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_,._ � <br /> � . � <br /> \ �r:". _ . y. ST f '. <br /> _�._ficn� ' . ' _�"__— _"_ .. .. . .. <br /> 9��� i0�'598 � � - . :, . <br /> candemnnlan or aAer ulcing ot�ny pu�4f ihe Prop.ny,or for convoyance in Ileu olcondemna�lon.ue hertAy esilgned�nd <br /> eh�11 be qId to LerMcr. <br /> In tho cvent Df a tael �ek�ng of the Ifioperty,dw proreeds shall be�pplivJ ro �ho sunu eccurcd Dy �hii$ecudiy ' <br /> InsWinent,whethet or not ihen due,'with my oxces�palJ to Horrower. tn iho eren�of�p�nloi�oking of�ho�ny in <br /> which tM felr market volue of ihe E'�ropeny Immediauiy Ixfore�Ae laleing le�qunl io or greater than�ho omounl ot�fio sumt <br /> stcurcd by this Stcurity InsiN�nt ImmeAla�ely betaa thc mking,unless BoR6wer and 4endcr oih<rwlu ogrco In wriiing. <br /> thc suma r�curcA by this Securlty Instrumrnt shn116e rcduced by the emant of�hc proceeda muliiplled Gy ihe fallowing <br /> ° • Gec�lon: (a)�No�aal amount oi�hv aums accur.A lmmediatety hPorc the wking,dividcd by(b)the fnir markt�va�ue oi ihe �- <br /> Propeny immediatety beforo�ho�aking. Any bai�nca ehall bc paid to flonower. In�he event oF a pvtial inking of the <br /> Propchy In whkh tho talr market value of the l'ropetly Immedlately bePorc�he Iaking la Icss�hun�he m�ount ot ihe avms <br /> secured Immediauiy beforo the laktng, unlas Uorrower and Lender o�herwiso egre in wd�ing or unless opplicabte law <br /> ort�erwise provldca,ihe praceed�shall be nppliad ro the sum+searcd 6y thb Secud�y Instrvment wM1aher or not tAe sums erc <br /> thcn due. <br /> If thc Propcny U ebandoned by porrower,or it,eftcr noticc by Lendcr to Uo�wcr tha��he condemnor ofhn to mrke <br /> - ---�------ an¢wazd or cenle e claim Por dam3ges,Dortower fails w respond ro Lendcr eitfiin 30 days aRcr the datc�h�:�tice Is giveo, <br /> Lendcr ie amhodzed lo wlleN end upply�he procttds,nt iu opflon,eiihcr io resiomtion or rcpalr of the Propcny or to�Ax <br /> ---- sumssecurc46ythisSecuri�ylnstrument,wheU�erornot�hendue. <br />—=_ _= Unless Lender end IIorta�ver othenviu agree In wdiing,eny e plicaiion of pioceeds w pdndpal shill nm extend or <br />- _�� postpono�hc due date of thc monthty paymenu rcferted in in paragmpRs 1 and 2 orchange�hc nmount of such payments. <br /> - . = U. Borrower Not Releaxd; fbrbeannce By Lender Nol u {Yaher Exrens[on of thc tlme for payment or <br /> ----- modifiwtion ot amoniza�ion of tAe sums saurul by this Sccuriry Instrumem grnnt<d by Leuder lo eny suttessor m interest <br /> -=���'_�=��'I� of Oortower shall not opemm m releau�he liebiliry of ihe original 6ortoxer ar Bortox�cr's successors In inlensl.Lendar <br /> .�T- ��-.