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z � : , <br /> �t '' ' - <br /> �t,` .l ' ', ' <br /> � - - , . -. ut,..:anr�..-�^r�^�r -s .-. j-� - <br /> i <br /> I � �_� ._�_,._�_._.,._. .____ � ---�' , ,.,. <br /> „� 4.�.T.._,._ . .. <br /> : . <br />_ - — " �.;,; <br /> _ 83�.(1'���s . <br /> !. H.�iM or�roper�y 1na�nixe. Aorcower slull kap�ho Impcqvemenfe now exlsling or hem,({yt etatpd on lh0 , <br /> PtopeMy 6l4urtd�gdnst lou Dy(Iro.h�zard�Included wlthln�he term 'extended mverage'ud any ahsr,huirQ��I��cludln� <br /> n�a�or nonain�,for whlch Lcrder requlre�insurxnce.7Yds insurenro shaq be nulntalned In ttw enaun�e end tar tlw perlad� ' <br /> tha�Lender rcqulree.Tho Insurance arder provlding�he fnsnronco sAall bo chosen 6y Borrowcr subJa�ro l.cndcr'e epproyal <br /> wldch chall not bo nnrcuonobly wt�hhelA. If liorrowcr fall��o nulmaln mvcrego described above, Lender niay, a�Lcnder'e <br /> optlon,ub�aln covcr.�o a pro�cet I.sndcrb dghts In�ho Propraty In accordance wlth pamgmph 7. <br /> All lnsuranpo pollds nnd rcncwat�shall be occcptabla a Lender v�d shell fnclnde p cta�xlurd nwngago elauu. Gendtr <br /> __,,._._ ._._, sLall have�ho dght m hold�ho pollcfe�and rcnewal8.It Lender r.qutroa,Dortower shall promplly 6�vo Io I.ender ell recclpte of <br /> . �_�--.---=—... <br /> puld prcmlums enA rencwal no��ho evem of los�,Bomowu shatl glve prompt rrotlw ro tho Insumnes carrler ard Lender� <br /> Lendcr may make proof of toss If no�mado promp�ly Ny Borrowcr. <br /> � Unless I.ender and Borrowcr othenvlso egrce In wdling,Inwmnce proc+eeds shall be nppllcd w resroratlon or rcpalr of tho <br /> Propeny dmnxgal,lf tho res�oratian or rcpalr I�cconomlcxlly fcasiblo and Lendcr'e saurlty Is not Icssened.lf�hc restoration or <br /> rtp�lr Is no�cconomlcTlly featlblo or Lender'a security�vould be lesnned,the Insurenco praocds shnll bo epplled to�he sums <br /> — secund by thls Securi�y Inslmmem, whetlier or no� thcn auo,with nny excese pald �o Rorrower. If 8ortower ebsndotu �he <br /> � Pro�wny,or doe�not enswer�vlthln 30 days a nollco from Lender that iho insurance cartier hm affered to settle¢clalm,Ihen � <br /> Lendcr may collen tho insuranw procecds. Lender may usc �he proxcds �o repalr or restore the Ptopcny or�o pay sums <br />� secund 6y thls Socud�y Instmmem,whGlicr or not then duo.Tho 30•day pedod�vlll begln when�he noqce Is glven. <br /> ti��' Unlese I.ender and Dorraver oihernise wgreo In �vritlng,eny eppllcaiion of procceds to pdncipal shall not exrend or <br /> 'i� postpono�ho dno de�o of�hc monthly paymcros rcferred to in pamgwphs I nnd 2 or cl�ango tha enwvxyt v5 tAe paynxnts. If <br />��-�1F'9!� under paragreph 21�the Propeny fs ecqulred 6y LenAcr,I3ortouer s right to any Insuranco pollclee e�xl pmcv.�is r�cdting from : <br /> "� '� damaga to ihc Propeny pdor to�he eequisi�fon shall pau to Lrr_+;r to�F:ectmt of�hc sums eccured Dy this Smrity lrsl�unxM �` % <br />_ v,sysr;� __. <br />.