` �:�� �$3-y.0'a'��� � , . , .,
<br /> �'OflRTHRR WITH eIl�he ImproY<meM��Pw or hertafltr craYed an tho propeny,end sil eueqicn�fr��x�rlen�ilva;and,; ,, ..
<br /> ` flA�urei rx�w or,ixreaiter w pan of �Ka,�+roperty. All rcplaemems arvJ acldltloro ehdl aTso bo wverW 6y;tli,if8ai��ty.;� �.
<br /> lnstNqxm.All oRihe forlgoing b refcnW to In this Sccwity Inslmment a�iho'Propeny.•
<br /> BORROWliR COVRNANI'9 thai Borrowtr h I�wfiilly s�ised of tM ut�ta henby comeyeA ond ha��he rl,�ht to gront u�d ,
<br /> mnrey ttw Ptopetty e�xl tha�itw Propeny Is unencum¢erod,exapt for encuh�brantta nf rccord. Borrower w�h+n�e qnd wlil ,
<br /> deknd generaliy Ihe tlile lo Ihe Propeny agalns�all clilnu tuddemanda,subJal to any encumbrances of ruoM.
<br /> THIS SQC(IRITY INSfitUMBNT combinea unlfomYcovenan�a Por nv�lonal usa anJ non•uNfomi mvenams whh Iimtted
<br /> varhNoro by Jndsdialon to mns�Itme n uniform suuri�y Inswmcnl covering real propeny.
<br /> `° UNtFOAM COVGNANTS.Oorrower end[.crdcr covcnmt and ogrco ns Polloua: —
<br /> I. Pq7nent of Princlp�l�nd Intercstt Pnpoymeef�nd Lnte CMrges. Borrowcr sh�ll promplly pAy when duo the
<br /> princlpal ai nnd tmercst on ih:dcb�cvidenccd by tho Note and eny prepaynxnt and Iote charga due uMer the Na�e.
<br /> 2. F�mAs for 7Wzp�nd fnsu�xlm.�LbJcct to epplirnbte lew or to a wdtten walver by Lendcr, Borro�sor clmll pay m
<br /> --- - Lcndcr on tho dny nwmhiy paymenle nro dno nndcr tl�e Noro,unlll�ho Nmo i�pnid In fnlL e suro('�unds')Po�:(a)ywdy lacla
<br /> und nssessmcNa which mry mmin pdority ovcr thle Scaidry InsnumeN a�n Iien nn Iho Propeny;@)ycarly Ia�uholA paymcnts
<br /> ----_"�' ar grou�d ronts mi�he Property,if any:(c)ycady hmard or pro�ny insur�nw preminms;(d)ycady flood insunnco prcmiame, —� --
<br /> if any; (o)ycarly mongage insurance prcn�iwns, It any; nnA(Q any amie payeble by porrower�o Lender, in acwrdanca wlth
<br /> -°I the provlsions of paragreph 8,in Ileu of iho pxymem of nwngego Insuranco prcmiunu.77�rse itrnu are called 'fiscrow ileros.'
<br />--—..��1 LeMer mny, nt nny tlme, callat end hold Fands in an emoum nol to excecd the maxfmum amoum o Iender for e fedemlly
<br />��i�I rclated mungaga loan n�ay requL-z for Oormwer'a acrow aocount unAer the fedeml Real G+tato Settlement Proa4urca Aa ot
<br />-:..��.s�� 19)4 es emended from time ro�ime, 12 U.S.C.Seclion 2601 er seq. ('RGSPA'), unles+nno�her law that eppllea to Ihe�unde
<br />�...�`-""*:R�, sGS a Icsser emoum. If so, Lcndcr may, et eny tfine,rollect end hold Funds in an amount not io excced U�e luser amount.
<br />:"-`i'��Ys==��' Lender ma atimate tho amount of Funds duo on�he basis of currcm date end reasonable estinata of ex ndiwres ot future ----
<br />-.€;�„s_:. ._s,- Y P�
<br />�r�;;;;i.: t �s Gscro�v Items or otherwise in aocordancc wi�h epplicable lew.
<br />-t��!,;;..:FS,�a:t�_ .
