� 1'!� � . � _. . .
<br /> �y� r. . � ;,�,,,, . . . _ . - — ---.. .
<br /> `��T_�_�F'1 .. . t� _ i� � _ s� � ' � ..
<br /> � .. . , �
<br /> . ��... _ i >a. �
<br /> �f .- ,.i:c -.' .. � -� . . . . . i ¢ _'
<br /> . .. . ,. . .... -- .. ,.,.... , . -.
<br /> r s�___.� _ �_ .
<br /> . :,.. .' :..,.
<br />-_.��: � 93- a.o�►9.�
<br /> paynxms nuy no longcr bo r.qu�rcA,ot dic opilon of l.ender,lf mangagc insurenm coverago(In�ha amoum nnd for tlia period
<br /> �hat Lsnder require�)provldcd by m insurcr epprovcd by Lendcr eguln becoma avnilablo und Is obtafnal. Itnrrowcr shall pay
<br /> ihe prenilunu rcqulrcd�o msinmin mongngo Insurnnce In offecl,or to provide a los�rescrve,until tho req�drem:N for nwrigage
<br /> Insurance cide in sccnrdanco wlih any w8tten ngrcemem bciwcen tiorrowcr end landcr or epplicable law. --
<br /> 9. Inspectlon� Lendcr or Its egent may make reuonablo entdce upon a�Inspecilons of thc Propcny. Lcndcr shnll give __
<br /> Borcower notico at the tlnw o(or prior to nn Inspectlon speclfying rcasonn6to cauae for the Inspec�inn.
<br /> � 10. Condemnatlon� Tlu pracetde of any uward ar claim tor dnmages,dira� or mnsequential, in connceUon witi� eny
<br /> ` �- `� mndcmnatlon or olAcr leking of any pan of tho Prnpcey, ar for rnnvcyencc in Iicu of mndcmnation,nre hcrc6y�usigncd and r" - ��-- �� �---
<br /> si�all bc pald to Lcndcr.
<br /> — In Iho crem of e mtel mkfng uf�he Propeny,�ho pmcceds shall be epplied m�he sume securcd 6y�his 5ecudty Inswmen6 --
<br /> : = whaher or no��hen dua wiih any exttss paid ta 6orrowec In the event of o panial �aking of the Pnipeny In which�he falr `
<br /> . _.� market value of�ho Pmpeny Immedieiely bePora the�aking is cquel ta m grcater than the amn�mt ot dm sums secuad by�his �y°�
<br /> :,�e� Secudty Instmmem immedinidy beforc ihe iakins,unless Rorrower ond Lender ahenvixe egnro in wd�ing,ihe sams secured M1y „r. " --_
<br /> -�_=�� lhis Suudty Insnumem si�nll 6o reduad by the emoum of�he pmceeds muliiplied by �he (allowing (rection: (a) �he Ioial �:"s=:`�'-_---
<br /> emnum of thc wms secumd Immcdintel 6eforc�hc inkin dividcd h@) �hc falr ntvket valuc of O�c Pro rt Immcdiatel �"�`` ��'^
<br /> nr�'�' Y 8. Y P� Y Y '- c -� -
<br /> -��v�x�<=- bePorc tho Inkin An bnlnnce shell be aid to 6orro�rer. In tlic event of e inial �akin of�he Pro n In which �he fair ��' tsx,^ .r��."-
<br /> �:ciu:E:_.:� ' 6• Y P P• 6 P� Y r�'-�kavl�+��•.:
<br /> _ ��,-�f�, market valnc of Iho Pmperty immcdin�ely 6eforc ihe�eking is Iess�h;m�he amoum of the sunu saured Immedimcly before�he ? .:-_�y;.,i,6_'=:`-
<br />- ' ' taking,unlexc�onower and Lender olhenvise egree in wrt�inD or unless applicable law othcrnfse proviAes, the procecds shall (}:���,;:�r.r'{+-�;V�==--
<br /> � �� �' be epplied to Ihe sunu secureJ by ihis Secudly Inswmrnt whGher or nnt�he suns are�hen due. P `� r �_
<br /> T f If Ihe Propeny i�obandoned 6y liorro�rer,or If,after notice 6y Lender to I3arrower�hat the rnndentnoroffers m make e�i .-' _ ._.
