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..�.....�1_��V1W 1 d Y� j •"T„�. uauelutl.� ., . .. . ... w�,�- -.-.r-�-i . "'" .___ <br /> �. <br /> � .93= so��gz " <br /> condemnulon or othar mking of uny part ntiho Propeny.ot for convcynnco in Iicn of condemnmion,aro htreby acsigned and ' <br /> shall De paid ro Lcnder. ' <br /> In �he evcnt of a total iaking o(tho Propeny, iho praccede shall bc applled �o tho Bume wcun;d by Ihia Seeudty <br /> InsiNment,�vhelhcr or not thcn duc,wiih any exc¢ss pald to Qortowcr. In tho event of a panlnl�nking ot�ho Property In <br /> ' whlch Iho fnir mnrke�valuo of tho Property immedlotely beforo tho mking Is eqiml�a m 6roater tlian tho nmouN ohfie eume <br /> . secnm4 by�hls Sauriiy Insimment Immcdlaiely befom the Inking,unless Ilortower and Lender olhernlaa ngrw In wdling, <br /> Ihe smns securcd by ihis Sauri�y InstNment shall be nAnced by the amouni ot ilie procecds mulilpIled by tlio fbllowing <br /> _— trection: (n)�ho�oiol emount of�he sums ucumd(mmcdiaiely beforo�he taking,dividcd by(b)the fnit merkct vntuo of the <br /> - � ^ Property Immcdfntcly bcforc�hc taking. Any balance shall be palA to Rnrtowc�. fn ihc event ot n pxnial tnkin� of�ho . _.... - <br /> Property in�vhich�he fnir muket vnlue of iho Ropeny immedlatcly beforc lho tak(ng Is Icss ihan�ho nmount of t110 bUN4 <br /> Fy�— 6CCUfVd Immcdiatcly bcfore ihe �aking, unicss Rortower nnd Lcndcr aMnvise agee in wriBng or unless nppUcablc Ww <br /> ' � .�t, o�henvise provicks,tA;pracmis shall be applfed to the sums secured by this S:aaiqr tnstmmeN�vhether or r.a�e sums an _- <br /> �" thcnclue. <br /> S'�Z r+�''l,t nn award orPseiie ac7:iim�fordumagca�,�E:+to eer(a ls ro«�pond to Lcnckr w��ti n 7i1A yy aftr r d+te hc�n�i c is giv ne . <br /> ••'.�'r'�'{'` Ltn3tr�s atr.Rorizrd ta cotl:ce�nA ap,�!y i:�c proceeds,at iu op:io:�.ei�rr to reswrntwn or rc�nir uf the PropetlY nr to Ihe <br /> ��'=V.f��T <br />}��=iij�!r;,H a�m�sccarsA by Yhis S.cin�ny InYtrumcm,whether or nol iTen due. <br />"_�r;• ;_;- • Unless Lender and Bo:eower o�henviu ngrce In wri�ing,nny n plicntion of proceeds to pdncipal s6n11 no�ex�end or <br /> -';.��•„-.;�{ � pos�pone ihe duc da�e of the monthly paymems rcferrcd lo in pamgr�pPs I nnd 2 orehange�hc amount of anch paymcnts. <br /> �;,_ -�,r;,��. 11. Oarrowcr Not Relen.ced� forhenrancc 0y l.endcr Not n Walver. Cx�ension of iho �ime far paymcnt or <br /> �`_r,;,�.�*4�f modffica�ion of amonbn�bn of�he sumi ettured Ay�his Secnri�y Insmnnem gmmed 6y I.ender�o nny suceessor fn INercst <br />�',;�:.,;f>�-... of Rorrower shnll not opera�e�o releace�he Ilabilf�y of�he original f3nrtower or Iluvaurork successorx in Imercxi. I.ender <br /> +`-� ' -" ehnll not be rceIulrcd�o rnmmence prnccedingi ngnin.l nny cncces.cnr In Imettsi or nfuxe �a exlend Iima fnr payment ot <br /> , �,'���'' o�herwixe modify mm�nliminn of ehe+ums xtturcd hy ihic ticcnriiy In.�mmcm hy n:uon of nny Aemm�d mnde by�ho ndginal - <br /> '.,..