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<br /> awte,..auK�,►,�a�u�aYm�p�au.�r�,roxz�.��+�.u���a��o�:roa,�a tir• �oe
<br /> tpe priadpa1�nauat of�he nde�l tee Ume W�Ae decWrrtirm etd�Gult,aod reunnnUlo xlloeneys�tas d neitted
<br /> by I�et @)to A1 wmr k.wred 6y thb&eurlly In4ciemebdt w!(¢)uy exccee ro Ihn paroon ar pereonr k�l�y endqM"
<br /> b�Z2. Recoareyanca Upon p�ynxm of a0 surrin eceurcd Ay�Als Scewity Instmmonl,l.ender she11 rcquat 7iusiea to
<br /> ruonvoy Iho Property and sha11 surtender Nls Securi4y Inetniment and ail notea evldencinp debt sccured by Ale Scwdty --
<br /> Inswment to 7lustce. 7iusua shili rcconvey�Ia Prop�ny wl�nui wmm�ty ond wihnul chargo ro tho person or penona
<br /> tegdly entiticdtoit. Suchpersonorpersonsshallpayan7rccorcdtlonwsis.
<br /> . � 23. 6ubdlute 7Ywtte. LenOer,e�lu optlon.may.trom tlmo to Ume ttmovo 7h�atco nnd np�aIn[a aucceswr irustw ro '—"-""°
<br /> my 7Fusla �ppolNed hereunder by nn InsWment rccrorc'�d In Na county in whic6 Ii�is Sxnrity Inswmrnt b rccordM.
<br /> Without conveywce of the Propeny, tM successar t�ve�ce sAnil suececd�o eil�ho thln, powu nnd duNes wnfcrteA upon
<br /> 7tustee hercin ond by appIicublo Iaw.
<br /> — 21. Reque.;l tor NWkes. Hortower requesd thot coQies of Ne noticca of Aefeutl enA r•alo ho sent lo Borrowerb nddress
<br /> wdich fe tho P[openy Addresa.
<br /> 25. R{den to Ihls Savrlty fatteumenl. It one oe more dMro ere exceuted 6y Ilnrtower and rccorded IogelAer�vl�t
<br /> - �—� thla Sauriry Inswmen4�ho covenants ond egreemnne9 0(each such dder shall Iw inwrporated inro and shell emend anQ
<br /> --- — supplemenl tiw covenants and egrcemente of�hin Securi�y Instroment es if ihe dder(s)�vem e part of�his Secuflry Instnunent.
<br /> __,� [Chcckeppllcablebox(ca)]
<br />� __�� �AdJuc�ableRetaRidcr �CunduminiumRider �I-0PamllyRider
<br />�-=_��%i,.:. �Oreduated P.�yment Ridcr �Planned Uni�D:velopmem Rider �Bkveckly I'ayment Rldet
<br /> .•,'`3IFr _ -_
<br /> � '�,F`�
<br /> ���, �OelloonRider �[tatelmprovenxntRider �SecondHomeRider
<br /> ���}3
<br /> A)�__ OOther(s)fspeciryl
<br />_"i:�,•:�,
<br />�'.^Z=��'�� DY SIONINO BELAW,Dorrower eccepr.+und aQrees�o the tem�s nnd covenants coNetned in tl�is Securiiy[nstrument
<br />. �,;�,h, . end in any ddet(s)executrA 6y Bortower and rccorCed wt�h i�
<br />- f:.,s:
<br /> ,.ir.::,� Wimess: imcss
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<br /> �1,.�s��; (Se�ll '���GC��IKI�ILn"'9�'���SenU — --.__-. .
<br /> .�[tr�:..>, �Oartoua Bortonsr
<br /> '^'is. =_
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<br /> � � (Seab _(Seaq ° a- -
<br /> ��tf�t -: �oorson<r .�ortaoer %�Yf.. : —
<br /> �31 ii STpTE30PNCOMSKA. ConNyss: . . ��� —
<br /> j�ti`l;[ BALL ;��- r �-.
<br /> f:, � On ihis le! duy of 30ptemis¢t, 1993 ,befom mo,�hc undersigned,n Not Publlc ; s-"� �
<br /> :,r�,,_.--'
<br /> +�;V:Y.; dulycomnilssionedandqualificdforsnidcoumy,gcrsonnllycamc DOXALD B RBPIRtI NID Ol1LGY JBAII PIBN ;.:a.;"h,,.�-}; �-__
<br /> ` - H08611MD AND NIPB ,io mc kno�vn ta bc ihc � "-
<br /> '1�`.,m�`� A
<br /> �e.., idemknl persons(s)whose nam�qr)am auhxril:ed lu lhe forcgoinp insWment and �¢knowledged Ihe execulion Ihercat lo „�rqi
<br /> � �2--'� � th ir vutmunryanonddecJ. + � {g ����--.
<br /> � � kl
<br /> Wi�ness m Rnnd nnd no�nrial scul ut in xald county,tM1c t�(��.`;���M;,�-i:
<br /> 1' � Y OR71lID t6LlSND �� ` ,''�1t� 'S —
<br /> - dnle n(orcsaid. � -
<br /> ti ? MyCommluianexpires: ��.�5 ��,�� � �.� �h+(� � ..
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<br /> tA,n� -�—.`� A'uu Mm�o .� ;,�ft.f S� 17'_ :
<br /> . �%t���._= CfxAN�iAl1YSUY H NlMtlil ry i_.),�(n,e�,» 4..' '-
<br /> � ��,r :. CYHIHU18.2LOMK6 REQUESI'F02 RGCONVGYA�CG •C-; ,lr f `�j;;:
<br /> TO 'WYMDLE:O.SeDL1A1981 , _ .
<br /> �< e un ers�gn is ic io er o dce noic or no�c+xccureJ by�his Decd of 7Tuxt. Said no�c or no�es,�ogciher wi�h all '1�eh . ;��,_
<br /> oiher indebicdnesc securcd Ay this[lecd of 11v+L have hcnµ�id in full. You are hercby Jirccced�a cnncel said no�e or no�e+ ��;#f�i.;-.:'.,;='�-
<br /> -� nnd�hix DeeA of 7}us6 mhich ure�klivercd hercby,and�o reconrcy.wiihom wammq•,all�he n�aic nuw hcld by you under . `�.1:;+'"
<br />'��` . Ihis Deed of"IFusl lo the person or persans Icgnlly entitled Ii:crclo. . � '
<br /> ' '
<br /> Da�c:
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