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�t{ }s:a _s�.._.: -_.'•�t _._ � _�i ._,�. _ _ <br /> , <br /> -� ` . .. - _ � - �-R--".��-<,�_,M;.,u, ., �- <br /> ..-�..�..�+..`. - ,-...�,.. <br /> ; --- � <br /> .`�i:t::�a1 93• �.�"�.~i�i� <br /> p�yntenu may no longer ba requind,o��ho optlon of l.uWtr,It nwng�go imurwko covemgo(in tha emoum and(or the period <br /> IMt Lendor rcquiiea)provided by an intiurer apprnvcd by Lender ag�ln bxonxa evellablo and I�obtolned. Mrrowev slull�y <br />- Ihe premiun�s required la mair�ta6�mongngo Insurenco In cftat,or to provlde n loz�reservo,unql the requlrenxm for mortg�ge <br /> Insuranco Cnde In acmrdance wilh nny�vdltcn egrtcment bctwecn Horrower end Lendcr or nppliwbte lew. <br /> ---- 9.IropeMlon. Lcnder or lis ngem may muko reasonable entrle�upon mid fnspectlone of�he Property. Lender shall give <br /> F3o�TOwer notica a�tM dnu of or prior�o en Ins{kctbn speclfying rensonabio cuum Por�ho inspecilon. <br /> 10. Condemn�tlon The p�acods oi any ewnrd or claim for damagea, dircel or mnsequcntlal, In conneNlan wl�h eny <br /> condemn�tion or other taking oi any pan of�ho Propeny,or(or convcyenee in Ilcu of wndemnation,ero hcreby assigncd vd <br /> -_-- sn�u n�wm�p��a«. <br />� -"� - - In the evcm of o�otal�aking of the Propeny,lho procceds sha�I be appllud to tM1c sunss seau.d by this Saudiy Instrument, � - � � �� - �-- <br /> .._ _— �vhnher or�w1 Ihen due, with eny exttss pafd ro 6mro�ser. In the evcnl of u patttal t¢king of�ho Propeny in which�ha feir <br /> =- nurkct valuo ot�he Propeny immedieiely beforo�ho tsking b cqual m or greater than thc nmount of the sam�secured by this __ <br /> -- Sea�riry InstNmem inunadlatcly be(oru tho Iaking,unless 13orrower and Lcndcr o�hcrwise agrco fn wdting,�he sunu saurcd by <br />_��:�_'� thl�Steuri�y Insttunxm shall bo rcduad by t6e nmoum of�he proceede muhlplicd by �he Pollowing fracHon: (a) �he totel _ <br />.�ti�3�_ amoum of tho sunu swurud Imm�dlately beforo�he �aking,dividal by(b)tho fair market value of�he Propeny immcdiamly <br />�_.�a�� betoro �ho taking. Any bainnce shnll Ia paid m Borrower. In �he even�o(a psnial teking of the Propeny in whlch the fair -� � � --- � <br />'-�'�� n�erket valuo of Iho Prope�ry immcdiately bcforo�hc�eking is Icss than tho amount of�he sums secarcd immcdlaiciy beforo tho -- - <br />_�- `�" -" �ekins,unless porrower and l.ender oihernise egree in wdiing or unlas applicable law othcnviu provides,tho procecds shall --=- <br /> � � '�`"` bo e Ilcd lo the sums secured b this Securit Insirument whetlier or not�he sum+ero then dua ��=- <br /> i ��r _ PP Y Y �-- <br /> i L If tho Propeny is ebandoncd by 6orrower,ar if,afler mtice 6y Lender ro Oorrower that the wndemnor ofters to make an �p -_ _ <br /> anerd or acttle e claim Por demagp. Bortower fells �o rcspond to Lcndcr within 30 days aRer the date �hc notice is given, �.