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p ,,, , ,e °Y-1t 3 5 � F <br /> f{r.-�'�[: - -S n�-T id -�l -.iJ t -i -_ _ r. <br /> �. r i �,_ i -. ,�� �� ; L�r - .,•t.�'r <br /> '� . ,_,�i�...v •.�:��,__.�,:.1:__....�..:.. � - . —�-- - — <br /> u.'��_,:�_ " <br /> `-�� 93' 1o�49z <br /> -�`"'""� TOOfiTNUR WITH atl the Improvementa now or hera�iter erccled on�ho propeny,nnA ell eexmema,uppimenunca, <br />=?°{''�—`� and fixmrce now or herca�cr n part of tha Qropeny. All rcplacementa and edditlom uhail aieo bo covcred by thl�3uudry <br />=T=��i�7'�: , InsuumcN. All of the Porcgoing ie rcfemd to In�Ai�Scadiy(nsuumem ns Ihe'Propeny." <br /> `"`''?`' BORROWQR COV[iNANfS that Oorrower ie lawfully seised ot Iho es�mo hercby wnveycd ond hw�ho dghl ro granl <br />`A'����-��,li� •f nnd wnvcy tho Propc«y and�hat thc Propeny In uneneumbcnA,excepi Por encumbrences of recurA. Uorrowcr wnrtaNa nnd __ <br /> ._u� - will defend generelly tho�i�la to tho Propeny agninsl ell claim�nnd demande,wbJect lo any encumbrenca of record. <br />-�� n-^;�<� 'f'FIIS SL'CUR17'Y INSTRUM6NT wmbines unifomi covenants for national usc and non•unifomi wvenanta wlih —__ <br />-;:�.,-��,--r-��--,:'}" limiiedvnriationsbyJurisdieiloniowns�imionunifomicecurityinstrumentcoveringrcalpropeny. _ - � � <br /> :'��;;_,=;;�_:t UNiPORM COVCNANT3. �orrower nnd Lendcrmvenent and agrea ee follows: ____ <br />- �'�;�-%o�;s�# 1. Ppymenl of Principal end Interest�Prcpayment pnd Lete Churgca. �ortowcr shall promptly pay when duo ihe ; _ <br /> z�`�` � - pdncipal ot end imerest on iha debt evidenmd by�he Nou and any prepayment and Ime charges duc unAcr�hc Noia. °. .. <br /> , , :� <br /> { -- ; 2. FLnda for'Ihzes end 7nsurunce. Subjat to appliceble Inw or�o e�vritten waiver by Lender,Bortower shall pay�o isi!"' <br /> i;� Lcr.d:r on thc day monthly p�+ymenis ere due under th:Kwe,untll the No;e i�fnl6 n sam('Fandt")for:(a)yearly - _ <br /> _'.'� �axes nnd assessm:nts whicT may otmin pdo�ity o�yr�his Securiry Instrun�:n�as a li:n w tM RoptrtY;(E)yeady F�seM'd �'. _ <br /> . paymrnis or ground renis on �ha PtoptMy, if any: (c)Yeady hazud w prope`ty insn'ance p:tmiums:<c�)yeaaly Rood ��..•, ._—__. <br /> - insurance premiums, if any; (e)yearly rtwrtgagt insurance preminms,if nny; and(p e.ny sums p;yab!e 6y Bwrou�er ro �ri - <br /> -- '/' Lendet,3n ecwrdance wi�h the provisions of paregrnph 6,in lieu of the pa��mrnt of mo:tgage insuraims Mzmiums 7h:r 4ti�s � .�. <br /> ri'/;:�� items nre called"Escrow Uenu.' Lendtr may,a�any 1ime,collec�xnd hnld Rmds in z.n amour�t not ta excea3 the rn:ximum t�},�:�;3,�-�-; <br /> ! 41� , <br /> { <br /> r.. L;i°��� amoum a lender for a federally rcia�ed mortgnge loam m�y reqnirt for Boau�rer�esrcmv mvimt u�:r 1ne fedzral Rwl F�r,`.