded In IhLv parogreph 2�, ' .:s ; <br /> ' Indudin{�,bnt not Ilmlled to,rensonoble eflomeys'fees nnd cos4c atUlle erldenm. ; - -��� •-- <br /> r+1�?-i� 11 the power ot sole Is invaknl,7Yusfee shull remrd u noqce of deteult In ench county In whkh any parl of the �:, 1 - �''��� --_ <br /> `"- 1,� Properly Is lornt¢d and shall mnfl mples af such nolice In lhe menner prcscribed by upplicnhle lu�v to Qorrower ond la _ - � -��!�--�' <br /> _ "r7�tir= tde olher pe�son+prescdbed by epplictihte Imv ARer Ihe Iime required by upplica6ie law,7Yustm sholl give public ,� ,:;_„ .� :-� <br /> , �� nofice of snle lo ihe perso��v nnd In the manner prescri6ed by nppUrn6te law. 7lvstee,wil0ou�demand on Uorroweq ,-_ - �� � <br /> ` - ��-; ahall sell the Property nl pu611c nucHon to lhc highest bldder m lhe time nnd pince and under Qw ternu deslgueted In �!�� <br /> , �-�,� ihe naticc otsulc In one or morc parccls nnJ In eny ardcr 7}ustcc delermines. 7Yustee m�W postponc sule af uil or eny � ," , �l � <br /> pnrccl of lhe E'roperly by publlc onnaunnment ot Ihe dme xnd pixce of nny prcvlously scheduled sule. Lender ar Ila � �'¢r`�'��'�- — � <br /> �1� deslgncc mny purchue tl�c Propeny m nny sale. �� ����' A -=_, <br /> �_-,-�� Upon recclpt ot puyment of Ihe prlce bld,7Yusice shell dMhrr lo lhe pnrchaser'IYuslm's deed mnrcying the '-'� ,y g`A��f, y^ <br /> Property. The recllals In Ihe 7Yuslce's deed shall 6c primn fncle evidence ot the trnlh of lhe sinlements mode Ihereln. ,:�. �1`y£'! ,� _ <br /> �•�-'��; 7}ustec ahnll npply Ihe proceeds af Ihe snle 6i Ihe(ollowh�g order: (N lo nll cwls nnd expenses of exercBing Ihe pox�er -- .4�}"' _ -,� - ��i� =- <br /> _-i . .;y' -i', f� ,: _',�7 -- <br /> y . . V _ 3r <br /> \r 1 ; � <br /> �- u:`.'�: f F�i,t �u\� -'4 '� _ <br /> � f ii <br /> Ef - :. '2��1.= _ - '. <br /> ' �.; htb�.:'.. ' <br /> '4r. - - _. . . <br /> +q., <br /> i � <br /> , � .-i: . . ' s, <br /> :. _ ��, � • %1: .t�'-. <br /> � � . . . . . �."�.. —..,._:.. ,-., _ _ -_l. .-.,i. . :�r... I+;-... - . . . . ..--.,— �".'_ .. . _ <br /> . ,'�. . ,_ . . . . - _ <br /> `.l • .. . - _ � . <br /> �to' . . ... ' .. .. , , . . . . .. -� � <br /> � j - `..� . . . J . .. . ,. . ' - _ � . _ _ , . . ` , <br /> . + , <br /> _ . <br /> ,., � <br /> � ;��. � - . -. - _:' � . : -� . .. � _.. .�-- -�_.-_._ ---. �-. .. . - _. _ . _._. <br />