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Y . , <br /> � - �''1 -��.�,�..K-.., r�_`_;-� - - =•i:',. �'�- <br /> - - --- .� • .,.. _ :;_. _ <br /> - . - ...�• , . - - -. . .-. .. ..:... -- ' � ' <br /> `-._� _.....-�_� �.�.------ <br /> - _ S `.,Y -_` __."_. _.____ , <br /> ,.�s�,..� '.� 9�» �0"�'�fiFi _ <br /> 17.Tn!akr ot lhe Propeny or�Nenefk1�17nicr�t in Borrower.If afl or eny pan of iAe Property or�ny intareat ip ft .;':�.• ..; <br /> la wid ar vanskrrtd(or If o I�nefielul intcrnt In Bnnovier I�sold or IronaferrrA end Bonower ie not a nawnl person)without <br /> Lendor'e pdor wriiien wnscnh Lender may, ot i�e option. � ulre Intmodiatp paynxm In PoII of o0 emiia ctcurp0 by Ihlt <br /> Security Instmnxnt.Ilowevcr,�M1le optlon s1�il not bo cxerciuJ�y LerAer If cxcrcise le pmhibiiM by fcderal law w of�hodW <br /> . of thb Sccurity InsWnkm. <br /> r If Lcndcr cxer.isca this opqon.Lcndcr chall pivo[iorrowcr notice of accclero�ion.The notlw shsll rovido e perlad ol�pl- <br /> . les��han 30 days from�he dr.te�he noiice is dclivercd or mailcd wlthin whic6 Qorrower mus� pay nlPsunu secund by �his <br /> Securliy Guuunxnt.If Borrower fellx to pay�huo Fmm pdor�o the eap(mtion of this perial,Lender mey invoko nny remedia <br /> _ _ � pc�milted 6y this Secudly Inslrunxnt without(uriher nodoo or demand on Borrower. � <br /> --.--- 18. Bortnw�er'e RIght to Rehuipte. If Dortnwer mce�s cennin condidons, Oortowcr shall have �he Nght lo havo � <br /> �� cntorccmcm ot�hi�Secariry instrunknt dlscon�lnutd al eny dnw pdor to �ho rndfcr oL• (a)S daye (or sud�oiher perlod w � <br /> applicahto lew mny x�wcity for rcinsta�enxn�)Wforo snlo of�ho Propeny pursuant �o eny power of sule comained in ihie <br /> � :u;._aa Secumy In:imment;nr(h)emry of e judgmem enfnrcing�hle Security Instrument.Those wndiilone nro that Oorrower.(a)p�pe <br /> �"--- I.ende�ell sums widch�hen would bo due under this Security Instrumem end tho Noio as If no eccelemtlon had occurted; @) <br />�'-��`}`�� ttuc�nny defaull af nny other mvenams or egrcemems; (a) pays ell oxpenses incuned in en(orcfns this Secud�y Instrument, <br />""�'%!1�"2�` Including, bm not Ilmited�o, reasonable attomeYs' fees; end(d)�akes such actfon as Lender may reamnably requiro lo essuro � <br /> --v�;:S:7t �hnl�he Ilen of�hic Saari�y InsWmcni, Lendcr s dghis In�ho Propertq wri 6orcoa�i s cbllgatton a Qay the sums sccured by _.. <br /> �� '�'^ �hia Secur(ly Inslnmxnl shall rnmfnue�uncAangcd. Upon refnstaz�vn:ot Mj 6oaox�u, t(vs S:awuy Insinmxnt and [Le <br /> �-�- �- o6ligatinns ucured hereby shnll remain (ully effx�ive as if no ecccleratiau tu.�l atumd.Ho»e�er.tGis 'rt�,vht to mur.�ake s+a,�ll <br />- _" ` '�'-?� no�npply In�he case of ecceleroiion under paregreph 17. <br /> �"•`%i",-±`-.� 19. Ralr of Note; Chenge oi Loan Servicea 7rie Note or a partial ick�es� in �he Na�e pogether �vith ttus Se�vrity <br /> ;",..;.r����-�- Insmimcnp may be sold onc or nwrc times�viihom prior notice a Born,�,er.A sz�e mv.nsult in a change in�h:ceHCy(known <br />=�_yr:�:�;.