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<br /> --�- -� S. H�urd ar Property Insurante. Borrowcr shall kccp No improvcme�nts now existlng on c�rw(ICr erutcd on tho
<br /> -"�'�'��� Property Insurcd agains�lose 6y tlra, haznrde Included wiihin the cerm 'oxtenAcd coverege" end nny other hazards, including
<br />___�� IlncMs or Oooding,for whkh l.cndcr rcqulru Inxurantc.This insunmce shall Ix nteintalncd In�hc nmuunle und for�hc pcdals ----
<br /> _ � �� �6at I.�Mer requirce.The insumnce carcfer providing the Insurnntt shall 6e clmcen by tiorro�rcr subjcet to I.e�xler's approval ----
<br />—�^_'�'.53�?�� w6ich Rhxll not bo unreasonably withheld. If Bnrrotver faqe ro maintain rn4erage descdbed n6nve, i.ender may, n� Lender's _ --__-_:
<br /> �� op�inn,ob�ain rnvrmgr.to pro�m Lender'e dghls in ihe Property In eccordance�vlih paregmph 7. �
<br /> ��F�' - 'r+�.:L4el, All insurancc poflcies nnd«nc�wls shall bc occcptablc�o lsndcr nnd x6all fnclndc a s�aidnM ntongagc clausa I.cndcr ��`" - � �
<br />�—""""yt�a shall have�he righi ro hold Q�o policles end renewals.If Lender rcquires,I3orrmver shall promptly gWe�o l.ender all reccipte of --F��.
<br /> � •� k _;� palA prcmianu ond renewal no�ias. Tn�he evcnt of loss,13urrowcr shall sive promp� nmim ia ihe Insumnm cnrrier and Lender. � ...
<br /> , 4 �; �a LenAer may make praif n(loss I(not made promptly by Dorrowcr. i �E �--_;
<br /> � -.- --- Unless I.cnder end 6nrrower othenvix egree In writing, Insurance praceds shnll 6c applied ta res�nraifon nr n;palr of tlio 'tt cY Z�r_
<br /> '' Propctly damagcd,if�he rcsloration or repaG is economfrnlly fcui6le and I.cnder's sceuri�y is no�Icssened.I(�hc rcs�oratinn or � ' " <-
<br /> - r +i.
<br /> � repair is not economically teas@le or Lender's secudty wonld 6e Iessened,�he insumnce proceeds shali be eppliod�o�he sums -
<br /> �' �`�"; xccurcd 6y ihis Security Insin�mnn, whether or nm �hcn dnc, wilh eny excess paid to Uorrnx�ee If Onrrox�er abandoro �hc ` � ' '
<br /> ,.rr, � �::.
<br /> � �1-.�--:y',rl,�� Propeny,or does not ans�ver within 30 daya e noiim from Lender�hn!�he insurence canier haz o(fend io ae�Ue a claim.�hen � - ���
<br /> -��=,t,�;ly���f;r_ Lender may mllect �he insumix+e procecds. Lender may use �he promd, m repair or restom�he Propeny or ia pay sums i�,:;':::.�f-.in"�;1';'
<br /> secured 6y�his Securiqr Insitument, whGheror noi then dua The 30�day perical�vill begin when�he nmim is given. � r --< < �
<br /> �x �r s. -�. � x�} �.
<br /> 1� ef� - �rt Unless Lendcr end Qorro�rer othenviu agree in wri�ing, any applira�ion of promds �o pdncipal shall no� ex�end or � -Tv s• �,t::':
<br /> . .�l�r'�i-.�?'�: pnstponc�he due dalc a(�hc ntonthly p�ymtms n:fcrrcd Io In paregraphs I and 2 or change�hc entoum o(lhe paymems. If `__.i;"r�y�k._,��,_`_`-
<br /> f 'r 1��s-��,� under paragraph 21 �he Propeny is acquired by Lender, Qononer's righ��o any inaumnce pnlicics and praeeds rcsuliing(rom 5� s?tti f ::_ -
<br /> damage ro�he Propetty pdor m the acquisi�ion shall pass m Lender�o�he exient ot�he sunu secured by�his Securi�y Inswment , r —
<br /> �iF�``� -.." i_� Immcdiately prior�o�he acquisl�lon. , —
<br /> �AI?..
