�-s}Jl(':i _+�: -.-...�sw-ewu - -_.b��:�� . 1 J..: _ _ — —
<br /> !" _ ' _ _
<br /> .t_ :� Y�" ' . �� _ ._. . . -=�. "� -.� .i>.
<br /> ' 3„ �o���o "
<br /> ���� .
<br /> — — pqymrnq n�ay no longtt bo requittA,nt thp optlon of I.enAer,It nwngcge Insurence coveroge(fn tl�nnwmm�nd fot Iho pedod .
<br /> thlt LCnder requircs)provlded by�n iqsurcr epprovcd 6y I.ender pgeln baomcs avallablo uM 1�obinined.QOROR'CT 61)III�lT,y
<br /> Uw premiun�v required to malnt¢In mohgago Insuranee in effeU,or to ptovtde e los�mservo,untll�ho rt�qulrtroent Por mortgage
<br /> Insuranco ends In eaordanco wilh ony wri�ten ngrumem betwten Itortowcr end l.ender ar epplicabio law.
<br /> - 9.ins�xctbn.Lender ar iro egrnt n�ay malco tea:onablo entriu upon end in:pxtlom of�he Property.T.enAer s6dl give
<br /> Boirower nndw�t the time of or pdor to in InspeGion apecifying rtasonxble causo fnr iho Inspa�ion.
<br /> 10. Condemnfllon. The procaMs ot ony award or daim for den�agw, direc�or wnsequtmi�l, �n connxtlon �vith ony
<br /> condem�wlion ar oiher�I�king of any part ot the Prope�ly,or for conveyanco in Ileu ot condemnatlon,era hcr.riy asslSned and
<br /> — Rh�11 tro pald ro 1.enAer.
<br /> ,,__ _,
<br /> � In itw evenl ot e IMaI ixking a(iho Prop�ny,�ho pr000ale�.h�ll be applicd�o tho eunu ucurcd by t d� �ly ns[rvrneN, • � �-� - �--- -
<br /> — w�¢Iher or no��hen due. �vilh wny ezase p�id�o Onrrae�ar. In�he evem ot o p�nlal �uking ot tAo Propeny in which�he falr
<br /> nu�kta vnluo ot�ho Propeny Imnxdiouly Detnrc tlw taking I�cqual to or arca�cr than�4o unwum of�ha sume eocured by ihi�
<br /> _ __ Security Instrunxnt inmxdiatety beforo lho luking,unla�florrower and l.enQCr o�httwiso ogrro In wdtlng,�ho sume eecund Cy
<br /> — thl� Security Insuunknt ehall Iw rcduced by �ho anwum af tho procccd� muhlplicd by �he Pollmviny tractlon: (o) tM �ail
<br /> r:.� unwunt of ilw eume kwrcd Imnxdlatciy bcforo iho toking,dividcd by(A)�he fnlr nurket vatuo of tlw Propcny inmxdi�tely
<br /> _,,.
<br /> — _ --
<br /> --' befare�ho laking. Any balnnro sholl ta pold to Ibrtnwce In iho cvent of o panisl mking of thc Property In w6ich iho fa r
<br /> �;;';_K � markcl valuo of iho Proptrry Imnxdlamiy bcforo�he mking le Icv�M1an�ho anwum of thc iume sccurcd Immediuciy bcPoro tho
<br /> -�`' -;�` mkln8,nnlcs�tlorrowcr md Lendcr aihen+ise ugrce in wdtlng or uniese oppika6lc law o�hcrwisc providcs, the proa�cde shall
<br /> +,�;=.-��� be applitd m dm�unu eccurcd by ihl�Securi�y Inslmmenl�vhnheror nn1 the sum�me�hen duc. _ _
<br />� -•4-� If�ho Property ie obaidnnal by EMrcower,or IL nfler nolico by Lcndcr�o Unrmwcr�ha1 thc mndcmnor ofkre lo nuke an __
<br /> ' �''�' ptvnrd or ecldo u cialm for dentnga. (inrrowcr fnll�lo respoiM lo Lcndcr wl�hln 30 deys eRcr�hc doto Iho no�ico le given, —
<br /> 4 1
<br /> +`�N_�;. I.cndcr i�uuthorizcd�o wllm nnd opply�ho procade,at Ila optlnn,efthcr�o rammtlon ar repair of�he Propeny or to thc sums E-rz��-.
<br /> � y+�'i� saurcd 6y thla Sccurily Instrumcm,whcihcr or nm then duc.
<br /> ,,+r`� �'�{c; Unics+ Lender and FSnrrower mhernise agrco in �vdting, eny epplication of procecds �o principal shall nat extend or i�_
<br /> ".��%'�:;,��"p'; posipono�hc duc daio of�hc nwnthly paymems rcferred to fn pamgrophs I und 2 or changc thc amount of such paymcnts. .