<br /> t "�'� awerd or setlle e claim for damaga, Qorro��•er fail�m rcspond �a Lender withfn 30 clays aMr �he da�e �he no�ice is given, r�^ 1 � `
<br /> _r^.i'".�-'�'�:. fi3+;;=_o.•::
<br />_ .;�._,.,_�. ; Lender Is ou�hodzed to collcei end npply tho procceds,at its oplion,either Io rcsioration or repair of�he Propehy or�o the sums ,.. . _
<br /> ,,::s''_. secured by thlsSecurily Ins�rumem,whether or nnt�hendua � "'-"'� ��
<br /> . � Unless Lender end Uorrower o�herwix ngrce in �vri�ing, any npplicmian of procecds ro principal shall not exrenA or ed' r ��
<br /> i 'N��t: � poslpone the due dale of�he monthly paymems rcferrtd m in pamgnphs I and 2 or change the amnum of such paymems. �� !y
<br /> ��'j�U�-t.% 11.IIurrowe�Nal Releasedi ForDearence 6y I.ender Nut o\Valvca Ex�emion of�he�ime for paymcm or mixfifica�ian -`�-ry��yfi�,"��:
<br /> �,. IS
<br /> �.�!:>�:;� of nmoniration of the sums scwrcd by ihis Seeuri�y Insuumenl gremal by Lcnder�o nny suocessor in iNCres�of Uorrmcer shall �„j�.;±_;"•::�
<br /> '�'� � " � not op�rate�o release ihe lioblliry of�hc odginal Darrmrer or Qorco�rcr's sicrossors in imeresi. Lender shall not bc required lo ��'Y;'--
<br /> _... ' .-��m),�:`.: '�:� : ,:.-
<br /> •� -� y•r mmmence p;aceedings egainst any suocessnr in Imeres�or rcfuse m ex�end lime for paymem or mhenvise madify emoniia�ion �7�° _ -,
<br /> -� �� ot tAe anms urured 6y this Security Insuument 6y reazon of any demand nmde by �he original 13urro�ver or 6orrower'e n_ - : ��'�� '�"
<br /> .,.s�� � . ,.-. �2.� �..::
<br /> ,.,r?� successnrs in interesL Any forbearance by Leuder in exercisinF any ri�h� or remcdy shall not be u waiver of or D«clude the `ti.� -. —
<br /> - '• exerclae of any righ�or remedy. ':^: �� ��S-'��# ...
<br /> � %j, 12. Sutcessors atld Atslgns Ronnd� Jalnl nnd Severnl I,labllily; Co•algners. The covenams and agmements of�his � _ i�° �j�i;,_
<br /> ) �yr� . Securiiy Tni�mment shall bind end 6enefi� tlie saaessors and nssigns of Lender and Bonoxer, subject m �he provisions of r� �r �
<br /> 4i f-,: _
<br /> �__ ��'��i�;: pamgrnph 17. 13orro�rer's rnvenants and agrcemenis shnll he joint and several. Any �otrox�cr who co-sign� �his Sceuri�y � t �'"�1pN: + �p�
<br /> � .�.,arr�.',�4 Inslrument bu1 dnes nol execme Ihe Yd,c (a) is ca-signing Ihis Sttvrity Inrtrumem only Io mnngage, gmnl and mnr.y that ��i���}����y�. � 'y.:,�
<br /> t�1'�.1�; �orro�eer's imerest in�he Pm n under ihe�erms nf�his Securi� Ins�rumem;(6)is nm «unall abli nicd w a �he sums � � ' � -
<br /> {� {.l. P� Y Y P�� Y 6 P Y - '� ( �
<br /> i���l,�„{jyti; secared by�Ms Saurity Ins�mmem;nnd(c)agrces�ha�Lender m�d any oWer porrox•er may ngrce m ex�enJ,modffy,farbear or ���., � j��7!; �i''�"
<br /> �t�{,��r �.:, make any ncammodailons wi�h regard a�he�ernn o(ihih Sauriiy Insuument nr ihe Noie without�ha�6orron•er's conxm. �+ ' �-s_ � 1�:� -
<br /> ..�x`;`,�..;;'.:,'� 13. Lann Cl�ergcv.If�hc lonn xcurcd by this Scruri�y Instmmcnt is subjea�n u la�v�vhich scts m�ximum loan charga, _ - _ .�--- ti •��
<br /> �Si��`1��;, end iha� law is finaliy imerpre�eel .o�ha�Uie imercu or uther Inan charges collected or m be mlltt�eJ in emmec�ion wi�h �he ° � �'- °�t j '� �
<br /> I+� �'i; la�n exeeed�he pemiiued limits. �hen:lo)any uiah Ircm chnr�c xhali 6e reduc.d by�he amount nececcary �o redum�he charge �� --`�� ..;SY.�
<br /> '';,+'••' lo lhe penniucd limir and (b)any wnu��Imady eullected !rom Qortomer�vhich exce�ded pemiiuttl limi�s�vill bc rcfunded�o '•� ��"��� - •� ''
<br /> �-.���...-�,:.-,- '
<br /> -{ -- --•� Ilorrower. Lender may choose lo make �hix refunA by reducing ihe principal mced under �he Nme nr by moking n direci ,,,� :�SS�N`
<br /> ifh�.F� - payment to Barrowen If n refund nduces principaL �hc rcJaction will be �nateJ m u p:minl prepaymrn� wi�hotn aoy ir+y r , i;
<br /> "`S�y'-t� prcp�ymem chargc under�hc Nmn .-;s?l,-.,��.-_.__.t,..;.
