J i�i � .. � `;`'i,l���i�"' . s�'t� �_ .i > _ ,—_--.
<br /> ! . . ' _ -_. _ ._;� _.,.. _..,.. ��-
<br /> �,.�V_.� , � 9$«`�0�'r��p
<br /> i7.Tnn+Rr of IM Property or w BeneflNd Interat In Norrower.If�II or any put ot�Ae Proputy or ony Intenst ln I�
<br /> ie sold or tru�stcrrcd(or if a benc8cid Inures�In Bortower b sold or transferted and Borrowar Is not e romral ptrson)wl�twul I
<br /> Lendsfe pdor wflaen conseN, I.ender nuy e� Ite op:lon, rtt�ulro Inuixc�iato paynxm In fuil oP ell suna xcureA by Ih1� ',
<br /> — Sscvdty fnsuunwnt.Hottever,�his optlon shafl not bc cxerciscd 6y Lender if exerclsc I�prohl6ltcd by tMetal law w uf Iho date i
<br /> of thb Securl�y In:tmmcm. i
<br /> . It I.ender cxcrcisea thla opion,I.e�a shall gIve Do�rourr noilce nf ecccicrnilon.'Iha notico ehail rovido A prrlod of nol
<br /> lese�hnn 30 dnye from tho d�m Qm no�co le delivercd or millcd withln whlch Borrnwcr must pay nlPAUma ucural by�hi�
<br /> °�A� '+ &curity Insirumcm.If Dorrox•er feili�opay�hcso sums prlor�o tha expimtion of�hie period,Lcnder may Imako eny renxdia
<br /> — prml��cd by thl�Sacurliy Inslrvnxnt wi�hout funher ratica or demnnd on Rorrowcr. �
<br /> -_�;,�,�e�9 I8� Borcoxer'e RIghl to Relnslrte� It Borrowcr mceu ttnaim m�didone, Ik�rrowcr shall havc tho dgiu l0 6avo
<br />- -��+,� � enforcemem of�his Secudty Insirunxnl dixnntlnucd m ony �ime pdor to iho earlier uh (a) S Jay� (ur suc6 olher pedud a� ' � �
<br /> -:�— appllcabto law mny epccily for rcinsi�tcmcnq bcforc salo of iho Propeny pureuam m any pnxror ot wlc mnt�ined in thia
<br /> s�_,r=.�i Secudiy tnsimmem;nr(b)emry ot o Judgnum cnforcing�hb&cudty Insuumcnt.Thosa candiiloro nro�ha�Dorrowcr.(o)paye
<br /> ,.�a� I.cndcr nIl eums which thcn wouid Ix Auo undcr thle Sccud�y Instmnxot and�hc Noic o�If no ncccicra�lon had occarrcd;(b)
<br /> r=r, wre�ony Actnul�of nny o�hcr covenams or egramema;(o)payR nil oxpcnu�Incurrcd In enforcing �hle Sccuri�y tnsliument.
<br /> rwr;� inclndin� 6m no1 Ilmited ro,rcasana6lo a�romoYe' fees;and(d) tnke�snch nalon m I.ender nwy rtasonably raryiro to euuro ----_ _.