§�� i ,,;-. <br /> �J{����,�' ' Es�nte SeWemem Procedurcs Act of 197A as amended fmm�ime�o iime.121f S.C�i�1 etuq.CRESPR'),unless anolher �+ a� <br /> -���� I�w�ha�e Les w the Fmds sets e lesser amoim� If so,Lender mn nt nn tim:,wlleci and tro d Fcnds in nn nmoum nol ro s��r <br /> �e�F� j PP� 3'. 7 _. . <br /> , � r ezceed thc Icsser amour.;. Lend:r mag es�imaie the sTOUnt of Funds due on the bazis of current data nnd rensonable d1`S"t . _, <br /> rH �t }��y p�; es�imates of exFendiwces of fum�e 5ccro���i�ems or othe`wise in nccardantt wl�h applicable law. ��vi 3i <br /> , �:�s�!M,�!'� 'fhe Fvndc sAall h held in an Institution �vhose deposiu are insured by e federai ngency, instnimemnlhy,or enlily .i.,r,;,��1�,;, <br />-��-'.}..e•. (inrluding Lendar,if Lendcr is such en ins�im�ioN or in any f'rAcml Home Loan Uank. Lender shall apply Ihe('vnds to pay ;- •�: ���: <br /> ".. ;�.',_".:; . <br /> . �.�� ,:�•�;� �he Guro�v I�ems. Lender ma not chsr e 6ortower for holdin nnd n I in �he f'vnds,annuall anel zin �ho escrow ����='�""-"' <br /> Y B S PPY B Y Y 8 w-.�;�,=�..:.. <br /> ::'�� :Y± nccount, or verifying �he Cscro�v Ilems,unless Lender pnys Rortower inlerest on �he ILnds end nppitcable lew pemills "._�"4yf"-;:,,. <br /> '' Lendcr to mnke such n charga Ha�ve��cr. Lender mny re ufrc 6orrower�o pny n one•�ime d�arge for nn independem rcnl -•. ..�� <br /> ;�1.,i..�;��-�- eslnie uu rporting service used 6y Lender in canncetion tv�h�hfs loan,unless applicadle Imv provides mherwix. Unless en y°?��iy?�, <br /> ogrcement is madc or opplicablc law nquircs f inercs�Io bc paid.Lendcr shall nol Le rcqulrcd m pay Dortower uny imcrcst or :'.,�c,' <br /> � . eamings on ihe�wid.. Donnwcr nnd Lender m.ry,grcc in wriiing,ho�vcrcr,ihai Intcrcs��shall bc pald on ihc Ilmde. I.endcr �.;_'�_��1," <br /> - . `� shall givc lo fiorto�vcr,withonl chargc,an nnnnal uccauntlng af�hc Pund+,Ehowing crcdl�s nnd dcbils lo lha RNnds and Ihc �___----- <br /> . ' �i��"� pnrpose for�vhich each de6i1 In Ihc lLnJi wns made. 'fhe Fiindx nre pledgcd ae nddltionnl saud�y for all sams Recured by =-- <br /> -i" � • UdsSccuriiylnslmmem. — -- <br /> - ��-� If tlu INnUS hclti iiy I.cnUCr eacccJ �nc umaums permiacu w 6c hcid by nppiicabic inw, LcnJcr nhail uccount iu - --� - - --�--� <br /> �' -. � Ilorrower for the excess f•LnJs in nowrdance wi�h the requiremenls of uppilcable Inw. If�he nmount of Ihe Punde hcld by __ <br /> � ' • l.cnder;ii nny ilmc Is noi sufficicm m p:ry�hc �3ccrow Imm�whcn duc,Lendcr may m no�lfy Rurtowcr In wdtlng,end,In <br /> �i�'�i> `�- - such caec Oorromr shall pay m Lcnder�he mm�nnt neces.wry �o make up ihe deltciency. Nortmver chall mako up Ihe <br /> ;���� � deticlency in no ntorc than�welre momhly paymems,m Lcndcrk sale discrcllon. <br /> � U�wn paymem in full of nll sumc secured by�his Securiry Insuumen4 l.ender shall promptly rcNnd�o Uorroxxr eny <br /> ' Funds hcld by Lcndcr. If,undcr pangmph 21.Lendcr shidl acrryirc or