<br /> +'�--C^'ii','S'F'�_= -' l�F:•.,�;,:�-..,,>
<br />�i_�- �_�...,... 14.NoNecs. Any no�ice to Uarro�rer pmrided fnr in this Securiq�In.trumem xhnll I+c gicen by delirering i�nr hy mniling � '+tJ.� -c•.•��.
<br /> ,- . . ".}'1;,:J':',
<br /> it b �rsl cl;�ss mail unless n hcable i:nv rc mrcs uu of amatl�cr nxlh�d.Tlu nmi��c.h�ll be Jinr�cJ to�he Pro n Address �'��`-. . . '. ,-'-; .
<br />=�e:,pi...:i.-:� Y PP� ' 4 � P� )' s_..o.,•:.,.':_,,;='..0
<br /> � '- �� or any aher eddmss Oorrou'cr designalex by nutire �o lamler. Any nolice �n I.cnJtr J�all he gi��cn by �rsl :lass mail lo , t;� ' � .��_a„�'�`
<br />�j �'��Mt'� -�� Lcndcr's nddress s�alcd hcrcin or any mhcr;xlJrcss Lrndcr dcxigna�c+ hy nrnitt�n Ik�rmatr. Any notiaY praviJed fo� in �his "-- � �:i�
<br /> 'yr��..} Securily Ins�rumenl shall be JecmCJ In harc hecn giren In f3nvo�cer or l.enJer��hen gi�en;u prorideJ in Ihi�paragraph. "'��-' - 7 6
<br /> +�i' tn, . � �1, .::-� :.. 9�:.
<br /> . . ,�' .;.,: I5.Goremin� la��: Se��crebilii�. Thic Sc.uri�y In.vumrm +h:Ji hc gorerneJ hc f.dcral la�c and Ihe law nf�hc . .
<br /> jurixdic�ion in�vhich Ihe Prnpeny it Iaa1eJ. In lhe e�anl that any pro�•i.inn or clanu of Ilii.Securily In.�rument nr Ihe Nnle i:_,. ��i,.?:.�y-�..
<br /> - con0ic�s x�ilh applicahlc laxt wch cnn0ici shall nnt affril ulhtr pmcitiiom nf Ihn S�ruriq�In.lruntrnt at Iha No�c��hich am 6e s��
<br /> ii���f;,�: givcn eflcct withnul�hc cnn0icling prnei.inn.To Ihi�cnJ Ihr pro�i+ium nf Ihi•Sccurip In.uumcm anJ Ihc Nnlc art JcclarcJ �-�`j'_
<br /> :;i.:: In M1c xrerabic. �
<br /> '.7t:,�; : i..<: �'.
<br /> ,r:;, 16.6u�ro�rcr'.s Capg. Rnrro�ccr�hall I+c gi��cn anr conf.�rm.J:op� o(Ihr Nntr:ntJ ol Ih�.tic.uriq In>Irumem. ' . ..,.�:
<br /> y�I!�.:
<br /> .� �� - �"':' Form30I8 9/90 - � � • s'.
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