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)j'l�}h.i� ,��^ft. ^rr .r� -�.f� . . � - __ :f_-_.. ' __ <br /> , , . ._ <br /> r _t_-_ —__-- __ _ -_ �:' ....._. . <br /> _ - __ ___...._. .___ ._- __-._- _ __-__.. ___ . . __ . <br /> Lu.� _ ' ___..-�._. . . <br /> �: <br /> 93• �0�7�.54� . <br /> pertode tha�Lcndcr rcqulrcs. TLo insurenw catticr providing thc Inmrnnco shall bc chosen by Aortowcr whJcct to Lcnderir <br /> approval which ehall not bo unrcasana�ly wlihhetd. ItBottower tnib to mainialn covcra b�o describcd nbovc,l.cndsr may,a� <br /> Lendcr9 opion,obtain coverogo to praect LenAcrb dghta in tho Propeny in attordanco wtih pamgmph 7. <br /> AII Insuranw pclicle�nnd rcnewole nhall 6a aaeP�able�o Lender and sA�ll I��cluda a s�andard mongage clauw. Lendcr <br /> 6IIiI�A1YO IIIC�I$Y�l{O IIOIE IIIC pUIICIC9 NIA ftflCtYAI9. I�I.CIIECIIC(�UIf�7,QOIi05YC�6A8II Pf0fi1p1ly sIYC 10 Lcndcr oll rccelpls <br /> of paid prcmlume and mnowal notitts. In iha evcnt of toss,Horrower shall givc prompt noiico tn�ha hisuranco cartler and <br /> I.endcr. Lcndcr may makc proof of los�If no�made prompdy by Oortower. <br /> __ _ , , .. . ,,.._., <br /> Unlesa Lender nnd Bortowernthciwlse agn¢in wrtt6ig,Insurence pracKds xhall bo applicd�o rcsloru�lon or rcpatr pf <br /> " Iho �ny damagcd, if�ho rcs�ora�Ioa or rcpair Is economlcally feailbtc�nd Lendcrk scFUrity le not Icssened. If�ho <br />- rcatom�on or npalr la noi economicnlly fem(bie or l.enderh securiq would bo Icssened,tl�c inwranco procecdv shall bo <br /> epplled ro the sums securd by �hi�Securi�y (nstrument.wheiher or na then duo,wi�h eny excess paid io Oortower. II <br /> portower abandons the Propeny,or das not aacxrr wi�hin 30 days o notke Gom I.ender that the Insur�nm cartier has <br />- -- otfend to senle a claim,ihen Lender ma�mllec��he insnranco protteds. Lender may use the procceds io mpair or rutore <br /> _ --_— <br /> �ha Propeny or to pny sums sccurcd by ih s Scwriry Inswment,u�hc�hcr or nauhen duc. 'Ihe 30�day pcdod will begin�}fico <br /> �hanoticeisgiven. -� - �- �-- - <br /> -_� Unless Lender end Bortowcr ahcrwise agrec in wriHng,any appIicndon of promeds to pdncipal shall not ent�nd or <br /> --4�� postpone the due date of�ho momhiy paymems rcfemd�o in par�srophs I and 2 or changc tho amount of the poymenu. If <br />=--' ---- under paragraph 21 iho Propeny B acquired by Lender, Dorrowers right to�ny insur�nee policice and pfoceeds rcsul��ng <br /> `-?�t':�- from damage to the Ropeny prwr lo�he acquisition shall pass w l.ender to�Ae ex�em oF�he sums securcd by this S:curity <br /> W-M'?±�� Instrumcntimmcdiatel pdorrothcecquisiiion. <br />�1•�:_��; 6. Occupancy,YPreur��adon, IVlaintenance and Protaation of the Property; Borrox�er'e Lwn Applk2tion� <br /> - l.eauhdde. 6ortower shall occupy,esiablis6,and use ihe Wopeny a��ortoner§prim�ipal rcsidence sviNin sixty d,ys after - <br /> �`'��`"-,i.