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<br /> 'I'00[i7H8R WITIi all�ta Improvsmenu now or hercefter crccmd on�he ptoperty,end nll easemcnu�oppunennncc�.
<br /> •nd Ikrorea now bc4MO�4o�a pert ot the proputy. A1I rcpleccmeNS and aAd(�loro s�nll aiso bo rovcred by i6ls Saurity
<br /> Inswmem. Aliof•fl�GfnmgolnE-lam(ettedtoin�hle3ecudrytncirumentm�ho'Nroperty."
<br /> — BOItROWBR OOVC�NATti'S thnt�llnnowcr i+IawCuliy selscd ot iha esiet¢hereby tonveyed and hne U�o dght ro gmnt
<br /> end conv�y�ha Prope8y ond fltef�tiG•Rop�riy fa unencumbercd,exapt(or cncum6rancce ot rccord. Boreower warranie and
<br /> �� �--- '� wUl defenA genaratly thp Ulla m U�p Prn(+y�tty apnimt all etilms nnd demands,subject to nny enenmbrancea of record. ,
<br /> THIS SL�CURi7'Y,IN9TRUL1fiNf�comlilnn unlPorm covenanu for nnilonnl use end non�uni[om�covenmiu wiN
<br /> limhed vnrifltiana byjudtdinfnn In connitulne unlfnm�secudty inswmcnt wverUg rcnl propeny.
<br /> �- �� UNQ�ORAICOVCNANT3. Bmraiwirnnd�Leadcrcovenantandngrcaesfollows:
<br /> c-�::� 1. PnyR�ent atN�Ltr.ippl and G�tnntq;P�tipaymenl and L9tt CAnrgea. Bortower shnll promptlypay whcn duo the
<br />=J;_E:�� pdnc(ppl of nnd intercst on�thn deYt ev)dm�r,ed�hy the Note nnd any prrpayment and laia chnrgea duo uader tha Nate. -
<br />_ __ E FLnAafae�Tan!eand[u�airinn.. SuWaitoappIica6lclawortoewdtcenwalvcrbyLendcr,Dortowershallpzyro
<br /> -'���� Lendcr on.dio di7-mnmbiy�paymonta am.dno under U�e Notc,until thc Nae is paid in full,e sum Cl�nds')for:(�)ycarly
<br /> ��tc.}t.� ,� �axes anA�qssossmm�ls wblcU,mny a��nimpdndty o�xr thle Sccudty Inswment as e lien on�:a Nnpeny;(l+)yeady Icuehold _
<br />.�,::.i[c�t<<.l?;kY,.. @aymcma nr�round nmla omtlm Property.if my: (c) ycady hauud or propcny insumnw pmmiuma;(d) ycnriy tlood
<br /> � !�.•"?yi'=3s•�' ' incu�anee prymiums,iE any:(n)ynedy�mortgage insurance prcmiums, if any; end(q anY sums payabte by Qortower to _
<br />^;tiia"'�"�."r<,� - Lender.b�accordnnce wit0-Oia p�mddnns of paragraph 8,in Ifeu ot�ho payment of mor�gage insoanco premNme. These
<br />--������'F<=;��` � itema em ca11rA�i:acmw-ImmF' i.ender may.et eny Ume,collect end hold FLnds in an nmovnt not to excced 4ie mnximum
<br /> N•-n6f� t
<br />'=��i�'c`, ��fii�t�� � emnunt e Iendec fnr a(udemlly�ruitned mongage Iwan may rcquira Por Rortowere escrow eccount under�he fedenl Real —
<br /> ''��"` 4��` � Csmte Settlemen[Ptnttdum4 MI aG 1974 es emended€ron ume�o�ime.12 U.S.C.4 2601 r�ssg.('RGSPA'),unlcsa enother _
<br /> t ,•;r" '
<br />`���".'�,=�}�„��; axeced ��iePlesser emo nt�bLenderes��u��am'�ate�he nmount of Punds due on tte bnsisdof cumm da�e d �rcaso able
<br /> '`.�%�: •'[:t•q�1.�' __
<br /> -,;�,�:,h;,`,�S_4�:. estfustesof expendilures of Poiurc Escrow Items oro�henvise in eccordance wiih applica6le Izw. ___
<br /> `•��;'_ �"t.::�,.,a T3c Funds shall bc held in an ins�iwGon whose deposits ani insurcd by a federal egeosy, inswmrntaUty,w emity =-
<br /> a�..•+..>_��� .
<br /> -.,f�`.�;/r)f ({ncluding Lender,It4ender is such en instilu�ioN or In eny I'ederal Home Laan Bank. LenAcr shall epply�ha FLnds�o pay _
<br /> '� '� " ' '"!� tho Escrow Iromc. l.endcr mny not chnrgc Iiortoxrr for holding and appiying�hc ILnd+, annually enaiyting tho cscrow _
<br /> u,. •,{:�Ys;�.
<br /> �;t��'�,r�."�cs;/.:,: acecunL or �roriPjinp�lia Cscrow Irems, unless Lender pays aoRO�ver intercst on tha I�mds xnd epplica6la law pertnl�e
<br /> ' '�s,,.v^%3` Lender to mnke such n chnrge. Hoxxver, Lender may requirc Dortower to pny e one•�ime ch:uge for un independeN mal
<br /> '`�fi>:'�SI�E*;3�1, este�e lex reporting service iued by Lender in connreUon�vitl�th(s bnn,unlas epplicabla Iaw prov�da othenvlse. Unless an
<br /> ' la'��� �ty��({� egrcemem is mnda or applica6le law requires in�eres�to bc paid,LenAer shnll not 6o requircd�o pay Bortower eny intercst or
<br /> r31;.,,ti
<br /> '�'�+_��{f,l���j�. eamings on ihe f•Lnds. fiortower and Lendcr mnyagree In writing,ho�vever,dmt imercat shall 6o pald on�he Pomda. Lender
<br /> ';��,_�q�t'I�f�', shall givc to Oorrowcr,wi�how chnrgq nn annual nccouming of�hc I�nds,ahowing crcdi�s nnd debl�s to�hc Ponds and Iho
<br /> --°� -- puryorz tor whicn wcii dculi io ii�e isr�',s'��s r wa "ff:=FLr.d:sre p!edgd_^Aditinnal�t!drvinr nll eums secured 6y . .
