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<br /> C..li. �} ' / ;; - ���� -
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<br /> "' �r • �Q�IC�MM6W�fOY�MH�
<br /> � �t�y, (y�qrqwrNO11l�N�Nd.EzpntlonofM�Gm�Imp�ymenlormotllfluuonol�mortlx�ilonollh��um�NeurMDyM4 —_
<br /> DeWoiTruNprenlWbyUnduto�ny�ua�iwrinm��ntlol8orrower�n�nnmopertlsanlaw,In�nymannu,IMIAWfHy ___ _ ___
<br /> ,. '-`,'�.'2t oltlnmqina18orruwe�ndBOrrow�riwcauonlnlnNm4LtnEenhhllnotWrpulrstltowmm�nuD�aa�diny�paln�t �.� _--.
<br />„-i:��'�.".-t.S1•r — ---
<br /> . __. _,,, , �uchtucc„aranluNlo�xMndtlmelap�ym�MOrod�srwi�ematlly�moNullonolth�sumoNCUrWbyMUWMoITruN � ��
<br />=.r.�'�._i;z,-,., by reawn ol�ny d�mand�mede by�he odpinel Borrower end Borrowel�iucce�wra In inlenal - - - _
<br /> , ?" -?�': (b)L�ndMY PowMr•Vn�hON�fleWnp Ih�Il�blliry ol�ny other perlon IlaDls lor Me p�ymmt ol�ny oblipe6on heNn �� - - �=--• -
<br /> _:,,-�;_ih�},�;, menfioned,�ndwlMOW�ttsctlnqMSllenoroharpeollhUDadolTruNupon�nypoNOnoltMProp�rtynotMMOrN�rNOIa� _
<br /> relesfale�saoudrylorMeNll�mouMOlellunpddobliyatlone,Lendermey,from4metoumeenOwlthoutnotlamrNSUeeny 7m�--- --
<br /> ^�' `%i' perwneollable,pqextendMematudryorollerenyolthe�erm�ofanyeuchobl�pa�one,plqpmnlofherindulpsncM(IV)rN�e�e
<br /> "�3=4 or rxonvey,or cauw lo be releeaed or rxonvoyed el any fime el Lendele oplion eny parcel,poNOn or dl ol Me Prope�ty, �.`w�-.-
<br /> l t �,+ �-- -�'�' (h take or releew any other or addilional eacuriry lor eny oblipelion hereln mentloned,or(vq meke wmpo�i�on�or other 3.�� r��pa�..� �-_
<br /> , ---s'�.�'�'. erranpemenl�wilh debtore In roie4on Ihereto. � �,�„��
<br /> i=?- (o) Forbanne�by L�ndn Not�Wdr�r.Any lo�bearenca by Lender in exerclslnp eny ripht or romody�oreundo4 or �+i ' � -
<br /> �, ����`; oMerwbe atlordad b �pplicnble lew,�hatl not be e walver ot or rec�:di Cca exvroUa o�an auc�tl t or rem T�e f^ ^.:.�z=�`
<br /> . •._.:-: �� : y P Y 8� �1G �4aG�n�.<�.