� � the execmion of ihis Security Inswmem and shall mminuo�o occupy ihe Propeny as 6ortower4 principal rcsidence for e� <br />=:�'�'�"�-�°�' leui one car aRer the dme of cecu anc unlese l.ender o�henrise a rces (n wdtln which conscnt shail na be <br />-���'--;`�;:?'h- unrcasonabiy�vithheid,or unlexs e�mnuaiing circumstances exis�x�hkh are 6eJ�ond Oorto�cr�conuol. 6orro���cr shell not <br /> 'f'-?;'�' desiroy,damage or In:pair�he Roptny,allow Ihe Pmpeny�o dc�crio�a�c,or mmml��vastc on�he Propetty. Oormo�er shall <br />`- �'-�''� � be in detauh if any fodei�um ec�lon or proceedtng,ahciher civil or criminal,ie begun qm�in Lenderk good faiih judgmem <br /> " �."�`^'-` could rcsul� in forfeiwrc of�he Bo n or o�hern�ise materiall mi v �he lien crcated b �his Securh Insmimem or — <br /> '';'�'+�,'`." Lenderk securiry InMrcs�. Qortowetmp cure such o defauh nnd reins�aPe,ns pmvided in paragnph I8,by causing the ec�ion <br /> _ ,_`..,�y�,;',; or procccAing l0 6a dismlued wflh a ruling ihat,in Lendcr]gaad(ai�h detemiinatlon,pn:clndes Podcimrc of�he 6ortower, <br /> inreresl in �he Propeny ar a�her mmedal impaimxnt of�he lien cna�ed by iht. Securi�y Inswmem nr LenderS security <br />��-.�-.;;:�-�.'' intercst. 6orto�vcr shnll also bc in defauh if 6orto�vcr, during ihe loan applicaiinn process, gave meterially fnBc or <br />-_t'p.,,{��':�_{ inncrumie Informa�lon ar s�a�cmenu�o Lender(or faiicd to providc Lcnder wi�M1 any macedal infamia�ion)in connection��i�h <br /> _;� �•+� thu loan evidenecd by �he Note, including, but noi limi�ed �o, npnsenm�ionc conmming Donoo�cry occupancy of the <br /> �.:.. <br /> ....:r.::i..` P�vpcity ai u yiif�ciN:J ic..i.ietiati. if ii�i+Sccu�iiy Luimmcnt ia un n I<axnuid.Dorrowxrshall comply m�n uil��c pmvisians - .' .'.' ...- <br /> :- � of�he Ieau. If 6ono+'ver acquircv fee�i�le�o�he Propeny,�he Ieacehold nnd the fee ti�le shnli not merge unless Lender ngrees <br /> " to�hc rocrgcr In writtng. <br /> ;_:n��y., 7. Protecflon of I.endePs Rights In Ihe Properly. If 6ono�ver failx�o pedomi Ihe coven.anls and egrctmenls <br /> can!r.ined in ihis Sewri�y Insuument, or �here is a le@�J pracecding �hat may signifir.�mly o(kc� l.ender\ righ�s in ehe <br /> . �'.�-'.;..` Pmpeny(such ac n proceeding in bankmpicy,pro6a�c,for condemnaiion ar fodriwro or m en(orce la�vs or regula�inns),then <br /> _*-�;c.�±:�r. Lender mny do and pay for whatceer is�io pmteci �hc value o(tlx Ropcny and LenderS righis fn�he Propeny. - <br /> � Lendrrb uc�ions may include payinF any sums secureA by;�lien which has priority ovrr�his Securi�y laarumen6 appcaring �'�'=-- <br /> ��-":";��-�-; in conn,pnying masonnblc nuomeys'fces and emcring on Ihc Pmpcny�o mil.r repsi�s. Ahhaugh Lcndcr may�ake anion R''.�st5- <br />�'.�,�x;�,ry;.�� unAer�n15 anmun+�di b ned 6 Iwmleh�under�Ihi+� in m h 7 shnll become�ddilinnnl Aehl af Uarto�ver secumd by�his ``'}k'-%�� <br />��i�,��!`�%�`- Sceurit In�uumenl. Unlesx OoROUer anJ l.ender a nc b mhcr�emno( � mant.�hcsc nmonnu shall heur intercst from thc �j„_,.'"�? <br /> .{'.