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i-I'/'}-�d . k�„�tl�...! ,�.,{ �iy.. . . _ .r_ i�14 s .. -- <br /> 4 / i.�.t�- 'r - V��m�..Jt�NL ' M4tfYCt.`ivY J._.�' - - . . l�:_.._ <br /> �lit' . � . i" ' , i �'b°q+' _ ;S d "- - . , . - ... _ _ <br /> � <br /> . . - . . - �' """ _ . "_` �_ .�— ' <br /> ���:..i.�.ar�.� .. . . ." _ .._. . <br />�- 93- �o��sz <br /> pcflods�hat I.endcr rcqulrc�. 71u Insumncc carticr providfng tlta Insurnncc shall ho choscn by Qottowcr subJec��o LendCr§ � <br /> �--i , opproval which shall not be unrcnsonnbiy wlihhelJ. If Dovox•er fnile lo meintain coverega described above.Lender m;iy,at <br /> Lendcrl option,obinln covcregc to prolcct Lcndcrl rlgA��in�ha Pro�cny in nccorAancc with parngraph 7. <br /> All Inxumnce pnlicice and rcnewnle ehall bo accep�ablo io Lender anJ shall Includa�stnndnrd mortQnga claaso. Lender <br />__ ,z...����� , shall havo�he righ��o hold the policics nnd rtnewale. If Lcndcr rcquirea,Uonawer shnll prompily givo to Lendcr all rcceip�s <br /> = —_ ot pald prcnilums nnd rcnewal noilces, ln the went of lass,Rortower shall sivo prompi notice to ihc Insurnnce cnrricr end <br /> _�,._r=,;.�.—� Lcndcr. Lender may mako proof of loss ff not mnde promptly by Dorrowcr. <br /> �" +'!�! '��� Unlese Lender and Oortower Mhenvirt ngrec in wriling,Insurnncc praceeds shnll be npplicd lo rcstomllon or repalr of <br /> 'Y� Ihe Properly dnmaged, if ihe restomt(on or mpalr is aonomicolty fe�sible and Lendert secnrily Is not IessencA. If�he `- � � - ` � <br />--�.��_'r.�'�7 msmmilan or repatr fa not aonomicnlry kuible or I.enderf�security waidd be Iessened,U�e insurnnco praceede chail be <br /> ti,�._��;,_�u_, �pplied la Ihe sums secured by this Securiry Insuumenl,whether or noi ihen Ane.�vith�u�y excess paid to Dorto�ver. If <br /> rf-�`) ,,%;�.�c' RoROwer abanAons the Pmpeny,or dces r.o� .t�saer wi�hin 30 dnya n naice ftwn 4enct:r th.i�the insnranee enrtier has <br /> --'==:'iii;+�'!� ofCercd to scttle a claim,then Lender auy eolltt�th insumm�:pmcmLs. Lend.r may ase the procecdc to rcPdr w rcstort <br /> s;?:,._\. <br /> _y.___.� ",t;,�t; the Rop:ny or to pay sams scearcd by this Sttnrity Inswment..rhethcr or no��htn Ane. 7Tic?0.d:iy period�vil1 begin�vt;en <br /> - ���_� ��ticc is gi�en. _ - <br /> �i���fp� Unless LenAzr anA 6orm�<er othenvise nFece in��riting,:my applica�ion of proce.ds�o principal sb>.q rrot eatar3 0: <br /> f ��s���� � postpone thc Ane Aate of�h:mondJy papmems nkrrai to in pangnphs 1 anR:nr ch�nge�F.c amoum.f�e payn:ms. If _ ____ <br /> y,:.,�t�`�:�:s�-,=,�� under piregmph 21 the Ropny is neqnircA hy Lend.r.RorrooYr\nght tn nn� inswnn:e policies anA;�roczedx rtsulting -- <br /> -�4?:t,'� `-�`�- from Aama e ta�hc Pro n nar m�hr,a ma�inn shall �ss to LcaAcr ro�hc cx�ent ot�hr s�rtnsammd b �his Seturit <br /> _;... -(J,.,'�'t..��._ R R Y P 1 .' R Y Y <br /> '•�;;�:j{;�4y`.`" ,, InsuumemimmeAiaicl norlolhr.ccur.ition. <br />�i;;�':3F'a;'�,s,'✓'.� 6. Occapnncy,Preservetlon, �6lninten�nm and Proteclion of Ihe Property; porrotirer's Loan Applicallon{ <br />- -"`j-"'°'� '"'' l.easeholds. DoRO�rcr ahnll acv <br /> ,�;,.�,.