i�" N l 1.51ev�. -- _ .�� � t j �l .
<br /> . �
<br /> . �!`i..f -7�- Yr }`? ' .� � . - � `, ��_t ' _ __.>—_
<br /> _ �l_z..:....._...v�._.�...t'JUNr S.d....]....�..._ .= v"'�'.. � .�. .—__.__ ..,.--1 � -_t.->
<br />`:=A'`s��� �a- 10'7'S46
<br />;w�;�.....v�.
<br /> s:f:,;<i„-;r;'
<br />_;-,�,�;,,., � tlw Prop��ty b W t�kM 0�E�m�ped,lendar�h�ll heve the oD��on,1n ib wb�nC�bwluN dlarNfon.lo�ppIy�II wch ProCNd6
<br />;.3�.� ;��+���� �tlerdeductlnptherelromdlco�Wantlexpeme�Incurretlby111nconnallonwllh�uc�ProcOM6upon�nylnd�btsdneuwcurid
<br /> �� �4,� Mreby�nd In wth ordsi o Lender mq delermine,or to spD�Y p���uch Proe�M6�tter�uch deduoUOnti lo b�mbntlon ol fh� --
<br /> .� -;� AropOrryupon�uchconCltlonaeeLendermeydalermine.AnYepplicaOanolPwcaedetolndeDtadneu�h�ilnole�tendorpo�tpon� �,�
<br /> f y �; Me dua date of�ny psymente under t�e Mole,or oure any defaWt lhewunEer or hereunder.Any unepplled funA��htll be p��d lo � - , . _.
<br /> F � �U.;;� TNf'AL e� ' ---
<br /> B.Petlam!ena by Lmdtr.Upon 1he oeourrenee ol en EveM ol Defaultrereunde�,or II eny wt la 1ek�n or lepel Droeeodinp 4 _T' � .., -��-. . ..
<br /> � � S� -SPi.`y commencedwhlchmaterlallyeHeoteLanderYintoreallnlheProDerry,Lenderms9 Initoowndiecretion,butwilnoutoClipallontoAo -� � ..__.
<br /> ;���s, .y".t�� eo,en0 wllhoul nonce to o�damentl upon Truetor and witnout relaaeinp Trustor trom eny nblip�llon,tlo any ed whlch Trwror ho �
<br />'�l,':,'���:�;i; epreed bul lalla to do end may eiso do eny olher ect il deems neceasary lo proled t�a eacudly hereof.Truetor eheil,Immedi�hly �ii��;�.:�t,��,;��=;�-�-�5�?.�,
<br /> � -_- „ upondemnndlharolorDyLentler,payloLentlereilcosl�endoxpen¢eslncurrederdnumeoxpended6yLenderinconneolionwitl� .�� t q( yr� .,.�
<br /> �.+ �� •;--`�����.� I�eoxerclsobyLendarollhaPorepolnpdphts,topeiharwlthlnteroattheroonatlheCeleullmtoprovldedlnlheNOte,whlchehallbe �".;.h,.T_,,,,,:-r}'� .;.',-
<br /> -- , -t�`1 pAdoO to the Indebtotlnass eacured heraby. Lendar ehall not Inaur eny Ilnbiilry bocaueo ol nnylhinp it mey do or omit to Oo .�<n + r .,-,'� '
<br /> . +- ``� hBrovnde�. �' '';_
<br /> ii � �', 0. H�x�rdpUS MaNei+b.Truator shall keep tho Proparry in compllance wilh all eppliceblo lewe,ordinancea end repuiaqone {•�:t* {"` .
<br />;,y{,•,�.:;7.;.,.� retntinp to Indwttlal hypiene or onvlronmenlel proteqlon(colledivary releuad to herein es"Endronmentpl Lewa').Truelor ahal �'� .`�3'��iit�"�r -.
