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l� e._-.:, r ' —� / _ _ ' °_. <br /> 1 ',: .: �.,._. - - �_. . .- . :. _ <br /> 1 /� t s ..—,,. w�ia__...... `J-Y� -'— . .. <br /> � ..� ... aT. r �' _ � <br /> 'i�. _.. 4..�..:.Rn..� � �.� - d — `i[�??� t"ii� .. _ � —__ . ._._. <br /> : Yl � y <br /> g�w�VS7�7!� <br /> condemnation or o�her tuking ot ony pan uf�ho Propeny,or for convoyana in Ileu of condenuia�lon,aro hcreby assigned and <br /> — shalllx.paid�oLcndcr. <br /> In iho event af n �oial mking of�he Ptopetly, tho proceede shall be npplled �o th: snms sttmed by thia SecurUy <br /> Inctrumen4 whcthcr or not tAen dne,wlih my cxcess pald�o Onmowcr. In Uie evcnt of a p.nial�nking of du Propcny In <br />��� which the Poir market vnluo of tho Propeny Immediateiy bePorc�he taking is cqual io ar gnater ihnn the nmount of the eum� _-__ - <br /> -- - securcd by thie Securi�y Inatrumrnt immedimely betorc�he�aking,unless I3urtower and Lender oiherwise agrce In writing. �_ _ <br /> � �ha suma Recurtd by Ihi�Secudly Insmimem elinll be redeced by thr.amoant of Iho pruceeds mnhiptied bp�he(ollowing <br /> �"-�..r�� fracilan: (N ihe taal nmoum ni�he cumv xecnrcd InuncAlately befor.�he iaking,dividcd by(b)�he fair markct value of�he r..: <br />:u�'.'�y� Ropeny fmmediaiely hforc ihe taking. Any balanrn sMll h paid w 6ortawer. In�he evcnt of a panial taking of the "-� �- - - - � ' <br /> '�'_`ti_,,.� Propeny in which thc fair markci vaiue of�hc Propcny lmmediaicly before ihe taking is Icss�han�hc amoum of ihc sumx �,_ <br /> secund immediately 6efore�he �aking, unlexs Uorcow�er and Lender othenvise agrce in writing or unlese applicable Iaw R-- _ <br /> othernisc provides,�he procecdx shnll be npplicd to�he sums secared by�hiY Securi�y Insuumem whe�her or noi�he xumv nrc F�'�'> <br /> _ .� --.` Ihen duc. >- = <br /> If Ihe Pmpeny is abandoncd hy Dortoa�cr,or iL nfle�naicc by Lendcr to Oortowcr�ha��he rnndcmnor o(fcrs�o makc �:-. -_ <br /> -_-__ _ = an award ar ce�tle a clnim for dnmagex.Dortnwer fails to re.cpnnd ro Lender wi�hin 30 days uller�he da�e�he nmice is given. - <br /> Lender is nuthorized to rnllec�nnd npply thc praccedv,at iu optlon,eiihcr to rcstor,uion or rcpair of ihc Propcny or w�he j�_:__� <br /> �': -�-'--- <br />'`- -' '�'�-' sums securcd by�his Security lasuumen4�vhe�hcr or not�hen duc. ' ---- <br />:r'._�;_�_ -'.���� Unlexs Lender and Oortower othernise ugrce in wrning,nny applica�ion of procceds�o princip�l shall noi extend or ;-.-:V�:,,_____ <br /> postpone�he dne da�e of the momhly paymems rcferted�o in paragraph.I end?or change�he amuum of such paymeins. �;•� � -- <br /> _` �� � ' 11. Rorro�rcr Nol Reieased; Por6earence B)' I.ender Not a \5'ai�ee Estension o( the �ime (or payment or };�._. .;.