: y.
<br /> ( } .Flfa �• - '_ � . �-ba.� S } : SI ..'J -''l ` �.'__" .
<br /> � :� ,.�5:� r �i�Y ���ifi?�L..LL. Lf)G�lls -__,.� . ._:.�._ _ ._.,.. ,�•
<br /> ..: I _... . ._-.—c . ._
<br /> ,�.���:�1 93- �.o�s9a -_.._�.�
<br /> TOOIITI(IIR WITN oll the Imprnvemsnl�now or herraR�r er�tod on thc propeny,nnd all cascmeme,AppunGnanca,�nA
<br /> fJxmres now on c�rwiler a patl af �hc pmptny. All rey�t�nunU and addiiloro shall otsa he covcrcA by ihD Security
<br /> Instmmem.All ot�he fnregoing b referred to inihis Securhylnnrumem aa�ho'Property.'
<br /> �ORROW[?R COVBNAN7'S Uiat flnrm�rer is Ia�vPolly ut�cd uf tha uiatc hcreby mnvcycd end hes thu righl m gmnl ond
<br /> _____ rnnvey ti�e Propeny end �hai the Propeny i�unrncumMred,excep� for encmn6re�rces of record. Rorrower warmme onA wlll
<br /> �°-`� detuid grnerelly�he Ihlo to�he Property againsi ell clatms e�xl0ent9�Ms,subJce��o any encumbmnces of record. --
<br /> _— THIA SACURITY lNS7'RUMBNT combines unUarm mvensni�!or natlonal usc nnd nnn•uniform rnvcnams with Ihnitcd
<br />=__ -- — vnriaiom 6y juriadinian ta mnsti�atc e unitorm sccurity ins[mm:m.mvuing real propcny. _- - �" -
<br /> �-�_,,,� UNIFORM COV(iNAN7'3.Oorro�+er and I.cnder mven3nl and q,arcc as folimvs: _
<br /> T�y-��'e� 1. Paymcnt ot Prindpnl and Inlerestt Prepaymrnt nnd-l.utn ChnrQ�s. I�vrowcr ahnll promptly pay when duc thc ?�,��LL __
<br /> -x.-' primipal of and interes[on�he debt evfdcnced by iha Nmo and any prroayn�em and lam charges Ane unAcr O�a Nom. ,,-,.
<br /> ' °��` 2. FLnd�for Tnxes and Insurance. Su6 a� m a licabla le,i�•ni�o u �vriuen walvcr 6 I.:ndcr, Rnrrou•cr shall i to " ' °r "°�
<br /> .{U :;�5; 1 PP� Y P�Y •_�.,+ ---
<br /> , -1• Lender on the doy monlhly payments are duc undcr the Nnie.nnlll Ih.No10 is paid in full,a wm('F7mA:)Por.(a)ycarly ieacs {%� �r -
<br /> --'----' �-
<br /> ,•-;;; nnd asessmems ivhich mey nnain priariiy over ihis Securi�y Insm�m:m ns a lien on ihe Propeny;(b)yeuly leasehold paymenta �
<br /> '� - k,.;'i or ground rems on Ihe Property,ff eny;(c)ywtly hazarA or pmp:ny intumnce prtmiums;(d)ycady Iloal fnsurance preminms, ,�
<br /> ;.,
<br /> - 1-����'� If uny:(e)yeady moneaee insurance premiums,if nny;nrv1(�n�y sums paya6le by Uorrower�o Lender. in accardantx wi�h i�;, --
<br /> � :� -
<br /> Ihe provisinns of pamgmph 8, In Iicu of�he payment of mnnEago insum�x�e premiuma 7'hese itemx are callud"EUrow Immx.' �s' t
<br /> t�_ _ Lender may, et any�ime,mllat nnd hold �unds in en amaum nm ia ezceed �he mrtximum amnum a Iender for e feciemlly t. ,_,
<br /> �'�„
<br /> �`�� rclatcd mortgage loan may rcqnire Por Oormn•er s cscmo•atmunt urvJcr Ihp fodcr�l Real Esintc Scitlemenl Proceduns Aa of ;.�'.".::'.--��,
<br /> �� �- , i:;�,.
<br /> �� 1974 as nmended from�ims ro�ime. Il U.S.C.Sec�ion 2601 rt s<v/,('Rf:SPA'),unless nnmher law�hm¢pplies lo�ho �untls L i ._.
