/ ` ;
<br /> �": I;-��' ... �. t�(r�� ._ _ '_ .+� -
<br /> '" t � i ��... � .. _�
<br /> - � r;l: . .. - ;it_ . .>__ ,.... �_..,.. . .._ .. .:.r .. -- ._ _ ..
<br /> '"'_ _.�, L --...,» ' -_�w�:__.. __'__-_" —_ _ _ -
<br /> �.u..� -__ _ -_
<br /> .�= 93"�.0`�:���
<br />=- -- ayp)fwbla Inw may spcci[y for rcimmiemcN)De(orc eak o!�hc Propeny pursuani to any pox�cr ot sala rnNaincA in ihis
<br />�_�x*�:ra 3ecurtiy(nr�trumnnl;or(b)entry ot a Judgmem enforcing�Na Sceurity(nstrumeni. 71�ose condulon�ute�M�Dortower. (o)
<br />�,�,;�-- paye LenAar all suma w41ch ihcn �vontd bc duc under thln Securiiy Insuumcnt and iha No�e as IP no acccicra0on had
<br />- :'!-%'� occumd;(b)cnrc�eny dafauh of�my aihnr covcnam■or egrccmnmh(c)paya nll cxpcnxc�Incumd(n cnfurcing ihis Stturity
<br />:;�v;;�:"� Insuumen4 Inciudinp,but nM IhnIICA la,rcaxnnahle mmmnys'fuet;and(A) taka wc6 actlon as I.endc�may rc.sonably
<br />-�� ��""� reqnira w exsurc�hnt 16o Iicn of�hle Sea�diy tnr�in�mr.m,l.cndutt dphtu in.thc fMopcny and Oormwcr4 obligmion w poy thc 6.
<br /> - =�;";��':, sume sceurcd by �IdE Secudiy InFtrvmnN.shnli conflmm unahnnpod.. Upan rciasiaiemem by Dortawer, ihf.v Securi�y R.-.�
<br />- �-•.�;t� InFUUmcnl nnJ Ihc a6ligptiona rccurcd hamby Fhnll n;mnin.(ully eff�sib�o xx If na acccicra�ion had cecurtrA, tlowcvcr,thfa R�__`_
<br /> ��;.;:,-' , riyht�orcinsle�c shall nol npply in iha cnxc u(nccciuratinn nnder panpmph.l7. . .-.... .. °.� ----.
<br /> _�� r •: 19. Sxk o/No[ei Changc a/laon Serrke� Tha Noto ar a pantal imercu In�hc No�c(�oge�hcr wiih�hfe Sccuriiy _ -
<br /> ��-�-���;�.t�- Infitrumenq may 6e soid ono nr nmre tlmes wiihnnt pdor nntl�x�u�Unrrower. A saie may cewh In a change In�ha cmi�y ,;,-,--
<br /> ��.r,*� :=,,;'. (�nown as thc"Lain Scrvicer"1 Ihm colluclv mnmh�y paymemx dim anAcr�hc No��and�his Stturit Intmimau. Thcrc nlsn ��it'4:`�=�--
<br /> Y �i �"°
<br /> ,.� - mny be one or morc chnnges of Ihe Loan Servicer unreluteA�o a eato of�he Nme. If�herc is a change of the Lwn Servicer, s�y� __
<br /> K - ' I3ortowcr will bc givcn wm�en nn�icc of�ha cinmpc in nccordnncc with puapraph 14 abovc and applicablc law. 77�c notico ++
<br />_i.;�:..�.�.�:.' f-t=w--.
