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<br /> the grinctptl�mount of Ihe nWe ol tY.e time otihe decivatbn of def�ulb rnA reawn�ble�tforneys'fea a�permflled
<br />� by lawj @)to di sums secured b�this 5ecurily Inslrumml{rnd(Q anr exass to lhe person or persons legot�y enlllled
<br />—�� ro It.
<br /> _�� 22. Remnvep�nce. Upon paymem of a11 sume ucurv�d by Ihie Secud�y Insuumcnt.Lender�hnll requul 7tustee lo
<br />=,���y� reconvcy the Propeny md sh;Jl surcander�his Sttud�y Instniment and all notes evidenchiQ debt cecurcd by�hh Secud�y P�__�_
<br /> Insirumem to 7lvstec. 7Fusmo shali rrsonvcy�6e i'roperty withow warrsaty and wi�hout chnrge�o ihc person or persom
<br /> --°---�-- Iegall emitledloll. Suchpersonorpersonschalipayenymcordatlonms�i
<br />�^-L;v::'.i.� �
<br />_�_.;,.,:.�,.� . SuDstltute 7Fustee. Lender,et tts option,may kom time�o�ime nmove 71vs�ce and oppoim o successor tms�ce w e:�--�..----_ _ ..
<br />—='.�y� �
<br /> eny 71usreC appntmed hercunder by an Inswmem rccorded In�6e mumy in whfch �his Securily Instmment ie rccoMed. • --
<br />—R '-`t-� Without co;�veyanee of�ha Propeny,the successor tmstee shall succeed m all �he tiqe,power ond dmfe� conferted upon . __ _
<br />��-�?;'-.;;_„ 7FusicchcrcinendbyappIlcabiclaw. .t-����'=`
<br /> � -i,� 24. Requesl for Notices. Botrowcr reques�s ihai copies of the noticce of dcfauit and sale be um to 6orto�ver4 addrcse ti„ �q... _ _ __
<br /> �.,_ �vhich is[hc Propcny Addrcss. �
<br /> 25. Ridere to Ihls 3ecurity Inslrumen6 If one or more riden nrc executed by F7ortower nnd rccorded together wi�h :;<< '� �n�=a,.
<br /> - - i h i s S e c u ri ry I n s i r u m e n 6�h e c o v e n a n t s a n d a g rc e m e m s o f c a c h s u c h r i d e r s h a l l be inco r p ora�ed into end shatl amend and i.;;,Y_�_ » �.y��cJ_
<br /> e ;;;: suppicment tlx covenams end ngnemrnts of this Security Inswmem as if�Ae dder(s)wem n part of ihis Security InswmeN. ���t���_,_
<br /> a
<br /> �r l'. `. . �' .
<br /> .�� . � �Checkepplicablebox(es)1 �,:-:':,_:',:::.,,�y_:v.
<br /> i i-. :;� - `--
<br /> �}i- ±;;: �Adjustable Ra�c Ridcr �Condominium Ridcr �t-0 Family Rider �-; ` �_�
<br /> � � . _a.- i -...
<br /> _': i -� � '� �Gmduatcd Payment Rider �Planned Uni�Dcrelopment Ridzr �Oiwcekly Payment Rider ��
<br /> rn '.` - , ' —_
<br /> xi ' z •�' _
<br /> � �� -4 i �Ualloon Rider Rme Improvemem Ridcr �Sccond Home Rider T_7:j � �'��-,..
<br /> 5 �
<br /> + � f .�, YA GU T86D LOAli RlDHR c .z y �
<br /> 7 , t ••" �Y Othcr(s)�speci(y� R1URR TO NOASOAOB/DBBD OP TRD64-dA - , "r -_��
<br /> � , --
<br /> ,? ,-_ �=? DY SIONWO DEIAW,Borton�er:romp�s and ngrces m ihe[efms arid eovenams mmain�d in�his Security Insuumem �At;i+-�;c`
<br />-,'s��j",.:c:S'rii'. �.
<br /> � �, If end in eny dder(s)executed by[SOnower and recorded wi�h it. i `._
<br /> r. �?
<br /> '. . - ':sl}� �:iR,,., as:�':
<br /> � i y - I tt Sxs: -- � xy� �
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<br /> t� __.`::: ' � -JQAR�C-R1.BC .�w« ��'_� ��;�r.��,:
<br /> �� �- 'S_'0172
<br /> a ' -: ° .. Saial Sauriry 1cumT:r �.' � �.�� ..
<br /> v, , ,: � t ,�;,: r.
<br /> t c+ ��:�" (Seab �- s��r„ F .
<br /> .., ._ �6o`mxer .- :t'j}tr"�, .
<br /> .- ��'� Saial SeNri�y Numbzr ,> "i . t ^!�•.
<br /> .,�;F• ^t r.,,�i i� ��� -
<br /> STATGO�NEDRASKA, HIILL Coumyss: '!:� , S' �- i� � -
<br /> _ ,. � x ,�-
<br /> ' On this 318! dnyof AuqLLeE, 1993 ,beforc me,ihc undersigned,a Kotary Public .�: -i -( �-
<br /> `;,.; JERRY C P4ACZ6R . ,r. _�''� t�a --.
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified for said comuy,personally cnme
<br /> ;�. 11 SINOL6 PBR80N ,m me known�o be the �� . ` -' ' °:.--
<br /> �• " ideNical persons(s)+vhose name(s)erc subscri6ed to the forcgoing inswment nnd nckno�vledged�he ezew�ion�hereo(lo .y",�- r . ' n -����
<br /> ( bc h10 ralwunry acl and de t'f°}, _ ". '�� r_i
<br /> t40�`�f� \Vimc.0 my hand and notarial ual xt D ISLIUID in said county,the �i�ip{ S��
<br /> jt � '
<br /> ��.," dmcaforesaid. . - � `��j'--"�� '
<br /> --` My Commission cx ires: _ 77 "�
<br /> ,� P.,�..,. �
<br /> .••_ JULY ���99lFAt N71,+5r 5!�It e��d�i�a RO RTA L R66D Keiuy Publr �S.� ��
<br /> ' �• peotnTa�nEE� GQUGSTFORR[CONVEYANCE ' C- �-
<br /> �v,:�.'.� ' TOTRU �C��w1AiU�r.rRDl'.rylUlY9! .
<br /> � � r_.r. •„� '.
<br />�' ' -���i,,�i; . Tlie underslgnFd�s ifi��holder o(�I�e no1��r notes s�curcA by�his�cd of Tmsl. Said no�c or notes,roge�her�vi1h all ' . �- . !y�., �� .
<br /> ._'i� � _ other indeb�edness sewred by this DeeJ of Tiux�,have bcen paid in(ull. You arc hereby direcled m cancel said nme or noms i r;�' _ . _
<br /> _ . and Ihis Dced of ltusl,�vhiah arc dclirercd hercby,anA to reconvey,without warranly,all�he cc�a�e uow held bx you under �ti _ _
<br /> - •� � �M1is Dced o('Itusl to thc pennn or persons Icgally emided�herelo. � . - . '
<br /> y.
<br /> . . �' �f1.i. Dale: ____— -
<br /> . - . .r.�:.' .
<br /> Form VE8 9A0 rry«nnJnryqn .
<br /> �;
<br /> '�:..
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