±}if�rl '� . _ _ _ . , ..: �
<br /> " ..� '_is . `� eY y�'"wr�'w-�+�^^'m.�. '... -..�___ .. ._
<br /> .:_�...,..s�l-..�:.�L8.1_�� -�Ja3:(4.....:,.:e..�4'Ata+..b1 "'. _ -/6s�1.� _ ' _-.__. �.�.._..�_�
<br /> 6 ��M1. 93- so��oa
<br /> 'POOBTHfiR WITH oll the improvemcnts now or hrrcaller crectcd on�hc property,and eli eaunxnt�,oppunenencea,rnd
<br /> flxwru row or hercafler o pan at �he propeny. All rcplaccrosms nnd udditlom shell elso be rnvered by this Savrity
<br /> Inslmnxm.All of tho foregoing b rcfcrred lo in tliie Sewdty Imwmenl ro the'Property.'
<br />---°"" BORROW6R COVUNANTS�hal Dorrowcr Is IawPolly sciscd of lLc cstatc hcreby convcycd m�d hm�hc r(ght to grant nnd
<br /> ----• rnnvey tlie Property eid Iha�the Property is unencumlxred,eacept for encumbmncea o(recorJ. [k�rrower tivartanu cud will
<br /> _y.�"-- defend generolly tho�ille ro�ha Propeny nSu�nsi ell clalnu end d.nunds,suhJcN m uny encumbrences of recurd.
<br /> ';;�_"�� THIS SL•CURITY INSTRU�IHNT wmbines unifurm m+•c�unu for natlonal usc unJ nmruniform covcnante wtth Ilmitcd _____.
<br />-- ._. -..— !-'_ _ _.
<br /> varis�lom by jurisdic�lon lo conuiwte a unifomi ucurl�y Ouwmea�mvedng real propeny.
<br /> i+".`:a19 UNIPQRM COV[:NAN75.Rorrowcr nnd l.endcr covcnam ar.d agnr a+follows: —�
<br /> �ylS'r'�+,-J 1� Payment of Rlncipal and Interestt �epayment and Lete ChxB�• �rruwer s6s11 prompily pay wlien due die -� - � •-- -
<br /> ;`1._. pdncipal af ond intercst on�ho dc6t evidenecd 6y�he Note and nny prep�yment nnd late charges Aue under the Note. _- __
<br /> ' � �- 2� Fundv for Taxes and Insurance. SubJect to npplicable Iaw or to a�vdnen�vaiver hy I.ender.Darro�rer shull pay �o � _
<br /> -n -; Lender on thc day momhly payments nru due mxlcr�he Noic,untll�he Nole is paid in fulL n sum('Ftmds'I for. (s)yc.dy�axu ����'�� T.
<br /> ,
<br /> z+ and assessments which msy m�ain pdnri�y mer this Secudry Instmmem ac a Iien on�he Propcn7;IM1)ycady�casehold paynxms t� y�- _
<br /> `�;.;__-� m gmund mnte on ihc Prnpeny.If nny;(c)ycady ha:ard or pmpcny insarnncc prcminms;(d)ycady flood insurancc prcmiams, 'f i,.:..,.
<br /> ; ''-� it an ; (o)ycarl mon a c insumnw r�mianu, if en ;ond(q an sums a a61c 6 6nrmn•cr to Lcider, In nccordanca with � ` --' -
<br /> Y Y 66 P ' Y Y PY Y . L^° _ -----
<br /> `�i-f��:°;'>i: Iho provislans af paragrnph 9,in lieu of�he payment nf mongngo insumnee premiunu.'fhese itenss are callyd 'Iturow Ilens.' .,;,�,�_,_: _
<br /> { Isnder mny, ul nny tlnte, coilm and hold Funds In nn nmount nm �o excecd lhe nwximmn anwunt e Iender far a@derally _ :a
<br /> � rclmed mortgege Inam m�y nquim Co�lioaou�er s escro�v uccount under lhe fedeml Real Csiate Setdement Pmttdurcs Acl of -�:f' - -
<br /> � �
<br /> -,� 1974 as amcndcd fmm�ime ro wne. 12 U.S.C.Se��tion 2601 et sey. ("RESPA'),unless ano�hcr law Iha�applies�o�hc funds (:, �
<br /> �t�+ sets a Iesser amoum. If w, l.ader may, at eny �ime, rnllect:md hold Funds In an nmoum not to excood �he laser emounl. '
<br />...__t 3;- I.ertdrr may eslinu�e tF.e a�rnuat of Gunds due on�6c basis of cumiu data anJ rcasonable es�inwics nf cxpendiwrcs of(uture _%.' : _. _.