<br /> B f. _l
<br /> a r� :� 5�" 6.(kcupancy,Preservetlun,M1falntenance and Proteclton oI lhr Ihnperlyi Qnrm�rer's I,oan Appllcatlmt;I.enxeholds. �y{.t, �. ; ""—
<br />- �. �r��n:�:.;,_ Hnrro�rer shall occupy, es�abli�.ii,aid use ihe Propeny aa Borroa•er's principal residenn rvi�hin siz�y days nfter the execminn of Z�':+�:';;��`
<br /> �Lf 1':r4r,
<br /> t'�Y!"�T'4t� - ; Uds Securiq•Instrmnenl and shnll comimr�o ocaipy�he Pmpeny nc Oorrower's principal rcsidence for at Ieas�ane year alter � 4�k,�� � _a..•..
<br /> _- l �t�-: t6o date of ottupancy, unless L,ender o�henvise ngrces in wriiing,�vhich consem shall �mt be unruwsauably�vithhetd, or unless t( � 1 - -b'�+'r:'.
<br /> - -+ ,;j;t= ex�enunitng circunu�ances exisi nhich are bcyond anrrower'+ comrol. Itorro�rcr shall not des�my, danugc or impair Ihe *;yh6�,�;y `�µ�.-
<br /> � : .. ,I ���+4{� ' '__
<br /> r � •' .- �_. Propeny, nllow �he Propeny to dGCriamic,nr commi� xaste un �he Propeny. Qorrower shnll be in defaul� if any forfciwrc ��� � { �>r�;
<br /> � ` - '}, -; ac�ion or procttding,whe�her eivil or crimin�l, is begun iha� in Lender's gaod fai�h judgment muld resuh in furfciwre of the � + T - �
<br /> �`���"f y-; Propeny or o�herwix mnterinlly impnir�hc lien cruntrd by this Securi�y Insuument or I.ender's xcurfty Imrrest. Qnrrower may ' � ,�t:`t u��:"`
<br /> �} _ wre such a defnuP nnJ rrinqgm�e.F.�;.,a�p::F.r•ar..pl: !E.L•�:¢;;r.y{h:�ciioa.-.f'y�viiidiug i.i lir Jiemi�.xJ wiii�u ruling -' 'h'F.�'4I .-
<br /> '� ° i'� - �. �ha�, In Lender's gad.fai�h decemdna�ion, prcclud�s fndeiwrc nf�ht Uurro�ver's intercst in ihc Pmp:rly or olher malcrial - ! ��a ;�
<br /> 7� ' ''�; � impzinncm af thc licn�crwtcd by Ihis Sccurity Insuumem or I.cndcr's sccuri�y imcrc�i. 13c�rro�rcr shall ulw bc in dcfaul� if �� � " �}�y�� -�
<br /> ?�,�����"p--�:-_.,�� Ifnrtoecr,during�he loan applird�ion prceess,gave ma�erially false or inaccurnrc infnnna�i n or��aiemems�o lander(or tailtd {i i'it;` ��l�b�+�.{�
<br /> if! '''r?�i {l -_�. m pravido Lender�vi�h nnp mn�erial inPorma�ion)in rnnneciinn�vith�hc loan evidenced by�he Note, including.but nn�limitod t'�1 �� - '�!" �,
<br /> *�r , . �o,reprcsenta�lons mncemfng Bortnwer's occupanq�o(ihe Propeny us a principal rcsidenm. I(�his Security Ins�mmem is on a '4} °�j�, ��";�`'S;R '.'
<br /> FPI ` a .L..n... {Ir��;;.
<br /> - Ieaschotd, Oorro�ver sBnll mmply �vith ail �he prnvisiarta of Ihe Icau. I( florrox�er ocyuires fm �i�le io ihe Pm�ny. �he -, . I�yd�i -�?'