<br /> ,� ` � keopthaProparrytroafromellaubslenceedesmedtobeho:artlousortoxiaunderenyEnvironmanfelLewa(collecti�•eyro!e�ro05a �� �- ?^�� �r,s
<br />!;-'?+�.�»�-;:- �eroinaa"HazarAOwMate�lale�.Truslorherahywerreme�ndreprasenlaloLanderthetthorearenoHe[erdoua�9a7x'.a.'oona v��lk, _ �;- .�f�,_�i;:�
<br /> `'� ' -- ' unllerNeProperry.Trus�orAerebyepreeatointlOmniyentlholtl�ermlaaeLendor,itedlwctom,ollieeraemployeeeandoyenb.scr,f :; ,
<br /> ' �.�i eny 4uccessoro to Lentlar'e InleresL(wm end aaeinet any end all cleima,demeqea,loasos and IlaDilitlea edsing in connecUOn w�lf+ i." `} :^; �•;,-
<br /> t ; Iho preaence,usa,Alaposel or trnnapotl o1 eny Hazardoua Meteriels on,untlor,Irom or ebout Ihe Proparry.THE FOREQOtVi _�;„ .�,,-. � t,_
<br /> -�C -�r� - - SURVNE RECONVEYANCE OF TH18 DEf.O Of TRUSL '`, �p�:,:r:
<br /> �',� f 0. M�Ipnm�nt ol R�nta.Tmetor here6y essigna lo LenOer Ihe renls,Isauos antl prolila of Ihe Property:providad thol Tmstw _�: __ , �r.--
<br /> ' �:•�, ehall,umiitheoccurrenceolenEventotDefeulthereunder,have�hedghttoeollectentlrelainsuchrente.lasueaendprofi�eeethsy + �� <fi��:
<br /> - t-`-!� become due end payable.Upon the occurronco ot en Event ol Defeull,Lentlor mey,oilhar In poreon or hy egen6 with or witho�ll �
<br /> - - �d b8n in en eetion or �oceedin ,or b e recotver e oinled b e court nnd withoul ro arC lo the ede vecy o�Ita eecud enler + -�f �y -_.
<br /> 9 8 Y P C Y DV Y G 9 h� �� �e rp�
<br /> ' - +,-':� uponondleY.epossesslonotihoProperly.orflnyparllhereol,initaownnameorinlhenamoolNeTmateo,enddoenyeclewhiehN � ��,�.
<br /> tloemsneceasaryordesireUblopnosen�ethavntue,markelabillyorren1eb111ryo11heProporry,orenypertlhereolorinlorosltherain, -. � "! �'s+;�
<br /> , - " �?, Increane Ihe income therelrom w S�otecf I�e aecuriy horeof en0,wiN or wllhow lekinq poasession ol lha Proporry,sue lor or .�?���'i v �.
<br /> - ��-:•, olherwiso collect Ihe rent&isaaes nnE prolile Ihoreof,Including thnse pesl Auo end unpaid,and apply Ihe eame,lass coets end •jY a� �({��5��?---.
<br /> � - ' expenae9oloparalionendeoileGlonincludingelromeys'feea,u0ananyindobtotlnassaecuredheteby.allinwchordereeLender ,y���}i;i�„��l�lg,`i,�.
<br /> �� ;::�r� may Eetermina.The enledng upon and Wking poaeascion ol lhe Pwperty,lhe collecllon ol such renle,Iasuea end proNe end Iho F.?}�'�R.,,,.._�;�...
<br /> ;�!L,� epD���etlon thereol ea aPoreseYJ,shall no�cu�e or walve eny Aelaull or nollco ol detaull hereundei or Invall0ete any ecl done in /ii{r�'��, ;r;p�.
<br /> •,��(<< wsponsetosuchtlelaullorpursannNOSUChnatleeol0elau1lentl,nolwiNSWntlinglhoconllnuanceinpoaseasionoflhoPropertyor .i�j�^ }y�AI�rY=��Y .•
<br /> °'e w176v'i700,fCCC:Qt 9ftd:yy�0.^•::�f:0!19.^.S,199L'°_9^!''`!^IIf?,40d TNnlnw gnA LnnAnr nheil 66 8n11lied t0 BxeIC160�VeIY d�h� - J.�,x [P' �v�. :� :_
<br /> , � _ -���'� proddedlorinanyolthuLoflnlnsuumanl9o�bylawaFono:currencoolenyEventol0ofeull,Includln8withoullimltellonlheright �'�R�i � <<} i,�
<br /> ,, - :�,;{; to exercise 1he powe�01 salo.FurlAer,Lentlar s rlphts entl remedloa under thie paregreph shnll bo cumulallve with,enO in no way o -' � ,k � _ .