��. <br /> � <br /> " I.ender is euthorized to wltect end epply the pra�ecds,a�ils op�ion,chher to rcs�orolion or rcpair of the Propeny or ro the sun� -;` <br />?�� �`i'� '' securM by�his Saud�y Ins�mnknt,whcther or no��hen dua -'�"' - <br /> �';-r,,::".. <br /> �='^'i�:;s:" Unless Lender and 8ortower otAcrnise a ree in wdtin en e Iicalion of romeda ro nnci 1 sM1all �ot exter.d or ���;; <br /> aS;:>s�_i..,. 8 S. Y PP P P � P� .;.,;'�,,;r,. <br /> �5•°" ` s� ne Ihe due date of�he momhl a ments rcfenid m In ara re hs I ond 2 or ch z the nmount of such ments. <br /> 'T�;.• ,r:• W P� YPY P S P y'3 PaY -,:,•.,,�":`s---- <br />[:��;;?��}'f','!' 11,Bortnx�cr Not Reieaud;Forbearance By t.ender Nol a Walrer.Eatcnsion of tAe time for payment or malifia�uon .. , " -�Y� <br /> '"�';-5�f"�f otemoniration of�he s�mu securcd by this Security[nswment grented by Lcede�m any successor in interest of�ortowar ahell ��•-�'-;���_�,'__ _ <br /> ^'` '`" not o re�e to releas:cY�e Ifabilit of thc ori inal 13ortower or povo«xr's wcreswn in inaral. Lender shall not bc uired to �;�' <br /> - �5 Pe Y B � - J� 1 '=. <br /> ' r. .q,.' mmmm:m�proatdings agairtst any sucrossor in in�crest or refusc to cxicnd time for payment or o�henvise mad(fy emonization :.�.; �r#�_ <br /> ',;;�.`;�;y���; oi chc sv�mv secured by �his Sarnri�y Instmnxm by rcuon of any demand made 6y �he odginal Dortower or �orrowcr's a?k,��.;�, ��: <br /> : snecec�-s in InleresL Any forbraranm by Lendcr in excrcising any rig6t or rcmedy shall not be a xalvcr of or praluJe�hc e A - <br /> � '"'c exerci:t of eny flghl ar rcmcdy. ��� r� � �'�- <br /> --" :-nje!- !2.Sumssors end Aalgns Uound; Jofnt and Severul LIu6ility; Co•slgnere. The mvenams ar.d egrecments o(�his �"= ^;������� <br /> �:r. <br /> .-5•; S,^curi2��imuument shall bind erA 6enefil q�e successors end essigns of Lenaer nna Ft�nower, suojeci ro ihe pmvisions of ,�.;,� -i.—r � <br />;:�i�:�.� r paregraph 17. Qorrower's mv:n,ms ond egreemeMs shall be jotm and severaL My S7or�ower �vho rn-signs ihis Security '!f::;�.,.':;r�`�` ���_ <br /> � , :�.v-.;..�:�,r-: <br /> '�� ���"ec Inswm.m bnt doe.a r,ot execut.the No�e: (a) is co-signing ihis Security Insumnem anly io mongage, grant and mnrey�ha� �. : .: _��{�� <br /> ` `•� Oorrowtii s imrrest in thr Proprny under ihe�emu of�his Security Insuunum;(6)is nat perxonally obligeted�o pay�he sums - `':;. ' 4 i � <br /> -.�:-. secured by thia Security lns�rumem;and(c)ogrees�hm Lcnder nnd eny o�6cr Borrower may agrce ro ex�end,modify,forbear or - -- ,,5�����- <br /> � make eny eccummMa�iom wi�h regard�o�he Ierms of�his Securi�y 6uwmem or�he No�e�vi�ham�hat Oorro�ver's mneent. ; -,�; � ",' fi7 - <br /> ��.��9�� <br /> .' 13.l.oan Churges. (f�he la�n xcured by ihis Securiiy In+vumem is subjetl io u law which seu mazimum loan chsrges. .. �!i. ' ,�._;•.