<br /> � } q�, procurementotinwrenceorlhepaymenloflexoaoroNar42naaoturgaaQylo-�4as"�a.7mtCaawahECCdle��dtt'ar�`xo� �f=A[£"ft�F{+t%��°
<br /> s 9'���R- aceelerele Ihe meturiry ol Ne�rtdebteAnesa eecu�ed Dy his 6�ueJ ot Rust (C���'��;:Fj�»-;:
<br /> '��i�y �, (�Buee�on�nd At�,n�@�.v+S hV�+7 aai 8swral LS�NAp:GsDliam.Tne eovannnts end eS��Ta�U Aa:aia c�n. Y�t� ��t3 n.u�r_
<br /> -�r�':�: Nined 6hpi1 bind,and Ua rp�.'e?�NP:mLCxb:sAV,.'A inu�e to.Ma reeFa:6re s,r,cessore entl auyna o1 lon3ar aM tYVStoe A11 (�r� _
<br /> .� �.`,��.,.•��
<br /> i - � covertanle and aq�aan+rzt�u9 Tnzs1v eMl M Fa�nt an0 eevaral.T�e caR��»end headinga ol me parn�rnphs o11�1e QeeO o1
<br /> i� t'� icr,.-st a-a Ior cm��ar.faxa aay eW are not to be used to Interprel or define ma pruvisiom he�eot. -" �
<br /> ;-.'„ (�}5�ipt»ttirnJ}a5r».T�na�+arGes�are0yrequeetihataeoAYOfonynotieool0otau?��a�eumlerer.detoAYOlenynotiee �� -._ --
<br /> �-.�•��i a:s3iu�a2un3a�A'a mailatl to enc�perly to thle Ueed ol Trust at Ihe ntldress eat fo1T nbave in ihe mannar prescdbed 6y ,- ,� „
<br /> � ep,i�aDle lew.FarnD�tor eny olhe�no�ce required under epp�iceCle law to We gh�en in nnmher menner,eny noGCe proWded ^�
<br />-,S� ;'_'"����� - lorinihlaDeadolTruatehellbepiven6ymellingsuchnoficebycenifiadmai�aAdrasseCtotheaherpartlos,etlheeddresaset ��,;
<br />- :,'�_ fortl�ebova Any nolic9 proviCed tor In thia Oeed ol Trust ehall be eflectiva u}vm m�lling in tha manner deslBnated hereln.II �;j",�%a:LL;�'-
<br /> - ' � Tmator la more than one peraon,noUra aenl to�ha eAdress eet IoAh ebove ehall be nolleo lo eil auch pereom. i�'-�;,���-
<br /> • @ In�p�ctlon.Lender may make or cause�o be mada roasoneble entries upon end inspec�one ol lhe Property,prov!ded . � rt �
<br /> �����'�-.,�r Ihet Lend�r she110ive Troslor notiw D��or ta eny such In6peolion specitying reaaonable cause Iherolor releted to Lenders '���+�.j�':�_=--
<br /> + - � intereat in Iha ProDerry. �h '�'°�
<br /> (g) p�eonv�pneeUponpeymenlolella�mesocuredbythiaDaetlolTrus6LenOarshellrequeatTroatbetoraoonreythe �;�, �, -�
<br /> �•' Propertyend�hellwrrenderlhlaDeedofTruatondellnoteaeridenelnyindebfodnesesaauredby�his0ee0o1TruaftoTruetee. .�.crL�:- .
<br /> �' � �^ ' Truetee ehell rownvay Iha Properry wllhoul werranry end wllhout cherga to Iho pareon or pereona lepelly enlillaC Iherero. �+.,�
<br /> f }� �� TNB�Of BIIEII PBY 611 G061!OI fBCOfO8I100,I�BfIY. , � ��r'��� �
<br /> �lftt i -
<br /> .- r.�,, .t=:-- �Sj F�:ca:t?:��.:vty:�aurNy A�rc:mmt.A:sdditlona:e�udt;lor�he P°Ymerz!N!he Note.Tn+*!nr hereby grenm t,[+���!/, _
<br /> �,� �: `�� LonUOruntlerlheNebre6keUnllormCommowlalCOdeesecurltyinleresUnell11z1urea,oquipmonLendo�herpersonalproporty - "r )fh` �� -
<br /> -,�,�-..�,,., ,. usedlnconneotlonwllhthorealoatatoorimprovnmenlslocaludthereon,ondnolotherwl6edeclarodord80madlobaapaAO1 iq�i+t —
<br /> ��-,,�'�' Iho roel eatele socuretl horoDy.Thle InsVUmont ehell be consUUed as e Beeutly Agreomonl untlor soid CoAa,enA ihe LenAm �^�J3 , -- _
<br /> Z� -:-� 6hellheveallihariphlsenAremediosoleaocurodparryunAereoidCodoinatlGillontolhodghleandremodleecrealedunder �"`� } ... ,;.
