rl ^l{l . .-� , ,.nr
<br /> e �. . -a - - _:.. ' . _ '
<br /> � .:. ° - ,.+'t`au ai£`eiit'it�.i�a.(��.�.a...::.._3n,:..su.;nLB:acai+rcixn.ai- -�s- �...._. . -._ . __ __ . . .
<br /> t_ ..,.
<br /> �,.� 31 93= lo'y
<br /> �� Q
<br /> ——_- 3. flwrd or Propedy lmunnce. Bortower sM1etl keep �ha Improvemertts now caisdng�or�'e�eaRer eruted on Ihe
<br /> Propaiy insured ngainst los�by firc. haurd�includcd within thc�crm 'extendW mvcrage'and any othcr hazanle, Including
<br /> ;_�� nooas o.n�am8, for which LcnJet rcquirea Insurena:.Thle Insurance shxll be maln�alncd In ihe umounte erA for the pedaQe __
<br />- �tu� I.ender requlrca.Tho Insuranco carrier providing the insumnco shall be chosen by Dorrower subjca to I.endePe approval
<br />"'�� whlch ahdl no�bo unreasonrbly wlthhelA. If Ronox�cr fails to mainmfn mverege dacribed nMve, I.ender nwy, o� l.ender'e —_.._.
<br />;,`.,7LY�-� opilon,ob�ain wvemge to prouct I.ender's dghts in the Prapeny in acconlancc nhh paregmph 7. --�
<br /> t;. ��'"- �� All Incurence policies end rcnewets shall be neceptable io l.ender nnd shall Include n standard mongage clause. Lender v'+=}•�_;_.
<br /> ' �t;y� shall have ihe right ro hold the polieice and rene�vals.If Lcndcr rcqulre�,[iovox�tr stull promptly give to Lcndcr nll receipls ot '-�"
<br /> 'S `", _
<br /> �- -^'� paid premiunu end renewal no�icea.In the event of loss.Dorrower shxil give prompl notice to�he insumnce pvier end Lender. �,;'� -_-._-- .
<br /> i� `-)�-r- Lendcr may nukc proof of Iou If nat n�adc promptly by I3ortower. - .
<br /> �l }'f:i Unlea+Lender and Dorrower othernisc agrcc In writing, tnsurence pr0000ds shill be applied ro rcsmration or repair of thc ��.'
<br /> 7�� "�`��LN Property damagcd,if the restomtion or repair is economiwlly ftasiM1le n�xl lxndtr's savdty is no�IcssencA.If�he rcstora�lon or ,��:,_,�+., �` .0 '"
<br /> 'ir .s:'f: �.. �. . .'^ .
<br /> ..-f',>�MS. repalr Is nol eoonomically fws161e or Lender's securfty o�onld t�e Icssenal,�he Insurzna pr�tttds shall be appllod�o Ihe sunu y:v,..�j`i iys�{?�,`;;_��=-_
<br /> f -e ,�;' socured by this Saurity Insuumem, whe�her ar no� Ihen due, wi�h eny excess paid In Dorron•er. If�ormo�er¢ba�dons Ihe :�-' s�� �S- �
<br />-��'-."�'"-':' Pro n or does mi nnswec v�ithin 30 da s n noiice from Lender ihnt ihe insmence canier has oRered ro sUlle a claim, Ihen i�.^=�°a;:��'�'r:•��=•�
<br /> Ne Y. Y :.._-.ce.�x..�.:-: _
<br /> � Lender may cnilect ihe insirance procevds. Lender may use the proceods ro repair or restore �he Property ot lo pay sunu s-- t�ty�t °-
<br /> ���--_-; secumd by Uvs$ecvcity[usuvi�u,wluU�er or nol then dua 7'he 30�day perlod will begin when�he noiloe is gfven. r,)q}+�i -- � _
<br /> , ;.. -.� Untesa l.eoder a4d L'ono•xer ahecwi,e agmc in wriiin�. w�y epplication of procecds to principal shall not extend or F;`�". - v,''.