�,,,,. py,csiablish,nnd use ihe Propeny ns[Sorrowcrs principal rcsidence�vilhtn sizly daya aflor <br /> --�r,c Ihe exccmion of�his Securiiy Insuumem and sh�di cominue m cecupy�he Prnpeny ns Iionmverk pdncfpal rcsidentt faf nt - - <br /> -,;Jy;`, _:'�i! Ietisl one year nner �he dam of occupancy, nnle.cs I.ender o�herwi}e ngrces in wriiing, which consem shell nol be <br /> _ >�, JIt=-�':=:�: unrcmonably wi�hheld,or untets ex�enuaiing circumsmnces exis�which nrt Ixyond Rnrcowerl mmrol. l�ortmver ehall no� <br /> '�.�a��t�.;..�'.� desuoy,dnmage ar impair q�e Property.allun tlic Pro�xny in de�crinra�c.��r canunll waa�e nn�he Pm�ny. Ilorrox�er ehnll <br /> j -{�r,�:r,Y�i�, be in Jefuah if any fodeimre ncilon ur pnxading,whciher elvil ar criminal.i�hegnn ihai in I.ender g�xxl fniih judgmem <br /> ,. cnuld nsuh in (nrfefmre of ihe I'rapeny nr mhernise ma�ednlly Imp:dr tlie Ifrn rreaied by �hA Secndiy Iminmienl nr <br /> '' :'.°'' ' � LenJert secnriiy inlercsi. Unrtow�er m�ry curc•uch n defanli nnJ rtiname,n+prnvideJ In�cvngr;q,h enu+ing Ihe nclion <br />�' ar pmccedin@�o hc di�mi+ccd wi�h;�nding� l.�nJcr\grnxl fni�h dc�crntin�nion.prcciwli�fndclinrc of Iht Oortmvcrw <br /> imercsi in �he {kopeny nr oiher nui�eri:il Imp�drntrnl nf ihe Ilen crenled hy ihh ticcnrl�y Immnneni ar I.enderw �anrlly <br /> inlcrcs�. Uortawer +h�dl al.o Ik in dcfnuh If linrcnu�ca Juring �hc In;m ����u�:�r��„ pnxt��, g:ivc mmcrhdly fahc ut <br /> � Inucur•nc Infumiatinn or IsnJrr(ar failcd m prnvidc I.cnJcr witl�nny nm�crial Inlonn;ninnl In connccllon wl�h <br /> .' ii �he lo,n evidenced 6y ihe Nrne, including. hw nm limi�ed �n. roprc+emminm cancenilng Ilnrmn�erl ik•cnpnncy nf �ho <br /> �,.. <br /> ;,: .; . <br /> `�� :`.� PonpcnY ns a principnl rtxidcncc. If�his ticruri�y In.immem i+nn a Ica�chnld.Ilortox�cr shnll cnmply�vlih nll d�c prnvislans <br /> _f_ �,�_ ._; o(Ihe Imsc. I(Fintm�rcr ncquirc�fcc lille In�hc Pm�wny.lhc lerochald nnd�he fec Ifllc+hnll nm mcrgc m�lcs.lxndcr�grccx '- .. . .. . <br /> ..,f.; �n�hcmcrgcrinwriting. �..,.._-.�: <br /> " 7. Proleclinn of I.ender's Rttihis in Ihe Properly. I( Barrmecr (nih io perfum� ihc co��cnams nnd ngrcemems E�i��':.-_- <br /> comaineA in ihi. Secnri�y Inxvumem, or ihere i,a legal prnceeding ihai may +ignificantly affeci I.enderl riglns in �he +�tyr ` :.__ <br /> Pro�xny(snch:u a pracccJing in hanAfuplcy,praM1a�c,for eondcmnaiinn nr farfcimm nr�n enfnnc la��s or ngulaliuns),Ihcn r� -- <br /> l.ender may do anJ p.Ty for�eha�crer i.nccc++ap•m prntai�he ralnc o(�he I'rnpeny nnd I.cnder]riglus in�hc 1'ropeny. ',�f r ,� :—_ <br /> � -.��- � Lenderk ac�ion.m:ry inetude p:q ing�.ecnrcd by a lien which hn.prinri�y m•er�hic Securily Inslmmenl.nppenring :,.�� �s� �i --_: <br /> . � �� in mtm.paying rcasanablc:momc�:i fcc}und cmering an thc Pro�rty�m m�kc repain.Al�hanph Lcndcr may mkc aciinn .i. ti ,�:�. <br /> � �"; � andcr Ihis paragr,�ph 7.Lrndcr dit.nul har.In dn x�. ' .�.�f.