<br /> �1}��j�[�` andeceordedlhoLOntlorpurauonitothis0eetlolTrusl;providotlthelLonder'BtlBhteend�omodioaunOerlhis0a�agreph6ha11 %r� 5�;9 :7,:e_.:
<br /> -��.,�r� � be cumulelivo with,enA in no way a Iiml1a11on on,Londere dBhle onU rometlioa under any oihor 6ocudty agreemont sipnod by � �, ��.�j-+
<br /> �, Borrower or Tfuslor. " - �
<br /> @ Ll�n��nd Enoumbnncu.Trustor hereby warrente enA wprosome lhet ihero fe no Oolnull untlur Ihe Orovisions ol eny � + - ;� .
<br /> .. ,. . � mortgage,deed ollrual.leaso or purohese conlreG desctlbing nll or eny petl of tlio Proporry,or olhur contrecl.lnalmment m ,:s:�i�;:�
<br /> egreemanl conaiiluling e Ilon or encu�brenco egeinslg II or eny part of tho Pwpurry(collocliroly,"Lione'1.ezisting ae ol lho _ ;�;j� .�-��`'-
<br /> ' �• dete ol lhia Deed ol Trusl,entl Ihet nn entl ell edslin Liene romein unmotllliod oxcopl aa diaclosed to Lender in Truslor'e
<br /> -• . - wdtlon dlaclosuro ol Ilune end encumbrencoa provlAetl lor homia Trostor ehell 0me1y pedorm nll ol T�ustofs obligatlons. : . - ,"j�...s�.;�_-
<br /> - � covonenle,repwsontaUonaend�varranllosunderanyandelleztslpngendlulureLtons,shelipromptlylorwardlolantlorcoplee - `r�..;�;�
<br /> � � of ell nolicea olAOlauli soM in conneellon wilh any end ell ox�sting or luturo Liana,and shell nolwithout LonAOr'e pdor wtlllon P -� ,.� ; s�
<br /> - ��+- �� consent in eny mannor modity Iho provisfons ol or ellow any lutuw auvuncos under eny nxisling or lulure Liona. ., - _�.}1
<br /> .. . Q) AVP��c�llonolP�ym�nle.Unlussolherwi6oroquirudbylaw.svmepaltlloLendorharountlor,includingwilhoutlimllation ' ,
<br /> paymonts ol pdncipnl end Intorosl,insuranco procoeds,condomnetion procouda enA reNS and profils,shall be epplled by �
<br /> ' � LentlerlolhoemounlsdueandowingfmmLuabrendBorrowerinsuchorderasLCnderinibmiedi;croUonde?metlesira6le. � .;_ . - �
<br /> • .;�,� .� �k)Swuabllity.If uny provision ol mis Dootl ol Tmst eonilicts wilh aDPliceblo law or Ia Enclernd invalitl or olhe`wise ( . •
<br /> � �-.,e unenforcanblo,euch conllict or invalidlry 6ha11 nol ellocl lho olher provisons ol lhis Dnad ol Tmst or Ne Note which can bo � _
<br /> �' ��„1��������'� sf108bIBdWllhoull�OCOn111c�ingprOVlslon,BnElo1h19ondlheprov�SlOnaOf�hisDenA011'm5lBndlhON0108lBdedB(OdlobO { "' .
<br /> ��•��:..�. ..: I '�t.
<br /> ' ��:i!��!;:;_. Q)T��mb T�e to�m!"TruBloi'enA"BorrowOr"6hell include b0th afngular 9nC plural,en0 whBn the Truslo�end 0arrowOr ` - .
<br /> � �s�'�- nre�he eamo peraon(s),those lo�ma oe used in lNa Deetl ol Tmst e�all be Inlorc�angeaC�o. : �
<br /> . , � � (m)Qove�niny I.�w.This Deed ol Trust shall be governetl by iho lews ol�he§tale ol Netraska. -
<br /> T�u61or has execuled thia Oead of Trost ea ol the Aule wriRen ebove. , � � Jf'�j� �
<br /> . ' ��%��_� ��� . .
<br /> ' �
<br /> MIC�AEL L HEUAERT T'usior' Slnple Pereon i
<br /> Truator
<br /> . . . .. s.
<br /> •n
<br /> I
<br />