-- <br />-�{+�)t%%;;�:�� modifirntion otnmortization af�he sums securcd by�hiv S�earity lacwmeni grantrd by Lender�o any suaessor in intenrts� �� `;:�;;:=�- <br />#�(�; __�pJ' of Ilortower shall not opera�c�o relevse�he liabili�y of�he original Uomiacr or Poxro���ert sucrosmrs in imeresl.I.ender 3 j_ i - <br /> �{,t r shall nol M: mqulrcd m wmmenar pra:ceding,ugain,i any succecsor in inicrcs�ca r.fuse to extend iinx tor paymem nr . - . � <br /> ki if�s�� otherwise madify amonizaiion af�he.ums sccured 6y ihis Sccurity instmment py mason of any demand mad�by ihe original �,R,����� _ <br /> CS ��' <br /> j�A �l�i�t-? Dorto�rer or 6orrowerF�uceeccors in intercs�. Any torMaranm by l.e�der in exercising any ri�M or remeAy shall no1 be a � 5;yt �r ��_ <br />°��Il� s[i.? -F;: •�'�?g.r,., <br /> .,tf�ry_`sy wnivcr of or prxludc ihc rxcrcicc af any right or rcmedy. _ _ <br /> + �;�$ 12. Succestors and AsslSns flound:Jolnt and Sereral Llab(Illy;Co-signers. "Ihe covennnu and agrcememx of this .,t ' r- _: <br /> xef.;l =, '��•, . <br /> n qep„ Securily Inslmment.hall 6inA anJ tknefi��he succes.on:md naigm o(Lender:md Sofm�ver,subjecl to�he provisions of . <br />'t5'.��%.ti1�{°r?3'•:� paragmph 17. Dortuwer's covenan�s and ngrcenumn sh:dl 6c join� �nd seveml. Any Rono�ver whu co-signs thi.Securiry `%��'�$--- <br />:�i��t���y�iL1:�� Instn�ment 6u1 dces no1 exame the No1e: (a1 is co-signing this Security Inswment only�a mongage,granl and convey�ha� "•r!•S{i+.;;,. <br /> ���'n'�}y 6orro�verl intcrcti�in�hc Propeny undcr thc��hi.Securi�y In,tramenr. (b)is noi personnlly obliga�ed�o pay thc snms ��F�'.,. <br />,'i;FP,•/ae,�.ri secured by�his Securiq•Inxlmment:nnd(c)agrcea Iha�Lender anJ any oiher�oRO�eer may a@rce w ex�end,modify.(orMar �� ,�i ,,.___ <br />���� �_{I or make nny accommoda�inns wiih mgard �o ihc �cmx of ihi. Sccnrily In,wmeN or�he Note o�ilhoul �ha1 Oorta�ceri ft`; , ` ; ��= <br /> Y� *.": tonxcm. � ��d . <br /> !,` •,'.iU' 13. I.oan Charges. If�he lo�n ucunJ by ihi. Stturily InslNmeN is whjecl lo a la�v which sem m�simum loan ��;��yN�c� :__ <br /> . .�;" ch:vge+.nnd ihat law i.fin�lly imerprcted�o thm�he imerc,i or o�l�cr Inan ch:vges cou.aeu nr m ix�vik�ic�i��a�����.��o�� .�;�;+r�� �i��4�.. <br /> ' ;�ca wi�h�he toan excecd Ihe�nuiued limi�s,then: la)any snch la:m ch;vge,hall Ix rednced hy�he:+moum necec.ap•m rcAuce ; I'�,{ 3 r 1�,� <br /> i S � ' =` <br /> k; the charge�o ihe pemiined IimiL and lb)any+ums almaJy cullected(rom Oortax�cr whi.h exr¢eAcd{umiiu.d limm will Ix nCR- - .-. <br /> .�. . -,}; rcfimded w 6orrowee L.nder may choose�a maAe�hi.rc(und 6y rcducin@�he princip:d naed unAer the NMC nr by maAing a i-t��{r�$a�^`-� 1` <br /> � direa paymeN l0 6arto�arr. If a mduce.prineipaL�he rcAuc�inn a�ill M vrm.d as n panial prepaymam a�i�hout any �.�iiY}�tY�,,���i'� ::.,,E" <br /> � :�"j'�` prepaymemchargeunder�hcNote. ��F( '� n �'j�ro�;�;. <br /> � � J�.�f(f, 14. No�ices. Any notice lo Rartoucr provided far in �hi+Secu�ity In+trumenl +hJl t+c piven hy Jeli�ering il or by -1 >� -; <br /> . (,:: mailing il hy finl clnss mail unlcn:ipplicnM1lc la�v rc�ryim+mc nf;mothrrmclh�d.Thc nolin ch;Jl tti JirecicJ lu Ihc Nropcp)• � �^�1 + �i'�^.. <br /> ':� Addre..ur any olher nJdns. Ilomncer Je.ign:ne+hy notice�o LenJee \nv no�ice to LenJer 41�a11 lx given 6y fir�l ci:u� ' > -.