�.d.M1�-�. __ . . 4 . J _ . . .. .� t 'Y;+:.. _—
<br /> .. . . -- . ..; _ __ _ _
<br /> � � ♦ ' t . .r:� ([ � .IT1^Yn._..n.-.n.�r.... . ,.'. 1. —
<br /> .��_.. rAi��J:��..�u.�.�at�+NfNN�k•.u�:�.W�u....n.tl�-y11YY1.nw��.a.�r�.n�.� _ ...�.. _ __ _ ._...
<br /> �
<br /> ���� g3- 1o"Jao?
<br /> _;:� ----
<br /> —_= t7.Tram(er ot Iiw Prope+ty or�Bcneflclvl Intcrrsl In Oorrowu�If all or any pin of tho Propeny or any interut in il
<br /> __-- I�sold or uan�krred(or If a ben¢ficiel fnccres�in Rorrox•cr I�roid or�mnsfcrral end Oorrowcr is no�a na�mel ptrson)wllhout
<br />_��.-�ti„�,. Lendcr's prior wflucu consen6 Lc��dtr may, nt lis optlon, rcqulrc ImmMlato paymem In full of nll sum� secured by lhlf
<br /> „�;h-,� Securi�y Insirunxnt.Howover,thl�opllon shall no�bo exercixd by LenAcr if exercise ie pro616ha16y kdeml law ro of the date _
<br /> _.��-;- of this Secud�y Insirunxnt.
<br /> j_ry'?�;��j If LenAcr ezerciscs ihle option, Lendcr shell givc�orrox�cr rtoilcc of ecccicreiion.The noilcc shall providc e perlod of nol =_:----
<br /> F- --.,.- Icsf�hen 30 days from �hc datc tho notico is ddlvcrM or malled within whlch Oorzowcr n:ust pay nll sums ucurcA by this ----
<br /> -� ��� " �� Secudt Inst�umenl.If Qorrmvcr fells�o a thesc sonu riar�o�hc ex Iwtion ot�his dad,Lendcr me invokc nn remcdlco ��'=-�---
<br />:h;, :,�:,:. Y P Y P P Pe Y Y r;.�r:..,:�:-----
<br />_....r,,.r .r, pemilued by�Me Security Insuument without funher no�ice or den�a�on Oorrowea .t;;..•r-
<br /> '-f.,,. 18. Ilorron�er'e Right to Relnstata If Ooaoxer nxe�s cenaim m�diiions, Qortoww shall havo �hc dght m havo '
<br /> - '=�= enforcemen� nf�his Sceudiy Ins�rumem discontinucd a�eny�ime prfor to ihe earikr oC (o)3 days (or euch alher pedad na �_%�v ��r` .. . . .
<br /> appllcnblo law may specify for rcins�atemenp before sale of the PmpCny pursunm �o any power of snle rnmained In Uds �� ---
<br /> _ -• Secudty Instmment:or(b)emry ot e judgment enforcing ihis Sceudty Instrumem.Those condi�ions aro thai Rortnwer.(n)poys �� x!��._-__
<br /> ' � I.ender all sums which then wonlJ 6e due under�his Sauri� InswmeN and the Note ss if no aceelermion had occurrod;(b) {�''"s, 1- , :.
<br />,.,, __,_{-.y,}_ cures eny defauh of nny oiher covenants or ngrcemenls;(e)pays oll ezpenses incurred in enforcing this Sauriiy Insl�umeN, , �^+;r�:.:
<br /> - including, bui nm Ilmited�o,rentonable nunmeys' fees;and(d) �akes such ncllon ns Lender may reamnably requirc to essurc �'�'�.�;--.� _
<br /> � - �- that�he lien of�his Saarl�y Instrumem, l.eix!er's righ�s in�he Property and Rorro�ver's o611ga�inn�o pay�hc sums secund by �;�• � - � ��-��
<br /> e-- - .I: t}iis Secvrity lastmmem shall mmiaue u�hangcd. Upon reiniiatement hy 6orto�rer, lhis Sernri�y Insirument and thc �u� �i� ?��
<br /> ,- ? �� oDtigatiatis securtd hercby sRall cenvain fully etYcetire as if no¢ceelemlinn had occurred. Itowerer. �his righ� w rcins�ate shall - >xy�y�,?,'..