<br /> " - Fscma Items or o[hefwise in acmntanoe wi�h opplicable law. 1P��
<br /> j::"7^..s,
<br /> ���-�� The �unds shaU be held in an insiitmion whase depnsi�s are insured by n federel agency, insuumentali�y, or enii�y � '•���=�._
<br /> ;:;�;r, r'�..;v:.._v �.�
<br /> � _.r,. (including Lender,if Ler.drr is such nn ins�im�ion)or in any federal Ho:rs_doan Dank.Lender shall ariplY Uie�unds to pay the , - - ;�- ;��,r;:�•_
<br /> Escrow Iteins. Lender may r.ot charge�ortower(ar holding and upplying�h:Funds,nnnually nnalyzing tIU escro�v accomn,or +, - ;? y 1��-
<br /> i �•erifying�he Escro�v I�ems,unless Lender pays 6orrower intercs�on�he�unds end applicable Inw pemua Lender to mske such r -,�ys; t4;-,,,m�,�
<br /> ,i , a charge.Howevea Lender may requlre�orros�er to pay a onrtime charge for nn independent rail estate tu mpunin3 service '�r�i��,.�`:_'—
<br /> � }_ -' uxd by Lender im m�nttiion �vfth this loan, unless appliwhlc law pmvidca oihernisc. Unleu nn a¢reemem is made or tf .,;J�try+ i
<br /> v >' ayplicnfile law mqnins imeresi�o be�uid, I.ender shall not bc requfrcd�o pay Rorro���cr any imcrcs�or camings un�hc�unds it` y j' ,���'_
<br /> - s+ +�},S Dnnmrer and Lender may ngmc in wri�ing, howcvcr, �hai Imeres�shall bc paid on�he �unds. Lendcr shall givc tu Oortower. � u t• ,Aerr,�(��;S r.
<br /> -��:Y.� �'t�, u'i�hnm chFr c, xn nnnu�l accoumin of thc Punds, sho�rin crcdi�s nnd dc6iis �o�Ae �unds and ihc u tic for �ahich cach T+� -� �it . ,..,�,:.
<br /> �`�'�,� F S s P �� �--;� ll,�,r,L>:°`�.
<br />-_.rb;�'s'S'..r�!"l, debi��o th.Funds x•ac made.The Funds nre pledF�es uddilinnal securily for all sums securod 6y Ihis Security Instn�rttnL _.,4_, ,.�����,s°.-
<br /> hPlya.-;;a� If�he�ands hz}:I by Lender exceed�he amnunls pennined�0 6e heW hg xpplicn6le Ixw,LenJ.r shall accoum to 6orrower - ;atyf�� _•'
<br /> .�i�tn..:�„� 4 PP� � � .
<br /> ? 1 � ' for the excess fund.in ncmrdance wi�h�he rt uirrmemz of n I�cable Ina. af th:omomn of the�unJs hki hy Lender at any Y, - '� Y ro�;���-
<br />.{-):+!�'.�'.�'-•� �ime is no�sumciem�o pay ihe Escrmv hems o�hen due.Lender may so noufy Qiorto�ver in a�ri�ing,and,in such case Dorrmver �. . _.',�{���J r�;:,���:_
<br /> 1
<br /> '� }f;+ � sh:dl pay�a Lender�he mnaum necesc�ry �o make up �he defici.nq�. Uarranrr xhall mske np ihe deficiency in nn more �hen '`�f�r�"�l�)��f ��.�;
<br /> � �1, y nvelre mnmhly paymems,m Lenk r's snle discrc�inn. �.;�711`i � �'-'�+�
<br /> . {r 5"f Upon paymcnt in PoII of all sums scwrcd by �hi.Scariq• In.uumrnt. I.cndcr sh:Jl promplly rcfurnl In Borro�irr any irti�r`�� ,�5��� �i�;i,�
<br /> c' Funds heid by Lender.IG wider par:�graph 21.Lender xhall ucyuire ar seli ihe Property. I.ender,prior�o�hr nrquhi�inn or sale •'; , 'y��hr li�[d��-
<br /> nf�he Propeny,shall apply any�imds heW 6y lander m the time nf acyuisi�ion ur s:de ns:i cralit�gafna��hr+ums xt.ured by ,.:; 4�h�k.-�7
<br /> -�_i, d� �� t?i= -
<br /> , this Secudly Inswmcnt.