<br />��:,;rfY,;�,-,, The runds stull bc hcld In en ins�itntlon �vhose deposhs are insured by a fcdcral agenry, Instrumenmllly, or enlfty
<br /> fi7'r.xR:.:l'�cl" G�tcluAing I.endtr,if Ler.ckr is such an iiutitutioN or in any Pedcml Nomc Loan Uank.Lendcr shall apply Iho Fu�s ro pay Iho
<br />::•;���r�f� .
<br />„_.,,n,• ,� .� Escrow items.LcnAer miy rva�charge Oorru��er fur trotiie�und npplying�he Funds,annually enalydng Ihe escrow account,or
<br /> -- -;r.,1.f,`;�.
<br />--;�;.g;,1�zt i� verifying thz Emrow I�ema,untess LeiMer p.rys fiommer in;eraY�on Ihe Punds ond opplicable le�v permits Lender to mako such
<br />:rij�Y� c;-)'.:.;{' e cherge. Ilo�c.ver,Lender may require Fbrro�ver to pay a one-time charge Por en independent mal ainre tex rcporting servia
<br />'��'°:n��r�t4!•;� used by Lender im m�nec�lon wilh ihis 6+an, unlcss epplicabie law provida olhenvise. Unless un ogrcemenl is made or
<br />°;;�;',',i[�i'-i,k;, nppliw6le law requircs interest�0 6c pald,Lender shall not 6e requircd to pay Oorfo�vcr any iNCrest or eamings on�he Punds.
<br /> -'";-i�`� Qono�ver and Lcnder may ngree in wri�ing, hawever,ihat imercs�shall be paid on thc �unds. Lendcr shall give io 6ortower.
<br /> ':5c�:^i��•:�;�;'�` wi�hout chargc, an annual accounting of�he �nnds,sho�ving cndits nnd dc6i�s ta �hc Punds end Ihc puryosc for which cnch
<br /> �� `--+'�` s� debit lo the Far4s was niada The Fundc ere IeA ed sc eAdi�lonal sewdt for all sunu aecurM G ihis 5ecune Insuumem. ` � - � `
<br /> �i.-:.�{�.9;ir,';; P B Y )' Y
<br /> .,,�;�n t��;;u��, If the Funds hcld by Lcnder excced tM1a amouNS pcmiiucd�o be h.ld by applicable law,Lcnc!er shall eaount to Rorronxr
<br />_r,y��y`���;�'�;J2;,_ Por�he excecc Funds in occardance�aith�he requiremems of opplicable la�v. if tht amaunt of�he Funds held by Lender al any `
<br /> �'���`�,�]�rf3, �ime is no�suf(cien�to pay�he 4'scrow Items when due.Lender may so no�ify 13omou�r in�vriiing,and,in such case Dortow'et
<br />�,y'���f}r��t�,y3,� ' shall pay ro l.end.r thr nmoum naessary to make ap th.de�ciency. 6ortawer sh��t ma'xe np thr deliciencg in no mom than s'-�-
<br /> )Yt�-�% hvcivc mnmhly paynums,at Lendcr's mlc discrc�io�i. �.
<br /> ' �Y`}�i$j"- U n � mem in full of nll sums secureJ b this Securit Incwmem. Lender shall mro I rePond �a Borrower nn � -
<br /> � P� P�Y Y )' P MY Y 7
<br /> � t'�.� Funds 6eld bq Lender.If.under paragraph?I, I.enAa sh�11 ucquirc or xll the Propcny.Lcnder,prior to tht xcquisiiion or sale �.- -
<br /> ��'` af ihe Pro n , sl�all a ly an Funds held 6 I,cnd:r;n�ha�ime of oc uisiiiun or+ale;�s a crcdi�a nins�the sums saured b ��"""�-
<br /> .:. P� Y PF Y Y 9 E Y ;i� r .
<br /> � -,.7 ` Ihis SecUfiiy InslNmenl. 3 , �::..