��:;i: a5 dic'Loan Scrvittr')�hat mllcets momhly�.nyuunls due unAer ti;c Naz xmi this&avrily Gutrumont.7'hcro also may be ono <br /> i� � "�_• or morc changa of lhe Lwn Servicer unrcla.hd w a stk of lht Nv:e.If tMte ix e change of Ihe Loan Scrvicer,Qortower wlll be <br /> ' ��� given wducn iroqce of thc change In accont..,�^�e ni±h�e:.;,r.�^h t9 r�ie�!rppiicnble Imv.The�ro�itt tri6 state lhe nsme e� ----�--- <br /> ia.;;':a,�-:;��.� -- <br /> -, ,:-r..h addrcss of the new Loan Servicer nnd �he aSimc to nhidi gx��m�;s sMisld Ce made.The notice wlll also coNain any o�her <br /> �,�-�.}�:.;' ; Infatma�lanraryired6y npplicnblclnw. �--.- <br /> "1-%���� 20. Ilflzerdous Substentts. Oorro�rer z�xll not r.ns>r or permit Ihe presencc, ase.Aisposal, s�orege, or mfu�v:of any -- <br /> '`^'- ���� ' Ha�ardous Substanas on or in du Pro^en Rormwer shall no� do, nor ello�v nn one else �o dn, eny�hin nflecci + ti�t �� <br /> . . �.(S' .:." r !'- 5' 8 il• — <br /> �`'�'�=�:" ��'� Pro n �hat le In viala�lon of an C•nvirortn:nial LUw. 7'he rerndin uvo seNences shall not o I to�he resence,os:,ex <br />_y�{�r..;:.:ty.:: P� Y Y P S PPY P -_ - <br />- . ��:..., stornge on�he Propcny of snmll quanti6r.;of Ilalardous Subs�ances�hnt nrc generxlly retognizal�o h epproprixte to nomial �.-� <br /> '_i'��;�.�=E�,'_. resideminl usa nnd�o maimc%mr uf[A;Propeny. .,— <br />:�`�+ -�„3�.;.• �orrmrcr shall promptly gi�r Lender�vriuen no�ice of eny invcs�igelion, claim,demand, lawsuil or o18cr eafon by any -=" <br /> :�:p`rii}'o:e� � �-'.=' <br />_., � ,�,� _� govemmenml or regulalary ngeccy or priva�e pany involving�he Propeny nnd ony HnmrJous Subs�nnee or Cnvironmenlal law �_,- <br /> . 4�k-- :}� of�vhich �ormwer hxs acwal knowledge. If Ikirto�ver leams,or is naified by nny gm•emmemal or regula�ary eNhorily, tha� �-._.; <br />�.j�i�u �I� any remnval or o�her mmtdiaiion of any Nmardous Su6s�ance effceiing�he Propeny is necessary,Oorro�rer shall promptly lake _ <br /> .t�i5n!..,f},�,: u�l necessary rtmedial nc�ions in accardance�viih L'nvironmental Lmv. _ <br /> �;�_ -:��-r.'.' As a:.�!n � F;�e;,ph '_n. 'Hysrdcs:SuL•s:ar�: src t6o:c su6s1�^ses d=Gr.:d s: mxfc r.r ha�.rdcw substsr.N b� -�_-: <br />�;_.�,� ': . , Cnvimnmcmal 4��v nnd ihe fnllowing subsianccx: gauiline. kcrosene, o�hcr Mmmabte or �nxic pevolcum Produc�s, toxic �:s,-;, <br /> ?.t�z.'�.:{i%i;` pex�frides nnd herbicides,vola�ile solvenu, materints rnnmining acixs�os or formaldehyJC,nnd mJioacitve ma�enals.As used in — <br /> :;;��_ ;�, ihis p�r�gra�h 20. 'Environmemnl Inw' means federal hnvs nnd laws of ihe jurisdic�ion wherc �he Prnpeny Is locmcd �ha� a`r-. <br /> ' rolak�o hm ih,safety or cnvironmemnl prMeaion. �T`� <br /> ,� � . ''�. NON•UNI�ORA1 COVENANTS. 6orrmnr anA Lendcr funher covenam and ugme na follmvF: — <br /> _ '(,! 