<br />..�'.,,_�. ___,., will Rmm tho nama and address of�he new Luan Servicer nnA Ihr.aldruss w which p.rymenu sha�ld bo made. 7Le nntice will ::.__=.'y. •�.�;_�__
<br /> <�- �'- ulw romnin nny mhcr infonnmion rtynircd by npplioa6lu Inw, ` _ '---�
<br />: �i`a�-.+'_. 20. Hazvrdauv Substaneca, f3nrroncr shnll nni cmur.nr pannh ihc presencc,usc.dispuwl,sioragc,or rcicaw af eny ..:�
<br /> - Ha�ardnu»Subc�ances on or in the Nopeny. 6orto�ver stuill nm dn,nnr allaw anpo�else�o do,nnphing affec�ing �he ,� ;" -""—
<br />> > r ��-'.; pro �n thnt i+in violndon of nn Cnvironmemid L�w. Tha mcadin iu•n xentcnces sliall noi a 1 m Ihe aunce,use.or �'� `-`%'-
<br /> P Y Y ' P o rrr P '
<br /> --;;I:.,i, smrapc on thc fTopcny of smnll qunmitics oi Ha�aNnns SubFaamss�Iml am goncr�liy rccogniixJ�a 6r appmpriaic�o nomial .;{i ;� _
<br /> � - _,i; rcsidemial uxes and to mnimennnce of�ho Ptvpcny. : ' -
<br /> + - 6ortowcr shnil pmmptly @ive LenAcr wnnnn notice of onp invectlUOlinn,claim.demand,lawsuit or o�her ac�ion by any ':t� _
<br /> ` '�' govemmemid or rcgulnmry apeney ar pr+vmr. pnrty h�volvinp�ie I�mpcny anA any Ha�ardous Subs�anrc or Environmemal ��„��,� _
<br /> ,:,�;,�' L.aw of which 6orto�ver hns acmnl A�maleJpe. If 6urro�ver luamu ar ix nnlified A �n ovemmental or re ulalo �-; .
<br /> Y � Y B B �Y ,tl£r:__.
<br /> authnm ,�hnt an rcmoval or o�her rcmedintinn of an HavaNnnn Sn6�Annr.c af�eclin �he Ra n is necessa 6orrower F..,-.:��,:^��--.
<br /> -•r.•-' Y 7 Y 8 P� Y �Y� ;.':'c:jii��l+�l�.
<br /> -. �':�y�� shnll promp�ly take all necessary rcmedi:d ac�ions in acmrAance ivill�-(a�vimnmemul Laa'. S.�4(„�_
<br /> ��`�>"','. As useJ in�his paragr�ph 20."Har.arduus Subx�ances"arc ihum+u6nlnnces deMed as lozic or hamnlmu subs�ances by ���Y.;.,y,,[.^-
<br /> =r,Ljij fnvircnmemal law and 1he f�ilmvinp zuhxiancen: gasotina kemrene.other Oammable or wxic�lmleum producls,loxic T�"�t•.,; �-._:
<br /> pesticiJes and herbicides, vulmile sni�eNn. maicrials conmininp �u.hcslns o� fomtaldehyde, ;md�adia�[live materials. A+ �+�� '°,'-':.;,�.
<br /> ��`"�j•i'.�, u:;ed in�his paraproph 20,"EnaironmeNnl l:tw"means fedeml6uvs:md laws of Ihe'urisdiclion xherc the Pm n is lucated '�`""~���'� - -
<br /> J P� Y r
<br /> S - �, Wnt r-dim to hcahh.safity wcnuironmcmnl promc�inn. . .:
<br /> .r .- AOJI-UNIr71RM COYENANTS. P.unva•rr und Lcndcr funhcrcavcnam and ngrcc as follows: fi
<br /> (���, j EI. Accelerat!nn: Kemadiec. l.endur shnlbgh�e nntice to Rorro��er prior to eceeleralion follm�ing Iforrower's r ' ��j j ���_(
<br /> - f�r hresaie cf on)cw¢nan!or ugreemnnt in�ti�in tietudfy Ins�rument Ibul nal prbr lo accelerullon under paragrnph 17 , _ I y
<br /> '�';?f eaIesca��Rcablv law.providue a�berwLel. 77�e notice shnll speclfy: (a)ihe defaull;lb)the ucqon required to cure the �' oi�` '�hise��
<br /> r. t)r�_ l t 1 n_o. o h� 4_IhoAn_ ' ��''-