<br /> �-"'•�� � se�s a Icsur emoum. If so. Lcndcr mr.y,at nny iime.mllu.v mr.t IroIA�Funds in an mm�mm �nt to exnxd tho Icsscr emnnnt. •�'E"` ` �
<br /> rr r'� tyr =�' Lender may estimale�he amonnt of Funds dnc on iho 6asis a(cvrrcm datn und reuonn6le estimuos of expraidimres of fmurc -�!�'-7
<br /> ,, �, r �,. i•:' . ��.
<br /> .,..�. }'1,1.J Escrow Rems or o�herwim in necordanre aii6 npplirable laa•. 'ri,.. .%,`-
<br /> �. .i � '
<br /> i5 ` '�;,.°� Thc Funds shall bc M1eld in an ins�itulion wbose deposiis nre inwred 6y u fedeml agency, ineirumemaliry, or emiiy �'�, , ���-
<br /> i _s � _,.� (in.luding Lender,if LcnAer is surh nu ins�i�minN or in any fidcral Home Loan Uank. Lender shall epply the Fur.ds�o pay�he '�Fb i ,-�
<br /> d � c, -- E.+croiv Rems.Lender may nnt rharge Borrower far hnidiug nnd xpplying pie Funds,annually anaiyzing tlm escrow eocoun4 ar ii S , �
<br /> . b.t. {p:g°.,
<br /> t -- , � '•- veri m �he F.acro�v I�ems,unless I.enAtr n x 13nrrm�rr immeu on thc�unds and a Ilcable law � �
<br /> �,�� �Y� G P Y pp permi�r.LenAer to make suth i r --
<br /> ' -` s , �r. '��r�> > .-
<br /> p S�- s )y,� e chazgo. Hm��ever,Lender may tequire�nrm��er la pry n onrlfine charge for nn independenl rwl estalu Inx reponing scrviee � �-
<br /> L� - -- "�- uscd by Lender in rnnncction �viih this loan, uNcss applirdble lu�v provides oihenvise. Unless an agn�mem is madc or �" i`-
<br /> .1 - ri..vi� �t :
<br /> y. � _�`r;�{� appli�able Imv rcquircs imemt to hc palA,Len:irr shall nnt hc requiral to pay 6orto�vcr uny intercrt ar camings on the Funds. F'�� ,;�� y ' �;�� ;�
<br /> `; �..,'j,« Oorro�vcr nnd Lender may agrce in ari�ing, hnurover. �hzt imcrest shall bc iiA on�hc �unc4�. fsndor shnll [�'•. °����E ��
<br /> ,_ � _ p. givc�a Dorro�ver, , , . .
<br /> + ,, v_f fY- witM1OUt chnrgc. un nnnuTl attnuming of the �nnds, shno�ing cndi�s and dcbfis�o tho �unAs anA thc pnrpnx far�vhich cach ""' +�f nsJ:..
<br /> � .r 5�'r. de6i1 to the Funds was made.Tho FunAx are lOd .d es addilinnal secaril for all sunu secured b �his Securit Inxirument. �������a_tp���r'tl; ' ��
<br />`��I.iYC�tS�lA��- P 8 Y Y Y ( y. .._�:-,
<br /> • ,rt,`��, i� If Ihe Punds held 6y Lenderexce��d�he mm�nnu:pcnuiticd m he held by applicaAle la�v,Lender shnll acmum m Borto�ve� �),' 4t.`�p�� '�---
<br />�$ijG''t'�i��J�.��i:" '�i:/1,%t':��Y?:Ti.fp �.��-��;
<br /> � �����+i j�}'� t nu�is not Fuf�c cnt�o pay�hc Cxro�c i emsrnhrn duc.1LenA rPm ynlm Incuify(Durrowcr in wr ihngr and,in'uch rn n Oonouxr ti�;� ��� - �+i ; F r::�
<br /> �•� ` + � �r �-
<br /> �iq q��n�+: �:,> shnll pay to Lender�he amoum necexsary[o maAt up�he Je�ciency. O�rrower shnll mnke up tho deficiency in no mare thnn , ?• -
<br /> i°a#rfi��t��fr� Iwchromnnihlypnymenls.mLendcr'xsolediscre�inn. ' �'t�''i�i�t�.,�.
<br /> �j ,� i„�;. Upon paymem in (ull of all uuns mcunxl hp Uiic Security Insvumen6 Lender shull promptly refund �o Hortomer nny ��; � ii r; ,,p 3p
<br /> � S�, ���:• �uids held by I.ender.If,unAer pamgmph 21,Leixler xhall acquire or sell ihe Prop.ny. Lender,prior tn the ncquisi�inn nr selo -�L;S - �') (��i N�---
<br /> i � �.}`„i 4,� of�he Pmpeny. shall npply anp FunAs heid hy Lendcr a��lic�inrc of xequisiiinn or sde us n credit agninst Uie sums uivrcd 6y - 'i. -.Sl}'?t f'�.�.