�. <br /> r , . ,�:-;-� Any amnunk di+6uncJ hy Lcndcr nndcr�hi.pardgrnph 7 .hnll hccamc,dJitiunnl Jc61 af�nrtmvcr xcurcd by Ihia ' � - f ' <br /> .. �-...,,"::'�y,',-�� Securily Inxlmmenl. Unln.llnuoiecr nnd Ltndcr agrce U�nlhcr�enm of p:rymcn4 dic.c mm�nms shnll he;v inlcrC+l from Ihc `�i:¢::.i.e:i�'d"., <br /> . <br /> ��j� ,tv� dale n(diabnncmcnl:n Ihe Nolc rnle :md>hall Iw payahlc,uilh inlercaL n�m mniar frain Lender m ISnrro�rrr reyucaling �4a j�r . ���n ... <br /> � f� ;:.�ri4 p��mem. :.:�jf�.(i_�t. .. <br /> .__a 3: �l�t}� Sn'.: <br /> �.� tr,. R. ;11arlgaRC Insurnnca If Lendcr rcqnimd mangage in.nnm•e a�a conJition nf mnAing�he I�um saurcd Ay Ihis .' ' S�2 .taqi� ... <br /> , -..�;j�'i. Scavily Inu(umenl. Bnvo�cer.hall p:�y Ihr preminm,r.qnind m maimain �hc mnngagc invunnc¢in efkcl. If.fnr any )�, ;(��'��r�i �: <br /> •• . .:`�)1}} r¢a�m6 Ihe nwngage imur.mce nwer.ige requircd hy I.enJer lapu� ar eca.e. In Ix in effecl. ilorro�+'er shall pry Ihe �.;.(y,���itl� :` <br /> ��r.::r:; prcmiums rcyuireJ �o nb�ain a�v.rag. mMlanliall�� cynir:Jrul In �hc mungagc inu�rancc pm��imniy in e(fitiL :n a ca.l •. �iy f._".�"•-. <br />- - ' -'�<'+I'il wM1cemliall u ui�'aknl ln�ht cn+�lu Nnnanar ni Ihe nmtl•i a in+uranre xc��irn�+l��in rfkc6 Gnm an:�hem:ne mon•��c -- .:.�1�-._�. <br /> ��'.-l.;�:,1� )"I b;F' 1 6;6 ^:l'f�i:":,:: <br /> '�-'"` �t'•/ imurcr apprnred by Lcndcr. If.nh.lanii:dly rqniv:Jcnl mnn�a}c in.nranrc cmrragr i.nnl a�nilaMc.f3urto�ecr.hall pay In .,ir;.:t"•;, . <br /> -•,./(;'::+;rh. Lender each ntnmh a xmi e�u il m nne�t.ccll�h uf�he rcad mnn i . inwr;mm nmium Ixin� ud h 13arrnuer xhen Ihe '.�,.i.':"�_'�tp�i'=;,, <br /> :�:_"r;{{I,d�:�: I • > k•b P bP• Y <br /> '-. '" �}.'`.`!%:�;'_- imnnnrc corcngc lapxd orcancd�o h in.Ckr�. Lrndcr wiil anrpi.uu:md rciain�hr.c paynunt.:u a luti.rcxnr in licu . .'.,J+�i'•_i; <br /> t x. t'loy7 of mortgagc in.nranec. Lo..rc.crcc pacmem. nuq� na Inngcr Ix rcquircd..n ihr upuon ul LrnJrr,i(mmiFagc imur.uxr -7....,'_'. . <br />����:11/<<�1��;�;.�.-. crncragr lin i6c amnam anJ fnr thc�kri�xl Ihal I.cndcr nywrr,l prmidcJ h).in m.urer apprnrcd hy Lendcr ngam haamn , . <br /> : �1. aralablc anJ i.ohlaincd.Barruxrr.h:dl r.i�Ihr �rcmium.rr�uired In inainlaim m�n•a•.invv.mcr in rflccL��r lu m��iJc a . . .rJ},��;,, <br /> . i4;.'`. , I ) 1 I b b P . . <br /> = ��e,unlil Ihe reqniremem lor mntlgage in.nrance¢attdanac��fih am ���illrn agrecmenl Iki�cren flnrru�c¢r �'�j��,:' . <br /> ��ti+�-. anJLcnJcrarapplicahlcla��. ;�'.�i. �. <br /> . . Y. hupcetlnn. LcnJrr a� ih agcm m:n maAt cnvir.npun:md m.�a•:timn nf�ht I§apctn. Lrndcr.hall S; : . <br />. . . Flec 13nrtn�cc(nuiiCt:tl Iht limc uf nf punf In:nl in.�)ral�un yYCtl)ing reawnahlr em.c luf IhP in.�RCbnll. ' . <br /> - . IO. C�111(IPIIIIIOII00. �ILe��hKffd�oI an\ :ntii�J nr:l:nm I�rt J:m�a}.••.Jfral nt tunna'tion��ilh:un. . <br /> _. � " 1nq�i.i-.mnlv FunNeVnr4Tadtl4\I:mf\6111i\II\qlil\If.\I Ilnl.nml...,nni�. 4411 qr¢. t..l•.p•c..� � <br /> qral LU�NuSmx I.m.,tn � I . <br /> ' 1..4�v��a0 1�iNYTI 1\\�.N:al-11�1 <br /> I <br /> . .,'.�'��,. , <br /> ,.-, <br /> ! � { . <br /> i i _;` ' . . .. � . <br /> � y� �. . <br /> � !� t . . . . : . <br /> r r'II, �{ <br /> {� `{} _�i� i.J� .. . � - ' _ . . . , . <br /> . � <br /> : f . C <br /> �}• -. J�� . <br /> �! - , .t � <br /> ��'' ,, q . � _ . . _ . � _ ._. .. . - <br />