21. Acctleraiion{Rcnteclies. I.ender xhnll gh�e nnticc lo ISUrmwer prior In accelera�lon tollnuin�I{arm��cr's hreach 4';":': <br /> '� ..-.'-:�-��'.' of eny co��enant or agreemen� In Ihls Scendly t��.clnunenf (6ul nof prior In nccclernllun under paregrop6 t7 unless u'fi"=:: <br /> E:`=..�iil:<;t ..:.; - <br />;�y..;S;,•-�;� . applimhte Imv provides olhencise).The nn�irr shall s�xcifg: (n)ihe Uefaull; (h)Ihe nctlon reyulrcA to cure lhe defoult� <br /> (c)o dxte,not Ihan SD days fram ll�e dnle ihe notice is glren tn Ilnnn���cr,by ohic6 the defnull must 6e cured{pnd �;.�. <br /> (U) iha� fulturc lo curc ihe defm�i� nn nr 6e�are Ihe dNe sprcliicd (n �he nntlee miry resull In eccelemtlan ot the smns ��::_� <br /> .�,. �: ° sceurcd by Ihi.s Saurily Inslrwnrnt mid snlc nf Ihc Properly. Thc imlicc+hnll fmihcr Infonn Dorrooer ot ihc righl lo ■�?1='..:: <br /> � reinstete nftrr accelernllon m�d the righ� m bring n coun ecflon �o accer� �he nm�•exi.stence of n defeult or nny other Q!"��s:��� <br /> � ' defense of Rorro�rer to uccelernlion nnd sale. If lhe drPonit is nN enred nn nr hefnre Ihe date speciOM In Ihe nollee, _ <br /> I.ender, nl Ih opllan. mny rcyulrc iminedin�r pnpmrnt 6� full of nll xums secured br Ihis Strurity Iiulmmer.e n�ltl�aul �'- . <br /> - �' furlher demeud m�A ma��iro�oke Ihe po��rr af snle nnd nn��olher rrme<Iie+permll�ed�b}'nppllcnl�le Imr. I.ender shull be }y,p- <br /> � - entilled fo mllect oll ex�x�ues Incurrcd In puRUing Ihe remedies prmided In Ihls parngrnph 21.Including.buf nnt Iimlted ,r �-- <br /> s_�4' to,rea�onnble ottnmey.s'fces nnd rnsts of Iille crldence. - �� � <br /> - � l�. If Ihe�Oi�er of.nie i. imukid. Trn�ice sludl rccnrd n nmim nf de0mh in ivch cowur In ehirh nny pnrt of the {�-� .; <br /> �,4� Properq� Is loculed nnd shnll mall copies n(�iich notice in tlw mnnner prescrllxYl b��npplkn6le la�v tn Rarrmrer nnd lo - <br /> � '�� � , Ihe olher persons prescAhed br nppllrn6le la��.Af�cr Ihr�imc rcep�ired b}npplicsible Im�,Trustm shnll gire public natice -,;:,a,- <br />�I:��l:r, of sale lu�he�xnmu mid In Ilir mmmrr prncrilxd M �ipplib�blr In��.Truslcc. ��lihnm drmaud nn itorroncr, shall sell f'..:�:.y:: <br />�=vt�c�'4.;;�J� 16e Prnperl?af publit nuc�inn In�he hiFhe+i hiddrr m�he�ime xnd piner mid under the Icrnxe AeclFnnted In Ihe nolice af °�`" <br /> snie in une nr marc �rcels nnd In m�p order Trmtir delerminea. 'Truair m�q� nct nc sah oi nll nr nn �arcel of Ihe ���:�:�. <br />�;'•�.. . P� I M )'I :: i..._ <br />_ :�_ .-- Propert� b}� public unnonnmmcm o� fl�r tlmc mid place��f an� pn•�inu.l} .cheduled xalc. Lender ar iis dcslFnm mny ?���J.,{[�.; <br />-t"•-�- purchace ihc Prupem nt xny +xle. -;(.,,��- <br /> .. _�; -�'ii;z <br /> Fo�m 3028 8�90 � <br /> . ,: ..e ".��:. <br />=f..'��' ��' <br /> ,r.-1„_. �';�5: <br /> Jii�il��' {/ . <br /> t�. -c. - .-.- . -. _ � .. . + . . T,.':t. . .r� . � .a,:$�i:' i�., .•b., . . ! �. ._. <br /> . ,: t ' <br /> �'�� <br /> •1 <br /> ��l '_��� � � .. .._ . . _ � ' � • . . .. <br /> , . <br /> , � <br />