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� ����n�2 . .'H�.Tf Y t LY�_ . 1 - '._ _ . � �. -_ ..._ <br /> ♦\-f '/.r/� ry� � �! � !J .} a '. <br /> - - ' � } ��� R� 'i � r'r � �is+�,Y"L� .- � a i5 e__: <br /> . - .... - '�yL� �Gi ....._,_.. - S�.dl 5S � .. .... . . . _. .... . . -. <br /> C,': . <br />_ ,_'�r�n , <br /> ;:;�:;;;;jt. ACKNOWI.EDQEMENT OF DEED OF TRUBT <br /> �;..;�:~';;:�'.'�:�- TRU9TOA REAO THIB BEFOBB BIOMIN(i: ��3. ',,Q�J�� __..-- <br /> � ' . <br /> ^iy -.- }.. Trwtorund�nLnd�Malth�00eumen�thUhuUOrb�boullosxeculeb�DeWOlTrwttnCnol�motlpnpe�nclfhNth�powa ° - <br /> ; :.t;�, otNle rovldWlorinEheMWOITru�tprovlEn�ub�4n1it11yAitlareNryhbanaobny�UOn�toTruflormsn�mort�pelnm��vm1 �, �- , <br /> s �s . , ofaCiPullorbro�choto6114�YOnunAerlAeDestlofTmsl.Includlnq.CWno111mltedto,theLenEeP�rlpMto�avetheProperyao�d �� � - <br /> S -� J'• by N�Trwta Without�ny�udiclal Drce�Wlnp.Tmttor roprewnU�ntl, �u�nt at� �e ac now e0pg �ex�cut by � �^�-±� - <br /> . ;� -t� Truelor betore Me ezecutlon ol tne Wed of True� � �-;� ,, ., <br /> { � . , <br /> � i 1�;��-• . <br /> > - }`' flICN EL L NEUBBNT Tru or Sinpl� P�r�on +" ��'°"�.`;',.: <br /> �'1._" .!�' 1 � S'�� <br /> rsY ��FSIi< ' " <br /> _ ' _-i��'il�t''f <br />' huator '��r.�. ,,�a:c�, .: - <br /> _ .�--i. � ' �r:- . <br /> .�c�_i� 1' <br /> � - � %• DHEA OF TRUST WITN FUTURE dSImyAJlCf�Ea , � <br /> .t�' a nr�c � " <br /> ; 4 h' ��'� Tl?I$D�.kD OF T(+JJ`�iT.i3 mada ee ol the�}g�-.tley ol—,�,qy�, _.1951�,Ey end e�r.cng ` .��,{ _-, <br /> -. �' � -3 IR�i iiv'�r.�,°.�mb-a4-Wi . ! '�.r� ,f <br /> �.a��i <br /> `t '•' 3007 q. Stoll�y Park Rd. 6rand I�l�nd p� 688B1-7246 ��}'��"� - <br /> x.�,1,� �� wt�a�a malling eddreea is lnerein"Trustt3tJ'w7�ellier one or more), fli,_ - <br /> - +i t�,:,:'�} _ <br /> }� � ���: � theTruetae, ���•�•Fp.Wpt� 8nnk • Mabsaa4� r'nrpnr�linn � t�f'� -- <br /> � 1r��-� .',r- whose maliing adOresa ia P-n. IFaY 1507 6rand Islend. NE 68802 (nerein"Tmstee'�,end , ��, F ... <br /> 7r� `��j`�}. theBenellciary, °Sw� Pa7nta 9�nk ,�'�r v. <br /> ' .,L:���i.::,��i.. -:':c'.:. <br />-.i,:. �r ^ '�;.;:.., whose mailing eddreas ia—.�g}�p,_ppp�Y�yl-fisapd-Islspd,--llE 6B^02-+'� me�ai�°�e�aar�. •-:,. <br /> `'�_;.; <br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION.Inclutlinp Lendole eatension ol crodilldenUfled herein to �;'-;;;'"(��-: <br /> �} l . <br /> —Mi61f 6},-1,-1IEUBBktT (hero�n^BOrrowef',whe�her one or more)and me trust herein nea�ed, �lf � i''�_ <br /> - ' ' tha rece�p oiT w�kh Is�ereby ecknowledged,Trustor heroby irra1rocebiy grante,trenalera,convey6 end n6signa to Truatee,M �p_s,:.�!��.:s� <br /> � ' THU9T,WITHPOWEROFBALE,PorthebenefitandaocwityolLender.underendaubJecttoNelormsenOCOn�monsherelnatlerset '::;�.=;�,,,'a;�_� <br /> - --- ��t. forih,ihe reai proyorty.doscribed na foifowe: ' `_— � <br /> ``�- � ' LOT EIOHT IU). �BLOCR THR66 l31 IN STEYART PLACB SIIBDIYISIOH, H�LL COUHt3, �` � �. � <br /> �?