<br /> � �. r f�� ( . .�.i�..
<br /> 3.hppllrnllm�uf Paymrnu. Unlrt.applicable I:nc proride.rnhenvi>c.:dl pa��inem.raeirnl Uy I.end.r undrr pangnphs �,� ��> ,�-;Y�_,
<br /> - I and 2 slr,dl bc applicd: fint, io nny prepaymem diargn Juc unJcr�he holr, x�vmJ, m amoum�pa��abl.�mder p:m�graph Y, ���5 't�^ ,4�;'
<br /> lhird.lo imcrcst duc:fnnnh.ln principal Jur.anJ laa.In:my lalc chargcc Ju.��mAcr Ihc NnIC. .:;��i p�.. �i;�'
<br /> ii._t_ 4.Charges; IJens Aorro��er �hall p.q•all vnc�.e..c.,mem..charg¢c finn and impnition,nurihuuhl.In 1hc Propcny ( : :
<br />.-t,'y.�{;� ' phich ma nlain rinril� nc.r Ihi. Secnrii• Instrumem. :mJ Ic;i.chalJ �ymrm�or romxl rcm.. if an•. Hnrro�cer shall � �i-- �fR I� ` . ';!;,:.
<br /> Y� P > ) P� F ) P•Y . :�) 1} S ._ .�..
<br /> -`r � . Ihcse abligations in thc manncr prm iJrJ in pangraph 2.ar if nut paid in�ha�manmr.l3nrrnacr shall pay�hem on iimc direcdY 'd •i� irF - ' .
<br /> , e�- .:l � lo lhc�ruin nwed paymem.Unrco�rer.hall pmmp�ly fumi+L Io Iwndcr all noii:..nf nmonnn lo be paiJ unJer�hi.puagmph. _ :Jtf��+�>5�,4,r3' f .i�._.
<br /> If�nrroo�cr maAc.thCx p:p�mrnl.Jimlly. Horruwcr.hall prnmptiy fumi.h�n Lendtr reccip��caidcnring Ihc pa)�mcnls. , '}::;'?1Y9�i"`�'%�14`.'.!'
<br /> 4�. I Wirrmccr xhall mm �I�Ji.char c:m�I�tn«hich h:n rinril•nrcr Ihi.Scn�nl In•Immcnl�mlc��I3�ttrmicr.LU a�rcCa in t - - F +�SJ t�; -
<br /> �- P P ) F ) P > > b _ � ! / . .,:.
<br /> �vriling la�he paymem nf�h¢nhliga�ion xcund hq thc lirn in a manncr acceptablc m lAnd.r.(h�rnmrtin m g�xwl f:�i�h�hc licn - �� r'},{ �� li�( .
<br /> by. nr JefcnJs agai�ut enfnrcemem nf Ihc licn in. Itgal pnwccdmg. whid� in �hr LenJrr'• npininn npn�e in pr.�em �he �'���1`+'y�.i{}�rl��'��':..`
<br /> � - enfnrcemenl nf Ihe lien:ar Icl.�tiure.Irom tht h�ilJer a(�hc hen an dgreen:.nl>au.fa.l„n io I rnder.ulvaJinating Ihe lien m .� }9¢f,4�f{.`�G)...
<br /> .,. . this Sccuri�y In.tnnucnL If IxnJcr Jcicnninc,�h,�an��pan ol�Lc Prn�rt� i..nhjrcl In a Lcn��hidi map auain prioriq�orcr .... , :r -.
<br /> � Ihis Security In.lrmn.nl. IxnJtr may gi�c Ilnrtm�cr a nn�i,e idrnld}mg �Le I�rn- Ilorm��cr•I�.dl.:ili.t� iht licn nr laAc�mc��r � � .. - ,
<br /> -�:. nrorc of�hc ac�inn.sc�fnnh ah�nc�cithin I(1 ila�.�.I Ihc E��mg�d m�Gcc - ,
<br /> .• .�c t
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