<br /> 't3jy�S�vi -z,f,� �hisSecuritylnslruntent. ����'pr,� -� ��"- r<�7;RSla-...:
<br /> Ft-- a'%r 3.A Iicatlon nf Pn�menle.Unlu.a liiablc hn�� rneiJa mhenvise,nll a menle rec.iveJ 6•I.ender under vu+m hs ( �t r,t•
<br />, �{,f}�.iv�.r PP > PP P P Y } P b P SfR1t1�..,f�.j,:;:;;`�,1<..'i-.
<br /> �;;� {{��p,f.�'.,,f� I n�d 2 sholl be nppliai: fin�t, la on�•prcpaymcnl churgc.dnc undcr�hc Nolc: scannd. �n amnun�a payablc undcr paragruph 2: :i�..;,.; -; ti:�ri
<br /> :'s.#
<br />,*r;i��'.5:��t•Y�� tflird.to imcres�duc:fmmh.to principai Juc:nnd lac�,io:my laie ehargcs Juc undcr thc�nta '���''"'-� 'i�;;�'�ij�.�
<br />�°'•'I?I��S'!d'ii• rA 1 Y� .�lr,��:,'.�i �.�'::.:,�.y�;% �
<br /> 4.ChU ct; Llens. Onrrnwcr shall �a II iaxeti.aecec.mems.charge+. fint.anJ im���ilinns.��vihmabic In Ihc PropenY ��; r
<br /> 3 �'r�.�x��;� whlcM1 utay at�ain priori�y occr�hh Snv�ily hutmmcnt.:md IcacchnlA paymenl.or growW rem., if any. Uormuer shull pay . --�-.�yY;sj'�
<br /> � �.rti,���;,,,, �hessoblipminns in Ihe mannrr prm•id�l in par,iFr�ph 2.or if nn�paid in�hai manner.Bnrrnu�er.haii pa���hem on timcdi�LCdY ` .� _, e.. , __�.Jj_�y.
<br /> � t �9�- ^ lo �he person mred pa�•mrm. Uam���er.hall pmmplly fumi�h m Lender all na�iec�nf ammm�.ta bc paiJ under�hi.p�r,�graph. �l-;�,t � ae .
<br /> � ' If Oortmrcr mxkex�hek p:q�mcm�dinydy.6�irm�ccr+hall prnmptly fumish�n l.cnJcr«cciph cciJcncing Ihc p�ymcnls. r ,� � .'
<br /> � -4� Bnrn��r:r.hall pmmpily Ji4harpe any licn�rhich hac pnnriry•nrcr�hi.tiaurii�In.immrm unlc..l3ormwtr.(ai ngmc+in 1';�"i� �'�'- � :+� ` � +�
<br /> r� wriling In tl�c p�q�mem o(�hr nhligatinn�.rureJ bp�hc lirn in n m:mncr ncccpciMc Io lsnJcr,�hi eanlca.in go�d f,iid�Ihc licn ����� .{- �tt,._" � :
<br /> y� r .f����(+.• bp, nr defenJ.againq enfnrcemem id thr hen in. Ieged pnt�tding. �chich in �he IAnJei. ,�����.,�, „���:n� �„ pmcem ihr .(. . t '��._ •..�.
<br /> S',
<br /> . ^}��.,- cnfnmmem uf U�r licn: ur�n �.r�me.livm Ihr Lnldcr nf�hc Lcn an ngnam�m,.ni.laclon m LtnJcr whnrJina�ing�h.licn m 1..� . � �
<br />_5. / . �-:1' . IIIIt�Shurily In>tNNCnI. II I ender de�emunt�ih:n an) p.m �+1 ihe Prn�kn� i.WM1�YI IO J hen uL6L m:n a16nn prianty u�cr ; '-
<br /> � tf��'�: � Ihix Siturito Instrunrcm. Lrndcr me�•gir.Rum���cr a nnu.r Wcm�lymg thc Gcn. 14nrrowrr .h:Ji.,af.l� ihe lirn ar�alc�,nc nr '_
<br /> - ..�: morcnf 1hc anf�m>x�fnnh abrne�riihin IO.I;,�.ol �hr fnwg nt nat�.c - - - • w :
<br /> �_
<br /> Fam 3028 9�90 - .
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