<br /> ,;;'�)�r z, .�"
<br />�:��. .�',, j � �hlsSecurirylnsirunxm.
<br /> `'�r.i�;,.?;�;�.-." If the Ponds heid 6y Lender excwd �ho amoums pemiiued �o be held by epplieable law, Lender shall eccount ro
<br /> ��'� -".:i;,:;.:�i� � Oorrower for�he exccss�unds in accordnnce with�he mquimments of epplicn6le law. If tha emoum of�ho FLnds held by
<br />�-T:£% `»���:!l:!i�1; � Lender at any�imo is not sufficient�o pay�he Fscrow hems when due,Lender may so no�ify[3olmwer In�vdting,end,In
<br /> "`'`'`" � "� such cau {3ortower shall pay to I.ender �he umount nece.ssary lo mnke up �he deficicncy. 6ortower shall mnke up �he
<br /> � � deficiency tn no mom��;m�wclve ntonthly paymems,nt Lenders wle di+creiion.
<br /> '�- .•�i Upon payment in PoII ot all sums secumd by�hi�Security Instrunmm.l.ender shull promptly nfund�o Dorrox•er any _
<br /> '� - �:"!���,�f(' - fLnds held 6y Lender. If,under pnrngraph 21,Lender aholl ncquire or sell the Propeny,Lendrr.prior w�he acqulsi�lon or
<br /> :: . ,
<br /> -,`.;t�: � sale of�hc Propcny,shnll apply nny Fands held by I.ender nt ihc�ime of ncqnisition or snlc ns n crcdl�against�he sume =
<br /> �c,,;:•:�;;:'•=�,_ secured 6y this Security Inxuumem.
<br />'��'",•�";,,�•ti.,.�s. . 3. Applicntlon of PuymeN+. Unl.cc npplicable law proviJes o�henvise,all pxyments rmived by Lender under -- --
<br />":K. , P'-
<br /> - � �`� pangmphs I and 2 sholl he uppiied:firs�, to any prepnymem chivges duc under�ht Na�e;second,io amoumsµ�yeble under ._,::
<br /> - paraEr�ph 2;�hird,w intercs�due;(ounh,eo princ�pal due:and lac6�o any laie charges due nnder the Mote. y�
<br /> 4. Churges; Llrns. 6ortowcr ahnll pay ell �+ucs, accessmems. chargcs,Gna nnd imposlGons annbntnblc to tix _
<br /> ' Propetty which may onuin priority urer ihis Secunry Inswment,and Ieacehuld payments or ground rcms,if eny. 6orto�vc� •.�;,;;
<br />- �:�`�.� sholl pny thcsc oblipmions in Ihc manncr providcd in pangraph 2,ar i(nn1 paid in tha�manncr,Rartowm shall poy�hcm on _
<br /> - � '��- lime direc�ly lo the person owcd paymcN. 6orrooer Shali promp0y fumish In Lendcr ail noiices o(umuunu�o M:yaiJ und.r f. �:.
<br /> �.j+5��` ,;`., dils parugraph. If 6orrowcr makes these paymemx dirccily.Borto���.r shall prnmp0y fumish io Lcndcr reccipts cridencing ,�_ _,
<br /> '.i.;'�_.:.' '� thopaymenls. �� .�.
<br /> -. 'ii'r..i'- i4P.� -
<br /> ��[1}'.,/'Ar -. . in un'�i'�ng m he paynient�of'he blig:u unnucu ed by Ihe I enrin�a,n�nnerinc eptabk Io,�Lender(b)imnt➢��in`good(i mrthe
<br /> .. :,�
<br /> =,��::,,.
<br /> __�,��� - lien by,or defends agains�enforcemem uf�hc licn in. Iegal pnkettlinFs which in ihe Lenderi opinion opente�o prcrem�he
<br /> ti�• .�� enforcemem of the licn;ar(c)u+cums fmm thc holder af�he lien an agrcemrm wiisfactory m Lender subordina�ing�he lien
<br /> -'��r,,,t.�.� ..
<br /> _ ,.�; .� to�his Securi�y Inxuument. If I.cnder dcumiines�hat uny pan of�he Propeny is su6ject m a licn��hich may auain priority
<br />-".n•''�F�'�' � over�his Securi�y Insuumem,Lender muy gice�nrtox�er a nolin iden�ifying d�e lien. �orrmrer shall satisfy�he lien or�ake _.
<br />-�- - one or morc of Ihc nctions ut(onh a6ovc wilhin IOAayxuf Ihc giving of nolicc.
<br /> - ' S. flarard or Property Incurnnee. fiortoxrr xhall kecp the impro�rmem�nnw existing or hereaher emc�ed on �hc
<br /> � .- � Propc�y inswed ugeinst loss by fire,ha�.ird.indudcd���ilhin Ihe term'exlended cm�cr.�gc'and:my��Iher hmarJ.,including --
<br /> . Oaads or ��wJinF• for which (.cndrt rcyuires in�urancr. Thi<in�urancc shall hc mainlaincd in�he u�r.onms and for lhc .
<br /> ,-,�/�lY � _
<br /> F'urmb}8 9N0 �ryar.'�l�(++X�•�
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