( ,����tf��slti�i. NBBR�SKA. - �t F:: -: <br /> -'irUy..,:. ,�'i.c• . :..a1�,,z__', <br /> 5'f i1n hty�.i1���i..., °:'1.'.,x:"�.:.!.��...�. <br /> �� '�_;_: <br /> �• . _ � - Togeiher wllh nll buitdinga,ImprovemoNa,liztures,slreeta,elleya,passegeways,oasomenls,dghte,ptivilegea end eppurte- ��'��-�;(`��- i�-_ <br /> � nencoa located Nereon or in flnywlso porle�ning Ihere[o,entl lho rema,issues end profite,rovorslone end remaindere Ihereol,entl ��- `."':�-'��, ° <br /> � :�- .. . 4.r <br /> . ' � euch personal pro0erty that is eltachnA lo tho improvomonta eo as to conslituto e flxlure,including,but not Ilmitod lo,healing entl _`•';1�.'�,;.: <br /> ;:.,;y�i�e>-� ' coolinpoqvlpmonkentltoBQ�horwilhihehomealoadormarilalintowsls.11eny,whlchintnrosleereherebyreteasetlandwslved;ail _ �•j'"�:,.��;-R: <br /> F, .r� .i olwhleT,ineiutlingreplacemenlaentlodtlillonathorelo.leharubydecleretllobeepartof�horoalosletoaecuretlbyl�ellenollMa '?�" � F• ;: <br /> �S���y� � Deed ol Tmsl end all ot the forogoing boing rolenca lo herein es Ihe'Properry". .: t} �-�. <br /> .. -��r. <br /> ' � This Dood ol Tmst ahnil socuro(e)Iho paymoN of Ihe ptlncipal sum antl Intereat ovidoncud by e promissory nole or credil �� ' ��'�"t���'- <br /> I i � � .. i. , <br /> ' � �� epreemom uate0 �v9un!-31ek l993 .naving e maNriy date oi_—Korch lft 1934 —. t - 1� �i: '. <br /> t .t in the originnl D�incipfll amounl 015�000..00 .end nny nnd nll mctliiicu�ions,oxlonytons enU renowals j_ �;;;;. -,;,{� <br /> • lher0ol or itlereto dntl nny en0 ell lulure edvencos Pnd rea0venco9 lo Borrower(or ony ol ihem II moro Ihnn one)hereunder • j���i," .- ' '. <br /> ` � purauant to ono or more pwmissory notes or crodil nB�eomenls(horetn calletl"NO�e�:�b)Ihe pt�yment ol olnor 6ums advanced by �'.� <br /> � LondortoproletttheseeutlryolfheNolo;(c)thopodormancoolellcovenenlsentlag�eementsolTruslorsolloMherein;entl(tl)all a:�_`. � � <br /> prosonl entl fNUro indoblednesa end obligallons ol Borrower(or any ol lhom if more Ihan one)lo Lender wholher tlirecl,intliroct. - � ;'",�, � � <br /> _.'" �_ ebsolub or conlingent entl whether ads��g by noto.Bueranry,ovortlrali or olhervdse.The Nole.thle DeeA ol Tmsl nnd eny and all . . �-';t. , <br /> othordocuonleNat6ecurolheNOfeoro�herwisaexeculetlinconnedion��orowiih.inNudingwilnoullimilaliong�arentees,securiry � �1�5.�}'�i�'" . � <br /> ' egreemonla end osslflnmenls ol leasos enE renis.ahall be rolerred lo horeln as inN'LOan Inslmmenl8". �= . ' <br /> _ TN9101 GOY8n8lIL5 Ond 081008 Wllh LCndCf 88 IOIIOWl: " <br /> . 1. Paym�nt ol InUnbledneu.All indeb�ednass secured heroby shall bo pa�0 w�an due- _ <br /> ,i 2. Tille.Twebr is Iho owner ol the Pmpery.haa lho rigM and au�horiy�o convoy Ihe Properry,end�varranls l�al ihe Ilen � <br /> '� _ croaled heroby la a IIr51 and pdor lion o�Ihn Prope�ry.oxcepl lor liens nnd encumDrances sol lonh by Tmstor in wtlling anC <br /> AollvorOtl lo Lentler Eob�C oxecullon 0�Inie Deed 0�Trusl.end lhe exoculion Bnd tlelivory OI IhiS Deetl ot TmSI tloes nol vi0iale Bny <br /> • eomrect or olher ob�ipniion lo w�ich Tms�or�s sub)ec� - <br /> . . . 