�_��-': Y S ' P•Y <br /> �.,.. da�c of disbunemem u1�hc No�e nm m�J+hall M pay�blc,�vi�h inlemn, upan nn�ice from Lendcr to BuROwcr rcquea�ing ��:'._��� _. <br /> . - . � paymcm. i-. ,: � _� <br /> _�y.,, ;� 8. Martgage Insuronce. If Lender rtyuircd inunga�c inwr:mw n. n conJilinn ot making�he loan saured by�his -'�i� 2��_�, <br /> �� n,{ -- Securiry Instrument. 6omiwer.hall p:ry�he prcmiumti rcyuircJ m maimain iM1c mongage inwrance in effeci. If,for any �? y <br /> i� N�il y: -_ <br /> �y-.���jx rcasan, �he mongage insuranee co�eage reyuinJ hy I.ender lapxx or eeakc In Ik in e(fecl. 6urton�er shall pny Ihe - <br /> `'����t��ji� � prcmimnx rcyuired io obiain covcngc aub+ian�ialiy cyurv:dcm tu �hc monFage imunncc prcvinucly in cfkc�,ai a cosi . -.i' <'� -, <br /> - :�'•F`;• subslamially eyuivnlenl la Ihe cosl lo Botmu�er��f Ihe inntlgage in+urance pre�iuu�ly in ef(ai,from an allema�e mangage ;�.--;�;�, .'. " <br /> ""�"' insurcr npprored by Lender. I(subaamially iY�uivalenl motlFagc inwranee rn�xr.�EC ia not arailable.6arcuwct shall pay lo _.�;,;z,s�`='�:'•''. <br /> � . Lcndcr exh month u mm eyual�o une•reclfih of�he ycady mong:�ge inwranre prcmmm Iwing paiJ bp(iurrox�er e�hcn�he - � �r '' -.. <br /> +tU -: ,t insuranee coverage lap,ed or aa.ed m Ik in effea. Lendenvill aceepi.u,e nndnt:�in�h..e paymenh a�a lu..meerce in lieu .! '. 1 �. <br /> i � <br /> 3 � - <br /> of mo� a c insuran<c. Lutis rc.cnc a-mcm. n n n i � '� �-�t <br /> �� <br /> i �L - ' g g p Y m y n 1 �g�r Ix nquircJ. ai dm opu�n nf Lcndcr,if mungagc insurancc � <br /> ���iQI:� .; covernge(in Ihe nmoun�anJ for Ihe perinJ Iha1 Lender rcyuirc�l pmrideA hy an intiuter appnncA 6y I.enJer again becomex } Z __� <br /> V¢ • - availnble and is ohtained.6ortowenhall par�he premimn,myuired m maimaimm�ngagr i�nnnnce in c(krL ono providc a ' - �� ���� <br /> 3syi�f•'ii�� locs rcxerve,unlil thc rcyuiremenl for mon}age inwr.m�e accnrJanre ni�h :nq�enurn agrectuenl henrecn Rorcm�rr �fl..'.. '� . l��:. <br /> i 3li` �; nnd Isndcr orapplicuhlc law. . - . <br /> i ,�) : 9. Inspttlion. Lender or i�.agent ntry makc rtawnahlt enlna upon�r.J in.Fx�.�iun.o(ihe Rn�n��. LenAcr.hall ' . . <br /> r -io-rY{'C givc0orto�xcrnoiiccanhclimcafnrprinnaanim�clinn.pca(�ingrra�nnabA�c.m.rforlhcin.�x.liun. _ ,i_ �{� '.r <br /> .��.`.. . I0. Conden7nuliun. Thc prt+reeJ.of:mc nnard or claim for Jamage�.din•cl nr conneninn aith an). •.iP�,,:.. <br /> r i: <br /> . . SmpleP�nnl.--F�nNe\IaeM1}Mdle]LcPSIlnil\II]5l'N1�14:\"f-Pmf.nmC�naunt. 990 �p.¢rJ,qnryn�v - . <br /> , �a.a�w..&,.w Ana._�v ■ " - � <br />_ _ To�tSt�all �ODIpVT]-il\616�I.Iq� , <br /> . y-:..'' � � . . <br /> : . .. ,��-'°'_---^—�-�----�r--- -. . ... .. . . � <br /> - •.. _ <br /> _ -_'- <br /> - '- <br /> :r, <br /> ..� .. . . . . ..____ . ' -� . ..>>:,.:,� ,.;. �. . .s" �_�.... <br /> �,1 -_ . .. - - . . ; , � . <br /> �":�.:.`, . , <br /> , _: - ._ _ "___ _._ . _ _'_' __ ' - . <br /> .'t; . .. . ' . <br /> .. ._'-ir_. .. _ __ ' . _ .. . . <br /> ,M!W�'�".,: ( . . <br /> - J� . .. . . - . . � . . . - <br /> - . . '�J . . . . . . . . � .. . .. <br /> . . ..� . .. - . <br /> • _t . . J .. . . � <br /> . . �_. ..._�u _ . _ �. <br /> � . <br /> ik - - � - _. � . . . __ _ --- <br />