-' ahall not be rcquircd m commenee praceedings agaiau my suceessor in interest or ntus:to extend tima for paymem or - - <br /> ��i o�henrise modify amortization ohhe sums secur.d by ihie Secumy Instrumem by rcason of any demand made by�he odgtnal <br />:;�i�]L_.�,�x;_�. Rorrower or 6ortoa•crk snaessors in intenst. Any forMa�ance Ay Lender in excrcisfng any righ�or rt:mcdy shall not be n . <br /> wniver ot or pnxlude�he cxercise of any righ�or remedy. <br /> ,�{ ."�= 12. Successora und Assigns Round;lolnt and Several Unbilitya Casignere. 7Le co�enanu ond ogcemems ot thts <br /> .��. :, <br /> : :�;F:,-}*�_. Security Insuumenl shall bfnd and benefit ihe snccasors and accigns ot Lender and Qorrvner,xubjeet ro�he provislons of <br /> �';�r.. ,q'?::,- pamgrnph 17. Dorto�verk covenants und egmementc shall be joir.t and r.everal. Any Uortoxer who co-signs thle Seeud�y <br /> - _` �-",�..j Ins�nimem bm does nm exccu�e the Rotr. (a)is co-signing�his Security inynv.v,ent only lo mongag0.granl and convey tha� <br /> Dorto�verk Intemst in ihe Ropeny under Um ienns of�his Securiry Inswn:ene�b)Is not personally oblignted to pay�he sums <br /> l;-���:��'���,��' ucurcA M1y this Security Insuument;and(e)ngrces�hai Lender rr.d any other Bono�cer may ogrce lo extend,modi(y,forbear <br /> '�'' "•:>� or m�ke nny nccommoda�ions with rcgnrd �o �he temis of this Sceurity Imuument or�he Nole wfihout lhat 6otrriwer� <br /> :c.-::,'�...��I:.•�i. consenl. <br /> _ �i, In�n Chgraes. If 16e loan securnl hy Ihie SecurilY Inswmenl is su6icct to a law which sele maximum loan <br /> � �-���� chuges,and lltat law is finnlly imerpreted m�ha��he interes�or o�her loan cM1arges collecicd or to be rnllected in wnnection � <br /> '�. Z:;;;j{j�� with�he loan exeeed�he pemimed limiis,ihen: (nl any such loan chuge sh�ll be rcduced by tha amount necessary Io rcduco <br /> �:'��,� c-' ihe charge to�he prm�iued IimiC end(61 ony sums aimady collected from 6oROwer which excecded pennirteA limiu wlll be <br /> t'r,+�f1�?� <br />���;i.'..p��(�.�:•c mfunded to Sorrower. Lender may chnnse m mnke�his rePond by reducing ihe pri�rcipal ox�ed onder�he Note or by nr,Jcinga <br /> ��._'!���{h� dircc�paymen�to 6orto�ver. If a mfunA reducex principal.�he mduc�iun x�ill be irea�ed as a panial prcpa�ment�v��haiq eny <br /> �.. ,:.. <br /> ;•��.._a��r..q. prepaymem charge under�he No�c. _ <br /> ' +�,:��:h-�;}': 14. Notices. Any nmice to porzoacr pmviAed for in ihi+Securi�y Imtrument shall 6e given by delivering It or by <br />- -'+�:i':�-�'�'�` malling ii by first clatt mnil nnlesx npplirnMe law requins uxa of nnmher me�hod.The no�itt xhall be direcled lo Ihe Property - _ <br />-�':;�r.%��..1;�' �� Addrcsv or cmy other addrccs Uorro�ver designnt�x by notice�o LenJer. Any notice to Lender shall be giren by firs1 clu.4 - <br />���'�'�<:�!