3.Taze�,Aneumonta.To pay bebre Oe�mque�cy ali�azes.sDecrel assessmems anA am m�er char9es apamsl the Properry . <br /> . now or hereal�er IovieO. <br /> ' 4. InsUrance.TOkeeplhePioperrylnsoredapa,�s:CanaEebyLre.h3zartlsmUvtleOw�thmtnele�m"exlentle0coveregC".antl <br /> wcn oimm�a:arUS es LonAO�may�eqmre.m amouma nno wn^coT.{aroes nccev�abie to lr�ce�.�ammg Lentler as nn eCOibunal <br /> ndm¢0 inbu/C7,WIIh 1058 peyebl0 10I�C LenOer �r.COSC 01 b59��tlC(SuCh pO��CICS.IhC L2r.�C��5 oul�Oti2Ed lo e07u5�COII2CI Bntl <br /> � eompromiae.a�IClalms7hereun0erantlshannavelneoD��o�o�applyingellorpartollr.oiosu�a�ceD�a�daL)�oenyinAebteAness <br /> SCGU�M�ere6ya�0 in such orCer as lentle�Ra/tlMermme.(ii)to the Tmslo�lo te used lo�Ihe�eDa�o�res[c'a!�on ol ihe P�operty <br /> . o�(iL)ic�Anyoiherpurposeorob�ecisAlislacto�yloLentle�Wdhoulallecbnglheheno�:h�sDeetlo�T�us11o�1�C�u1lamountsecure0 <br /> - � ' hereDy De�ore such paymenl ovar�ook placo-Any apphcauon ol proteetls lo mdeD�etlness s�ai��cl or postpone the Oue <br /> � Oa!e o'n^�paymenLV untler Ihe No�o.o�cure eny dMaWt I�ereuntler or M�eunUe� - <br /> . _. . � �"'"�. �„".._..'_�'_"'.57:6'�_:.T:uo.O:e"..o':'ay:3:o::E:.:.�:f-a'c�oS:or.u'c(T�d�v'eiiynnin.somaoni <br /> � �..........w..6....o....a...a.... '..- <br /> sums�o enable�enae�io pay as mey become aue one or more ot me bnmvmy�•:aa�xies.assessmems and otnor cnarges egamst <br /> Iha Propetly,(�)RA O�emiums on Iho properry msurenco�eQuvetl hereuMe• a•�('iq t5e premiums on any morlgage msurance <br /> � roqWwtl by Lender. <br /> 6. Malntenance, Repnin antl Complianee with Lew�.7mstor shan keeD ine Proporry in goo0 conUnion enA�epa+r,sheii <br /> p�Omplly r0pe��,or rppince a�y Imptoveme�t whiCh may be 08magotl oi Uosl�oyotl.6ha�l not commil o�pc�md eny wasto or <br /> dUlodoretlon ol No Ptoperry:sha��nol remova.Oemo��ah or sUbsia�6ally allor any o11he Imptovemeni5 on Ine ProD���Y.s�a�l nol <br /> commil suller or pa�mi!ony act to be Uone in or upon Iho Properry m v�olnbon o�any law,o�0��anco.or�egulaUOn,en0 snall pay end <br /> _, promplly Cisc�ergo el Trustor's cosl anE expensu ull Lenl.encumbionces entl charpos lened,imppSeA or essusseA ega�nsl lhe <br /> . Proporty or nny pan fhemol. <br /> 7. Eminant Dom�ln.LonOOr is howDy essi8�etl a��compensa��on.ewa�as.oamages e�e o�hor paymems or re��e�(nore�na�ter <br /> 'PrOCn�09')In conneclion wilh conUOmnaiion or olhe�takfng ol lhe Properry or pan Ihereol.o�lor convoyance m Lau ol conUamna- <br /> , Hon.LunAOr s�all bo ontitlod e�Ha option lo commonco.eppea�m mU prosncolo m ns own namo any ectio�or proccoCmge.anU <br /> . • 6ho11 Ulso bo enfilied to mako any compromiso or soltlemenl m connecbon wilh such Wkmg o�Aamage In Ih0 nvenl eny Dotlion ol <br /> . . . xx]u�iw.�.vun�.no.emn..�oea Y . <br /> O ILB!Mnaru�B W Mfee�nx��li.t��N 6�.�np�4�a��on Lrca�.HW�4� r <br /> � I <br />