<br /> ..;�;, IlmitaUOnon,LenCeietightsenCromodieauntlornnya3slflnmentolleaceeandwnlemcorUOdagainetthoPwperty.lenEer.Truateo ;
<br /> .:,rr end Ne roceivet ahell be Ilebla to ecwunt oNy lor Ihaae reMS ecWelly recoived. � ���1 ,
<br /> It. EvroU 01 UN�uN.T�o lollowing shell conalllute nn E.ent ot Uelaull undor Ihie Deod ol Ymst � r , 1t -
<br /> (e) Fellur0 to pay eny inbta�lmenl of principal or InIDmsl ol eny oNOr sum eoCUretl haroby when duo: ,.•����y� ��t�;,"j r _
<br /> (b) AbreacholordotaullundorenypwvialoneoNaineOintheNOlo,IhisOOOtlolTma4anyo1lhaLOanlnatrumonls.orany ��: �` y��Rv :
<br /> ' �-� olher Ilen or encumbrance upon Ihe Property, -;;,S{yt�?� tti' , `�
<br /> , (c) Awdlofexeeu[lonorettachmenlorenyeimilerprocoasaha��beonteredagainelTmetorwhich6hallbocomoallonon �.. -'. f��Fy�' '
<br /> . . . the Propo�ry or any portion thereol or inlarost thoroin: ;.;�_,r.._.�,t�,�y`'�,..-;�
<br /> . (d) There eh¢II bo 111ed by or egalnsi Tro5i0t or Borrowor un ecuon unOer Ony proeonl or luluro ludoml,elelo Ot olhor - ,�y���; .: � ,r_���;�
<br /> � -' stetuto,lew or w ulallon mla�in lo bankru tc ,tnsoWOnc ar other reiie�lor Uebio�s:or thow shell bo e pointnd en Imaleo, - -���•,i��� tt';�i� �B`
<br /> roceivororli uitlalorofTivaiwor8orroweProrolelloren YartolthePw er orlheronLq,lesuo9orprofl9ihnraol,otTmsbr %'�1;r j �-��
<br /> l.�..I:i`In Vn
<br /> q YP P h. :i. �, .._,_...
<br /> : or Borrower shall make uny Benorel nssignmunl br Ihe benelil ol ermiilore; ' ;�..;jfFil!i=
<br /> � ` (e) The sa�o,lrensler,loaee,assigmnoni,conveyancu or lurthm encumGranco ol ail or any Ca�ol or eny�nlereal���h4 t,;:":=-�;.M1,��a-
<br /> . ;:� Properry,oi�her volun�adly or involuntarny,wflhout the oxpross wrinon coreem ol Lendor, provitled Iha1 Tmstor sheil be .. � �".�{t��E
<br /> 5::_._
<br /> pormittedtooxocutoeloeseollheProperrylhaldoosnotconlainenoD��oniopurc�nseantllhelormolwhichdoeanoloxcood I. i r.�r^„
<br /> � - ong Year, r - - - -
<br /> - - (p Abendonmom ot tho Proporty:or f , .�,�'
<br /> - (g) IITruBtorlsnoleninOivitlual,Ihe155uence.seie.lrenaler,ess�gnme�4�onveye�cootencum6rencoolmorolhanelolel :_�+.�
<br /> . ol perCenl ol(if 0 eorporelion)Ils issuetl and outslentling slock or(il a parinorship)e toIn101 oorcont of - ;����;� ' ,�.
<br /> - partnersnip Interosle durfng ihe petlod thte Deed ol Tmsl remeins a ben on lhe Properry. - - ��
<br /> " 12. R�mtAler,AeeelemllonUponDel�ull.Int�ooventolenyEvenlolDeloultLenae�may.wi�houlnoliceoxeeplay�eqWretlby _ � ��`;��,
<br /> `-• law,declare ell IntleblMneas securnd he�eby lo be Uue entl payable entl��e seme s�all Ihoreupon bocome Uue nntl payable
<br /> �� without eny presenlmont tleman0,prole5t or no�ico ol eny kin0.Therealler Londer mny '
<br /> (9) Demnntl Ihnl Truslee ezerclse lho POWER OF SALE grented he�Mn,ona Tmsteo shall Ihoroalter cause iroab�a -
<br /> intereSt in Iho Property tu be solA entl lhe proceetls lo be d�stubuletl.a�i��Ihe manner pwvitle0 in Iha Nebraska Tmsl D¢¢Os
<br /> Ack
<br /> (b) Exordso any antl all rig�ls pronAnO lor m eny of Ine Loan Insuumems or by�aw upon occurrence ol e�y Evenl ot
<br /> Delault anA
<br /> (e) Commanceenacuo�toloreclosoth�sDeetloiT�ustasamon6ego.eppo�nin�ece�rer,orspeuGcallyenlorceanyoll�e
<br /> covenent9�ereof.