<br /> p postpone�he due date of the munthly p�a��mems reterred �o in pars„ra{�hs I and 2 ar change�he enroum of�he p3pmenis. If `':_. _ -5--�: -+�
<br /> -��F �y under par{qra{�h 21 �he Fmpny is aryuiad 6y l.ender,13orrorer's ri�.ht w any insur�nm policies and procecds residdng from , ;; }t. i�f:3k�:�
<br /> ,y,;:,t`��r� damage�o the Propeny prior to thx a�quisition shall pass m Lender w iheezn:nt o(�he sums secured by this Securi�y Instmment _��;�.,�..�,il;izart��!�
<br /> �... [nmmdiaicly prior�o�hc acqeisition. _- � -.._-.-.
<br /> ` � -��i- 6.Ottupancy,Presen�t'r.n.�3a?nlenar.m nnd Protectlan of CLSx G'1c�x¢;Ovrroiver's luan Appllcalloni I.easeholds. i::�v `� ;_i�-�,
<br />�z -'P�c; Borro�ver shall occupy,establish,aid use�he Propeny az➢orro�rcr's princi�i a�;istenre within sixty days efler Ihe excemion of -�� �a'�.`� �.�
<br /> " � ;s5 �his Sccurity Insuument nnd shall mminue to wnpy�he Pmpeny as Dorrov:��r\7rinripal rcsidence far a� Icast ane year alter + t +��;F:Y--
<br /> c° • a,_.0
<br /> � -�.�� the dale of octupanry, unless Ler.der oih.nvise agrecs in�vriting, �vhich mnse�shall mt be unreuonably wiihheld,or unless i
<br /> �:-d:s � 4f�-.:'
<br /> -„u� extenuating circunu�ences exis� �rhich are beyond Rortower's contrnl. 6arro�rer shall not Aes�roy, damage or impair �he !ki�,A,;
<br /> °.�S„'��f�� Propetty,allow the Propeny to dGeriornte,or mmmi� waste on thc Prnpeny. Eono�ver shell 6e in defeuh if eny fodeimre • ..tt^,y,,_
<br /> y, �; ection or proceeding, whrtM:i civil or criminal,is begun thai in Lender's goaJ t:�nhjndgmem could raull in forfeiwre of the :,. , %'- ,
<br /> -- >� Propeny or othernise mat:;iallr impair�he lien crcated 6y this Sauri�y Ins�mrtn��or Lender's securiry inmrut.Oarruwer may �+- . - . �,�,� ''
<br /> � ' ' -� cure such e d:(an�t aM min<tate,u provided in paragrnph I8,by causing the uaian nr procecding to be dismiued wi�h a mling � :c��,;;r;'.��.g ''� .
<br /> d.--- �hat, in Lend:r's geu3 fai�h dcrermination, precludes (orfeiWre of the Unrro��er's imcrest in�he Propeny or ather materiel -'•� �t-i��'.�..
<br /> - ImPafmieni of Ihe lien cm�ied hy thic Security Instrumm�t or Lender's securin� intensL 8orrower shall nlso be in defaull if -°-� %'��!