scll the Property,Lender,prior to�ho scquisitton or <br />- �` anle a(�he Propeny,shall opply any Ponds hcld by Lendcr at�he time of acquiei�ion or snle s+u credit ngalnst the sume <br /> '� -� scwred by ihis Security Inc�mmem. <br /> �`'s'"' ' J. A Ilcatlon of Pu men6. Unles. a hc�blc law rovides o�herwise, all mems receivcd b Lende�under =_ <br /> :.r.r.; .:'� PP S PP� � P PaY Y <br /> ;'P„:;�.:��. �- paragmphs I nnd 2 shall be applial:firx6 in nny prcpaynxm charges duc under�he Note:accond,w nmounLS payable under <br /> �-�;-�;•..,. -_ paagraph 2:third.�o imereu dnt;fnunh,m princip�l du�;and lax6�o nny late charges due under�he Nole. <br />»/,,-,f; -_ 4. Charges; Llens. Owro�vcr shall pay oll �axes, ncsessmrnts, chargcs, fines nnd imposl�lons euflbutablo ro Ihe �=:::. <br />=�i,-'{' �: Propeny which may mtain priority o�rr this Securiiy ImimmenL and Ieasehold paymems or ground rents,If nny. Dorrower �;'- <br /> yta c���;-.�.�'�. shall pay�hcu obligations in�hc manncr pravided in p�ragrnph 2,or if no�paid in�ha�manner,6ortowcr shall pay them on =-=_-- <br />_i -�+ir--- �inx direc�ly to the penon m�ed paymem. f3arro�rer xhall promp0y(umish m Lender nll no�ices of emoume to be pafd under -;-._ <br /> i'��-.?�'• this plragnPh. If�orrower make.�heu paymcros dira�iy.Rortmecr shall promD��Y furnish lo Lcndcr recelpts evidencing k��::;'�°' ___ <br /> k - '� �he p�ymcros. E � <br />��•';� Dono�ver shali promptly Ji�charge any lien�ehich hac priori�y m�er this Security Insuumem unless Dorto�ver.(e)egrees I'�j J2 <br /> in���riling lo Ihe paymenl of�he ubiigaliun xcurcJ My Iht li.n in a mnnnCr:�cceplahle lo l.ender,(M)conlests in goad feilh Ihe k ., � <br /> - . :� licn by,or defcnJs againsl cnfnrcemcm of Ihc lien in.Irgnl procccJings�vhich in�hc Lc�cri opinion operatc m prcvcnt tlic - =..,.t.,:'. . <br /> .. �. �� enforcement of the licn:or(c1 urnrcx from�he huider of�he lien an ngrcement w�isfaclory lo Lender sn6ordinaiing lhe lien �"��?�::-�i';- <br /> to�hi.Sccurity Imwnam. If LenJcr Jrt.rmincs�ha�any pan of thc Propcny i.subjcct m n licn�vhich m.ry nnnin prioriry '��?`-��"�- <br /> � j rn�.r thix Seaviiy Instrmucm.I�ender may gire Iiovu�rcr a nmir.identifying thc lien. 6ovu�cer shail smisfy the lien or txke `�`(° �- <br /> � � anc or mure o(thc aciiaro u�fonh ahnre wi�hin 10 J.ry:c�d ihc giring af nnticc. - ' �°'- <br /> 5. Ilaeard or Propeny Insumnce. I)orro�nnM1all kttp ihe•exi.�ing or hercafler crecled on�he �"-� <br /> Prnpcny insured againu In,c hy Ore.ha�.rtJ�incluJeJ��iihm Ihc temi"cxlcnd<d cae.ngc"and any ulhcr hatard..including <br /> Ooods or Ila�dmg. fnr uhich I.endrr rcyuirc+ TOi. in.umncr .hell Ix mainlaincd in ihc amounls and for Ihc . . <br /> Porm WL1 9N0 iryer:.qnp.�..� <br /> I ' <br />. ' '� -_..� . <br /> ,l <br /> ( � <br />- -' I _-. . ._._.. . _. .-. . . _. .._ ..�.______. . .. . <br />