<br /> � ,_N. thm�ho Ilen of ihle Stcud�y IminimenL I.ender s YcIdghte In�he Propeny and finrtowePe obliga�ton�n pay tho snm�eccurod by �-
<br /> �Y�{ik�f': Ob'II$91�I0115 SKVR'A I7CfGEY56I1LII flM1lll'AIp(�IIIY C fa ivo as�no e¢cclemiioo had occur�rtd i10 v�over,a�l lsilght���r ins�modshall -� � -
<br /> � _�.'}; nol eppIy fn thc cxm of ecccicra�lon undcr paragreph 17. �°"°��
<br /> � � � 19. 6ale of Notei Chpnge ot t.oan Servicer. 7'he Nme or e panial imercst in tlio Noio (togciher wlth �his Secudty ��� - - ---
<br /> ���"+i Ins�ramcnp may bc wtd onc or morc tima�vi�hout pdor notla to Oortorvcr.A salc may resul�In a chnngo In�ho cnNty(known �{ --- --
<br /> � �` ee the'Loan Servicer')ihat wllects monthly paymems duc under the Note and�h6 Securiiy Inswment.Therc¢Iso may 6e one -
<br />: �":y' or morc changea of the luan Servicer unrclated ro n sale of the Notc.If�hcrc Is e changc of�hc Loan Scrvima Qortower wlll be ��;�t _
<br /> �;t= given wdaen notice of�he change in aecordance with pamgmpA 14 ebovo end epplicabie law.The notim will siete�he namo and �.-y�� '
<br /> -�."�� address of the new f.oan Servimr nrA the address m whfch payments should bo made.71ie noticr will aLvo contafn nny o�her �"s -
<br /> � informa�fon rcquircd by ayplicxble law. ;�;y'i
<br /> �j ,; _.:. 20. Hamrdou3 Subiinor.�s. Bortuner shap r.a caace or pemut tC�pmv:na, use.disposal,storage,or release of any ; ��r _
<br /> fi�L -r -- Ilwintous Substantts on or in �hc Propeny. BoROner stuil no� do, rror alloir ;uiqvnz else ro do, anythmg afTecling �he , �
<br /> ,x����I�?{t � �: Propzrty tha�is in violation of eny Environm:mal I.aw.The prcceding twa sentena�stuil r.a apply to U:a presence,use,or s�.,
<br /> }� . �t --°- s�orage on�hc Property of small quan�i�ics of Hazardous SuM�anccs that nrc genemlly rccognizcd io bz appropria�c �o normal th'
<br /> r 4� :-� residentlal uses and lo maiNenance of�he Proptny. �5'�
<br /> � �f����<<nAj Qofrower shall prompily gtve Lender wmten notice of eny (nves�igaqon,claim, demanJ, lawsuit or mher eclion by any zi-� --�
<br /> �! `�ra� '!_>=- govemmenlal or regula�ory:�ency or privete pany invnlvins ihe Property end eny NamrAons Suhs�ancc or Envfronmemel Lew � ...
<br /> ��r�_ -�•y�}:� of which Dortower hai aclual kno�vledge. If Oorro�rer leams,or Is nmffiod by any gn��emmenial or rcgula�ory emhori��, �hat � .F������=_-
<br /> s r��` - �'a=, eny removel or other remcdia�ion of any Huardous Snbs�enm effeaing�he Propeny is necesmry,Borrower shall prornpl y take I �y
<br /> v ;�-t.: all necessary remedial ections in accorAamr��i�h Environmemel Lew. '+yt��`i�{�"`��-
<br /> As used in�his pan¢rnph 20. 'Hazar:l,�us Subs�nnms'arc �hose subs�ances definM ns loxic or hvardous subslanees by ..�h.3t�,s;�'�..
<br /> � - Cnvironmemal Lau nnd �he follo�vin substances: asoline, kerosenc, o�hcr ilammable or �oxie voleum pradutu, wxic "' ' - �
<br /> . S B Pc M1 . #a e 1-'=_.,
<br /> pesticide.t and herbicides,vola�ile solvenis,ma�erials mntaining ubes�os or formaldehydt,ar.A rndioanive ma�erials.As used in q r �
<br /> ` �-.� �hic p�ragmph 20, 'Gnvironmmtal law' means (ederal imvs and laws of�he jurielic�ion where �he Properry is loca�ed tha� ;,��T q f '� ��
<br /> �� i,• rrlaietohealih,safety orcnvironmenml m��Uon. d•%.= � � ��
<br /> .�•syS NON-UNIrORM COVENANTS.�orroxer nnd Lender furthcr mvenanl and agrce as follows: �r;�� F�/�- }'�, �;
<br /> - �`��' 21.Aaeierellon;Remedies. t.endcr shnll gire notice lo Qorro�rer priar ta eccelemtlon follaNing Dorro�rer's breach !�r�r�y ^Ft -°+[•'�'
<br /> � �•j of uny rnrenxnt ar ngreemenf In Ihls Secufl��• Insirument (bui not pdor lo rtccelernilon under paregreph 17 unless y�l'� :�'�)ry�.�E�,:
<br /> � _ upplicnble lew prorldes othenNse).Thr nolice shall s�xcify: (N lhe defeull; (b)�hr ncllon requlred lo curc the defaull; ,e�1S� -n. ;
<br /> , (c)a date,not Iesz ihnn 30 dnya from �hr dnte�he no�ice Is givcn ta 6orra�rer,by vbleh tl�e�cfeul�must be cured;anA _,` "
<br /> � (d) ihol fellure to cure Ihe defnul�on or hefore We date specificd In the nofire mnr result In eccelerutlon of the sunu � ;� ��a•��r
<br /> ?� -- '�� securcd by lhts Securiq•I��smmienl nnd rale uf Ihe Properly. The notlee shall tur�her Intom�6orroo�er oP ihe right to -��� -� °t�'"� -
<br /> rclnstu�e efter neceleratlon ond Ihe riFht �o hring a murl netian ro acserl Ihe nmi-exlstence of n defeult or miy o�6er ;'�i ` �}r tk';;:::
<br /> defease o(Qorron�er ta nccclernHon miA mla If tl�c dcPoull Is nol cureJ on or bePorc tl�e dnte specilled in lhe notice, �,::i d Z(+7' t"
<br /> I.ender, at ils opllon, mny req�dre Immedinle patmenl 6�NII af oll sums secured 6y Ihls Securlly Insirument �rilhoul :i�.0 �� }t^=�"�
<br /> f - ' � iLrlher demnnd m�d ma�Imokc Ihe w�er of sale mid nn�aWcr remedin �enniued b o Iimble leo�. Lcnder ahell be -r<t s r -�r�-,, ,
<br /> ) P� > I Y PP J.'� �
<br /> '. � _ entltled lo callect nll exprnscs incurred 6i punuing�he rrmedies prodded In Ihis pnraRrxph 21,including,bu�nat Iimlted ,�;,. ' �
<br /> to,reawneble ultarne�s'fces nnd ms�s of tllle eridenrr. %Str,v�.�� -!•.,,�°'-
<br /> ' lf Ihepo��er ot sale is Inroked,'I�n�slm shall rm�rd n na�ice nf defnult In eech eow�R�In ohlch m�y parl of ihe (`"f� { -r`
<br /> Properly Is I�caltd und shnll mnil enpie.ni sueh nnllee In Ihe mamwr prcscrlbed by opplkaLle la�r ro Dorro�ver ond to { 1" � - -
<br /> the other persans prescribed hr npplicx6lr lex�.A�cr Ihe�ir.�e reyuired bp npplicablr In�e.Trustee shull glve public notice [`-� r -
<br /> ot snle to Ihe perso�GS miJ In�he mnnnrr presrAbttl bp npplicnble luw.Tnutec, �d�hout demand on aorro��er, s6ell sell z';-'l�, �! ''�,_ �
<br />"`�'° " l6e Pro erl at u611c nuclimi lo Ihe hl hrs�6lddrr nt�he Ilme und Inm and undrr�he irrma desl nated in ihe noUce oi `�.- t�'- 5?�":�-'� -'�-
<br />_:,�. ._.:. �. P )" P F P B :� . _ �-� .
<br /> . anlc h�one or morc arccis anA In nn��nrdrr Trrtaec dcicnnines.Trus�ce mxy isl ne salr of xll or nny rcel of the :;'"'- • � -
<br />_ ' P' P� P� Pe ; �:._..'_.'�. >J`.4.;:_.-.
<br /> Roperly by publir onnnuneemrm al �he iime ond place of nnr prerlaasly .c6rAidrd salr. I.rnder ar ils dcsignce ma� .-��- '� k=- :
<br /> '" purchese�hc Roperq�el enp wle. _--. ;p�. '"
<br /> ->._,; : _. �`��. �L'i��';•�:.
<br /> -S/i - - i,� .
<br /> } i`�� '1 . 1 . ..
<br /> Fo�m 3W8 9180 . - -
<br /> ' P.xso.6 - • . '
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