•::.''.r.. � Ilarcnwcr nr flormxrork sncaxsnrn in intem+i. Any fnrl+cnrnncc liy l.cndcr in ezercising uny dgM or remcdy Fhnll nrn he a <br />° � �valvcr of nr pmcluAc�hc cacrelcc af nny dgM or remcJy. <br /> 12. Aucce�sore nnd Asslµns UaunAi Jalm unA Yrrernl I.InLllilyt('o•slµnere. 7Le covenam,and ngicemem.of�hie <br /> �`��� '. ��t,. tiecudly Indrumenl�hnll binJ nnJ henelil ihe�necesaor+nnd nexigm nf I.enJer imd Dnrtnwer,whjecl m�he pmvleinm of <br />. ., . p�mgrnph I7. Ilorrmccr4 co�cnnm� nnd npncmcm..hnll Ix jolm nnd +evcml. Any Ifortnwcr whn ca.Rigns �his Sccnd�y -. <br />.. ' .' �;;y. Imunmen�bm diMe no�execule ilu Nu�r. 1�1 f+co.+f y�ninp 16N Sccnrily In.lnimem only lo mnngnge.grnN and convey Ihni <br /> . :'��`'', ".,i RurrowcrA Imcrta�in�hc Prnpcny nndcr�hc�cnna ohl�i.ticcuriiy In.uumcnL• (b)is no��xnonalty ohllgnlcJ�o pay ihc sumR =---- <br />- '�' '��-�-°�-� secured hy ihis tiecurity In+lrumem:nnJ(cl�gnes lhoi l.ender nnd nny mher Iiorrower mny ngree�a ex�end,madify.Porbear -�-_� - <br /> - "�".,%i����;'$�,' or make nny nccomm�Lnin�s wi�h regnrJ in �he �emu o(this Securi�y Insimment ur�he Nme �vi�hom �hm fiorta�verF ph'=�—��� <br /> v 'i. co�ucm. v,�.u«— � <br /> �yr: IJ. I.unn Chneges. If ihe la:m tiewred by �hi, Security Inslruntenl i+u�bje[I lo n Imv�vhich se�s m�uimwn loan •�i. <br /> ' < < --�•-� cl�vee..nnJ�ha�ta�v ix finally intemrcted an�hai the im.rca�or other loan chargn cullecled or lo be eollecled in conneciia� .,�'.�,_ _ <br /> wilh d�e loan exceeA Ihe pemiined limiic.�F.en: (aI any�such loan charge+hall 6e reAnced by the amaum necesxnry la rcAuac �':: � <br /> ir�F� ,� Ihe charge in�he pemiiueA IimiL nnd(61:�ny+mns alrcad��cull.c�ed(rom 6orto�rer��hich e�az.d�d pemtiued limiu will be � <' '� �=_, <br /> � �a:".,'- rcfunACd�o l3orrmcer. Lender may cha�xe m mnAe�hix refund 6y rcducing�he principal m�ed im.!.r�he No�e ar by making a f�{ t -.+r�" - <br /> �� }��- dirca paymcm tn Ronnar�. If a rclunA nduca principal.ihc reAuainn�rJl M trcateA a+a paroal prep.ryment withow any r�.� .. � : <br /> � - ;-- prepaymem charge under�he No�c. - ° {+ <br /> t__ � <br /> , <br /> r . . `! : <br /> .. 14. YoUces. Any�no�ice �n Uortooer prnviJcd (nr m �hi.Securiry� In.mimrm shall tk gi�en by dclivering it or by� j�,: ` _ i}��t. <br /> - � mailing i�hy fini clacs m:iil unle„applicable I:m nyuircc ux nf:mmher m.�hal."Ih.nmi�e.hall be Jirecled lo�he Prop.ny <br /> ..�/_..y.l?�(:� . .��. . \ :S�(U�:'.a�5.a <br /> �:�s AAArcxs or anr mhtr aAArca.Rorro��.r dr.igna�e.6y noliac�o Lrndcr. Am nnlin�o Lcndcr skdl 6c givcn by firs�cla.. . ,Y .,-. <br /> - '�N,y, mail m 4cnder:addns..iil.d hercin nnm�o�her:iJdrc++I.end.r Jr,�Fna�c,h��nnli.r w Borton.r. Any no�ice proriAeA for f- .. �' ���l -��� <br /> s - in �his Seairiq• ln.unmem .hall Fc Jremtd In harc Ixcn gicrn In 13orrnacr ar I cndcr whcn civen a. prmidcd in Ihi. fl�,i - i f i da_r__ <br /> � ��- parngmph. ;h� l� - ; ' <br /> ��;: <br /> t, 13. Gncerning I.nn;Se�rrxbilil}. 