�-n^;��� mail m LcndcrSadArccaslnled hercinor imy niha�addrc.s LcndcrJcsign:ncshy nolirc lo Rormwer. Any nolice provldcdfor <br />"�=�'--'f�'��� in lhis Securily Inxlmmeni SI18II IlC Al'Ciilfd 10 ha+r been gicen tn {�URO\\ff O(LCildf!\YIICII$IYCf1 m provided in Ihis <br /> ��(f __ <br />�,�r;:" .,�-;. Parograph. —., <br />_ . .. � . 15. (im�e�ning I.u�r, Severahlll�y. Thi+ Secnrily Imtruntent ahall k gorcrncd M1y fcdcral law and Ihc law uf Ihe _ <br /> _��Jij'�=�;^�=`7 jurisdictinn in�vhich�he Ropeny i+4R:ncd. In ihr nrm�M1at any provision nr rL;u::of�hic Securiry Inswment or Ihe Nnle _ <br />?<,'-' ;Y: :; conilic�s wi�h npplicable la�v,such enntlicl sh:Jl nai nRec�mher prn��i.iunc of�hi.Stturily Insuumenl or Ihe Note�vhich can _ <br /> - 6e giren effea withow �he conflicting prmi+ion. To�hi.end ihe provi.innc of ihi+Scruri�y Inarumem and the Note nrc = <br /> — -;:';=;t;�= d�Ylar.dtobescrcrablc. `_ <br /> - 16. 6orroner's Copy. Dorto��rr+hall Fe giren ane mntimned cupy of�he l:me and nf ihi.Securiq•Insuumem. :'. <br /> " - I7. 7Ynnster of Ihe Praperly or u Benrliclal Inleresf In Ilurrao�er. 1lali nr any pan u(ihe Rapeny or any intercsl in !•�- <br />- "��'`�� it is wIJ ur inn.RmJ(ur if n Ucnefiriai imcre.i in Bnrroorr i.�nid nr van+fert.d anJ Ilarroscr a nawrel penoN �.�:'. <br /> -:'t'-��_;-�-'�'�- wi�haul LenJeri prior�rrilten conum.Lendtr ma��.m in op�ion.rcynire immediam payment in fnll of all xunn secumd by :�_ <br /> .. �..:, �- �hi+Securi�y Insuumem. Howeree�hi,op�ian+hall no�Ix e�crci.ed 1���LenJ.r if.xenia i�prohibi�ed by feJeml law ac o( i`.... <br /> �• '� - � Ihc daic a(Ihis Sccurily In.lrumcm. -: <br /> <h-,��� . I(�hi.option.L.ndrr.hallgi�rl3am�wernoiicenfu.deraunn. Thrno�ice.hallproviJeaperiidof F=�. <br />' � nal Ies+lhan 3U day.fmm Ihe dale�he nolirt i.dclnercJ nr mailyd�viihin��hirh 13nrro��cr mu�t pay 6��Ihi. Y.-. <br /> - .. Securi�y in.m�mcm. I(Uorco��cr faik to pa� �htr�.um.prinr In ihc caryr.�lion nl Ihi.�kri�d. I.cndrr may im�okc any �: <br /> � rcmedin pcmiincd hy Ihi�Sccuri�r Indmn:cnl wi�hnm funhcr noiia or JcmanJ un Rartunrr. f�: <br /> �-,�;,;� 18. 6orroner's Righl to Reinslnle. If Ilnmmrr mec�.cen.�in aanJi�iun.. Ilurro��cr .h�ll h:rve�he righ� �o hace i�_. <br />'.�� .-� .. ' enfomemenl uf�hiti Securily In.munem Jikanlinnd ai anr timr pnor�a�Ir r.�dfer oL (al 5 J:rc.(nr wch nlher perinJ a+ r.� <br /> � �. S�II%��I'a1111I�.I'�i1111N�Iif}�M1EEIf�I]CI�IIIiI(�II�1�RI��I.��- I��III��11p{���\C11Nh YW //�IIfJiQl,(�ICf�/ � ,� <br /> • •�,`,��lr • ��: <br /> . '!t: <br /> . . . ' __.__.____.._. _. -. . .. .._ _ _ _ _ <br /> _._' <br /> ____.... _ : <br /> _ P.mi�`.Ca':��. . .. " .. .. . _ . � ' -' . . <br /> . .. �. -... . : . . . . . - . - . _ _ . . <br /> .L <br /> .. ,'i_- � .. . . . . <br /> .i .-' ' .. _ .. - . ' <br /> �F` � . . - ' . - . .. ' '.. . . <br /> �1, <br /> 1 �' . <br /> 1 �-�� � � : ..-" i <br />