`,;"':�y;��1g+.,. immediatelyprlorm�hcecqufsiilon. -------- <br /> �''+����=i��� 6.Occupancy,Preservutlon,Mslntrm:n:�mvnt Prot�r�i,n oi Ihe Flmparty;Borrow�er'e Loan Appflcation;I.easehotd�. <br /> ' : ;I�J.:,,;,�,.; _ <br /> -:- :,1,�';�:et�..`��.�nr liorto�rer ahall occupy,esteblish,and use th;Ro}urry as�+:r�auer's princiNl restdenee withln sixty days elter Ih:eareulion of =�-=�-� <br />� +Ei.�r+'r thls Security Insnument end stull continue w occupy�he Rr;g�eny ns Burcowcr'a princlpal raldence for at leas�onz t�yr efler a<_ <br /> ; �4`1!��'�s, �he da�e of occu an unless Lenc!cr othenvise a rces in writ�cg,which mnsem shall not be unmssnnebl wiihhel�,a�:unless �`-- <br /> ::;1.,:�.;:. P �y. 8 Y __.. <br /> - extenuating clrcumslanms exis� �vhich ere beyond Oorcowci s mnlrol. Bort'ower shall noI deslroy, damago or impaG the <br /> �� � 'l��'�,��h- Propeny, ellow�he Propeny m daeriore�e, or comml� was�c on�he Pmpeay. Oorrower s6all 6e in A:fauh if eny fodeilurc � <br /> �-'�3i� � � ec�fun or raceedin , �vl:etMr civil or criminal,is be un�hat in I.ender's rod (aiih ud mem could asnli In lorfeimre of the iqi;, .; <br /> " P s s 6 ) 6 ��� _ <br /> . : <br /> t -`. � Propeny or o�hernise materially impalr�he Iicn crw�ed by�his Seturity Ins�mment or I.ender's sewrity interes�. 6orro�ver may ���uu -- <br /> t�r _ .•� �'�,fi �. <br /> c+� �� ,. - curc such e defauh nnd rcins�am,a�provided in pazagmph I8,by causing Ihe action ar praceedfng Io be dlsmissed aith a mling -;�s �— <br /> 1 V a . . A� <br /> -1_ .- Ihal, In It��Aef s$�{aph d_4ermlf�l�n�. �nrlpAec fnffeilnrr n( Ih� ft.t-mwer c in!4mc{ in Ihc Prq�nv nr nlhnf IM1+I�f!al ,..,.)Ss�r�� .. _ <br /> °j1 �'�'��� Impalmient of the lien cma�ed 6y this Secnrny Insvumen� or I.ender's securi�y imtrest. Oorto�ver shatl xlso be in defeult If = <br /> �� !_ - - ;; F7orrower,during the la�n application process,gave ma�crially false or innccum�e infomiaiion or s� m Lender(or falled -- - <br /> •' o � <br /> � <br /> 1` ', — <br /> ,� '.•' lo provlde Lender wi�h ony maierial InPonnatinnl Im m�naui n wiih �hc loan evidenced by thc Nnte,inclnding,bm noi limt�ed -�'1 Yf <--. <br /> :�y.�� . i.;i � <br /> -sF�,_r�tj,;i�"'3� Iq rcpresentalions mncerNng Uurm��er'x aaupancy of Ihe Propetly nc a principal resldenm. If�his Securi�y Ins�mmem is on s �;:f!�j��_��; <br /> � z� _-.+_� Ieasehold, Qortmver shall comply with all �hr pmvisions nf �hx Iease. IY 6orrox�er ncquircs fee �i�lt �o �he Propeny, tl�e � r �. _ <br /> i� hN+ ",'� Ieasehold and�he fce ti0e shall no�merge unlr.c.lender ngrees�o ihe merger 1n writing. -,_y � �—€• <br /> ( ��r- _ ;;��;�- ].Protecllmi of Lender's Rlghts fn the 1'roperty.I!6orro«�cr fails w perfomi�hc mvrnants x�9 a�rmments mntelned in „ �� - ,„�' <br /> <y <br /> �, .� . �his Securi�y Inswmen4 nr therc is a Icgal procecding tha� may significantly nffen Len:ler'x right.a in�he Propeny (such as a �`� �tt r ��-� : <br /> �t���� ,�,'-:,: proceeding in bm�kruptcy,probate. !n�mndemnatinn or(orfri�nre nr io enfmce Imvs or regula�ions), then Lender may do a� °�f�'{t+ r? '�. <br /> ..f.. . ,.