<br /> 'i �'� 6orrower,during�he Iwn applicaiion process,gnve malerially false or inacwra�e infomm�ion or stntements�o Lender(or falle4 �� ��-`r'� S]�i'
<br /> - � io provide I.ender�vith ana ma�erial infonna�ioN in conna�ion with the Iwn evi3:nxd by�he Nn�c,including,bm not limited 't"�'�^' � t �y;�%::
<br /> � : 1;�� io,rcprcumations mnceming Oorrawer's occupancy o(�he Property us a principal rcsid:ec�.If ihis Securi�y Inswmeni is on n -��- ' S� '��y'�+�-,�
<br /> ` �%" Icasehold, 6orrower shall rom I wieh all the ravisian� of�he Icvu. If Ilorro�eer a vires Cee �itic �o �hc Pro n �hc �- .':„6 P�
<br /> �, i a�, P Y P �9 P� Y• . t � � �{
<br /> leauhold a�thc fm tide shail not mcrgc nnlecs Lendcr ogrcet�o�hc mergcr in�vri�ing. „ 5`' ��r���'�q1-��
<br /> {i+siyt; 7, prolcctian ot l.ender's Rlghts In Ihe Properly.If 6orrowcr feils Ia perform th.c co��nann nnd agrecmems conteined in �:✓;, � _`i���� �
<br /> �� �his Securi� Instrumem, or iherc is a Ic al raeedin that ma si nificaml affrr�Ler.dar's ri h�s in d�c Pro n (such ns e �
<br /> Y 8 P 6 Y� F Y 6 P� Y �j. - � _.?;� �
<br /> - ?` proceeding in bankrup�cy. proba�e, for condemna�ion or forfeimm or m enforee I��ax or regulolinns),lhen Lender may do nnd 1 riS'.. _ _1�;1�'!_'
<br /> ° pay Por o�haiever Is necessary �n pro�ecl �he valuc of�he Prapeny nnd Ler.der i riFhis in �he Propeny. Lender's ac�ians may e•.�- �
<br /> include paying eny sums securnl by n lien �vhich has prinriiy mer �his &curiiy Insvunun4 nppearing in coun, paying , �ai},.�,-
<br /> '::{�..:,,
<br /> . . , rcasona6le otromeys'fecs and emering on�he Propeny to make rcpairs.Ahhnugh Isrder may�ake nciinn under this par�greph : ;a'�.,f ,
<br /> '. ''--'"' --.._. .. � _ � . . .� �;
<br /> .; � '_ ~Any amoums dicburanl by Lender under Ihis paragraph 7 shall Aecnme udJi�ional drM of f3orm�cer seeured by Ihis ,��.^ f � ;S' �iti�
<br /> x - Securiq• Imuumem. Unless 6orrmver nnJ I.ender ngree�n oiher�ema nt paymenL ihex amnunn shnll bear imerest lram�he �, � � ,- [ � -
<br /> U 1� - _ .. h(l�. l;.
<br /> � ( date o(disbursemem at �he No�e ra�e :+nd .h.ill be papable, x•i�h im.res�, upnn noiice trom Lenclrr m Lmrow�er requesting ,�� th� �I1
<br /> t r41{��it payment. '.7r rj"'1�'"� '
<br /> 8. �torlgoge Iiuumnm. If LenJCr rcquinvl mongage inwrance ati a conJi�ion o(making�he loan secured by this Securiiy 5:i- . 't ' ' _
<br /> Ins�mmem. Uorrm�er shall pay d�e premiumc rcyuircJ tn maimain �he mongag. inwrance in e(fea. If, for any reuon, the !.;<': ,
<br /> ., �- mongage insurance mvenge rc�ryinvl by lander I:�pso or reatir+tn t+c in e(fec�. 6nrrmrer .hall p:q ihe premiums required to �s" � -
<br /> - �:'�}y obtain rnrerege subslanlially equivalem m�he mongage insuranc.precinutily m effecl.al:�aro.t wbslamially equivalenl lu�he '� `-'�-
<br /> �,: .'�;(�- cosi Ia 6orrmrer uf�he mnn aee in>urcmrc rcriou+lr in efkt�I. Gum an ailcrnalz mnn�a•i InaUfer:i rnred h LenJcr. 1! . .. . -
<br /> - . �. & _ P b"6' PP Y �;.,_� . - .
<br /> � 'Q 1i:. -� � subs�anlially tyui��alcm mnnga¢c imuranec cnecragc i.nni arailable. IAxro�ttr shall pay to lsndcr ca.h momh a wm cqual lo �
<br /> � ' ' nnr W�el�h of Ihe)�ead� mungage irouranie prcinium hing paiJ b�� Dorto�cer��hen Ihe inwronee co�trage lapxd nr eeaxd lo ��. ��..
<br /> ' . 1''���1;:: . _ .
<br /> - � i,:.- be in effecl.Isndar wili arrrpl.ux and relain thex pa�mrm.m a 1�,... reurvc in Ltu af mon�.age inwran.e. Lnu rcurae �..
<br /> -' ` Form 3020 8�80 � � � �
<br /> ..�•.�.l�i}� ` ' .
<br /> _ r,v.>...i
<br /> r'�,'�
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