. . . _
<br /> , , > :� :, �
<br /> � S JE- _ ..F�;,.r -- --- -.:). >? _ ..:.._ . ., . . _
<br /> �{�. -. _�r-..._.,---.,�---__. —.�. ._--- - __-�� -- .�.. ��,;,.:
<br /> , 9 A�`--w
<br /> .,..r.�tr.� " . � . ..� 3wi11:�,'!R�b� � v.
<br /> � plvmcnta nuy na laucr be requlnd,pt�he optlon ot l.endS�,ff nwrlyya Insur�iird cover�o(tn Ihe unotinl'ud fot�M perlo4
<br /> " ' thu t�kr regulrce)provided by�n Insurce�ppmr<d by Lcnder rgdn bccom;a�Y�tl�bla�nd b obtulntJ. 6orrowsr shtill p�y
<br /> � �lio p�tmlum�requltM�o nulut�in mong+ge Iniur,i!i�eln effa6 or to provide'qltis�reservo,uniil�ho reqJlt�nxn�for morf;ye
<br /> Insuraiup ends In x000n�sixro wi�h�qy x4ltteir agrcenknt lxtween Borrower oM I.endci oF�pllablo law. .:
<br /> 9.J�npeelbn,l.en�;r or 11e ngint nmy mako rtuonabla entrtes upon and Inspattons.of tlw Propeny. Lender slutl glve ,
<br /> I tWrrower nodca m�he Un�o of or prlor tn en Inspavlon specifying reasonablo cause far�ho inspailon.
<br /> 10. Condemn�tbn. 7he procseds of nny oward or c�aim tpt d�magrs,dirxl or mnsequemlal, in eonnecpon whh u�y ,
<br /> mndemnatlon or oiher�aking of any pan of the propeny,or(or conveynncd In Ilcu ot mndsmAatlon,are hereby�ssigned m4
<br /> shall Lti:pold to Lcndee —_
<br /> : In tho event of o�aal�aking of tho Propeny,tho proacds ehell!a nppiled Io�ho sunu sea�nd 6y�hb Sccur(�y(nsnumen4
<br /> whaher or not then due, wiih any execsa pald ro Bortowcr. tn�Lo ovent of e paniel mking of tlio Propeny in which�ho fdr
<br /> � market value of�ha Propcny Immcdiuicly beforo the taking Is equnl m or grea�cr then tha anwum ot�he eunu securcd by fhie
<br /> Securlly Tnsltunknt inunedlaicly beforc tha teking,unla�i3arrowcr And I.cndcr olherniso agroo In wriiing,lho sums seeurcd by
<br /> i �hfs Secudty Insnumcnt s6all bc rcduoc0 by Ihe eniount of the prottais mulliplicd by �ha Potlowing fraclion: (o)tho laei
<br /> - emoum ot�he sunu sccund Immcdlelcly hforo ihe laking,divid� by(b) the fair market value of Ihc Propeny invncdletely
<br /> Ih;foro Aic�alctng. Any balanw sUall ho paid ta Bortox•cr. In thc ovent of u panlal Iaking of tha Propcny in which lho folr
<br /> market valm:of tEr.C+eopcny Immediatcly beforc ihc taking la Icse Ihan the enwunt ot ihc sunu secund Immediateiy bePoro Iho
<br /> taking,untes�Qorma�cr and Lend�e ahrcwtss egn^e tn wrliing or unles�eppifrablo lew o�hernise provNr:;,�ho pr000eds shall
<br /> —_—= be agptiad to tAe sams sm�nd by tRis 9;�urity Iuu�uae.rol whether or not the sum�aro Ihen dae.
<br />--� �__-== If che Prop.ny is abm�doned Dy 6orrox�er,or iP,a@r:r nai;e by Lcnder ro 6orrower Uia.�Us:eord,.�nne olle�s to vmm an
<br /> _ ==� awanl or settlr a claim for damUes, Borrowcr fails In rt:�oni lo Lcndcr wiihin 30 days nRer[tr.dv.e cb:�rotis�is giren,
<br />---'-�'--= Lender is amhorized co mlice�and sppty�he proceeds,ot its o�ivn,el�her w nxwreilon or n:palr of the Picprny or to�he sunu - -
<br /> �'"��e� sttun�6y ihis Sccurity lnswmem,whether or not then duc.
<br /> i�F`dT.`�;.: Unless Lender :vuf Qortower o�henvise agrce In ariting,any applicallon of procttds m pdnci�f shall not exlend or
<br /> �"=�:�1'.` postpone the due date of the monthly paymems refcrted to in par,�;raphs I nnd 2 or change the nnwum of such paymenc+.
<br />`.��i�;i�-i�_,�; 11,Bonox�er Not RcicasM;Forbearance By Lender Tot o Weiver. Hxtenefon of tM time Por payment or modifica[lon
<br /> of amortin�ion of the sunu secured by�his Security Insirumem gramed 6y Ler.der lo nny successor in intercsl of Fforrower shall
<br />� ��-';��,a` nm opereie�o rcicazc�hc liabiliry of�he original Bolrowcr or porrower's sumeswn In Intcresl. I.ender shall not bc requlrcd to
<br /> `�- mmmence proccedings ngainst eny sumssor in interesl or refuu lo cxtend�inx!or payment or othenrisc nwdify omortlzaUon _
<br />.,�.(�`r;;;��i ot the sunu sttund 6y �his Securiry Instrumem 6y rcaion of eny demand madc by �he original Borzower ar I3orrowcr'B
<br /> }'=-,'
<br />.,}�� .�,,�,, successors in In�ems�. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any righ� or remedy shall na a:a�rairer of or pmclude Ihe
<br /> �r3�' ezercise otany right ar remedy.