<br /> . � r£,p - u'efau«;ie)a 3,iat.a;,t le�IAan�30'd�t-s f.-cm thc Aaic Ih:ne6ce:^I�_r!o!!oerox.r.- w.h--h---- - f���le ma.l� !: . ��•
<br /> , �%���',i�f! cured:ond(d)t2;V:FaJUVe to cuce Ihe defauluun ar hefore Ihe dnte specificd in Ihe natice map resull in accetrrnqon of �:�'.' 1�•� '^J�;;i�r'�iC-
<br /> [�`: Ihe sume secured G Nllx Securil Infilrument nnd wle of Ihe Pra crn. The notlte shall furlher inform tiorrox�er of �f�:.;'° �i�����'-'
<br /> . � 7 Y P .� L..._i.i:h';�1;.,��� �•
<br /> .�r{t;�t1�i�Y�: the rigAe to-reinr.�ato aeter xcceleroHun nnd�t�e r��At la hrin o court acUon lo acserl lhe nan•exl�lence of a default or ',�•': ,��<<6"�- � % -
<br /> i . 6 R - '"s�t;?:
<br />'�.�/';r-i(�1? nny n8�ar dufance of Borrou�er N accelerntlon end sale. If the defaWt Is nol cured on or hefore Ihe dalt specified in �� .;;",��..\��� ,,, , t�_ �
<br /> _-i ��f�1 tha unttee,l.endur uf IL9 optton may require immedinte pn}ment in full of all xunu secured by�Ih4v tiecuriq Inslrumrnl i;�,�� t :-, ,
<br /> ;:s,�,.., withont fm�llcr demand nnd mny im�akc Ihc poner ot snie end nn�� mher remeJiex perndited b)� xppiicnble I��c �� - _, ��,1��„ -,_�';-
<br /> �•,,i,j� Ixnder shull be end�hd lo collecl xll ezpenses Incurrrd in pursuinR �he remedleB pro�ided In Ihi� para�raph 21. -.r• ::""'J<�� {,� %
<br /> < Inciuding.but not Ifmit�d to,renconable nflorne)s'fees nnd msls n�tltle cridence. " `��L;,,.�. �,
<br /> ���� If Ihe poaer nP sxle Is invuMed,"I}uslee+hall recmd a nolice of drfaull in euch cnunl}�in ahich an}�part of the ' � _ �� .;N �.¢ �I
<br /> . � ' 1'�•operli is Icen�ed nnd shall mail caples af xuch natlte(n�he mnnner prrxcrlAed bs nppticaAle lau io Bnrro�ser nnd to � .
<br /> �f t}yA�9±::�
<br /> Ihe ot\er persons prescribed b� applkabie lax. .lfler Ihe Iime rcyuirrd bi applicnbte la�a Trnslee shall gi�e public . �- -.
<br /> - nalice of satu lo�he persnnx imd in Ihe manner prescAhed b� npplicu6lc ta�c Trwlce.��Ilhnul demand an Ilorroi�-er. ,J�, tf�i�'._�
<br /> �1 �, chull ull the 1'roper�}n�publSc imcliun lo�he hlphext 6ldder ut Ihe�ime end pincr nnA under�he�erms designated in � �J?� ' �:';'.':
<br /> - Ihe noflce of sate In ane ur mure parcri+und fn nni urder Trus�ec determines. "fru.lee map pnslpnne snle af ull or nny � ' - - --. y°..
<br /> ' porcel of Ihe Properl� bc pnbiic onnnunmmenl nl ihe lime nnd pl�tt of�m� prr�inusly scheduleA sale. I.ender nr i�s . " �s, ' _
<br /> docipnee nw��purchase the PruperH nl an�salc. ' � !;,�'�� ,.r �°
<br /> , Upon rcceipl uf pnpmeN af ehe price b(d,7iutitre shnll dclBer to Ihe purchxaer 'fruytee's dcrd cun.ering Ihe 5.�? •�
<br /> Properp. The rectf�ls In Ihe Trn+ice's decd s6nll br prlmn G�cie e�idence nf ihe trwh nf ihe.lx�ements nwde�herein. -- ��p��+� s+� �.�
<br /> 97usleeshullupplylhepruceedyuf�he.:dein�hefidlm�intinrder. �a��n�Jlcn+l+m�drx�xme+ateterching�hepm�er ��, !.� r
<br /> . r_S-;.-�� .a=
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