�'�. <br /> f1 mail lo LcnJcra nddm�s.laleA hercin nr any oiher aJJn+�Lcndcr dusign:n.+hy nnlitt lo Ilnrtmvcr. Any mni�c pro�iJed for ;l+f : ._,� <br /> ) <br /> - �" in Ihiz Sccurily InHnunenl .6:il1 h¢ dcemcd lo haec Inrn givcn In Uortmnr nr Lcnder when gi��en a� proviJed in �his i�! �Y..,_ <br /> j�r 7j ntSe. P�ragraph. , r T �: `: <br /> , . IS. CoLerninR; tie�rmbilify. Thi, Sccnnly In.trunmm .hail he gorerned hy I:m� anJ�hc la�r af�he �, . <br /> �, <br /> :.•_;t�7 juri+diclion in�vhich�he Prnpeny i,IM:neJ. In�he.vem ih:n any pro�-ninn nr.iau.c of thi,Sccuri�y In.wmcN nr�he Nme , ��l�y -c ' <br /> " �� _ •�.., coMicis wilh a lir�ble law.such rnnfticl�hnll nnl allccl o�hcr rm� Ii�i.Scruril Imdrumcm or thc�ulc xhich c:m 't�`::,-. <br />.SiiS. :: , PP P Y int,sq;l�. <br /> 'sF�.,.... - be givcn cfkci wi�ham �hc mmliaing pmvi.ian. To Ihi�rnd �he ihi+Sccuriic Im�mmcnl :md tlu 4utc an <br />�.'�n:� declarcd�o M uecra6le. � `� �'n1,�(c.�: <br /> ,-_�:,�; - -_��,�_!;�e. <br /> �IS:';�::_"�';_'; 16. R�rruuer'sCop}. R.�uuwc�..L.dilxgi�cn..ncauuli�nncJcnp�nf�hc`o�r:mdu(�i�ieScamii} imhou�.ui. ' ';"�'I�ry:ii�:� <br /> - F/�:: 17. Trnnxfer of ihe Praperlr ur n HenellcLd Inlrrrx�in Ilmroorr. If all�+r am pan a(�he Pn+pen)'nr any interca in �5�..;;---. <br /> . .S ; il ia solJ or Ir.m.femd lor if a hcncfirial imcrc•�in Bnrto��rr i..o1J�u tran.kmd:mA Iinrtu�a.r� a nawral�nom ;' ��l .�.-. <br /> ,. . `��. wilhoul Lcnderl rior��riucn cnn+enl.Lrnder ma�.al ii.n niun.�t�uin inuncdi:ne amcnl in Inll of all wm+v�urcd M ., .�:ri}:4�i'.' <br />�ry;"•� , � Ihix Secutil Imtrmnem. }lonevee tlii,n ninn.h:1il nm Ix¢�crci.ed'h-Lender if e�.rri.r i. ruhihi�ed h �l'd2f:ll I0W�i OI �•����)�� �tJ}' . �� . <br /> t � ?. . Y i > r >' �_ .� <br /> ��� -a-..i�•' Ihc date o(Ihil Sccurily Immmiem. }+,-.' .. <br /> . �. ��P I(Lender exemi.c�hi+np�inn.Lendtr,hall gire 13orroacr no�iac nl accel:r.nion. 'thr nntice.hall �ro��ide a ri�d nf : ""�� . ;�;t'�;'_.,.� <br /> 1 Ix 1Y;l�. <br /> ����.�1�� ,, nolle•.IhanDllAay.GoinlheJ:ne�hcm,iirci,�crcd�rcmailed.�i�hinuhid�Bnrro��cnu�nip:p�,crumdby�hi, ,. . ,"�,����; <br /> Sccuril� Imlmmcnl. If 6arto�rcr lail. �o �� Ihcu .um, riur�u ihr c�+ir:ninn uf�hi. ri�xl. I.cnJcr m:p' im�oAc any +;:�'�. <br /> .,..,{�; 5 r�� r _ i � :�.:.- <br /> rtmedin�xmiiurd hy�hi.Securit��In+Immcnl��ithuat fimhcr mm:c ur d.manJ nn H�+rtnner. <br />, :� � . . . ... :,._�. -. <br /> ".." - IR. Burrai�rr i R1�M lo Itetnti�ate. If Rnrro�.rr mcc�..rnaim m�diunn,. 8��rro��rr .h.Jl Ihr righl ta ha�c �1-- ... � <br /> - cnforccmcm nf Ihi.S..nriq In.trumcN di�runlmncd a�am umc pnor m thc r.�di:r oC �.0 5 Ja"mr.uch�nhcr p:ri�nl a. �r,�� :,�. .. <br /> ' ...:...'- .,.. " -. ._ <br /> , �inpi:L�md. .Fannie\Iar fTeddic Haa 1\IHIN V 1\\I NI\IF.\I�. 1 n�l.nn�(L..�nm�F 9 40 y�¢.'J..1 n�+ic�•. . <br /> �. . .� ..� �:� , . " <br /> , 3 <br /> � _t . � , <br />