<br /> t ' 12. Si�nuwn unH n.nigns Dound; Joini and 6everei I.inoility; i.o-zigncrs. Tnc mrenants anti agrccmcnu oi thie ` ----'- - -
<br /> - ;}���•^ '- Securi� lasuumem shall btnd nnd beneN �he successors end usi ns of Lenda and Ilortox•er, sub m w ihe rovislom of
<br /> :-. t;,,-�. . Y B J P
<br /> �'`�`''�i::;: � pamgrzph 17. 13orro�rer's co��enama and ngrecmems shall be joint and sever�l. Any Oorro�vtr who co-sigm �his Security
<br /> �_�.'.��'� (�� Inswmcrt Fut docs not exttuic Ihe Nolc: (a) is m-si nin �his Sccuri� Insuumem onl w r..ort e e ----
<br /> ° ,d �••-� 8 R Y Y 6 8 •6�nt and convey�M1at -__
<br />- -�rj(A�iry,:', Oarrmver'x imerest in the Property under�he�emu of this Secnriry� Insuumenr,(b)is nnt pzr..,mlly ubligated�o pay Pn:sums �':.r�-
<br /> ��`Y?'��"�- saured by this Securi�y Insuumem:and(c)ngees�ha�Lender and any�oiher IIixrmver ma��ngme ro ex�end, nwdify,fo*brar or --�
<br /> =".�,t-:�_-.
<br /> make any nccomnuda�ions�vith regard m�he icrm>n*�his Securiq�Imvumrm m tF.e Nole wi�ham�hat 6ortower's cuncem. ,�;•.b:..
<br /> -. .- , � 13. Loen Chaige.v. If ihc loan xwred 6y i!x�.Snuri�y Insuun:em is subjnt io n Inw w�hich se�s mr.ui:num lonn charges. -u�i �
<br /> _� i ' and�hat law is finally imeryrc�ecl so that �he imu..i or o�her I.+ar,.harges colleaed or tn br eollec�od In con�c�iun �vith the --'� -
<br /> ,:; �� � loan exceM�he penniuni limits, then: (a),ny such Inan charg.sh:Jl 6c reduced by!he nmoum ikcessan•to reduct Ihe charge '=':���'�-.-�
<br />. � m�he permiuttl IimiC end (b)any sums alrcady collecteJ from l3orro�ecr whiah exme+led permiued limiis will be re(undM�o �'°�'�'�;;`����'�;�.
<br /> ^r'__, 13orro�rer. Lender ma�� ch<wse �o nuke �his rcfund by nducing �he principat oweJ unJer ihe Nme or he making u direet - '?�� `� {°.
<br /> paymem to �orrox�er. If a rcPonJ ndums principal. �he nduction �vill be �reaieJ ac u p�nial prep�yrcent wi�hout any �:�,� -
<br /> prepaynxnt charge under�he Nme. „ y'_.
<br /> Id.\ollecc.Any no�iix�n 8nrrnner proviJnl for in�hie Stcnrily Inxlruntem ahall hr given by deli��ering ie or by mailing ' -.�`:���,'.-.
<br /> �s,�:..i:;-v:._...-
<br /> - ,,. ....
<br />- �=`.-_-=.:::1;�: it Ap(rxi cl�s mail ur,kc�appliadd.Liw �cyuin,ux uf:maiLe�mc�h�xl. TL.�x�ti�e..h.�ll M1z Jir�tt�J w the Pro�xn� Addrt>+ ;5°.-•% +<-:a:;> �-
<br /> - '•��. nr any olher uJdres� Rnrtmver d..ipn�les Fc na:ice In l.ender. Any� nolice to I.enJer shall h giren by fim elass mail ro '��"+�=:o:;x�:��:
<br /> .. .';� ,....:,,.
<br /> Lend�r'x nddrc.s tiamd F.�rin or an��nihcr::�dre.. l.cndcr Je.ignalo hr nuu:.in fA+rru�rcr. Any nnlioe providcJ fnr in Ihis +.*3
<br /> �
<br /> ` ._ Sccunh�Inswment.hall ly dttmcd m ha�r Mcn gi�rn ta Bnrzowrr or Lcndc�nhcn gi�cn a.prrn�idcJ in this paragmph. 4��r{�(�� '.-
<br /> I5.Gmerning I.mr; Sereroblliir. 'fhn S.cumy Instrumrnt �h:Jl Ik goremad hy (ederal la�c anJ Ihc la�� of Ihe �! / -`.
<br /> ' urisdiciion in ohich the Pro rl u Lw.nrd. In tF.r cccnl Ih��am �.
<br /> - 1 M >' Prnri.ion �x dau,c nf�hi.Srcuri�p In.�rumcm or ihr 4nle ;?�rS`+��S�I!"'
<br /> con0ic�s��iih applicahlc law,wdi conilirl shall r.ot a(frcl alhrr prnri.imm�f�hi.&YUrily In.imntent nr Ihe Note���hich can be .y...J',r:;""
<br />. . giren ef��r��eithnut �F..�aon0i.ting prnri.ion. Tn�hn cnd ihe proriyian.of�hi.Srrurft} In.�mment anJ�he No1e arc declared `. '{1��;.:.
<br /> lo bc.c�crahlc. �"C,:�.-°s,::�.
<br />. , t _.v,:
<br /> ..- 16. Dorrm�cr's('np}.Baa..��:r.h.di l+t girrr.onc aonLrtm.J rnp� uf�hr\n�c:mJ uf Ihi.Sccuriq Inurumcnl. '.�+:��.�,-
<br /> . ' .'.rr'-'ti`':;t.
<br /> Fo�m 302� B180 ' •���ji�,;G��,
<br /> • ..,..�
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