<br /> No�emedy heroin Conlorre0 upon or reServeC lo TmStee or Lontle��5���e�UM lo be C+Uusrvn ol any o��e�remeAy herein.in Ne
<br /> � Lonn InsimmoMS e:by Iaw provided or permnled.bW eacn sna11 be c�m,acve.shau De m aOtlluon lo evory olhor remedy given
<br /> horevnCer.in the Loan Inslrumentg or now or herealte�exisUng a;law c�•�eqv�y o�Dy siawte,enU mey be exoroised wncurrently.
<br /> mtlCpCntlOnLy o�6uCtoslivply
<br /> �3. bvfleo.Tne Tms�oe ma� resign a�a�y Ume wdnout cause a�d lenGe�may ai any ume and wrthouf cause nppoim a
<br /> I succos9o�o�s�DSb1Ne Trustee.Tmsleo sna�l nol be habie�o any pa�ry.��civtlmg wilhoul limila4on Lenae�.Bonower.Tmslor o�eny
<br /> pur[haser o�Ihe P�operty.br e�y loss ar tlamage uNess Oue lo reck�ess o�w�lllul m�scontluc�.and sna��not bo rnpwr�tl�o teke a�y
<br /> acflen in conneeLnn wim tho enlorcemnnt ol Ih�s Deea of Trust u�les�mdemn�6eA.m wnUng.lo�a��wsis.eomponsalion or
<br /> exDenses which may be eesoUaleU l�erewdh.In atlA�bon.7ros�ee ma�Cecome a purchase�al any sa:e cl tho Propotly�utl�wa�or
<br /> unEer thB powor ol Saie g�a�letl here�n):poslpone 1ho sa�e ol ali ot e�y Oorbon o�tnp pmpCrry.a9 ptonEetl by law:Or Soll I�o
<br /> Propotty a5 9 whole.or m seDa�ele OarpNa or lols al Trus�>e s d�screLOn-
<br /> 14. FOaf�nd ExpenN�.���he evenl Tmsleu se��s lhe Property Dy er2rUSe o�Da��e�o�Sa�e.Trusteo shell bo onbllod fo apply
<br /> nny ealo ptoceeUS lirsl to peymenl ol all cosls antl ez0enses ol axercis��3 Dowe�o�sa'e.i�U�a��a��Trustee s leos.antl Lender's
<br /> enE Tmsl�ob attorney s leos,eclually mcuuetl to oxtenl pe�mrttotl by ap0���nle taw In R•e event Eo�/owor or TNSror exerc�ses e�y
<br /> right provided Dy law to cu�o an Evont ol De�auit.Lende�shall ba enl�tied lo�ecove���om Ttustor all cosls entl expensos ectua��y
<br /> InCUrroA fla e result ol Tmstoi s tle19u1L In�iutling wilhoul limitation e��4ustoe'9 end ulbmey g I�es,fo tllo oxtent D�rmi11M by
<br /> { eppliceElo law-
<br /> 15. Fufun AGvana�.Upon mpuest ol Bo:wwe�.Lender may.a1 ne ophon.mako edtlilional anE luture aCvancos enA ru•
<br /> nAvencee to Borrowoc Suth ntivaneoe enA roaCvBncel.with intutest thereon.S�ail De 6ecuretl by Ihis DeCd oi TmSI A1 no lime s�ail
<br /> , . , ehoD��ncipalemoumolthointlebmdnusssocuro0bytn�sDeeUOlTruslnotmdutlmgsumsadvanco0wprotectmQ�uwriryolmis
<br /> _ . Dood ol Trusl oxcooU tho odginal pdnc�pal emounl stateC hero�n.or S—({g,-000.-00—.whichever is grealor. `
<br /> . �
<br /> �
<br />