<br /> �` rm:ap7ly in tde case of acceieration under p�r��aph 17. - '-
<br />-_ `- '� G9. Sa1e ct Noie; Chmy,e ai t.onn Srnicer. itn: lote or a panial imerest in ihe Nae (together wiih �his Securily :!'�t��;: �
<br /> Instmment)maq h sold ona or morc�imez�ciihoul prior rto�itt�o[torro�ver. A sde may rcs�dt in a change in�he enUty(knovra ��-" ';��
<br /> az die'Loan Sen�ittr')�Aa�mllais momMg pnyments duc under�he Notc ond�his S.curiry Imuunxm.Therr.also may be o�.r _�`=t=.� '
<br /> or nrore changes of llm l.oan Serricer unrelxted to e sale o(ihe Noic.If therc fs a change nf�ht 4oan S^rvicer,Qorrower will be ��' ` :,-_.
<br /> ts gi�en written nmice of the chnnrr in aaordance wiih p�r�g�aph 14 a6ove end npplicabh law.'Ihe notice e�ill state tCe namr ard ,, -
<br /> - .r.kircss of�Irc new Loan Srr.�i.er and Ihe nddrcss lo ohich paymemc should be madc.The notice will also iromain nny o�her _ -. _______. ,
<br /> intorma�fan requGed by applirnFls law. ''�`f� * � e
<br /> 20. Ilamrdous Subslanecv. Uorrowrr shall not cause or pemiit the presence, um, disposal, �iorsge, or release of any .s .r + -
<br /> Finurdous Subsinnecs on or in �he Pn�reny. Unrro�cer shall noi do, nor ntlo�v nnyone else �n do, anyihing affec�ing �he ' �:' s���'o�� .
<br /> '.�:.5�� Fmpeny that is in viola�ion of nny Gnviror.aiamal La�v.77ie preceding uvo sentences shall noi epply to�he presence,use, or ?i^2��-'` `-":;�<<:.�--
<br /> sinrage on �he Propeny of sinall quamiiics of Ha�nrdouc Snbstnnces�hnt ere genenily rceogniud to be appropriate �o nom�al �r�t�-"���'",.�•`•'""�-
<br />_ ��•�� �- � residemialusesandtomaimenanceofihePropny. �i3S �"�^=�'�;':��-
<br /> ,'- �;�-�" Bnno�ser shall promptly give L.enAer���mien n�tice ofany imes�iga�ion,claim, demand, lawsuit or other ac�ion by any �,':.�jr:.�,�'�,:;:,_':--
<br /> gavcrnnten�al nr rcgulatory ogeney ar prir:ne pany invnlving�he Pmpenp ar.d nny Hazardous Subs�ance or Environmemal l.aw S�,y•, „�. -- -
<br /> of which Omrm��er hxa aaual knowlcAgc. I(Borrowcr Ipms,or ii noiified 6y any 6ovemmcmal m regulatory awhori�y, ihat u�, -.�
<br /> nny rcmoval or other rem�diaiion of nny Haeardaus Subs�ance affeciinF ihr Pro{xny�is nccessary,parrower shall pramplly�akc '. --, �t� � ����-
<br /> ell n Ax usryedren�his'paragraph Z mrH znrdous�Sulis�an z�s'�are�hose subsinnces def:ned es�oxic or hamrdous subs�ences by� �ff+�i� � . -'{? ����y -
<br /> A t t ,
<br /> - -:- E:�:mm:x.^.to! la::• a.".d !h: fa!!c•.vin� 5;!!`5!3^tts g�•nli.y, Irrn?�c!?r� �(hrr OTmmahlr nr �oxic pc�rolcum Pmduc�s. mxic A?x` n : � 11H��
<br /> --�,•, pes�icides nnd htrbicides,volaiile solvenu,maierials cnntaining nsbesins or fomuldrh}�de,nr.d radinx�ire matenais. As used in �tlJ,�t'i�r„ ;�,� {!�_;
<br /> �his paragrnph ?0. 'Environmembl Lo��' means federal la�tis and la�es o(ihe jun.�clic�ion where the Propeny is located tha� -. ,.. � �
<br /> rcia�ewl�eahh,snfe�y orenviromnental pm��c�inn. -',�l ��'> �:,
<br /> NON-UNIFORMCOVGNANTS. 6orrorvermidlznd.rfunhcrcocen�mnnJagreensfollo�vs: 3•.ji'. -.� "?�;,�.� S, .�
<br /> . . 71. Accelerellon; Remedics. I.ender slmll givr nntice to 13orro���er prlor tn xreelerallon Polloxing 6orm�rer's Urench ',���,�t,��_;.;;;.�
<br /> ' oT any mvenanl or ngreemenl in Ihis Sceurily Inslrumenl (bu� not priar lo nceelerullon under pnragrnph 17 unle.ss . S•„ iy��ti�;���.