--�. .�k <br /> '� ;.,5�� nnd tha�len is finally inleryrcted so�hat �he incercsi or oiher loan charges mllce�ed or�o be�vllecced in connMion���ith ihe ;-;,:�S'+.�"?:i;::.��5�;�i_. <br /> � -`'� loan exttod�he permtued limits,then:(n)any snch loun charge shall 6e rcduced 6y�he ainoum necessary�o reduce�he charga 6` , .�l'�t �° <br /> :---„~ to�he pemih�ed limii:end(6)any sums atready rollce�ed from 6orro�eer�rhich excecded permined limits�vill be rcfunded w i F• � . <br /> ,:; i� ..,_.a .yr.{.L�_`: <br /> Donowee Lender may choose �o make �his rePond by reducing �he principal ox�eJ under the Nrne nr by mal;ing e direct - ��-_;�g�;,-.,. <br /> ' `� --�' pqvmem �o I3urrowet. If a refund reduces principal, the rcduttion �vill be trea�ed ac n panial prep�ymem wi�hnm uny _, -1 �_ ;- <br /> �, . -� �� prepaymem chnrge�mder�hc Nme. M� `��� - <br /> ^.-r ,- 14.NoUccv.Am•no�ice�n 13orro�ver pmviJed for in�his Seturi�y Inxvunxm ihall bc gieen by delirrring i�or by n�ailing � _� .: - `t Tk+: <br /> -� 'i =: 3�by first class m.9i1 unless appllcable law requims ux nf;mo�her meWni 7he notim�hall he direcicd to ihe Propeny Addrcss � '- -- - Y ' <br /> `"- " �` or any other r.dAress Dnno�ver designa�e� by notice �o l.ender. Any no�i.r in I.ender shall 6e given by firs� class mail io '�� ;,j ��� ' ��. <br /> t:...;.; _:; : r:,,-: <br /> . +�. Lender's addretia s�a�ed hercin ar any other nddrcss I.ender deaigna�e�by no�ice�0 6urma�cr. M�y no�ice providcd for in this - -� , <br /> �-, ' Sceurity Instrumem shall bc decmcd w harc Ixen givcn to�nrtnwer or I.cnder x�hcn giren m pn���iJcJ in this parsgraph. .'i �''-� '�, <br /> - ����_,���,�� I5.Governln law; Severe611f� This Sccuril Irtatmmcnl shall be orcrncd b fedeml lu�r and �he law of Ihe � � h'����'��' -� <br /> R Y• Y F Y � ,. .r.,..:- . <br /> jurisdinion in�vhich �he Propeny is loca�ed. In�he e��ent�hai an�� pmvisinn or clauxe of�his Securi�� Inu�uroent or lhe Nme �;;i��' <br /> � �-. rnn0ieu wiih npplicaM1le Ime,sucB con0ic�+hall nm aflea o�her pravision.of�hi+Security Inswnum or ihe Yrne which can be -� - <br /> giren ef(ec�wi�hom the con0icling prm•isinn.To�hi.enJ�hr pm��i�imm�(�his Security Inurumenl and�ht hote are declared :. -- '� - ' . <br />_. .. _ to h mrer�bic. :_ �,...�" . <br /> . ��, e`•,.:;i, <br /> 16.llorrmcer'a Cop��.&�rrou.r tihall hc gircn nnc ronG,rmrd copy nf�hc NMr:mA ul�his Sccurilp In.Irunxni. �. ;i� -� <br /> :�;� �'i Fwm302H 9190 } ♦���!f+. <br />_ �^1.2}�>�-n�_ r..�..<�e `. . <br /> '-"7"_ < -. . . <br /> .��;., i , .' <br /> �.ik'.,;_,;. f ' <br /> :1v, .. .f}�-•�:,�rq,.lS!7lif{r•'__-_- _ . _ . , . � . ,.. . . , . .,_ . 4��,t.t: � . . . <br /> ,;-,J <br /> '.� ' <br /> V-. . <br /> �Y�R��... ; , _ . <br /> .-. �'��' - - , <br /> . <br /> �:. - <br /> . � <br /> . ._ , <br /> . <br /> . : . : .. � .-.- . -. .. __ i . __. . •_ .__ _ . _.. .. <br />