17ii, ticaunry� Inarnmrm .h:Jl ta g�ncrnrJ fi� kAcral Ia�r and ihe I:nv uf�he .., lf�� .f s : <br /> r .rS�s uriaAiclinn in whid�Ihc Pro n � Ia:.ucJ. In Ihc ih.n an �rm•i<ion or a I.unr of Ihic Srurti7 Irolnnncnl or Ihc No!. `'= »i ' �{F} �-:. <br /> . 1� a 1 M1 Y ` 7'1 Y 184rF�:!S,�.E,:P.:t;:;'. <br /> "����=. con�ic�s u i�h a h�ahle I:n��..nch amflirl.hall no�afkcl nlher r n iciom nf Ihi.Securiir In.lmmem or lhe hole which ean <br /> `t 4; rr�.. �, ��,., �>�,$ '�°js+r'- <br /> yi <br /> ' > <br /> ��:i . i \ ��d � n.�mmcnl anJ Ihc M1wr wrc � <br /> � '�,) hc gi��en clfccl wilhnnl Ihc�anllicling prari.inn. Ta Ihi.end Ihc pn�� u n �f Ihi Sau n. I vl'j,: . .T� j4r���vr�� ,-_ <br /> - �- ',,. deci:vedln6e,avenhlr. .lt� .a h�+:.: <br /> . :; <br /> � 16. Uorrourr's Cop)'. Borro���cnhail Ik gircn�mc ranti�m�rJ anp��i(�hr Xair anJ nl Ilus Securiq•In.lmmrnt. <t•,ft �- z <br /> '�- 17. 'IFansfer of�I�e Properly or n Ilene(icini imerc+l in Iturrm�ee li all p.m ol�hc Ihu�xny or nny mee��m �•_-F . -1 ,�; :�. <br /> v.. � ����'�k il i.xnld or Ir.�mfrmd(or if a hcnclirial m�cre.l in Bortowrr i..nlJ ar�•rrcd and linrtaocr i+nnt a n:nural per,rml � --� - i��t> ; .. <br />-'. r - - -1.,'� �riihow L.�Wcrl rior wrincn cnn.cnl.Lcndcr ma n n.u ninn.r.�wrr inmirdialc -i mcnl in(ull nf nll wm,.acurrd h _ 4� -.- �... <br /> � r.: r >•• i i r•> >. : <br /> i r�- '�;i�,� thi+Seeurit� In.lnnnrm. Hnnc�cr,lhn oplinn.hali nul ix cacru.rd h� LrnJ.r iR•�rrcice i+prohihiled M} fedanl law.0 of � r � r` - <br /> � �•� �hr da�.of Ihn Sccuriiy In+vumeN. � <br /> --. �(lhe If Len�k�cxcrciu�Ihn ap�ion. Lcndenhall�nr Nnrruw¢r nnliit nf a.etlrr.itinn. Il�e�wiicc.h:dl p�o�id¢a�xrial af ir 1 i�I'�. <br /> { :�,�.:�`;� no�Ir..lhan 70 d.q.lnnu Ihr J:nc ihr nou�r i.drincrcd ur m.ul:A wthm uhL h Rnvn.�rr mu.:p.n all�um.ucnnJ by thi. '• � <br /> .���_ ..,� -�.i+3;:n .:'�..'_ <br /> ,.. Ssnrii� In.uumcm. If Bnrtuxcr t:ul. in pay thcx ,um. pri��r ��� �hr ccp�r.nnm�,1 Ihi. perwJ. L¢ndcr ma)� invokc :uq� .ii`! , <br />... - � remcd�t+permillcJ h���hi�Smarily In.vument�cilhnnl limhrr nnh:r ur J:mand�m 13nrta��rr. ' ��,'r - ' <br />,�_. ri-:% <br /> ,.a . <br /> �-'" IN. 8orrover i Rikhl la Reln+imc. If It��rru��cr nxr�. :cnain :.mJmun.. Nurtu�.rr .hall harc Ihc nghl to harc ' �' . <br />- . _ cnfoncmcN of lhn S�unn Lnlnnnrnl Ji.cnnlumrJ.n an� Iim:pvu:lo�h:eadf¢r uC I:n 5 dac�Inr wch nihcf peri�xl a. l,!:�' - - ' - <br /> .. . - ���ql,l-.�n��h Fnnnir\LefrMAir\larl\IHIR\II\�IRIVF.\1 I�m,nmC...n�.m. 4W1 .�.�.�J../ep.�n� . �' - " , <br /> .. <br /> � ; <br /> . <br /> - _�y."._.--•.___.'_'_""_ - _ . . . .,.. . - . : - . <br /> . .-._ :-.,. : - . <br /> _._ _._'k_______ _ . <br /> - �:.`�..11:.� - . . <br /> i <br /> �•t�lYt "..� i ._ � �. � . <br /> Yj;$��. 1 1 ..�:. :jl+,�� . . . ' <br /> 1 <br /> YSF � :. . . . . . <br /> `t a3{(?J <br /> Af'F��};�(`i:f.::�i, ._ ' . . '. . <br /> _ � �' , . . � .. , � . <br /> :- • <br />