<br /> � �� npplirnble In�r prorides o�here�ise). The nnllce shnll sperify: (o)�he defnulf; (6) the ncUon requlred to curc lhe detaulC _�.`;��':2_�;� ;;�S�j4- ',j't'
<br /> �-- � (c)a dale, no�lecs Ihan JO dn>�x trmn IBc dnte Ihe noiim Lc gA�en to 13urro�rer,by�rhlch Ihe defaull must 6e cured;and - -i� �
<br /> (d) Ihot follnre�n cure Ihe defnult nn or bePom the dxtr cpecllted In Ihe nollce mny resull in xccelentlon of lhe sums S;i; ' ;�(��� .
<br /> . securttl hy Ihls Securltr Ina�rument xnd+nle nf lhe Pn�perly. The nalim shxll hvlher InPorm 11orro�+er of lhe rl 6t lo �p'��;t,. -t
<br /> -� � rclnslnle nfter attelerellnn and t6e d�ht In hrin n annrt ncqon In aaerl Ihr non•existence ot a defoull or en ollter � ��f� " ����'�
<br /> 6 R Y i:�..,:....�� :{,:.,t:��.,.-.
<br /> � deFe�4se at 13arroxer In �rceleruiinn mid snle. If the default is nnt curcd mi or before Ihe elnic xpecifled in Ihe nollce, - �-'; .,,a���:-,y,.�.;,
<br /> Ixnder, nt Ils op�ion, may rcqulrc hnmeAlale pxyment in full nf ull sums sermrd by this Secudly Instrument �rithou� � f ��f 3,t' ��
<br /> - furlhcr dcmund nnd mn��Inrnke ihe{xmcr of mle und uny niher rcmedies pcnnlllcd by apylirnhle 1»�r. I.endcr shnll be �;� -
<br /> . entilled In mllecf nll expenses Incurrcd in�nnuh�g Ihe remedies prnrided In�hls pnrngrnph 20.lncluding,6n1 nat Iimlted � k: .,'a+�;��?�
<br /> . �n,renconable u�tm•necs'fees nnd casis af tl�le erldencr. � -�-�'�K�'��!''%+-
<br /> ' If Ihepo��er of xnte is inroked. Trncim shnll record x nollm nf defimh In r.�c6 munty in o�hirh anr pan af the -'`. •�l:°`-r'.`
<br /> . � . I'roperl�'is Inrntrd anA shnll mnil cnpiis af wch naticc in Ihe manncr prc+cri6cd hp xppllcabic Im�to Dortoxcr and lo - '•°1.���--.` -.-
<br /> . the nlher persnna pre.�cribed h��upplicublc lao.After�hr Ihne rcyuimd b� npplicubk Im+.Truxlm shall�i�e public nollee - �_
<br /> oI salc lo ihr persons and In Ihc ntnnncr prescribed M upplla�6lc Ino.7'ru�lcc, ��hhaut demm�d on 6nrro��er,shnll sell - _
<br /> .- �t ihe Properi}nt publk nuclinn In Ilic hlghc�i hiddcr nl tl�e Ilmc nnd plam nnd undcr Ilie lemis designated In the nolice of ��- _ -
<br /> � � � sale In one ar more parcelc und In un}�urder Tru.l�r delemfni�c. Tructm mnp�watpnne tiale af xll or xnp parcel of Ihe ,: �+��• - �
<br />_" - Properly 6>� puAllc nnnnunmmenf nl Ihe Iimc m�d place of mq prcdnutil� SchcAulrU salr. I.ender or i�x desipnm ma� �.'
<br />_ ' purcliase thc Propcn}�m nm wlr. '..
<br /> i �
<br /> � � Fo�m 3D28 9190 V
<br /> r.�s�•� �
<br /> 1
<br /> �.
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