<br /> +•�- �� 3.Applirnilon ot 1'nymenly. Unless applir�6k Im�provides wh:neisc,all p�ymems raeived by LcnJer unJer p�ragrnphs ��i���?y�I�^.:::�
<br /> ;' _����..•„-r�F:,'. . ��'2t:F:—.:
<br /> �_._,;e,,. !���t� I end 2 shall br applieJ: fira�.�o any p�epaymem charges due under ihe.�'n�e: +econJ.�a amoi:r.ic pay:�ble under paragruph 2: ����'v}7�/J:,!,�
<br /> : •. ,�c�• ': ihtrd,to intcrost due:fnunh.�a principal Juc:und lati6�o any laic rhargcs Juc unJcr thc Not.. y<-.;.::;�.:
<br /> �" h S).1+<.. ._�'���.
<br /> �ffk�3��4r���t^_ i.Chary;es: i.lens. 6nrro�eer shall pay all Iaxes.nsuxmems, charget, fina and impnsi�iom allrihalafilr lo ihe Pmpeny �Y 's ,-
<br />-:�i�t{j �tF„�- �vhich may auain priorily�mrr Ihis Sccuriiy InstrumcnL anJ Ic:nchald paymcm. m Froural rcm..if;my. Fimmx�cr shall pay ` �. °•�-.:
<br /> .cza;4f;s..�ii,� c.,r,;a;. ��
<br />_ � -� n:`;��:: Ihex ohiiga�ions in ihe manner pro��iJttf in par.igraph 1.nr if no1 paiJ in�ha�manner. 6nrrawcr shall pay O�rm on�ime dirc�ly :- �.� -:��.
<br /> '��'i,��'t�,j�y.;'7�. P� wr r P > P• P S.p i:.ry ..
<br /> ..'.Zr�(: �fi'.'. lo Ihe non o�ecd men1. 6nrro�cer xhall rom tl�funti�h In I.enJer all nolica ol amounls In h �id m�der Ihis ara n h. :.,�,ri_`;.."'
<br /> - � . �#}nJc•__ If Ikirrnw�cr makc.�hc�e p:q�mcm+dimaly.Oorroucr.h:dl prnmptly fnmi.h m IsnJer raYip�,c��idrncing ihc paymems. � ..
<br /> . :� 6nrrmrcr ahall prnmpdy�Jiwharge:nty licn whirh h:u prinrity nrrr Ihi.Snurily Inarumcm nnlcs.Unno�ecr.(a)agrccs in ':� + ._..;__.
<br /> : .,�1�a: _ 7 '-��i:. :',`
<br /> y. _ �.. :,.r�. �vriling lo Ihc pa)�menl af Ihc obligalion.��.unrl h���hc licn in a m:umcr.�arptahlc lu IwnJcr.�h��•mic,t,in g�xd(ai�h�he lien .
<br />,,�-.-:•t;:rt,il p,'.. by�. nr defcnJs againa enfnrccmcm nf�hc lien in. Irgal pnk'aJing. ��hi.h in the Lcnder'+ opini�m operate lo pre�•ent OiC - '_ �r;"�=�
<br /> ....'„�.' •j�:')1 enfortznsm�.f Ihc licn:ar Kl ucum fn,m 16c holdcr nl Ihc li.n an agrccmcnt cni.lanon m Lrndrr.uM�rJin:ning Ihc licn In . • 1''r.'1,".:.
<br /> � ;:l':
<br /> rr.���..*. Ihi.Sccnri�� in.lrumrnl. II Ixndcr JUCraimc.ihai am pan ul ihc Prn�kny i..nhjc.� ta:� hrn nhiJi m:n�auain prinriq n..�r . 0� ��j';_
<br /> this Sccutil) Inarununt. L.ndcr m:n gii:13urw��rr a m�G ��i�nlilring ihc hcn. B�rtn.��cr.L.dl.aii.f� Ihc lien nr Ixla mu or :+�� "'-.
<br /> . _ _ . morc of th.nclinm xl fnnL aFore wiihm ill d.q+nl ihr�n m�nf na�icc �;�.
<br /> - . i:�` :i' '•'�
<br /> ,-,�., .y,.:
<br /> � - � Fo�m3028 8�80 0� ': �,;!;'�
<br /> - .r>. � „If:;
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