<br /> � ����-" ll,OocroKer Not Reltasedi Porbeannce dy I.ender Nol r 1Yalver.[Ix�ension nf�he�Ime Por paymem ar modtficatlon % '
<br /> :._��r`:`�,;,.r; `:,,--t.'-
<br /> Y �.t of amoni�etion of Iha sunu socured by thls Secudty Insuument grented by Lender to nny successor in Interest of 6ortox•er shell . . _
<br /> { -' ,�� not operete�o rcleue�he Ilobltiry of�he original florrower or florrower'e succatsors in Imerest. Lender sM1all no�be required to �ri�v. +r_
<br /> -��f�' mmmenx praccodings egaina any sucassor fn imerest or refuse to extend time tor payment or o�herwise n;alify emoniratlon '`-�'::�� •��=
<br /> .,:!i�'`'- •:•, ;..r;°.,',s
<br /> -,:�;.1;.���;_ af�he sums securcd 6y tl�is Securily Inswmcnt by reason of any demand made by Ihe original Dofrow�er or Oarrower'a �.�_;c�2^� x
<br />- -�'l':�. successon in imeresi. Any forbearanee by Lender in ezercfsing any right or rcmedy shnll not be a waicer of or prcclude the s;.i,.s:-�•- __
<br /> `� cxcrcise of eny right or rcmcdy. �r F�"r
<br /> '�r ���t'_ 12. Successore end hssigrtt 6ow�d�Jalnt and Severel Liubllity{ Caslgners. Thc mvenants and agrmmenis of Ihis �`�f; �i q -:_
<br /> -��'�'r Secudty Inslrument shall bind and benell� �he successors and azsigns nf I.ender and Oortoo�cr, subject ro the provislons of t]�'il;+p£�+'3K -�
<br />_ _ _,�, -:r�' 1 parogreph 17. 6orrowcr's mvenams nnd ogrcen:ents chall bc joint nnd sc��erai. Any �orrower w6o co-siFns this Seturiry r75„" ' + =;
<br /> �LLT'y:::::._=�:_..
<br /> . - 0os�mment but does nut eaccute the Note: (e) is co�signing lhis Securi�y Insuumcm anly to mortgage, gram and wnvcy�hat �i. � ,_...-,_--
<br /> -'� Dortowcr's interest in�he Property under ihe�emu of�his Securiry InsuumenL'(b)is not personally obiigated to p�y�he sunu �:�1 `��: -.
<br /> -Y -�� securtd by�his Security Insuumem;and(c)ogrees�hat Lender nr,d any o�her Uorro�rer may aqree�o ex�end,modify,forbear or '�'�� d<'� —�
<br /> �.'"j;'._,:.?,.. �^.��s:.::•:it:`=:
<br /> �;,•3,. _, malce any accommodaiions�ci�h regard to the�emu of�his Securi�y Inswmem or the Note��iihom iha�6ortoa�ti s eonsenl. �n';��; : �t.�.��_.
<br /> =-`I',, 13. Loan Cherges. li�hc loan secured by�his Sr.uriry Inswment is subjec��o e law which sets maxin:um loan charges, �r .
<br /> ^- i' and�hat lew is finally ireerpratecl so that the imeres�m mher loan charges mlleard or eo M collec�ed im m�nettion �vi�h the •.�`� .'.=�
<br /> , _ {i,? laan ezeeed the pemiiued limi�s. �hen: (a)any snch loan chnrge shall be rednced by i6e amnum necessary�n reJuce�he chnrge .��•r ��� r°�..
<br /> �+�j1,�.;% to Ihe pemdlted limit:and (b)nny aumx alrrad��rnllec�ed(rom Dorrawcr which exceeded permiueA limfis will bc reNnded lo ' ,
<br /> T,, --��i Dorrower. I.ender may cho�e �a make �his rcfudd hy reducing t6e principal owed under ihe Nrnt or by making e direct _, , q .
<br /> � payment lo �orrower. If a rc(ur.d reduces principai. the reduciion will be treated ac n paninl prepaymem �vi�houi uny , ':,� � 7 = -
<br /> ptepayment charge under�he Na�c. }
<br /> 14.Notices.Any noiicc m Bortnucr prmiArA(nr in O�is Securi�y Insuumcnt shall bc given by delircring i�or Ay mailing �{ .` i1-.�
<br /> � it by firs�class mail unless npplieaFle law requires use nf another methad.The nntice shall tY dirra��d to ihe Propeny AdJrrss � - �
<br /> - -1 or eny o�her nddress 6nrrrncer dexignnles h�• nmic. In Itndea Any nolice lo Lender shall 6e given 6y fint clace mail m � .
<br /> � �,,�, Lendcr's address slatcd hrrcin or any olher.iJJrecc Lender dcsigna�es by noii.e m Borrowce Any nolicc pm��idtd for in Ihis - >� 1 ;
<br /> Securi�y Insuumem xhall lx decmed io havc bcen giren tn Wrzrmecr or l.cnJcr when given:n providnl in�hic pa�agraph. ��
<br /> •.•�¢;��.•�t: 15.Go��ernlnR I.no�; Severablll�y. This Scrnriq� Irowment �6all be gocemeJ by f�deral law nnJ �he law of lhe " .�=�:• ..�.
<br /> h
<br /> . ,���„�t+ y; jurisdiaiun in which ihe Prupeny is laca�ed. In�he ecem�ha� any provision nr eLm.e o(this Securily Inctrunxnt or�he Nole � � �s -�
<br /> ' '-%."!i,_t j con0icls ailh npplicablc law.such mn0ict shall nnt a(kci nlhcr pmri.iaro of Ihix Srcuriq�Ins(mmcnl nr Ihc T:ae�vhich can bc '% ��`:"���'
<br /> _ .:�, Fiven effect withnul the conlliaing pmvision. To thi�enJ ihe prori+ions of thit Securi�y Incwnttni anA Ihe \nte arc dttlared � �..' :':!:��;'"
<br /> � �o be severable. �
<br /> . 16.Qarfmce�'s Capp. Iinrrouer<hall M1e Ficen nne mn(onneJ rapy��f the Nnle anJ nf thi.Securilr Imvumenl. ' �
<br /> • _�.
<br /> � Fo�m 3028 9180
<br /> v+W�c�6
<br /> I.
<br /> �
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