-.:r' .:oi,_�.., ..,t.::t <br /> -__���+�+.'., ., , pay for whatever is nnecsa7 tn prn�¢n ihe value uf the Pro{eny nnd Ler.der's righls in ihe Propeny. Lendcr's ac�ions may - ,�. ,..;,�,,._. <br /> � �`stfi� include paying an} tnms strurrd by a licn ��hid� ha. priori�y over ihi> &curiq• Insuument. appearing in cour6 Paying �_ ' > �++{ 3-,. - <br /> i - ��i� rcasnnable minmay; k..nnd emering mi�he Pmpeny�o makc rcpain.ntinnugh LenJer may�ake nction under ihis paragraph "� � �;ff'4% - <br /> ��fh 'rY�� 7.Lendcr docs not harc�o du sa. �. t t t 1 F,�'rc�p .:: <br /> �� ���R��iflh M umoums disbuneJ b l.cnJcr under Ihit ira ra h 7 ahall hernme adJi�innal deM af �arrowcr secured b �his r t {`�' ,:'. <br /> 'r ,:,1 r r �� F r r � .�E, �AN � <br /> �� �l a -yj4.: Stcvriq•Ins�w�xm. l nlcss Dorm� Lendcr .igr�r to o�hrr�enn.o!paymcm.thcx ninnam<shall M1ear imcrcs� from�he 4y�t,.,��,�u�'!�"L-�;';:: <br /> , { i- r::� da�c af dis6ursemenl a� ihc No�c ratc and ahall hc payahk. o�i�h intcrc.�, upnn nmirc Gnm I.cndcr l0 6orm���cr rcqucsling .�, � � r- ,. <br /> ` . t41.1, WS'�nent. IF' f. 'Ir ._;. <br /> ..- . .,y`; 8.�tortgxgc Insurancc.If lAnJcr rcyninJ a.a conJilinn of makinF Ihc Lun x.uml by�hia Securi�y �`(�j�{��i�y��-� <br /> -.Srf��+.; .�+. Inswmem. fiormwcr shall par �hr premium.rryuirrJ m m:nmain �hr mnn�:�ge in>nrnn�i in elfa�. If. for any reawn. �he ;1�d�,.;r�t��?:._��, <br /> -r -'�{{(<<'� mon a c insunn.r co��cra�C n�uirnl bp l.c�xlcr la .c�or�ra.c.m hc in cffie�. linrrai�cr.h:Jl ar Ihc rcmimn+ rt uind la ���' {- S'`�} -. <br /> -� F f b I r r� r '9 1;�{ «,{�. �� <br /> �lt}�ln:"i�JY ohtain mrcra c snbatanliall•c uicalent lo Ilu n:nn•a•c in+urana rcriou.h in clTccL a�a ro.t wlnLmtially c uiralcnl In Ihc d�.��1,. ,; �'��:•,�-•i <br />:{.;�r:)h:•:�i.,.�:i F ) 4 F b P 4 ' ' .:.'ti4�"`':_ <br />'�t{,:"-.£'';!�;{ cosl lo Ik�rmw.r nf Ihc mangagc inwr.mcc pr.�iuuQ� in c(fir6 Guin:in�I�rrna�t mongagc inwr.r apprnrad hy I.cnJcr. If .. . _ �:,: <br /> ��'7!'�{ `.. .r.: wb.lamially cyuic.d�•nl mangagc in+unnm amrrago f�mn a�aflaMC. 13nrrnurr�Lall pa� tn IrnJrr cad�momh a wm ryual to - � -:�� <br /> ,�f.::..� :����;; . <br /> ane-��aelfih nf�he yeady mongage inwrance prrmium bcing penJ hJ� Unrrouer ahrn ihe m.uran.e.merage Iap.N nr�ra�eJ tn t -•J�li.. <br /> .s- 1` :' tic in effnl. IsnJcr xill an'c L nk anJ mWm ihe.c -� mrm.a. �In.. hw nl mon�a•r m.urauit. Lo.+ m.cnr � -�:: <br /> -n-•1!) . P P�) k b . � ;i:t <br /> - Form 3028 9�90 - <br /> 'U`. . . <br /> o.r a.� <br /> .:,�l��r _ . <br /> ]5. . .. <br /> i �� . : <br /> G.,(:L." . 1..m.l..rr�..._._ ._ . _. . _ _ . ____ _ <br /> I;1''': � .. . ., _ _. . . . _ ,. ..� ... . . - , <br /> ' ..��i:' .�'. <br /> •.a(:: <br /> , �.�.\�� . . <br /> .. . . • .Y�,... . . . - <br /> . <br /> - '. ♦t` .... . . ' � <br /> \ . . <br /> � . _ c- . . . .. , . . <br />