<br /> -- ` Icacchold and�hc kc ti�lc shall nm mcrgc unless Lcidcr aFrcn�o ihc mcrgcr in wriiing. _J�s.'���;�'
<br /> '� - �- " 7.Profttllon af I.endrr's Righix in Ihe Pmpc�ly.If Onrto�crr fails�n perform Uic mvcn:m�s and�grcemenis mmainni in , �
<br /> � ���� �� - . lhis Sccuril Iniuumcnt, ur Qicm is n Ic ;d rncttdin �M1a�ma si mificand affni l.cndcr's ri hu in 1hc Pm n (such as n �' ' -+r,':"' ''
<br /> � ' Y F P F Y b Y' g pc Y
<br /> °<��.-�. proRCding in Aankmpicy.prnbate. for nmJcmna�ion or forkimre nr m enfone Ime.ar regulminns). ihen Lender may do n� i';�ro,; -:: :4 ..;��!(��;'-.
<br /> -. pay for whate�•er is necezsary �u pro�ca ihe caluc nf ihe Propeny:md Lender i righis in ihe Prnpeny. IsnJer's aeions may -' �-'�S
<br /> -p: includo paying any wms sceureJ by a lien which hati prinrily urer ihis Security Imtrumem, appenring in coun, paying � i' --
<br /> � ��,�- - ^,,r ' rcawnable ntmmey.c'fees anJ enlering �m�he Pru�nny In make rcp�in.Ahhnugh lxnder may �ake ac�inn under�his paragraph '},'y� , � .- ;'��U �„�=:
<br /> ){ � 7.LenJCr Jces nnl harc to dn w. •r � �
<br /> � �_
<br /> f'�` 'f''-' Any amoum�Ji�bunal hy landcr undcr thi. parngrnph 7 .hall hccnmc adJnimul dcht nf f3orm�r.t uwnd h Ihis �F ..' � - -
<br /> Y ,..,�,�./.• , y�.'. .'1� ....,.
<br /> .'• .-���. � . Securi�y laammem. Unlecc Durm�rer :mJ lsnder agrce ���o�her�enn.af paymem. �hne amoum..hall brar imeres� fmm the '-'i':
<br /> i f �- t.i dalC of disbmccntmt al lhc Nole tair and .hall bc payablc. �cilh inlcrc.l. um+n noli�e fn�m Lr�xlcr la l3orm�ccr rtt�ucUin¢ , �� .;
<br /> . ' �- -� paymem. ,� �3;,' , _-
<br /> l+ 4 �: 8.M1lortguFe Intm•uncc. If I.cndcr requir.J ronnga�c�rournmr a.a conJiuun ul m�kiug lhr In:m a.eunvi Fy Ihis S�turily y� t
<br /> - �n� _ ��1: Inslrumenl. Iinrm�ccr�hall ry�y Ihr premium. rcyuind In maimain Iht mnng.�gc inwramc in.(4�.�L IC liv .m� rca.nn. lhC � '�/ �
<br /> � mm�ga¢c insumncc n+vCragc rcquirc.l hy lAndrr I:�p.c+or cc:ne.tn h�•m.(k�1. I3urnnvcr.L.�II pa� lhc premium.m<ryi¢J ta � � - � `
<br /> . r. �. _.r.`` ,:.
<br /> G.
<br /> +�r . .- -, ob�ain caveraqe suhaiamiully equiralen�m�he mongage mwnnce pnvinu.l� in cllerl..n a cu,l.uh.vm��aily cyuir:denl lo Ihc � - . r - t..
<br /> _ (. �.L..,;... : r- cou lo Unrrmeer nf�he mnnFoge tnwraner pr.riou.l� m etf.cl. Gnm an :di�rnal. mungag. mwrcr apprmtJ M LenJer. If 4" ': "
<br /> '.-.�?`:;':�' " suM1s�amially equiv�lcm mm�gaFr imur:m�t rucerage i+nm:nailahle Nnrrmccr.hall pm lu Lrndcr caah nionih a.um cyual Ni ;i:�. ;: . -
<br /> 1''��f��� . . one-�a�d(Ih nf Ihc ycad mnn � �insurancc ruuium hrin +nd h� B�rtra�crr��hrn Ihr nnuran:r�mrragc laputl nr am.n7 tn `
<br /> �� .�.
<br /> . �%�ij� • Y F'F' P ' F1.� _ . _ .
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